#' @title Gráficos de distribución vertical
#' @description Gráficos de distribución vertical
#' @usage Vdist(datos, sp, xlim = c(3,18), ylim = c(0,100,10), plot.type = 1)
#' @param datos data-frame con los datos de las regiones a analizar.
#' @param sp vector con la(s) especie(s) a analizar. Las especies se
#' consideran: anchoveta (ANC), munida (MUN), jurel (JUR), vinciguerria
#' (VIN), pota (POT), bagre (BAG), caballa (CAB) y samasa (SAM).
#' @param xlim rango de latitud (valores positivos). Por default se
#' considera el rango latitudinal del Perú.
#' @param ylim rango de profundidad (valores positivos). El último
#' valor corresponde al paso que se desea considerar para el eje y.
#' @param plot.type Tipo de gráfico a realizar. Por default, \code{plot.type = 1}
#' realiza gráficos de latitud vs profundidad. Si, \code{plot.type = 2}, se
#' genera el gráfico de horas del día vs profundidad.
#' @details
#' Se realizan dos subplots acerca del comportamiento vertical de la(s)
#' especie(s) a analizar.
#' Para gráficos en donde se analiza solo una especie se incluye la línea de la
#' profundidad media por grado de latitud.
#' @export
Vdist = function(datos, sp, xlim = c(3,18), ylim = c(0,100,10), plot.type = 1)
## Tabla de caracteristicas por especie
species = c('ANC', 'MUN', 'JUR', 'VIN', 'POT', 'BAG', 'CAB', 'SAM')
col1 = c('lightcoral', 'slategray2', 'seagreen1', 'plum', 'khaki1', 'gray87', 'peachpuff3', 'mistyrose')
col2 = c('red4', 'Blue4', 'seagreen4', 'darkmagenta', 'darkorange', 'gray12', 'tan4', 'hotpink')
Sv_mean1 = c(-35, -35, -35, -35, -45, -35, -35, -35)
Sv_mean2 = c(-65, -65, -65, -65, -75, -65, -65, -65)
sp_name = c('Anchoveta', 'Munida', 'Jurel', 'Vinciguerria', 'Pota', 'Bagre', 'Caballa', 'Samasa')
sp.col = data.frame(species, col1, col2, Sv_mean1, Sv_mean2, sp_name)
## Elaborando una lista con los datos de las especies
list_SP = list()
for (isp in 1:length(sp))
## Leer los datos por especie
datos$Region_class = gsub(" ", "", datos$Region_class)
if (sp[isp] == 'ANC')
dat = datos[which(datos$Region_class == 'ANCP' | datos$Region_class == 'ANCG'),]
} else {
dat = datos[which(datos$Region_class == sp[isp]),]
## Variables adicionales
dat$tsup = dat$Depth_mean - (dat$Height_mean/2)
dat$tinf = dat$Height_mean + dat$tsup
dat$hora = as.numeric(substr(as.character(strptime(dat$Time_M,"%X")),12,13))
dat$minuto = as.numeric(substr(as.character(strptime(dat$Time_M,"%X")),15,16))
dat$segundo = as.numeric(substr(as.character(strptime(dat$Time_M,"%X")),18,19))
dat$horacorr = dat$hora+dat$minuto/60+dat$segundo/3600
dat$depth_mean_floor = floor(dat$Depth_mean)
dat$latitud = abs(ceiling(dat$Lat_M))
## Seleccionar datos de acuerdo con xlim & ylim
indXY = which(abs(dat$Lat_M) >= xlim[1] & abs(dat$Lat_M) <= xlim[2] &
dat$Depth_mean >= ylim[1] & dat$Depth_mean <= ylim[2])
dat = dat[indXY,]
## Base final
list_SP[sp[isp]] = list(dat)
## Plot 1. Lat vs Prof | Hours vs Prof
cols = matrix(NA, nrow = length(sp), ncol = 3)
for (isp in 1:length(sp))
## Paleta de colores
indSP = which(sp.col[,1] == sp[isp])
palette = grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors = c(as.character(sp.col[indSP,2]), as.character(sp.col[indSP,3])),
space = "Lab")
list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor = cut(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean, breaks = seq(from = sp.col[indSP,5], to = sp.col[indSP,4], by = 10))
num_colors = nlevels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)
colors = palette(num_colors)
cols[isp,] = colors
## Plot 1. Lat vs Prof
if (plot.type == 1)
profLat = tapply(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$latitud, mean)
if (isp == 1)
x11(width = 13.4, height = 4.9) # inches
figura = graphics::layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
widths = c(0.80, 0.20, 1), heights = c(6,1))
# aa = par() # default settings
graphics::par(cex.lab = 1.6, cex.axis = 1.2, mai = c(0.7, 0.8, 0.5, 0.15))
graphics::plot(abs(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Lat_M), -list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, type = 'n', xlim = xlim,
