
Defines functions cr_buildstep_edit cr_buildstep_extract cr_buildstep_df is.cr_buildstep cr_buildstep

Documented in cr_buildstep cr_buildstep_df cr_buildstep_edit cr_buildstep_extract

#' Create a yaml build step
#' Helper for creating build steps for upload to Cloud Build
#' @param name name of docker image to call appended to \code{prefix}
#' @param args character vector of arguments
#' @param prefix prefixed to name - set to "" to suppress.  Will be suppressed if \code{name} starts with gcr.io or \code{*-docker.pkg.dev}
#' @param entrypoint change the entrypoint for the docker container
#' @param dir The directory to use, relative to /workspace e.g. /workspace/deploy/
#' @param id Optional id for the step
#' @param env Environment variables for this step.  A character vector for each assignment
#' @param volumes volumes to connect and write to
#' @param waitFor Whether to wait for previous buildsteps to complete before running.  Default it will wait for previous step.
#' @param secretEnv A list of secrets stored in Secret Manager referred to in args via a \code{$$var}
#' @seealso \href{https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/configuring-builds/use-community-and-custom-builders}{Creating custom build steps how-to guide}
#' @details
#' This uses R to make building steps for cloudbuild.yml files harder to make mistakes with, and also means you can program creation of cloud build steps for use in R or other languages.  Various templates with common use cases of buildsteps are also available that wrap this function, refer to the "See Also" section.
#' @section WaitFor:
#' By default each buildstep waits for the previous, but if you pass \code{"-"} then it will start immediately, or if you pass in a list of ids it will wait for previous buildsteps to finish who have that id.  See \href{https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/configuring-builds/configure-build-step-order}{Configuring Build Step Order} for details.
#' @section Build Macros:
#' Fields can include the following variables, which will be expanded when the build is created:-
#' \itemize{
#'   \item $PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the build.
#'   \item $BUILD_ID: the autogenerated ID of the build.
#'   \item $REPO_NAME: the source repository name specified by RepoSource.
#'   \item $BRANCH_NAME: the branch name specified by RepoSource.
#'   \item $TAG_NAME: the tag name specified by RepoSource.
#'   \item $REVISION_ID or $COMMIT_SHA: the commit SHA specified by RepoSource or  resolved from the specified branch or tag.
#'   \item  $SHORT_SHA: first 7 characters of $REVISION_ID or $COMMIT_SHA.
#' }
#' Or you can add your own custom variables, set in the Build Trigger.  Custom variables always start with $_ e.g. $_MY_VAR
#' @section secretEnv:
#' You can pass secrets that are stored in Secret Manager directly instead of using a dedicated buildstep via \link{cr_buildstep_secret}
#' Within the code passed to \code{args} those secrets are referred to via \code{$$SECRET_NAME}.  If used then \link{cr_build_yaml} must also include the \code{availableSecrets} argument.
#' @export
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' # creating yaml for use in deploying cloud run
#' image <- "gcr.io/my-project/my-image:$BUILD_ID"
#' cr_build_yaml(
#'   steps = c(
#'     cr_buildstep("docker", c("build", "-t", image, ".")),
#'     cr_buildstep("docker", c("push", image)),
#'     cr_buildstep("gcloud", c(
#'       "beta", "run", "deploy", "test1",
#'       "--image", image
#'     ))
#'   ),
#'   images = image
#' )
#' # use premade docker buildstep - combine using c()
#' image <- "gcr.io/my-project/my-image"
#' cr_build_yaml(
#'   steps = c(
#'     cr_buildstep_docker(image),
#'     cr_buildstep("gcloud",
#'       args = c(
#'         "beta", "run", "deploy",
#'         "test1", "--image", image
#'       )
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   images = image
#' )
#' # list files with a new entrypoint for gcloud
#' cr_build_yaml(steps = cr_buildstep("gcloud", c("-c", "ls -la"),
#'   entrypoint = "bash"
#' ))
#' # to call from images not using gcr.io/cloud-builders stem
#' cr_buildstep("alpine", c("-c", "ls -la"), entrypoint = "bash", prefix = "")
#' # to add environment arguments to the step
#' cr_buildstep("docker", "version", env = c("ENV1=env1", "ENV2=$PROJECT_ID"))
#' # to add volumes wrap in list()
#' cr_buildstep("test", "ls", volumes = list(list(name = "ssh", path = "/root/.ssh")))
cr_buildstep <- function(name,
                         args = NULL,
                         id = NULL,
                         prefix = "gcr.io/cloud-builders/",
                         entrypoint = NULL,
                         dir = "",
                         env = NULL,
                         waitFor = NULL,
                         volumes = NULL,
                         secretEnv = NULL) {
  if (is.null(prefix) || is.na(prefix)) {
    prefix <- "gcr.io/cloud-builders/"

