
Defines functions cr_buildstep_kubectl cr_buildstep_bq cr_buildstep_gsutil cr_buildstep_gcloud cr_buildstep_pkgdown cr_buildstep_secret cr_buildstep_decrypt read_buildstep_file cr_buildstep_r cr_buildstep_bash cr_buildstep_run cr_buildstep_mailgun cr_buildstep_nginx_setup cr_buildstep_slack cr_buildstep_packagetests

Documented in cr_buildstep_bash cr_buildstep_bq cr_buildstep_decrypt cr_buildstep_gcloud cr_buildstep_gsutil cr_buildstep_kubectl cr_buildstep_mailgun cr_buildstep_nginx_setup cr_buildstep_packagetests cr_buildstep_pkgdown cr_buildstep_r cr_buildstep_run cr_buildstep_secret cr_buildstep_slack

#' Do R package tests and upload to Codecov
#' This lets you run R package tests and is intended to be used in a trigger when you push to a repository so you can monitor code quality.
#' @param codecov_token If using codecov, supply your codecov token here.
#' @param test_script The script that will call \link[rcmdcheck]{rcmdcheck} to perform tests.  If \code{NULL} a default script is used in \code{system.file("r_buildsteps", "devtools_tests.R", package="googlecloudRunner")}
#' @param codecov_script The script that will call \link[covr]{codecov} to perform coverage.  If \code{NULL} a default script is used in \code{system.file("r_buildsteps", "codecov_tests.R", package="googleCloudRunner")}
#' @param build_image The docker image that will be used to run the R code for the test scripts
#' @param env Environment arguments to be set during the test script runs
#' @details
#' If using codecov, these environment arguments are added to aid with the codecoverage:
#' \code{
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://docs.codecov.com/reference}
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @examples
#' cr_buildstep_packagetests()
cr_buildstep_packagetests <- function(test_script = NULL,
                                      codecov_script = NULL,
                                      codecov_token = "$_CODECOV_TOKEN",
                                      build_image = "gcr.io/gcer-public/packagetools:latest",
                                      env = c("NOT_CRAN=true")) {
  if (is.null(test_script)) {
    test_script <- system.file("r_buildsteps", "devtools_tests.R",
      package = "googleCloudRunner",
      mustWork = TRUE

  test_bs <- cr_buildstep_r(
    name = build_image,
    env = env

  codecov_bs <- NULL
  if (!is.null(codecov_token)) {
    codecov_bs <- cr_buildstep_r(
      system.file("r_buildsteps", "codecov_tests.R",
        package = "googleCloudRunner", mustWork = TRUE
      name = build_image,
      env = c(
        paste0("CODECOV_TOKEN=", codecov_token),
      escape_dollar = FALSE

  c(test_bs, codecov_bs)

#' Send a Slack message to a channel from a Cloud Build step
#' This uses https://github.com/technosophos/slack-notify to send Slack messages
#' @param webhook The Slack webhook to send to
#' @param icon A URL to an icon (squares between 512px and 2000px)
#' @param channel The channel to send the message to (if omitted, use Slack-configured default)
#' @param title The title of the message
#' @param message The body of the message
#' @param colour The RGB colour for message formatting
#' @param username The name of the sender of the message. Does not need to be a "real" username
#' @details
#' You will need to set up a Slack webhook first, via this \href{https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks}{Slack guide on using incoming webhooks}.
#' Once set, the default is to set this webhook to a Build macro called \code{_SLACK_WEBHOOK}, or supply it to the webhook argument.
#' @examples
#' # send a message to googleAuthRverse Slack
#' webhook <-
#'   "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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"
#' cr_buildstep_slack("Hello Slack", webhook = webhook)
#' \dontrun{
#' bs <- cr_build_yaml(steps = cr_buildstep_slack("Hello Slack"))
#' cr_build(bs, substitutions = list(`_SLACK_WEBHOOK` = webhook))
#' }
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
cr_buildstep_slack <- function(message,
                               title = "CloudBuild - $BUILD_ID",
                               channel = NULL,
                               username = "googleCloudRunnerBot",
                               webhook = "$_SLACK_WEBHOOK",
                               icon = NULL,
                               colour = "#efefef") {
  envs <- c(
    sprintf("SLACK_WEBHOOK=%s", webhook),
    sprintf("SLACK_MESSAGE='%s'", message),
    sprintf("SLACK_TITLE='%s'", title),
    sprintf("SLACK_COLOR='%s'", colour),
    sprintf("SLACK_USERNAME='%s'", username)

