
# This tests the C++ functions for pairwise sequence alignment.
# library(sarlacc); library(testthat); source("test-adaptor-align.R")


read.seq <- c("AAAAGGGGCCCCTTTT", # identical
              "acgtacgtacgtAAAAGGGGCCCCTTTT", # insertion at the start
              "AAAAGGGGCCCCTTTTacgtacgtacgt", # insertion at the end
              "GGGGCCCCTTTT", # deletion at the start
              "AAAAGGGGCCCC", # deletion at the end

              "acgtacgtacgtAAAAGGGGCCCCTTTTacgtacgtacgt", # insertion at the start, insertion at the end
              "acgtacgtacgtAAAAGGGGCCCC", # insertion at the start, deletion at the end
              "GGGGCCCCTTTTacgtacgtacgt", # deletion at the start, insertion at the end
              "GGGGCCCC", # deletion at the start, deletion at the end

              "AAAAGGGGacgtCCCCTTTT", # insertion in the middle
              "AAAAGGCCTTTT") # deletion in the middle

reads <- DNAStringSet(read.seq)

quals <- do.call(c, lapply(read.seq, FUN=function(x) { PhredQuality(rbeta(nchar(x), 1, 10)) }))
qreads <- QualityScaledDNAStringSet(reads, quals)
REF_ALIGN <- function(R, A, gapOpening, gapExtension, type="local-global") {
        subject=QualityScaledDNAStringSet(DNAString(A), PhredQuality(rep(0, nchar(A)))),
        gapExtension=gapExtension, gapOpening=gapOpening)            

test_that("alignment scores and positions are computed correctly", {
    ref <- REF_ALIGN(qreads, adaptor, gapOpening=5, gapExtension=1)

    # Alignment scores match up (mostly, as 'error' for the reference is non-zero).
    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract(adaptor, qreads, gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=integer(0), subseq.ends=integer(0))
    expect_equal(score(ref), out$score, tol=0.0001) 

    # Alignment positions match up.
    read0 <- pattern(ref)
    expect_identical(start(read0), out$start)
    expect_identical(end(read0), out$end)

    # Function behaves with empty adaptor.
    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract("", qreads, gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=integer(0), subseq.ends=integer(0))
    expect_identical(out$score, numeric(nrow(out)))
    expect_identical(out$start, integer(nrow(out)))
    expect_identical(out$end, integer(nrow(out)))

    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract(adaptor, subseq(qreads, start=1, width=0), gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=integer(0), subseq.ends=integer(0))
    expect_identical(out$score, rep(-nchar(adaptor) - 5, nrow(out)))
    expect_identical(out$start, integer(nrow(out)))
    expect_identical(out$end, integer(nrow(out)))

test_that("affine gap penalties are handled correctly", {
    # Affine gap penalties complicate the DP matrix, which needs to consider
    # whether a gap opening in the previous position (which would result in a
    # suboptimal score there) might lead to an optimal score in the current position.

    # Here, we set up a scenario where one mismatch penalty is less damaging than
    # a single gap but multiple mismatches are more damaging than a gap of the same length.
    # We first do so with gaps in the read versus the reference.
    qread <- QualityScaledDNAStringSet("AAAAAAAAA", PhredQuality(strrep("+", 9))) 
    ref <- REF_ALIGN(qread, a1, 5, 1)

    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract(a1, qread, gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=integer(0), subseq.ends=integer(0))
    expect_equal(score(ref), out$score, tol=0.0001)
    expect_identical(start(pattern(ref)), out$start)
    expect_identical(end(pattern(ref)), out$end)

    # We repeat this process with gaps in the reference versus the read.
    a1 <- "AAAAAA"
    qread <- QualityScaledDNAStringSet("AAACCCAAA", PhredQuality(strrep("+", 9))) 
    ref <- REF_ALIGN(qread, a1, 5, 1)

    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract(a1, qread, gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=integer(0), subseq.ends=integer(0))
    expect_equal(score(ref), out$score, tol=0.0001)
    expect_identical(start(pattern(ref)), out$start)
    expect_identical(end(pattern(ref)), out$end)

test_that("alignment extraction works correctly", {
    ref <- REF_ALIGN(qreads, adaptor, gapOpening=5, gapExtension=1)
    refR <- as.character(alignedPattern(ref))
    refA <- as.character(alignedSubject(ref))
    gapsA <- lapply(strsplit(refA, ""), FUN=function(x) cumsum(x!="-"))

    # Extracts the correct components. We only use internal components
    # as gap-inclusive extraction is hard to test at the ends (as 
    # alignedPattern doesn't give us the entire string!)
    possibilities <- combn(nchar(adaptor)-1L, 2)
    possibilities[1,] <- possibilities[1,] + 1L 
    possibilities <- possibilities[,sample(ncol(possibilities))]

    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract(adaptor, qreads, gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=possibilities[1,], subseq.ends=possibilities[2,])

