
Defines functions calculateEffectSizes

Documented in calculateEffectSizes

#' Calculate effect sizes
#' This is a function to calculate effect sizes of meta-analysis data created by \code{expandMultiarmTrials}.
#' @usage calculateEffectSizes(data,
#'        comp.id.indicator = "id",
#'        trt.indicator = "trt",
#'        funcs = list(meanSD = meanSD,
#'                     binaryES = binaryES,
#'                     changeES = changeES),
#'        include.switched.arms = FALSE,
#'        change.sign = NULL,
#'        data.format = NULL)
#' @param data Meta-analysis data set of class \code{expandMultiarmTrials}, created using \code{expandMultiarmTrials}.
#' @param comp.id.indicator \code{character}, column name of the variable storing the comparison ID; typically created by \code{expandMultiarmTrials}.
#' @param trt.indicator \code{character}, column name of the variable storing the treatment indicator (treatment 1 or 2); typically created by \code{expandMultiarmTrials}.
#' @param funcs \code{list} of functions. These functions will be used to calculate the effect sizes (Hedges' \emph{g}) based on the raw data (see Details).
#' @param include.switched.arms \code{logical}. Should all unique arm \emph{comparisons} (in lieu of unique arm \emph{combinations}) be
#' calculated? Default is \code{FALSE}. Can only be set to \code{TRUE} when \code{trt.indicator} is set to \code{"trt"}.
#' @param change.sign \code{character}. Name of a \code{logical} column in \code{data}, encoding if the
#' sign of a calculated effect size should be reversed (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}). Set to \code{NULL} (default) if
#' no changes should be made.
#' @param data.format \code{character}. Either \code{"long"} or \code{"wide"}, depending on the format of the dataset in
#' \code{data}. \code{NULL} by default, which lets the user define the format after the function has been called.
#' @return \code{calculateEffectSizes} returns the meta-analysis data set as class \code{data.frame} in wide format (if results are saved to a variable). It also generates the following columns, wich are added to the data:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{es} calculated effect sizes for each comparison.}
#' \item{\code{se} calculated standard error of the effect size.}
#' \item{\code{study.id} a study-specific ID variable.}
#' \item{\code{study} a study-specific variable containing its name. For multiarm studies, this variable specifies the active treatment arm used to calculate the effect.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Example 1: use function in default mode; requires data created by expandMultiarmTrials
#' data("inpatients")
#' inpatients %>%
#'     expandMultiarmTrials() %>%
#'     calculateEffectSizes()
#' #Example 2: further use to pool effect sizes
#' library(meta)
#' inpatients %>%
#'   checkDataFormat() %>%
#'   expandMultiarmTrials() %>%
#'   calculateEffectSizes() %>%
#'   filterPoolingData(primary==1) %>%
#'   metagen(es, se, studlab=study, fixed=FALSE, data=.)
#' # Example 3: use for 3-level model
#' library(metafor)
#' library(dplyr)
#' inpatients %>%
#'   checkDataFormat ()%>%
#'   expandMultiarmTrials() %>%
#'   calculateEffectSizes() %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(es.id = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
#'   metafor::rma.mv(es, se^2, data = ., slab = study.id,
#'                   random = ~ 1 | study.id/es.id, test = "t")
#' }
#' @author Mathias Harrer \email{mathias.h.harrer@@gmail.com}, Paula Kuper \email{paula.r.kuper@@gmail.com}, Pim Cuijpers \email{p.cuijpers@@vu.nl}
#' @seealso \code{\link{expandMultiarmTrials}}
#' @details  By default, the small-sample bias corrected standardized mean difference (Hedges' \emph{g}) is calculated from:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item {the mean, SD and N}
#'  \item {binary outcome data (i.e. response counts) and}
#'  \item {change scores}
#' }
#' Other functions can be added to the list provided to \code{funcs}. However, results of the function must result in a \code{data.frame}
#' with the same number of rows as in \code{data}, and two columns: one for the calculated \emph{g} value (named \code{es}) and its standard error (named \code{se}).
#' In rows for which no fitting raw data was supplied, the resulting \code{data.frame} should contain \code{NA}.
#' For more details see the help vignette: \code{vignette("metapsyTools")}
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer pivot_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of select filter mutate arrange
#' @importFrom purrr pmap_dfr map
#' @importFrom esc esc_mean_sd
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove str_replace str_replace_all
#' @import magrittr
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats dffits model.matrix rnorm rstudent
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export calculateEffectSizes

calculateEffectSizes = function(data,
                                comp.id.indicator = "id",
                                trt.indicator = "trt",
                                funcs = list(meanSD = meanSD,
                                             binaryES = binaryES,
                                             changeES = changeES),
                                include.switched.arms = FALSE,
                                change.sign = NULL,
                                data.format = NULL){

  # get data class
  data.class = class(data)

  # check class
  if (data.class[2] != "expandMultiarmTrials"){
    message(paste("class of 'data' is not 'expandMultiarmTrials'.",
                  "Sure that the data has the right format?"))

