
Defines functions solar_constant global_radiation_quality_check check_qq_time_series sunAngle

Documented in check_qq_time_series global_radiation_quality_check solar_constant sunAngle

#'Solar constant
#'@param yearday day of the year in julian days
#'@param S0 Max irradiance clear sky W/m2
#'@desciption calculates solar constants, distance and declination angle
#'@author Marieke Dirksen
  declination <-   (23.45*sin(pi/180*360/365 * (284 + yearday)))*(pi/180)
  phi <- 2*pi*(yearday-1)/365
  d <- 1.00011 + 0.034221*cos(phi) +
    0.00128*sin(phi) + 0.000719*cos(2*phi) +

#'Global radiation daily quality control check
#'@description Checks if the global radiation does not exceed the physical maximum
#'@param timedate observation days of the global radiation in Date/POSIXct format
#'@param lat latitude in WGS84
#'@param lon longitude in WGS84
#'@param C error margin in W/m2
#'@param C_rare rare error margin in W/m2
#'@param alpha correction factor
#'@param alpha_rare rare correction factor
#'@author Marieke Dirksen
  #(a) constants depending on the day of the year
  Sa <- sun_constants$Sa
  d <-sun_constants$d
  declination <- sun_constants$declination

  #(b) select the sun above the horizon times

  #using the zenith angle
  day_seq <- seq(as.POSIXct(paste0(timedate, " 00:00")),
                 as.POSIXct(paste0(timedate, " 23:59")),by="15 min")

  solar_angles <- sunAngle(t=day_seq,latitude = lat,longitude = lon)
  elevation_angles <- solar_angles$altitude[which(solar_angles$altitude>0)] #altitude is in degrees above the horizon

  #solar max irradiance per day of the year
  # S0 <- 1367 #Max irradiance clear sky W/m2
  # Isc <- S0*3600
  #Conditional Qmax working for polar regions and the equator
  # if(length(elevation_angles)==length(solar_angles$altitude)){
  #   H0 <- (24/pi)*Isc*d*sin(lat.rad)*sin(declination)*(pi^2/180)
  #   Qmax<-H0/(24*3600)
  #   Qmin<-0.03*Qmax
  #   } else if(lat==0){
  #   H0 <- (24/pi)*Isc*d*sin(declination)
  #   Qmax<-H0/(24*3600)
  #   Qmin<-0.03*Qmax
  #   } else if(length(elevation_angles)!=length(solar_angles$altitude)){
  #   omega <- acos(-tan(lat.rad)*tan(declination))
  #   H0 <- (24/pi)*Isc*d*sin(lat.rad)*sin(declination)*(omega-tan(omega))
  #   Qmax<-H0/(24*3600)
  #   Qmin<-0.03*Qmax}

  #(c) calculate the maximum irradiance for the whole day based on the zenith angle
  Qmax<- sum(Sa*cos(zenith_angle*(pi/180)))/length(day_seq)
  Qmin<- 0.03*Qmax
  Qmax_zen <- sum(alpha*Sa*cos(zenith_angle*(pi/180))^1.2+C)/length(day_seq)
  #Qmax_zen <- sum(0.5*Sa*cos(zenith_angle*(pi/180))^1.5+C)/length(day_seq)
  Qrare_zen <- sum(alpha_rare*Sa*cos(zenith_angle*(pi/180))^1.2+C_rare)/length(day_seq)


#' Global quality control for time series
#' @param radiation_series Global radiation series with the columns qq, qc and ser_date (according to ecad database)
#' @param lat latitude in WGS84
#' @param lon longitude in WGS84
#' @description quality control for global radiation time series.
#' Data.frame input has the column names according to the ecad database.
#' @author Marieke Dirksen
#' @export
#(1) missing data --> replace with 9
radiation_series$qc[is.na(radiation_series$qq)] <- 9

#(2) minimum value test
radiation_series$qc[which(radiation_series$qq < -4)] <- 1

#(3) maximum value test
#(a) get angles based on lat lon and daytime

#(b) loop over all the days using mapply
                             timedate = radiation_series$ser_date,
                             MoreArgs = list(lat = lat,
                                             lon = lon),
                             SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
radiation_series_max_df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(radiation_series_max),
                                             nrow = length(radiation_series_max),
                                             byrow = T))
radiation_series <- cbind(radiation_series, radiation_series_max_df)

#(c) replace all the global radiation values which are higher the the theoretical maximum
radiation_series$qc[which(radiation_series$qq > radiation_series$Qmax)] <- 1

#(4) data which passed the test --> replace with 0
radiation_series$qc[which(radiation_series$qc == -9)] <- 0