  if (!is.null(channel)) {
    envs <- c(envs, sprintf("SLACK_CHANNEL=%s", channel))

  if (!is.null(icon)) {
    envs <- c(envs, sprintf("SLACK_ICON=%s", icon))

    prefix = "",
    env = envs

#' Setup nginx for Cloud Run in a buildstep
#' @param html_folder The folder that will hold the HTML for Cloud Run
#' This uses a premade bash script that sets up a Docker container ready for Cloud Run running nginx
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep_bash}
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' cr_region_set("europe-west1")
#' html_folder <- "my_html"
#' run_image <- "gcr.io/my-project/my-image-for-cloudrun"
#' cr_build_yaml(
#'   steps = c(
#'     cr_buildstep_nginx_setup(html_folder),
#'     cr_buildstep_docker(run_image, dir = html_folder),
#'     cr_buildstep_run(
#'       name = "running-nginx",
#'       image = run_image,
#'       concurrency = 80
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
cr_buildstep_nginx_setup <- function(html_folder, ...) {

  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  bash_script <- system.file("docker", "nginx", "setup.bash",
    package = "googleCloudRunner"
  cr_buildstep_bash(bash_script, dir = html_folder, id = "setup nginx", ...)

#' Send an email in a Cloud Build step via MailGun.org
#' This uses Mailgun to send emails.  It calls an R script that posts the message to MailGuns API.
#' @param message The message markdown
#' @param from from email
#' @param to to email
#' @param subject subject email
#' @param mailgun_url The Mailgun API base URL. Default assumes you set this in \link{Build} substitution macros
#' @param mailgun_key The Mailgun API key.  Default assumes you set this in \link{Build} substitution macros
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep_r}
#' @details
#' Requires an account at Mailgun: https://mailgun.com
#' Pre-verification you can only send to a whitelist of emails you configure - see Mailgun website for details.
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' mailgun_url <- "https://api.mailgun.net/v3/sandboxXXX.mailgun.org"
#' mailgun_key <- "key-XXXX"
#' \dontrun{
#' # assumes you have verified the email
#' cr_build(
#'   cr_build_yaml(
#'     steps = cr_buildstep_mailgun(
#'       "Hello from Cloud Build",
#'       to = "me@verfied_email.com",
#'       subject = "Hello",
#'       from = "googleCloudRunner@example.com"
#'     ),
#'     substitutions = list(
#'       `_MAILGUN_URL` = mailgun_url,
#'       `_MAILGUN_KEY` = mailgun_key
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' }
cr_buildstep_mailgun <- function(message,
                                 mailgun_url = "$_MAILGUN_URL",
                                 mailgun_key = "$_MAILGUN_KEY",
                                 ...) {

  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  r <- sprintf(
           httr::authenticate("api", "%s"),
           encode = "form",
           body = list(
    mailgun_url, mailgun_key,
    from, to, subject, message

    id = "send mailgun",
    name = "gcr.io/gcer-public/packagetools:master",

#' Create buildsteps to deploy to Cloud Run
#' @inheritParams cr_run
#' @param ... passed on to \link{cr_buildstep}
#' @seealso Docs for \href{https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/run/deploy}{gcloud run deploy this buildstep invokes}
#' @export
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
cr_buildstep_run <- function(name,
                             allowUnauthenticated = TRUE,
                             region = cr_region_get(),
                             concurrency = 80,
                             port = NULL,
                             max_instances = "default",
                             memory = "256Mi",
                             cpu = 1,
                             env_vars = NULL,
                             gcloud_args = NULL,
                             ...) {