  # Convert to data.frame (conventional)
  data = data.frame(data)

  # Define id
  data$id = data[[comp.id.indicator]]

  # Check data format
  if (!data.class[3] %in% c("wide", "long")){
    if (is.null(data.format)){
      # Format switch
      input = readline("Enter: Is the data set in long [l] or wide [w] format? ")
      if (input[1] %in% c("l", "L", "long", "Long")){
        format = "long"
        data.format = "long"
      } else if (input[1] %in% c("w", "W", "wide", "Wide")){
        format = "wide"
        data.format = "wide"
      } else {
        stop("Data format must either be long [l] or wide [w].")

    if (!(data.format[1] %in% c("long", "wide"))){
      # Format switch
      input = readline("Enter: Is the data set in long [l] or wide [w] format? ")
      if (input[1] %in% c("l", "L", "long", "Long")){
        format = "long"
      } else if (input[1] %in% c("w", "W", "wide", "Wide")){
        format = "wide"
      } else {
        stop("Data format must either be long [l] or wide [w].")
    } else {format = data.format}
  } else {
    format = data.class[3]

  # wide
  if (format[1] == "wide"){

    data.wide = data
    message("- Calculating effect sizes...")
    es.res = list()
    for (i in 1:length(funcs)){
      es.res[[i]] = try({funcs[[i]](data.wide)}, silent = TRUE)

    # Check if all functions could be applied
    es.res %>% purrr::map(~class(.)) %>%
      unlist() %>% {. == "try-error"} -> error.mask

    funcs2 = funcs[!error.mask]
    if (length(funcs) == 0){
      stop("None of the supplied functions could be applied correctly.")

    # Recalculate if necessary
    if (sum(error.mask) != 0){
      es.res = list()
      for (i in 1:length(funcs2)){
        es.res[[i]] = try({funcs2[[i]](data.wide)}, silent = TRUE)}

    es.res = do.call(cbind, es.res)

    if (sum(error.mask) > 0){
      message("- [!] Function(s) ", paste(names(funcs)[error.mask], collapse = ", "),
              " not applied. Check for potential data/function problems.")
      message("- [!] All other effect size calculation functions were applied successfully.")
    } else {
      message("- [OK] Effect sizes calculated successfully")

    # Now, bind all calculated ES together,
    # then bind together with wide dataset
    es.res %>%
      apply(., 1, function(x){
        if (length(x[!is.na(x)]) == 0){return(c(NA, NA))} else {
          return(x[!is.na(x)])}}) %>% t() %>%
      cbind(data.wide, .) -> dat.final

    colnames(dat.final)[c(ncol(dat.final)-1, ncol(dat.final))] = c("es", "se")

    # Change sign
    if (!is.null(change.sign)){
      change.mask = ifelse(dat.final[[change.sign]], -1, 1)
      dat.final$es = dat.final$es * change.mask

    # Add switched reference arm rows
    if (include.switched.arms[1] == TRUE){
      if (trt.indicator != "trt"){
        stop("'trt.indicator' must be set to 'trt' when including switched trial arms.")
      } else {
        # Remove suffix for _trt variables that only appear once
        dat.final %>%
          dplyr::select(dplyr::ends_with(c("_trt1", "_trt2"))) %>%
          colnames() %>%
          stringr::str_replace_all("_trt(1|2)", "") %>%
          table() %>% {names(.[.==1])} -> one.vars

        dat.final %>%
          dplyr::select(dplyr::starts_with(one.vars)) %>%
          colnames() -> select.vars

        colnames(dat.final)[colnames(dat.final) ==
                              select.vars] = one.vars

        dat.final = includeSwitchedArms(dat.final)

    # Return


  # long
  if (format[1] == "long"){
    # Convert to wide
    data %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = dplyr::all_of(trt.indicator),
                         values_from = c(-id, -dplyr::all_of(trt.indicator), -study)) -> data.wide

    # Apply funcs
    message("- Calculating effect sizes...")
    es.res = list()
    for (i in 1:length(funcs)){
      es.res[[i]] = try({funcs[[i]](data.wide)}, silent = TRUE)

    # Check if all functions could be applied
    es.res %>% purrr::map(~class(.)) %>%
      unlist() %>% {. == "try-error"} -> error.mask

    funcs2 = funcs[!error.mask]
    if (length(funcs) == 0){
      stop("None of the supplied functions could be applied correctly.")

    # Recalculate if necessary
    if (sum(error.mask) != 0){
      es.res = list()
      for (i in 1:length(funcs2)){
        es.res[[i]] = try({funcs2[[i]](data.wide)}, silent = TRUE)}

    es.res = do.call(cbind, es.res)

    if (sum(error.mask) > 0){
      message("- [!] Function(s) ", paste(names(funcs)[error.mask], collapse = ", "),
              " not applied. Check for potential data/function problems.")
      message("- [!] All other effect size calculation functions were applied successfully.")
    } else {
      message("- [OK] Effect sizes calculated successfully")

    # Now, bind all calculated ES together,
    # then bind together with wide dataset
    es.res %>%
      apply(., 1, function(x){
        if (length(x[!is.na(x)]) == 0){return(c(NA, NA))} else {
          return(x[!is.na(x)])}}) %>% t() %>%
      cbind(data.wide, .) -> data.wide.es

    # Remove duplicate columns
    data.wide.es[!duplicated(t(data.wide.es))] -> data.wide.es
    for (i in 1:ncol(data.wide.es)){
      if (grepl("_trt1", colnames(data.wide.es)[i]) &
          !(stringr::str_replace(colnames(data.wide.es)[i], "_trt1", "_trt2") %in%
        colnames(data.wide.es)[i] = stringr::str_remove(colnames(data.wide.es)[i], "_trt1")
    data.wide.es -> dat.final

    colnames(dat.final)[c(ncol(dat.final)-1, ncol(dat.final))] = c("es", "se")

    # Change sign
    if (!is.null(change.sign)){
      change.mask = ifelse(dat.final[[change.sign]], -1, 1)
      dat.final$es = dat.final$es * change.mask

    # Add switched reference arm rows
    if (include.switched.arms[1] == TRUE){
      if (trt.indicator != "trt"){
        stop("'trt.indicator' must be set to 'trt' when including switched trial arms.")
      } else {dat.final = includeSwitchedArms(dat.final)}}

    # Return

MathiasHarrer/metapsyTools documentation built on May 1, 2022, 5:14 p.m.