    # Comparing to a reference implementation.
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(possibilities))) {
        observed <- as.character(out$subseq[,i])
        curstart <- possibilities[1,i]
        curend <- possibilities[2,i]

        collected <- character(length(observed))
        for (j in seq_along(gapsA)) {
            curgaps <- gapsA[[j]]
            collected[j] <- substr(refR[j], 
                min(which(curgaps==curstart-1)[-1], which(curgaps==curstart)), # Include gaps before start position.
                max(which(curgaps==curend))) # Include gaps after end position.
        collected <- gsub("-", "", collected)
        expect_identical(observed, collected)

    # Testing endpoint extraction.
    out <- sarlacc:::.align_and_extract(adaptor, qreads, gap.opening=5, gap.extension=1, subseq.starts=1, subseq.ends=nchar(adaptor))
    expect_identical(as.character(out$subseq[,1]), as.character(qreads))

test_that("subsequence finder behaves correctly around ambiguous bases", {
    expect_identical(sarlacc:::.setup_subseqs("AAAAGGNNNNCCTTTT"), list(starts=7L, ends=10L))
    expect_identical(sarlacc:::.setup_subseqs("AAAAGGYYYYCCTTTT"), list(starts=7L, ends=10L))
    expect_identical(sarlacc:::.setup_subseqs("AAAAGGCCTTTTRRRR"), list(starts=13L, ends=16L))

test_that("sequence front/back getter works correctly", {
    extremes <- sarlacc:::.get_front_and_back(reads, tolerance=10)
    expect_identical(as.character(extremes$front), toupper(substr(read.seq, 1, 10)))
    expect_identical(as.character(reverseComplement(extremes$back)), toupper(substr(read.seq, nchar(read.seq) - 10 + 1, nchar(read.seq))))

    # Handles past-the range.
    extremes <- sarlacc:::.get_front_and_back(reads, tolerance=10000)
    expect_identical(as.character(extremes$front), toupper(read.seq))
    expect_identical(as.character(reverseComplement(extremes$back)), toupper(read.seq))

test_that("overall adaptorAlign function works correctly on general inputs", {

    # Simulating multiple reads.
    collected <- vector("list", 50)
    for (i in seq_along(collected)) {
        nucleotides <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
        obs <- paste(sample(nucleotides, sample(20:80, 1), replace=TRUE), collapse="")
        quals <- PhredQuality(10^-runif(nchar(obs), 1, 5))
        q <- QualityScaledDNAStringSet(obs, quals)
        collected[[i]] <- q

    reads <- do.call(c, collected)
    names(reads) <- sprintf("READ_%i", seq_along(reads))
    tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".fastq")
    writeXStringSet(reads, qualities=quality(reads), format="fastq", filepath=tmp)

    # Running it through adaptorAlign and verifying correctness by comparison to pairwiseAlignment.
    out <- adaptorAlign(a1, a2, tmp)
    for (i in seq_along(collected)) {
        query <- collected[[i]]
        if (out$reversed[i]) { query <- reverseComplement(query) }

        current1 <- out$adaptor1[i,]
        ref1 <- REF_ALIGN(query, a1, 5, 1)
        expect_equal(score(ref1), current1$score, tol=1e-5)
        expect_identical(start(pattern(ref1)), current1$start)
        expect_identical(end(pattern(ref1)), current1$end)

        # Including the gaps before and after the UMI.
        npos <- gregexpr("-*N[-N]*", alignedSubject(ref1))[[1]]
        extract <- subseq(alignedPattern(ref1), start=npos, width=attr(npos, "match.length"))
        expect_identical(gsub("-", "", extract), unname(as.character(current1$subseq[,1])))

        current2 <- out$adaptor2[i,]
        ref2 <- REF_ALIGN(reverseComplement(query), a2, 5, 1)
        expect_equal(score(ref2), current2$score, tol=1e-5)
        expect_identical(width(query) - start(pattern(ref2)) + 1L, current2$start)
        expect_identical(width(query) - end(pattern(ref2)) + 1L, current2$end)

test_that("adaptorAlign flips the strands correctly", {
    myqual <- "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"
    QSDS <- QualityScaledDNAStringSet(myread, PhredQuality(myqual))
    QSDS <- c(QSDS, reverseComplement(QSDS))

    tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".fastq")
    names(QSDS) <- c("X", "Y")
    writeXStringSet(QSDS, qualities=quality(QSDS), format="fastq", filepath=tmp)

    # Checking that the flipping of reads works correctly:
    out <- adaptorAlign("AANNNAA", "CCCCCCC", tmp)

    expect_identical(out$reversed, c(FALSE, TRUE))
    expect_identical(nrow(unique(out$adaptor1)), 1L) # otherwise identical.
    expect_identical(nrow(unique(out$adaptor2)), 1L) # otherwise identical.

    expect_identical(out$adaptor1$start[1], 1L)
    expect_identical(out$adaptor1$end[1], 7L)
    expect_identical(out$adaptor2$start[1], nchar(myread))
    expect_identical(out$adaptor2$end[1], nchar(myread)-7L+1L)

    # Handles empty inputs.
    writeXStringSet(QSDS[0], qualities=quality(QSDS)[0], format="fastq", filepath=tmp)
    empty <- adaptorAlign("AAAAAAA", "CCCCCCC", tmp)
    expect_identical(nrow(empty), 0L)
MarioniLab/sarlacc documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:51 p.m.