  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  create_service <- NULL

  if (allowUnauthenticated) {
    # sometimes unauth fails, so attempt to fix as per warning suggestion
    auth_calls <- "--allow-unauthenticated"
    member <- "allUsers"
  } else {
    # authenticated calls - add the default email
    # https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/triggering/using-scheduler#command-line
    desc <- paste("Cloud Run Invoker for", name)
    script <-
          "gcloud iam service-accounts describe %s || ",
          "gcloud iam service-accounts create %s --display-name='%s'",
          cr_run_email(name, NULL), desc
    create_service <- cr_buildstep_bash(
      name = "gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:alpine",
      bash_script = script,
      id = "create invoker"

    auth_calls <- "--no-allow-unauthenticated"
    member <- sprintf("serviceAccount:%s", cr_run_email(name))

  auth_step <- cr_buildstep_gcloud(
    args = c(
      "run", "services", "add-iam-policy-binding",
      paste0("--region=", region),
      paste0("--member=", member),
    id = "auth cloudrun",

  if (is.null(port)) {
    port <- "default"

  if (!is.null(env_vars)) {
    env_vars <- paste0("--set-env-vars=", paste(env_vars, collapse = ","))
  } else {
    env_vars <- "--clear-env-vars"

  if (!is.null(gcloud_args)) {

  deploy_step <- cr_buildstep_gcloud(
    args = c(
      "run", "deploy", name,
      "--image", image,
      "--region", region,
      "--platform", "managed",
      "--concurrency", concurrency,
      "--port", port,
      "--max-instances", max_instances,
      "--memory", memory,
      "--cpu", cpu,
    id = "deploy cloudrun", ...

  c(create_service, deploy_step, auth_step)

#' Run a bash script in a Cloud Build step
#' Helper to run a supplied bash script, that will be copied in-line
#' @param bash_script bash code to run or a filepath to a file containing bash code that ends with .bash or .sh
#' @param name The image that will run the R code
#' @param bash_source Whether the code will be from a runtime file within the source or at build time copying over from a local file in your session
#' @param escape_dollar Default TRUE.  This will turn \code{$} into \code{$$} within the script to avoid them being recognised as Cloud Build variables.  Turn this off if you want that behaviour (e.g. \code{my_project="$PROJECT_ID"})
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep}
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @details
#' If you need to escape build parameters in bash scripts, you need to escape CloudBuild's substitution via \code{$$} and bash's substitution via \code{\$} e.g. \code{\$$PARAM}
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' bs <- cr_build_yaml(
#'   steps = cr_buildstep_bash("echo 'Hello'")
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' cr_build(bs)
#' }
cr_buildstep_bash <- function(bash_script,
                              name = "ubuntu",
                              bash_source = c("local", "runtime"),
                              escape_dollar = TRUE,
                              ...) {
  bash_source <- match.arg(bash_source)

  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  bchars <- read_buildstep_file(bash_script,
    code_source = bash_source,
    file_grep = "\\.(bash|sh)$",
    escape_dollar = escape_dollar

  # avoid having two bashes
  arg <- c("bash", "-c", bchars)
  if (!is.null(dots$entrypoint) && dots$entrypoint == "bash") {
    arg <- c("-c", bchars)

