
Defines functions SOauto_map default_somap plot_graticule aspectplot.default fast_mask

Documented in default_somap SOauto_map

#' Default Southern Ocean map
#' Provide minimal input information to get a default map. The simplest case is
#' to run the function without any inputs at all and it will provide a random default.
#' To input your data, use input locations as `x` (longitude) and `y` (latitude) values, there must be at least
#' two locations.
#' Try families such as 'lcc', 'laea', 'gnom', 'merc', 'aea' if feeling adventurous.
#' Using `mask = TRUE` does not work well when the pole is included, so it's `FALSE` by default.
#' @param x optional input data longitudes
#' @param y optional input data latitudes
#' @param centre_lon optional centre longitude (of the map projection, also used to for plot range if `expand = TRUE`)
#' @param centre_lat as per `centre_lon`
#' @param family optional projection family (default is `stere`ographic)
#' @param expand re-compute range of plot to incorporate centre_lon and centre_lat with the data as a natural middle
#' @param dimXY dimensions of background bathmetry (if used) default is 300x300
#' @param bathy optional bathymetry data to use (or `FALSE` for no bathmetry image)
#' @param coast optional coastline data to use (or `FALSE` for no coastline)
#' @param input_points add points to plot (of x, y)
#' @param input_lines add lines to plot   (of x, y)
#' @param graticule flag to add a basic graticule
#' @param buffer fraction to expand plot range from that calculated (either from data, or from centre_lon/centre_lat _and_ data if `expand = TRUE`)
#' @param contours add contours
#' @param levels contour levels if `contours = TRUE`
#' @param trim_background crop the resulting bathymetry to its margin of valid values
#' @param mask logical, `FALSE` by default used to mask the raster and coastline to the graticule
#' @return the derived target extent and the map projection used, bathymetry, and coastline data
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_graticule st_as_sf
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom raster aggregate contour crop extend extent ncell plot projectExtent projection projectRaster xmin xmax ymin ymax
#' @importFrom rgdal project
#' @importFrom sp plot
#' @importFrom stats na.omit runif
#' @importFrom graphics contour lines par plot plot.new plot.window points text
#' @examples
#' SOauto_map(c(0, 50), c(-70, -50))
#' SOauto_map(runif(10, 130, 200), runif(10, -80, -10))
#' SOauto_map(runif(10, 130, 200), runif(10, -85, -60))
#' ## save the result to explore later!
#' protomap <- SOauto_map(runif(10, 60, 160), runif(10, -73, -50))
#' SOauto_map(runif(50, 40, 180), runif(50, -73, -10), family = "aea", centre_lat = -15,
#'               input_lines = FALSE)
SOauto_map <- function(x, y, centre_lon = NULL, centre_lat = NULL, family = "stere",
                          expand = TRUE,
                          dimXY = c(300, 300),
                          bathy = TRUE, coast = TRUE, input_points = TRUE, input_lines = TRUE,
                          graticule = TRUE, buffer=0.05,
                          contours=TRUE, levels=c(-500, -1000, -2000),
                          trim_background = TRUE,
                          mask = FALSE) {

    ## data
    SOmap_data <- NULL
    Bathy <- NULL
    data("SOmap_data", package = "SOmap", envir = environment())
    data("Bathy", package = "SOmap", envir = environment())

  if (missing(x) && missing(y)) {
    xlim <- sort(runif(2, -359, 359))
    ylim <- sort(runif(2, -89, -20))

    x <- runif(30, xlim[1], xlim[2])
    y <- runif(30, ylim[1], ylim[2])
    xy <- cbind(x, y)
    xy <- xy[order(xy[, 1], xy[,2]), ]
    x <- xy[,1]
    y <- xy[,2]

  if (is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y)) {
    testx <- cbind(x, y)
  } else {
    testx <- x  ## assume we have some kind of object
  ## ignore y
  if (is.matrix(testx)) {
    if (nrow(testx) ==2 ) {
      testx <- rbind(testx, testx)  ## because raster::extent(cbind(145:146, -42:-43))
    if (!raster::couldBeLonLat(testx, warnings = FALSE)) {
      warning("'x' doesn't look like longlat data")
  } else {

    do_midpoint <- FALSE
    ## we have some kind of object
    if (inherits(x, "BasicRaster")) {
      warning("input 'x' is a raster, converting to an extent for a simple plot of input_points/input_lines")
      x <- spex::spex(x)
      do_midpoint <- TRUE

    testx <- try(spbabel::sptable(x))  ##

    if (inherits(testx, "try-error")) stop("don't understand how to get lon,lat from 'x'")
    ## split on branch

    testx <- head(do.call(rbind, lapply(split(testx, paste(testx$object_, testx$branch_, sep = ":")), function(x) rbind(x, NA))), -1)
    testx <- as.matrix(testx[c("x_", "y_")])
    if (!raster::isLonLat(projection(x))) {
      testx <- rgdal::project(testx, raster::projection(x), inv = TRUE)
      midpoint <- NULL
      if (do_midpoint) {
        midpoint <- cbind(mean(range(testx$x_)), mean(range(testx$y_)))
        midpoint <- rgdal::project(midpoint, raster::projection(x), inv = TRUE)
      ## add the midpoint for good measure
      testx <- rbind(testx,midpoint)
    x <- testx[,1]
    y <- testx[,2]