ylim = c(-ylim[2], ylim[1]), axes = F, xlab = 'Latitud (\u00B0S)',
ylab = 'Profundidad (m)')
graphics::abline(h = -seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]),
v = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = 1), col = 'gray85')
graphics::axis(1, at = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = 1), cex = 2.3)
graphics::axis(2, at = -seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]),
labels = seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]), cex = 1.6, las = 1)
graphics::box(lwd = 2)
## Colocar puertos de acuerdo al xlim
puertos = c("Pta.Sal", "La Negra", "Salaverry", "Huarmey", "Callao", "Pisco", "Atico", "M.Sama")
at.puertos = c(3.5, 5.5, 7.8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18)
graphics::mtext(puertos[which(at.puertos >= xlim[1] & at.puertos <= xlim[2])], side = 3, line = 0.5,
at = at.puertos[which(at.puertos >= xlim[1] & at.puertos <= xlim[2])], cex = 1.6)
graphics::points(abs(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Lat_M), -list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, col = colors[list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor],
cex = 0.5)
if (length(sp) == 1)
graphics::lines(unlist(dimnames(profLat)), -as.vector(profLat), lwd = 2, type = 'o')
} else {
graphics::points(abs(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Lat_M), -list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, col = colors[list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor],
cex = 0.5)
## Plot1. Hours vs Prof
if (plot.type == 2)
if (isp == 1)
x11(width = 13.4, height = 4.9) # inches
figura = graphics::layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
widths = c(0.80, 0.20, 1), heights = c(6,1))
# aa = par() # default settings
graphics::par(cex.lab = 1.6, cex.axis = 1.2, mai = c(0.7, 0.8, 0.5, 0.15))
graphics::plot(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr, -list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, type = 'n', xlim = c(0,24),
ylim = c(-ylim[2], ylim[1]), axes = F, xlab = 'Hora del d\u00EDa (hrs)',
ylab = 'Profundidad (m)')
graphics::abline(h = -seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]),
v = c(6,12,18), col = 'gray85')
graphics::axis(1, at = c(0,6,12,18,24), labels = c(0,6,12,18,24), cex = 2.3)
graphics::axis(2, at = -seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]),
labels = seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]), cex = 1.6, las = 1)
graphics::box(lwd = 2)
graphics::points(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr, -list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, col = colors[list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor],
cex = 0.5)
} else {
graphics::points(abs(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr), -list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$tsup, col = colors[list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor],
cex = 0.5)
## Plot2. Sv vs. Prof
for (isp in 1:length(sp))
if (length(sp) == 1)
Sv = tapply(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean, list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$depth_mean_floor, seewave::meandB)
indday = which(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr >= 6 & list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr <= 18)
Svday = tapply(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean[indday], list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$depth_mean_floor[indday], seewave::meandB)
Svmday = round(seewave::meandB(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean[indday], level="IL"),2)
indnight = which(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr < 6 | list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$horacorr > 18)
Svnight = tapply(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean[indnight], list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$depth_mean_floor[indnight], seewave::meandB)
Svmnight = round(seewave::meandB(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean[indnight], level="IL"),2)