    name = name,
    prefix = "",
    args = arg,

#' Run an R script in a Cloud Build R step
#' Helper to run R code within build steps, from either an existing local R file or within the source of the build.
#' @param r R code to run or a file containing R code ending with .R, or the gs:// location on Cloud Storage of the R file you want to run
#' @param name The docker image that will run the R code, usually from rocker-project.org
#' @param r_source Whether the R code will be from a runtime file within the source or at build time copying over from a local R file in your session
#' @param escape_dollar Default TRUE.  This will turn \code{$} into \code{$$} within the script to avoid them being recognised as Cloud Build variables.  Turn this off if you want that behaviour (e.g. \code{my_project="$PROJECT_ID"})
#' @param rscript_args Optional arguments for the R script run by \code{Rscript}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep}
#' @param r_cmd should `Rscript` be run or `R`?
#' @inheritParams cr_buildstep
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @details
#' If \code{r_source="runtime"} then \code{r} should be the location of that file within the source or \code{image} that will be run by the R code from \code{image}
#' If \code{r_source="local"} then it will copy over from a character string or local file into the build step directly.
#' If the R code location starts with \code{gs://} then an extra buildstep will be added that will download the R script from that location then run it as per \code{r_source="runtime"}.  This will consequently override your setting of \code{r_source}
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' # create an R buildstep inline
#' cr_buildstep_r(c("paste('1+1=', 1+1)", "sessionInfo()"))
#' \dontrun{
#' # create an R buildstep from a local file
#' cr_buildstep_r("my-r-file.R")
#' # create an R buildstep from a file within the source of the Build
#' cr_buildstep_r("inst/schedule/schedule.R", r_source = "runtime")
#' # create an R buildstep with Rscript arguments and use a large
#' # machine with 32 cores
#' ## create storage source
#' storage_source <- cr_build_upload_gcs(
#'   "my-r-script.R"
#' )
#' ## create the buildstep with the R script
#' step1 <- cr_buildstep_r("deploy/my-r-script.R",
#'   r_source = "runtime",
#'   rscript_args = c("args_1=<args1>", "args_2=<args_2>")
#' )
#' ## run the script on Cloud Build
#' cr_build(
#'   cr_build_yaml(
#'     steps = step1
#'   ),
#'   source = storage_source,
#'   options = list(machineType = "E2_HIGHCPU_32")
#' )
#' }
#' # use a different Rocker image e.g. rocker/verse
#' cr_buildstep_r(c(
#'   "library(dplyr)",
#'   "mtcars %>% select(mpg)",
#'   "sessionInfo()"
#' ),
#' name = "verse"
#' )
#' # use your own R image with custom R
#' my_r <- c("devtools::install()", "pkgdown::build_site()")
#' br <- cr_buildstep_r(my_r, name = "gcr.io/gcer-public/packagetools:latest")
#' @export
cr_buildstep_r <- function(r,
                           name = "r-base",
                           r_source = c("local", "runtime"),
                           prefix = "rocker/",
                           escape_dollar = TRUE,
                           rscript_args = NULL,
                           r_cmd = c("Rscript", "R"),
                           ...) {
  r_source <- match.arg(r_source)

  # catches name=rocker/verse etc.
  if (dirname(name) == "rocker") {
    name <- basename(name)

  r_cmd <- match.arg(r_cmd)

  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  # ability to call R scripts from Cloud Storage
  if (grepl("^gs://", r[[1]])) {
    r_here <- paste0("/workspace/", basename(r))
    myMessage(paste0("Buildstep will download R script from ", r),
      level = 3
    gs <- c(
        id = paste("download r script"),
        args = c("cp", r, r_here)
        name = name,
        r_source = "runtime",
        prefix = prefix,
        rscript_args = rscript_args,


  rchars <- read_buildstep_file(r,
    code_source = r_source,
    file_grep = "\\.R$",
    escape_dollar = escape_dollar

  if (r_source == "local") {
    r_args <- c(r_cmd, "-e", rchars)
  } else if (r_source == "runtime") {
    if (!is.null(rscript_args)) {
      r_args <- c(r_cmd, rchars, paste0("--", rscript_args))
    } else {
      r_args <- c(r_cmd, rchars)

    name = name,
    args = r_args,
    prefix = prefix,

# use escape_dollar=FALSE to keep dollars in the script
read_buildstep_file <- function(x,
                                code_source = c("local", "runtime"),
                                file_grep = ".*",
                                escape_dollar = TRUE) {
  code_source <- match.arg(code_source)
  rchars <- x
  if (code_source == "local") {