#' Solar Angle as Function of Space and Time
#' Based on NASA-provided Fortran program, in turn (according to comments in
#' the code) based on "The Astronomical Almanac".
#' @param t time, a POSIXt object (converted to timezone \code{"UTC"},
#' if it is not already in that timezone), or a numeric value that
#' corresponds to such a time.
#' @param longitude observer longitude in degrees east
#' @param latitude observer latitude in degrees north
#' @param useRefraction boolean, set to \code{TRUE} to apply a correction for
#' atmospheric refraction
#' @return A list containing the following.  \item{time}{time}
#' \item{azimuth}{azimuth, in degrees eastward of north, from 0 to 360.  (See
#' diagram below.)} \item{altitude}{altitude, in degrees above the horizon,
#' ranging from -90 to 90.  (See diagram below.)} \item{diameter}{solar
#' diameter, in degrees} \item{distance}{distance to sun, in astronomical
#' units}
#' \if{html}{\figure{starCoords.png options:width=400px}{starCoords.png}}
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso The equivalent function for the moon is \code{\link{moonAngle}}.
#' @references Based on Fortran code retrieved from
#' ftp://climate1.gsfc.nasa.gov/wiscombe/Solar_Rad/SunAngles/sunae.f on
#' 2009-11-1.  Comments in that code list as references:
#' Michalsky, J., 1988: The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for approximate
#' solar position (1950-2050), Solar Energy 40, 227-235
#' The Astronomical Almanac, U.S. Gov't Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
#' (published every year).
#' The code comments suggest that the appendix in Michalsky (1988) contains
#' errors, and declares the use of the following formulae in the 1995 version
#' the Almanac: \itemize{ \item p. A12: approximation to sunrise/set times;
#' \item p. B61: solar altitude (AKA elevation) and azimuth; \item p. B62:
#' refraction correction; \item p. C24: mean longitude, mean anomaly, ecliptic
#' longitude, obliquity of ecliptic, right ascension, declination, Earth-Sun
#' distance, angular diameter of Sun; \item p. L2: Greenwich mean sidereal time
#' (ignoring T^2, T^3 terms).  }
#' The code lists authors as Dr. Joe Michalsky and Dr. Lee Harrison (State
#' University of New York), with modifications by Dr. Warren Wiscombe (NASA
#' Goddard Space Flight Center).
#' @examples
#' rise <- as.POSIXct("2011-03-03 06:49:00", tz="UTC") + 4*3600
#' set <- as.POSIXct("2011-03-03 18:04:00", tz="UTC") + 4*3600
#' mismatch <- function(lonlat)
#' {
#'     sunAngle(rise, lonlat[1], lonlat[2])$altitude^2 + sunAngle(set, lonlat[1], lonlat[2])$altitude^2
#' }
#' result <- optim(c(1,1), mismatch)
#' lon.hfx <- (-63.55274)
#' lat.hfx <- 44.65
#' dist <- geodDist(result$par[1], result$par[2], lon.hfx, lat.hfx)
#' cat(sprintf("Infer Halifax latitude %.2f and longitude %.2f; distance mismatch %.0f km",
#'             result$par[2], result$par[1], dist))
#' @family things related to astronomy
sunAngle <- function(t, longitude=0, latitude=0, useRefraction=FALSE)


  if (missing(t)) stop("must provide t")

  if (!inherits(t, "POSIXt")) {

    if (is.numeric(t)) {

      tref <- as.POSIXct("2000-01-01 00:00:00", tz="UTC") # arbitrary

      t <- t - as.numeric(tref) + tref

    } else {

      stop("t must be POSIXt or a number corresponding to POSIXt (in UTC)")



  t <- as.POSIXct(t) # so we can get length ... FIXME: silly, I know

  if ("UTC" != attr(as.POSIXct(t[1]), "tzone"))

    attributes(t)$tzone <- "UTC"

  tOrig <- t

  ok <- !is.na(t)

  ntOrig <- length(t)

  nt <- sum(ok)

  t <- t[ok]

  t <- as.POSIXlt(t) # so we can get yday etc ... FIXME: silly, I know

  nlon <- length(longitude)

  nlat <- length(latitude)

  if (nlon != nlat) stop("lengths of longitude and latitude must match")

  if (nlon == 1) {

    longitude <- rep(longitude, nt) # often, give a time vector but just one location

    latitude <- rep(latitude, nt)

  } else {

    if (ntOrig != nlon) stop("lengths of t, latitude and longitude must match, unless last two are of length 1")


  ## need vectors to handle NA

  azOut <- rep(NA, length.out=ntOrig)

  elOut <- rep(NA, length.out=ntOrig)

  soldiaOut <- rep(NA, length.out=ntOrig)

  soldstOut <- rep(NA, length.out=ntOrig)