  #x <- na.omit(x)
  #y <- na.omit(y)
  stopifnot(length(x) > 1)
  stopifnot(length(y) > 1)

  xlim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (ylim[1] < -90) {ylim[1] <- -90}
  if (ylim[2] > 90) {ylim[2] <- 90}

  if (is.null(centre_lon)) {
    centre_lon <- zapsmall(round(mean(xlim), digits = 2))
  if (is.null(centre_lat)) {
    centre_lat <-  zapsmall(round(mean(ylim), digits = 2))

  template <- "+proj=%s +lon_0=%f +lat_0=%f +datum=WGS84"
  if (family == "stere") {
    ## won't generalize to northern hemisphere
    template <- "+proj=%s +lon_0=%f +lat_0=%f +lat_ts=-71 +datum=WGS84"
  if (family %in% c("aea", "lcc")) {
    template <- paste("+proj=%s +lon_0=%f +lat_0=%f +datum=WGS84", sprintf("+lat_0=%f +lat_1=%f", ylim[1], ylim[2]))
  prj <- sprintf(template, family, centre_lon, centre_lat)

  target <- raster::projectExtent(raster::raster(raster::extent(xlim, ylim), crs = "+init=epsg:4326"),
  dim(target) <- dimXY
  ## extend projected bounds by the buffer
  xxlim <- c(raster::xmin(target), raster::xmax(target))
  xxlim <- xxlim + diff(range(xxlim)) * c(-buffer, buffer)
  yylim <- c(raster::ymin(target), raster::ymax(target))
  yylim <- yylim + diff(range(yylim)) * c(-buffer, buffer)
  target <- extend(target, extent(xxlim, yylim))
  if (expand) {
    centre_line <- rgdal::project(cbind(centre_lon, centre_lat), prj)
    ## we need the largest of the difference from centre to target boundary
    xhalf <- max(abs(centre_line[1] - c(raster::xmin(target), raster::xmax(target))))
    yhalf <- max(abs(centre_line[2] - c(raster::ymin(target), raster::ymax(target))))
    exp_xlim <- centre_line[1] + c(-xhalf, xhalf)
    exp_ylim <- centre_line[2] + c(-yhalf, yhalf)

    target <- extend(target, extent(exp_xlim[1], exp_xlim[2], exp_ylim[1], exp_ylim[2]))
  dim(target) <- dimXY
  bathymetry <- coastline <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(bathy)) {            ## insert your local bathy-getter here
    ##if (!exists("topo")) topo <- raster::aggregate(raadtools::readtopo("etopo2", xylim = extent(-180, 180, -90, 0)), fact = 10)
    bathymetry <- raster::projectRaster(Bathy, target)
    if (trim_background) {
      bathymetry <- raster::trim(bathymetry)
      target <- crop(target, bathymetry)
  } else {
    if (inherits(bathy, "BasicRaster")) {
      bathymetry <- raster::projectRaster(bathy[[1]], target, method = "ngb")
      bathy <- TRUE
      if (trim_background) {
        bathymetry <- raster::trim(bathymetry)
        target <- crop(target, bathymetry)

  # par(pp)
  aspect <- if (raster::isLonLat(target)) 1/cos(mean(c(raster::xmin(target), raster::xmax(target))) * pi/180) else 1
  pp <- aspectplot.default(c(raster::xmin(target), raster::xmax(target)), c(raster::ymin(target), raster::ymax(target)), asp = aspect, mar = par("mar")/2.5)
  newextent <- raster::extent(par("usr"))

  if (isTRUE(coast)) {

      coastline <- as(sf::st_crop(sf::st_buffer(sf::st_transform(sf::st_as_sf(SOmap_data$continent), prj), 0), xmin = raster::xmin(target), xmax = raster::xmax(target), ymin = raster::ymin(target), ymax = raster::ymax(target)), "Spatial")