    rchars <- x
    if (grepl(file_grep, x[[1]], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      # filepath
      assert_that(assertthat::is.readable(x), is.string(x))
      rchars <- readLines(x)
      myMessage("Copying into build step code from ", x, level = 2)

    rchars <- paste(rchars, collapse = "\n")

    if (escape_dollar) {
      # issue 103 - replace $ with $$ to avoid running as substitution vars
      rchars <- gsub("\\$", "$$", rchars)
  } else if (code_source == "runtime") {
    # filepath in source, not much we can do to check it
    myMessage("Will read code in source from filepath ", rchars, level = 3)

  if (nchar(rchars) == 0) {
    stop("No code found to input into buildstep", call. = FALSE)


#' Create a build step for decrypting files via KMS
#' Create a build step to decrypt files using CryptoKey from Cloud Key Management Service.
#' Usually you will prefer to use \link{cr_buildstep_secret}
#' @param cipher The file that has been encrypted
#' @param plain The file location to decrypt to
#' @param keyring The KMS keyring to use
#' @param key The KMS key to use
#' @param location The KMS location
#' @param ... Further arguments passed in to \link{cr_buildstep}
#' @details
#' Key Management Store can encrypt secret files for use within your later buildsteps.
#' @section Setup:
#' You will need to set up the \href{https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/securing-builds/use-secrets}{encrypted key using gcloud} following the link from Google
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' cr_buildstep_decrypt("secret.json.enc",
#'   plain = "secret.json",
#'   keyring = "my_keyring",
#'   key = "my_key"
#' )
cr_buildstep_decrypt <- function(cipher,
                                 location = "global",
                                 ...) {
  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)
    args = c(
      "kms", "decrypt",
      "--ciphertext-file", cipher,
      "--plaintext-file", plain,
      "--location", location,
      "--keyring", keyring,
      "--key", key

#' Create a buildstep for using Secret Manager
#' This is the preferred way to manage secrets for files, rather than
#'   \link{cr_buildstep_decrypt}, as it stores the encrypted file in the cloud
#'   rather than in your project workspace.  For single environment values, \link{cr_build_yaml_secrets} may be more suitable.
#' @seealso How to set up secrets using \href{https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/securing-builds/use-secrets}{Secret Manager}
#' @param secret The secret data name in Secret Manager
#' @param decrypted The name of the file the secret will be decrypted into
#' @param version The version of the secret
#' @param binary_mode Should the file be treated in binary/raw format?
#' @param ... Other arguments sent to \link{cr_buildstep_bash}
#' @details
#' This is for downloading encrypted files from Google Secret Manager.  You will need to add the
#'   Secret Accessor Cloud IAM role to the Cloud Build service account to use it.
#' Once you have uploaded your secret file and named it, it is available for Cloud
#'   Build to use.
#' @seealso \link{cr_build_yaml_secrets} let you directly support environment arguments in the buildsteps
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cr_buildstep_secret("my_secret", decrypted = "/workspace/secret.json")
cr_buildstep_secret <- function(secret,
                                version = "latest",
                                binary_mode = FALSE,
                                ...) {
  # as per
  # https://cloud.google.com/secret-manager/docs/creating-and-accessing-secrets#a_note_on_resource_consistency
  decode_it <- "--format='get(payload.data)' | tr '_-' '/+' | base64 -d"
  script <- sprintf(
    "gcloud secrets versions access %s --secret=%s %s > %s",
    version, secret, ifelse(binary_mode, decode_it, ""), decrypted

    args = c("-c", script),
    name = "gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud",
    entrypoint = "bash",