  if (!is.null(entrypoint)) {

  if (dir %in% c("", NA)) dir <- NULL

  if (has_registry_prefix(name)) {
    prefix <- ""

      name = paste0(prefix, name),
      entrypoint = entrypoint,
      args = string_to_list(args),
      id = id,
      dir = dir,
      env = string_to_list(env),
      volumes = volumes,
      waitFor = string_to_list(waitFor),
      secretEnv = string_to_list(secretEnv)
    class = c("cr_buildstep", "list")

is.cr_buildstep <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "cr_buildstep")

#' Convert a data.frame into cr_buildstep
#' Helper to turn a data.frame of buildsteps info into format accepted by \link{cr_build}
#' @param x A data.frame of steps to turn into buildsteps, with at least name and args columns
#' @details
#' This helps convert the output of \link{cr_build} into valid \link{cr_buildstep} so it can be sent back into the API
#' If constructing arg list columns then \link{I} suppresses conversion of the list to columns that would otherwise break the yaml format
#' @export
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @examples
#' y <- data.frame(
#'   name = c("docker", "alpine"),
#'   args = I(list(c("version"), c("echo", "Hello Cloud Build"))),
#'   id = c("Docker Version", "Hello Cloud Build"),
#'   prefix = c(NA, ""),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' cr_buildstep_df(y)
cr_buildstep_df <- function(x) {
    all(c("name") %in% names(x))

  myMessage("Turning buildstep df into list", level = 2)

  if (is.null(x$prefix)) {
    # probably from API
    x$prefix <- ""

  if (is.null(x$dir)) {
    x$dir <- ""

  xx <- x[, intersect(c(
  ), names(x))]

  steps <- apply(xx, 1, function(row) {
      name = row[["name"]],
      args = row[["args"]],
      id = row[["id"]],
      prefix = row[["prefix"]],
      entrypoint = row[["entrypoint"]],
      env = row[["env"]],
      volumes = row[["volumes"]],
      waitFor = row[["waitFor"]],
      dir = row[["dir"]]


#' Extract a buildstep from a Build object
#' Useful if you have a step from an existing cloudbuild.yaml you want in another
#' @param x A \link{Build} object
#' @param step The numeric step number to extract
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' package_build <- system.file("cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml",
#'   package = "googleCloudRunner"
#' )
#' build <- cr_build_make(package_build)
#' build
#' cr_buildstep_extract(build, step = 1)
#' cr_buildstep_extract(build, step = 2)
cr_buildstep_extract <- function(x, step = NULL) {

  the_step <- x$steps[[step]]
  the_step$prefix <- ""

  do.call(cr_buildstep, args = the_step)

#' Modify an existing buildstep with new parameters
#' Useful for editing existing buildsteps
#' @inheritDotParams cr_buildstep
#' @param x A buildstep created previously
#' @export
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @examples
#' package_build <- system.file("cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml",
#'   package = "googleCloudRunner"
#' )
#' build <- cr_build_make(package_build)
#' build
#' cr_buildstep_extract(build, step = 1)
#' cr_buildstep_extract(build, step = 2)
#' edit_me <- cr_buildstep_extract(build, step = 2)
#' cr_buildstep_edit(edit_me, name = "blah")
#' cr_buildstep_edit(edit_me, name = "gcr.io/blah")
#' cr_buildstep_edit(edit_me, args = c("blah1", "blah2"), dir = "meh")
#' # to edit multiple buildsteps at once
#' bs <- c(cr_buildstep_extract(build, 1), cr_buildstep_extract(build, 2))
#' lapply(bs, function(x) cr_buildstep_edit(list(x), dir = "blah")[[1]])
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
cr_buildstep_edit <- function(x,
                              ...) {
  # buildsteps are in a list()
  xx <- x[[1]]


  dots <- list(...)

  # make sure required params are there
  the_name <- dots$name
  if (is.null(the_name)) {
    the_name <- xx$name

  dots$name <- the_name

  do.call(cr_buildstep, args = modifyList(xx, dots))
MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 5:45 p.m.