  } else {
    if (inherits(coast, "Spatial")) {
      coastline <- sp::spTransform(coast, prj)
      coast <- TRUE

  ramp2<-grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#54A3D1","#60B3EB","#78C8F0","#98D1F5","#B5DCFF","#BDE1F0","#CDEBFA","#D6EFFF","#EBFAFF","grey92","grey94","grey96", "white"))
  #bk<-c(-10353,-8000,-5000,-4000,-3000,-2000,-1500,-1000,-500,-1,0,1500, 5850)

  # if (croptograt){
  # poly <- as(extent(target), "SpatialPolygons")
  # projection(poly) <- projection(target)
  # g <- graticule(xlim, ylim, proj = projection(target),nverts=10, tiles=TRUE)}

  if (mask) {
    gratmask <- graticule::graticule(seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 30),
                                     seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length = 5), proj = projection(target), tiles = TRUE)
    if (bathy) {
    bathymetry <- fast_mask(bathymetry, gratmask)
    if (coast) {

      coastline <- as(sf::st_union(sf::st_intersection(sf::st_as_sf(coastline), sf::st_buffer(sf::st_as_sf(gratmask), 0))), "Spatial")
  if (bathy) raster::image(bathymetry, add = TRUE, col = bluepal, axes = FALSE)#grey(seq(0, 1, length = 40)))

  if (contours) contour(bathymetry, nlevels=1, levels=c(levels), col="black", add= TRUE)
  op <- par(xpd = FALSE)
  if (coast) plot(coastline, add = TRUE)
  if (input_points || input_lines) xy <- rgdal::project(cbind(x, y), prj)
  if (input_points) points(xy, cex = 0.75)

  if (input_lines) lines(xy)

  if (graticule) {
    grat <- sf::st_graticule(c(raster::xmin(target), raster::ymin(target), raster::xmax(target), raster::ymax(target)), crs = projection(target))
    op <- par(xpd = NA)
    graticule <- grat

  # if (croptograt){
  # plot(erase(poly, g), add = TRUE, col = "white")
  # invisible(list(bathy = bathymetry, coastline = coastline, target = target))
  # } else {

  invisible(structure(list(bathy = bathymetry, coastline = coastline, target = target, data = xy, graticule = graticule, crs = prj), class = "SOmap"))


#' Deprecated function
#' Deprecated from SOmap
#' @param ... all arguments passed to new function
#' @export
default_somap <- function(...) {
## from ?sf::st_graticule
plot_graticule <- function(g) {
  plot(sf::st_geometry(g), add = TRUE, col = 'grey')
  # points(g$x_start, g$y_start, col = 'red')
  #points(g$x_end, g$y_end, col = 'blue')

  invisible(lapply(seq_len(nrow(g)), function(i) {
    if (g$type[i] == "N" && g$x_start[i] - min(g$x_start) < 1000)
      text(g[i,"x_start"], g[i,"y_start"], labels = parse(text = g[i,"degree_label"]),
           srt = g$angle_start[i], pos = 2, cex = .7)
    if (g$type[i] == "E" && g$y_start[i] - min(g$y_start) < 1000)
      text(g[i,"x_start"], g[i,"y_start"], labels = parse(text = g[i,"degree_label"]),
           srt = g$angle_start[i] - 90, pos = 1, cex = .7)
    if (g$type[i] == "N" && g$x_end[i] - max(g$x_end) > -1000)
      text(g[i,"x_end"], g[i,"y_end"], labels = parse(text = g[i,"degree_label"]),
           srt = g$angle_end[i], pos = 4, cex = .7)
    if (g$type[i] == "E" && g$y_end[i] - max(g$y_end) > -1000)
      text(g[i,"x_end"], g[i,"y_end"], labels = parse(text = g[i,"degree_label"]),
           srt = g$angle_end[i] - 90, pos = 3, cex = .7)

aspectplot.default <- function(xlim,ylim,asp, ...) {
  xlim <- sort(xlim)
  ylim <- sort(ylim)
  r <- asp * abs(diff(ylim)/diff(xlim))
  if(r <= 1) {  # X = 0, 1
    recip <- r / 2
    figure <- c(0, 1,
                0.5 - recip, 0.5 + recip)
  } else {     # Y = 0, 1
    recip <- (1/r) / 2
    figure <- c(0.5 - recip, 0.5 + recip,
                0, 1)

  p <- par(fig = figure, new = FALSE, ...)
  plot.window(xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xaxs="i",yaxs="i", asp = asp)

fast_mask <- function(ras, poly) {
  cells <- tabularaster::cellnumbers(ras, sf::st_as_sf(poly))
  ras[setdiff(1:ncell(ras), cells$cell_)] <- NA
Maschette/SOmap documentation built on May 26, 2019, 3:30 a.m.