#' Create buildsteps for deploying an R pkgdown website to GitHub
#' @inheritParams cr_buildstep
#' @inheritParams cr_buildstep_gitsetup
#' @param github_repo The GitHub repo to deploy pkgdown website from and to.
#' @param env A character vector of env arguments to set for all steps
#' @param git_email The email the git commands will be identifying as
#' @param build_image A docker image with \code{pkgdown} installed
#' @param post_clone A \link{cr_buildstep} that occurs after the repo is cloned
#' @details
#' Its convenient to set some of the above via \link{Build} macros, such as \code{github_repo=$_GITHUB_REPO} and \code{git_email=$_BUILD_EMAIL} in the Build Trigger web UI
#' To commit the website to git, \link{cr_buildstep_gitsetup} is used for which
#'   you will need to add your git ssh private key to Google Secret Manager
#' The R package is installed via \link[devtools]{install} before
#'   running \link[pkgdown]{build_site}
#' @export
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @examples
#' cr_project_set("my-project")
#' cr_bucket_set("my-bucket")
#' # set github repo directly to write it out via cr_build_write()
#' cr_buildstep_pkgdown("MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner",
#'   git_email = "cloudbuild@google.com",
#'   secret = "github-ssh"
#' )
#' # github repo set via build trigger macro _GITHUB_REPO
#' cr_buildstep_pkgdown("$_GITHUB_REPO",
#'   git_email = "cloudbuild@google.com",
#'   secret = "github-ssh"
#' )
#' # example including environment arguments for pkgdown build step
#' cr_buildstep_pkgdown("$_GITHUB_REPO",
#'   git_email = "cloudbuild@google.com",
#'   secret = "github-ssh",
#'   env = c("MYVAR=$_MY_VAR", "PROJECT=$PROJECT_ID")
#' )
cr_buildstep_pkgdown <- function(github_repo,
                                 env = NULL,
                                 build_image = "gcr.io/gcer-public/packagetools:latest",
                                 post_setup = NULL,
                                 post_clone = NULL) {
  repo <- paste0("git@github.com:", github_repo)

    cr_buildstep_gitsetup(secret, post_setup = post_setup),
    cr_buildstep_git(c("clone", repo, "repo"), id = "clone to repo dir"),
    name = build_image,
    dir = "repo",
    env = env,
    id = "build pkgdown"
    cr_buildstep_git(c("add", "--all"), dir = "repo"),
      "commit", "-a", "-m",
      "[skip ci] Build website from commit ${COMMIT_SHA}: \
$(date +\"%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S\")"
    dir = "repo"
    cr_buildstep_git("status", dir = "repo"),
    cr_buildstep_git("push", dir = "repo")

#' A buildstep template for gcloud
#' This enables an optimised version of gcloud docker for your buildstep such as \code{gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:alpine}
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders/tree/master/gcloud}
#' @param component What gcloud service you need, such as "gcloud", "bq" or "gsutil"
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link{cr_buildstep}
#' @inheritDotParams cr_buildstep
#' @export
#' @family Cloud Buildsteps
#' @import assertthat
cr_buildstep_gcloud <- function(component = c("gcloud", "bq", "gsutil", "kubectl"),
                                ...) {
  component <- match.arg(component)

  # don't allow dot names that would break things
  dots <- list(...)

  the_name <- "cloud-sdk:alpine"
  if (component == "kubectl") {
    the_name <- "cloud-sdk:latest"

  entrypoint <- NULL
  if (component != "gcloud") {
    entrypoint <- component

    name = the_name,
    prefix = "gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/",
    entrypoint = entrypoint,

#' @rdname cr_buildstep_gcloud
#' @export
cr_buildstep_gsutil <- function(...) {
  cr_buildstep_gcloud(component = "gsutil", ...)

#' @rdname cr_buildstep_gcloud
#' @export
cr_buildstep_bq <- function(...) {
  cr_buildstep_gcloud(component = "bq", ...)

#' @rdname cr_buildstep_gcloud
#' @export
cr_buildstep_kubectl <- function(...) {
  cr_buildstep_gcloud(component = "kubectl", ...)
MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 5:45 p.m.