
#' Creates a random character code
#' @param seed The seed for random code.
#' @param num Number of characters in code.
#' @return A random string of digits and characters.
#' @seealso Shortcut using \code{\link{doAuthMacro}}.
#' @family authentication functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' securityCode <- createCode()
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session)){
#'   AuthCode <- reactive({
#'       authReturnCode(session, securityCode)
#'   })
#'   output$AuthGAURL <- renderUI({
#'        a("Click Here to Authorise Your Google Analytics Access", 
#'           href=shinygaGetTokenURL(securityCode)
#'           )
#'        })
#'   AccessToken <- reactive({
#'       validate(
#'         need(AuthCode(), "Authenticate To See")
#'       )
#'       access_token <- shinygaGetToken(code = AuthCode())
#'       token <- access_token$access_token
#'     })
#' }
#' }
createCode <- function(seed=NULL, num=20){
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  paste0(sample(c(1:9, LETTERS, letters), num, replace = T), collapse='')

#' Returns the authentication parameter "code" in redirected URLs
#' @param session A session object within a shinyServer function.
#' @param securityCode A randomly generate security code passed previously in shinygaGetTokenURL.
#' @return The authentication code from the redirect URL parameter.
#' @seealso Shortcut using \code{\link{doAuthMacro}}.
#' @family authentication functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' securityCode <- createCode()
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session)){
#'   AuthCode <- reactive({
#'       authReturnCode(session, securityCode)
#'   })
#'   output$AuthGAURL <- renderUI({
#'        a("Click Here to Authorise Your Google Analytics Access", 
#'           href=shinygaGetTokenURL(securityCode)
#'           )
#'        })
#'   AccessToken <- reactive({
#'       validate(
#'         need(AuthCode(), "Authenticate To See")
#'       )
#'       access_token <- shinygaGetToken(code = AuthCode())
#'       token <- access_token$access_token
#'     })
#' }
#' }
authReturnCode <- function(session, securityCode){    
  pars <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
  if(length(pars$state) > 0){ 
    if(pars$state != securityCode){
      warning("securityCode check failed in Authentication! Code:", 
              " Expected:", 
    } else {
      if(length(pars$code) > 0){

#' Returns the authentication URL
#' @param state A string you pass to check authentication is correct.
#' @param client.id The client ID taken from the Google API Console.
#' @param client.secret The client secret taken from the Google API Console.
#' @param redirect.uri The URL of where your Shiny application sits, that will read state parameter.
#' @param scope Vector of URLs for the Google API you want to activate. Will be encoded. 
#'   Defaults to \code{c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics",
#'                 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly")}
#' @return The URL a user should click on to start authentication.
#' @seealso Shortcut using \code{\link{doAuthMacro}}.
#' @family authentication functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' securityCode <- createCode()
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session)){
#'   AuthCode <- reactive({
#'       authReturnCode(session, securityCode)
#'   })
#'   output$AuthGAURL <- renderUI({
#'        a("Click Here to Authorise Your Google Analytics Access", 
#'           href=ShinyGetTokenURL(securityCode)
#'           )
#'        })
#'   AccessToken <- reactive({
#'       validate(
#'         need(AuthCode(), "Authenticate To See")
#'       )
#'       access_token <- ShinyGetToken(code = AuthCode())
#'       token <- access_token$access_token
#'     })
#' }
#' }
shinygaGetTokenURL <- 
           client.id     = CLIENT_ID,
           client.secret = CLIENT_SECRET,
           redirect.uri  = CLIENT_URL,
           scope         = c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics",
                             "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.manage.users.readonly")) {
  scopeEnc <- sapply(scope, URLencode, reserved=TRUE)
  scopeEnc <- paste(scopeEnc, sep='', collapse='+')
  url <- paste('https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?',
               'redirect_uri=', redirect.uri, '&',
               'client_id=', client.id, '&',
               'access_type=online', sep='', collapse='');

#' Returns the authentication Token
#' Once a user browses to ShinyGetTokenURL and is redirected back with request
#' shinygaGetToken takes that code and returns a token needed for Google APIs
#' Uses the same client.id and client.secret as ShinyGetTokenURL
#' @param code The code passed from AuthCode().
#' @param client.id The client ID taken from the Google API Console.
#' @param client.secret The client secret taken from the Google API Console.
#' @param redirect.uri The URL of where your Shiny application sits, that will read state parameter.
#' @return The token from Google that authenticates future API calls.
#' @seealso Shortcut using \code{\link{doAuthMacro}}.
#' @family authentication functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' securityCode <- createCode()
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session)){
#'   AuthCode <- reactive({
#'       authReturnCode(session, securityCode)
#'   })
#'   output$AuthGAURL <- renderUI({
#'        a("Click Here to Authorise Your Google Analytics Access", 
#'           href=ShinyGetTokenURL(securityCode)
#'           )
#'        })
#'   AccessToken <- reactive({
#'       validate(
#'         need(AuthCode(), "Authenticate To See")
#'       )
#'       access_token <- ShinyGetToken(code = AuthCode())
#'       token <- access_token$access_token
#'     })
#' }
#' }
shinygaGetToken <- function(code,
                            client.id     = CLIENT_ID,
                            client.secret = CLIENT_SECRET,
                            redirect.uri  = CLIENT_URL){
  raw.data <- httr::POST('https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token',
                         encode = "form",
                         body = list(code = code,
                                     client_id = client.id,
                                     client_secret = client.secret,
                                     redirect_uri = redirect.uri,
                                     grant_type = 'authorization_code')
  token.data <- httr::content(raw.data)
  now        <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
  token      <- c(token.data, timestamp = c('first'=now, 'refresh'=now))
  # environment to store credentials
  # a better way, integrate with future integrations
  .state <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  .state$token <- token
MarkEdmondson1234/shinyga documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:34 p.m.