
Defines functions stack_final_useful_df extend_to_useful_helper extend_to_useful form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs form_C_mats

Documented in extend_to_useful extend_to_useful_helper form_C_mats form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs stack_final_useful_df

#' Create allocation matrices (`C`) from an allocation table
#' This function uses information in a filled allocation template (created by `write_fu_allocation_template()`)
#' to create allocation matrices (**C**). 
#' rownames of the **C** matrices are taken from the `Ef.product` and `Destination` columns of `.fu_allocation_table`
#' and have the form "`Ef.product` `r RCLabels::arrow_notation[["pref_end"]]` `Destination`".
#' colnames of the **C** matrices are taken from the `Machine` and `Eu.product` columns of `.fu_allocation_table`
#' and have the form "machine `r RCLabels::arrow_notation[["pref_end"]]` useful energy form".
#' **C** matrices are created for both energy industry own use
#' and final demand (**C_eiou** and **C_Y**, respectively).
#' Rows of the output **C** matrices should sum to 1.  
#' If there is a problem, a data frame that shows the errors is returned.
#' Such errors probably indicate the FU template was not filled correctly.
#' @param .fu_allocation_table a final-to-useful allocation table read by `load_fu_allocation_data()`.
#'                             A template for this table should have been created by `fu_allocation_table()` and 
#'                             `write_fu_allocation_table()`.
#'                             This object can also be a tidy data frame with year data gathered into a Year column.
#' @param matrix_class The type of matrix to be created, one of "matrix" or "Matrix".
#'                     Default is "matrix".
#' @param ledger_side,flow_aggregation_point,e_dot,unit,year See `IEATools::iea_cols`.
#' @param supply,consumption See `IEATools::ledger_sides`.
#' @param quantity,machine,ef_product,eu_product,destination,e_dot_perc,maximum_values,C_eiou,C_Y See `IEATools::template_cols`.
#' @param matnames,matvals,rownames,colnames,rowtypes,coltypes See `IEATools::mat_meta_cols`.
#' @param product,industry See `IEATools::row_col_types`.
#' @param notation The notation used for this template. See `RCLabels::notation_vec()`. Default is `RCLabels::arrow_notation`.
#' @param tol The allowable amount by which a row sum in a `C` matrix can be different from 1. Default is 1e-6.
#' @param .should_be_1_vector A temporary column created internally for error checking (and not returned unless there is an error). 
#'                            This column should contain 1 vectors (i.e., vectors filled with 1's).
#' @param .is_1 A temporary column created internally (and not returned unless there is an error)
#'              that contains `TRUE` or `FALSE` depending on whether a rowsum was 1.
#' @param .all_1 A temporary column created internally (and not returned unless there is an error)
#'               that tells whether a 1-vector was created by rowsums.
#' @return A wide-by-matrices data frame with metadata columns (and year) along with columns for 
#'         **C_eiou** and **C_Y** matrices.
#'         If not all rows of a C matrix sum to 1, 
#'         a warning is emitted, and
#'         a data frame is returned which shows the errors.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_fu_allocation_data() %>% 
#'   form_C_mats()
form_C_mats <- function(.fu_allocation_table, 
                        # Class of output matrices
                        matrix_class = c("matrix", "Matrix"),
                        ledger_side = IEATools::iea_cols$ledger_side,
                        flow_aggregation_point = IEATools::iea_cols$flow_aggregation_point,
                        e_dot = IEATools::iea_cols$e_dot,
                        unit = IEATools::iea_cols$unit,
                        year = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
                        supply = IEATools::ledger_sides$supply,
                        consumption = IEATools::ledger_sides$consumption,
                        quantity = IEATools::template_cols$quantity,
                        machine = IEATools::template_cols$machine,
                        ef_product = IEATools::template_cols$ef_product,
                        eu_product = IEATools::template_cols$eu_product,
                        destination = IEATools::template_cols$destination,
                        e_dot_perc = IEATools::template_cols$e_dot_perc,
                        maximum_values = IEATools::template_cols$maximum_values,
                        matnames = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$matnames,
                        matvals  = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$matvals,
                        rownames = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$rownames,
                        colnames = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$colnames,
                        rowtypes = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$rowtypes,
                        coltypes = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$coltypes,
                        product = IEATools::row_col_types$product,
                        industry = IEATools::row_col_types$industry,
                        notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation,