  ## the code below is derived from fortran code, downloaded 2009-11-1 from

  ## ftp://climate1.gsfc.nasa.gov/wiscombe/Solar_Rad/SunAngles/sunae.f

  t <- as.POSIXlt(t)                 # use this so we can work on hours, etc

  if ("UTC" != attr(as.POSIXct(t[1]), "tzone"))

    stop("t must be in UTC")

  year <- t$year + 1900

  if (any(year < 1950) || any(year > 2050))

    stop("year=", year, " is outside acceptable range")

  day <- t$yday + 1

  if (any(day < 1) || any(day > 366))

    stop("day is not in range 1 to 366")

  hour <- t$hour + t$min / 60 + t$sec / 3600

  if (any(hour < -13) || any(hour > 36))

    stop("hour outside range -13 to 36")

  if (any(latitude <  -90)) {

    warning("latitude(s) trimmed to range -90 to 90")

    latitude[latitude <  -90] <- -90


  if (any(latitude >   90)) {

    warning("latitude(s) trimmed to range -90 to 90")

    latitude[latitude >   90] <-  90


  if (any(longitude < -180)) {

    warning("longitude(s) trimmed to range -180 to 180")

    longitude[longitude < -180] <- -180


  if (any(longitude >  180)) {

    warning("longitude(s) trimmed to range -180 to 180")

    longitude[longitude >  180] <-  180


  delta <- year - 1949

  leap <- delta %/% 4

  ## FIXME: using fortran-style int and mod here; must check for leap-year cases

  jd <- 32916.5 + (delta * 365 + leap + day) + hour / 24

  jd <- jd + ifelse(0 == (year %% 100) & 0 != (year %% 400), 1, 0)

  time <- jd - 51545

  mnlong <- 280.460 + 0.9856474 * time

  mnlong <- mnlong %% 360

  mnlong <- mnlong + ifelse(mnlong < 0, 360, 0)

  mnanom <- 357.528 + 0.9856003 * time

  mnanom <- mnanom %% 360

  mnanom <- mnanom + ifelse(mnanom < 0, 360, 0)

  rpd <- pi / 180

  mnanom <- mnanom * rpd

  eclong <- mnlong + 1.915*sin(mnanom) + 0.020*sin(2 * mnanom)

  eclong <- eclong %% 360

  eclong <- eclong + ifelse (eclong < 0, 360, 0)

  oblqec <- 23.439 - 0.0000004 * time

  eclong <- eclong * rpd

  oblqec <- oblqec * rpd

  num <- cos(oblqec) * sin(eclong)

  den <- cos(eclong)

  ra <- atan(num / den)

  ra <- ra + ifelse(den < 0, pi, ifelse(num < 0, 2 * pi, 0))

  dec <- asin(sin(oblqec) * sin(eclong))

  gmst <- 6.697375 + 0.0657098242 * time + hour

  gmst <- gmst %% 24

  gmst <- gmst + ifelse(gmst < 0, 24, 0)

  lmst <- gmst + longitude/15

  lmst <- lmst %% 24

  lmst <- lmst + ifelse(lmst < 0, 24, 0)

  lmst <- lmst * 15 * rpd

  ha <- lmst - ra

  ha <- ha + ifelse (ha < (-pi), 2 * pi, 0)

  ha <- ha - ifelse (ha > pi, 2 * pi, 0)

  el <- asin(sin(dec) * sin(latitude * rpd) + cos(dec) * cos(latitude*rpd)*cos(ha))

  ## pin the arg to range -1 to 1 (issue 1004)

  sinAz <- -cos(dec) * sin(ha) / cos(el)

  az <- ifelse(sinAz < (-1), -pi/2,

               ifelse(sinAz > 1, pi/2,


  az <-  ifelse(sin(dec) - sin(el) * sin(latitude * rpd ) > 0,

                ifelse (sin(az) < 0, az + 2 * pi, az),

                pi - az)

  el <- el / rpd

  az <- az / rpd

  if (useRefraction) {

    refrac <- ifelse(el >= 19.225,

                     0.00452 * 3.51823 / tan(el * rpd),

                     ifelse (el > (-0.766) & el < 19.225,

                             3.51823 * (0.1594 + el * (0.0196 + 0.00002 * el)) / (1 + el * (0.505 + 0.0845 * el)),


    el  <- el + refrac


  soldst <- 1.00014 - 0.01671 * cos(mnanom) - 0.00014 * cos(2 * mnanom)

  soldia <- 0.5332 / soldst

  if (is.na(el) || any(el < (-90.0)) || any(el > 90))

    stop("output argument el out of range")

  if (is.na(az) || any(az < 0) || any(az > 360))

    stop("output argument az out of range")

  azOut[ok] <- az

  elOut[ok] <- el

  soldiaOut[ok] <- soldia

  soldstOut[ok] <- soldst

  list(time=tOrig, azimuth=azOut, altitude=elOut, diameter=soldiaOut, distance=soldstOut)

MariekeDirk/wrdc documentation built on Nov. 19, 2019, 10:44 p.m.