} else{
Sv = tapply(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean, list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$depth_mean_floor, seewave::meandB)
if (isp == 1)
graphics::par(cex.lab = 1.6, cex.axis = 1.2, mai = c(0.7, 0, 0.5, 0.15))
graphics::plot(as.vector(Sv), -as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(Sv))), type = 'n',
xlim = c(-80,-30), ylim = c(-ylim[2], ylim[1]), axes = F,
xlab = 'Sv (dB)', ylab = '')
graphics::abline(h = -seq(ylim[1], ylim[2] , by = ylim[3]),
v = seq(-80,-30, by = 10), col = 'gray85')
graphics::axis(1, at = seq(-80,-30, by = 10), cex = 2.3)
graphics::box(lwd = 2)
if(length(sp) == 1)
graphics::lines(as.vector(Svday), -as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(Svday))), lty = 1,
lwd = 2, col = 'darkgoldenrod1')
graphics::lines(as.vector(Svnight), -as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(Svnight))), lty = 1,
lwd = 2, col = 'blue4')
} else {
graphics::lines(as.vector(Sv), -as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(Sv))), lty = 1,
lwd = 2, col = cols[isp,3])
} else{
graphics::lines(as.vector(Sv), -as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(Sv))), lty = 1,
lwd = 2, col = cols[isp,3])
## Legends: Plot1
for (isp in 1:length(sp))
if (length(sp) == 1)
indSP = which(sp.col[,1] == sp[isp])
graphics::legend(0, 0.94, legend = sp.col$sp_name[indSP], cex = 1.5,
text.font = 4, bg = 'white', horiz = T, bty = 'n')
graphics::legend(0.17, 0.94, col = colors, pch = 16, cex = 1.5, inset=c(0.2,-0.2),
text.font = 4, bg = 'white', horiz = T, bty = 'n',
legend = c(paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[1], 'Disperso', sep = ' '),
paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[2], 'Denso', sep = ' '),
paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[3], 'Muy denso', sep = ' ')))
} else if (length(sp) > 1 && isp == 1)
indSP = which(sp.col[,1] == sp[isp])
graphics::legend(0, 1.2, legend = sp.col$sp_name[indSP], cex = 1.5,
text.font = 4, bg = 'white', horiz = T, bty = 'n')
graphics::legend(0.17, 1.2, col = cols[isp,], pch = 16, cex = 1.5, inset=c(0.2,-0.2),
text.font = 4, bg = 'white', horiz = T, bty = 'n',
legend = c(paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[1], 'Disperso', sep = ' '),
paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[2], 'Denso', sep = ' '),
paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[3], 'Muy denso', sep = ' ')))
} else {
indSP = which(sp.col[,1] == sp[isp])
graphics::legend(0, 1.2-0.4, legend = sp.col$sp_name[indSP], cex = 1.5,
text.font = 4, bg = 'white', horiz = T, bty = 'n')
graphics::legend(0.17, 1.2-0.4, col = cols[isp,], pch = 16, cex = 1.5, inset=c(0.2,-0.2),
text.font = 4, bg = 'white', horiz = T, bty = 'n',
legend = c(paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[1], 'Disperso', sep = ' '),
paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[2], 'Denso', sep = ' '),
paste(levels(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Svmean_factor)[3], 'Muy denso', sep = ' ')))
## Legends: Plot2
for (isp in 1:length(sp))
if (length(sp) == 1)
graphics::legend('left', col = c('darkgoldenrod1', 'blue4'), cex = 1.5,
lwd = 2, text.font = 4, bg = 'white', bty = 'n',
legend = c(paste("D\u00EDa:", Svmday), paste("Noche:", Svmnight)))
} else if (length(sp) > 1 && isp == 1)
# indSP = which(sp.col[,1] == sp[isp])
SvmSP = round(seewave::meandB(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean, level="IL"),2)
graphics::legend(-0.15, 1.2, col = cols[isp,3], lty = 1, cex = 1.5,
lwd = 2, text.font = 4, bg = 'white', bty = 'n',
# legend = paste0(sp.col$sp_name[indSP], ': ', SvmSP))
legend = paste0('Sv prom: ', SvmSP))
} else{
# indSP = which(sp.col[,1] == sp[isp])
SvmSP = round(seewave::meandB(list_SP[[sp[isp]]]$Sv_mean, level="IL"),2)
graphics::legend(-0.15, 1.2-0.4, col = cols[isp,3], lty = 1, cex = 1.5,
lwd = 2, text.font = 4, bg = 'white', bty = 'n',
# legend = paste0(sp.col$sp_name[indSP], ': ', SvmSP))
legend = paste0('Sv prom: ', SvmSP))
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