                        tol = 1e-6,
                        # Names of output matrices
                        C_eiou = IEATools::template_cols$C_eiou,
                        C_Y = IEATools::template_cols$C_Y,
                        # Temporary column names
                        .should_be_1_vector = ".should_be_1_vector", 
                        .is_1 = ".is_1", 
                        .all_1 = ".all_1") {
  matrix_class <- match.arg(matrix_class)
  cleaned <- .fu_allocation_table %>% 
    # Eliminate rows titled e_dot or e_dot_perc. These are just helper rows for the analyst.
    dplyr::filter(! (.data[[quantity]] %in% c(e_dot, e_dot_perc)) ) %>% 
      # We will eventually put matrix names in the ledger_side column.
      "{matnames}" := dplyr::all_of(ledger_side)
    ) %>% 
      # Change the values in the matnames column to reflect which C matrix will be constructed.
      # C_Y is for moving final demand to the useful stage.
      # C_EIOU is for moving energy industry own use to the final stage.
      "{matnames}" := dplyr::case_when(
        # When we have ledger_side of EIOU, we want to make the C_EIOU matrix.
        .data[[matnames]] == supply ~ C_eiou,
        # When we have ledger_side of any of the tfc_flows, we want to make the C_Y matrix.
        .data[[matnames]] == consumption ~ C_Y,
        # Catch any logic errors here.
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
      # Eliminate the unit column (if it exists), as it has no meaning for allocation fractions.
      "{unit}" := NULL,
      # Eliminate the maximum_values column. It was only a helper for the analyst.
      "{maximum_values}" := NULL,
      # Eliminate the quantity column. Everything is a C at this point.
      "{quantity}" := NULL, 
      # Eliminate the flow aggregation point column. We don't need it.
      "{flow_aggregation_point}" := NULL
    ) %>% 
    # Get rid of rows where machine and eu_product are NA. No data have been provided in these locations..
    dplyr::filter(! (is.na(.data[[machine]]) & is.na(.data[[eu_product]])) )
  # Gather years into a tidy data frame.
  year_names <- year_cols(cleaned, return_names = TRUE)
  # It could be that the incoming .fu_allocation_table is already gathered (pivoted longer).
  # If so, don't need to pivot longer here.
  # Detect if it is already pivoted longer by whether or not a year column is present.
  # If not, need to gather.
  if (!(year %in% colnames(cleaned))) {
    cleaned <- cleaned %>% 
      # Gather to put years in a column
      # tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = year_names, names_to = year, values_to = matvals)  
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::all_of(year_names), names_to = year, values_to = matvals)  
  gathered <- cleaned %>% 
    # Eliminate rows where C is NA. They came from places where data are not available.
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data[[matvals]])) %>% 
    # Make sure the year column is numeric
      "{year}" := as.numeric(.data[[year]])
  # Prepare for collapsing to matrices by adding row and column names and types.
  prepped <- gathered %>% 
    # Create row and column names.
      # Row names come from Ef.product -> Destination for both C_Y and C_EIOU.
      "{rownames}" := RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = .data[[ef_product]], suff = .data[[destination]], notation = notation),
      # Column names come from Machine -> Eu.product for both C_Y and C_EIOU.
      "{colnames}" := RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = .data[[machine]], suff = .data[[eu_product]], notation = notation),
      # Row types are Product -> Industry
      # "{rowtypes}" := product,
      "{rowtypes}" := RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = product, suff = industry, notation = notation),
      # Column types are Industry -> Product
      # "{coltypes}" := industry,
      "{coltypes}" := RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = industry, suff = product, notation = notation),
      # Eliminate columns we no longer need
      "{ef_product}" := NULL,
      "{machine}" := NULL,
      "{eu_product}" := NULL,
      "{destination}" := NULL

  # Group and collapse to C_EIOU and C_Y matrices.
  # In particular, group by matnames so that we create one set of C matrices for EIOU flows and another for consumption flows.
  group_cols <- matsindf::everything_except(prepped, matvals, rownames, colnames, rowtypes, coltypes)
  out <- prepped %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(!!!group_cols) %>% 
    matsindf::collapse_to_matrices(matnames = matnames, matvals  = matvals, 
                                   rownames = rownames, colnames = colnames, 
                                   rowtypes = rowtypes, coltypes = coltypes, 
                                   matrix_class = matrix_class)
  # Check that all rows sum to 1, but only if we had some rows to begin with!
  if (nrow(.fu_allocation_table) > 0) {
    # Verify that all rows sum to 1. If not, there has been a problem somewhere.
    verify <- out %>% 
        "{.should_be_1_vector}" := matsbyname::rowsums_byname(.data[[matvals]]),
        "{.is_1}" := matsbyname::difference_byname(.data[[.should_be_1_vector]], 1) %>% 
          matsbyname::abs_byname() %>% 
          matsbyname::compare_byname("<=", tol),
        "{.all_1}" := .data[[.is_1]] %>% matsbyname::all_byname()
    if (!all(verify[[.all_1]] %>% as.logical())) {
      # Not all rows summed to 1. Emit a warning and return debugging information.
      warning("Not all rows in the C matrices sum to 1. Returning a diagnostic data frame from form_C_mats().")
      # Create a problems data frame that we will return instead of out.
      probs <- verify %>% 
          # Get rid of some columns
          "{matvals}" := NULL,
          "{.is_1}" := NULL,
          "{.all_1}" := NULL
        ) %>% 
        matsindf::expand_to_tidy(matvals = .should_be_1_vector) %>% 
        # Eliminate some unneeded columns
          "{colnames}" := NULL,
          "{rowtypes}" := NULL,
          "{coltypes}" := NULL
        ) %>%
          abs(.data[[.should_be_1_vector]] - 1) > 1e-6

  # If we passed the test, we can return the out data frame without the verification columns, 
  # after we pivot wider.
  out <- out %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matnames, values_from = matvals)
  # If the outgoing data frame has no rows, 
  # we will not have columns generated from matnames,
  # so generate them here.
  if (nrow(out) == 0) {
    out <- out |> 
        "{C_eiou}" := list(),
        "{C_Y}" := list()

#' Create `eta_fu` and `phi_u` vectors
#' This function creates vectors from a filled final-to-useful efficiency table
#' created by `write_fu_allocation_template()`.
#' The two vectors are:
#'   * `eta_fu`: a vector of final-to-useful energy efficiencies, and 
#'   * `phi_u`: a vector of useful exergy-to-useful energy ratios.
#' The vectors `eta_fu` and `phi_u` have special rownames that indicate 
#' sources and types of useful energy flows.
#' Row names in the `eta_fu` vector have the pattern 
#' "industry`r RCLabels::arrow_notation[["pref_end"]]`product" to indicate 
#' the energy efficiency of "industry" for making "product"
#' or the exergy-to-energy ratio of the useful energy form created by a final-to-useful machine.
#' Row names in the `phi_u` vector are named by energy product only.
#' Each energy product should have the same phi, regardless of machine that produced it.
#' So this function checks whether each combination of metadata
#' produces the same phi values. 
#' If any different phi values are found, 
#' an error is produced. 
#' Columns in the outgoing data frame are named by the variable in the vector: 
#' `eta_fu` for final-to-useful efficiencies and
#' `phi_u` for useful exergy-to-useful energy ratios.
#' @param .eta_fu_table a final-to-useful efficiency table read by `load_eta_fu_allocation_data()`.
#'                      A template for this table should have been created by `eta_fu_table()` and 
#'                      `write_eta_fu_table()`.
#' @param matrix_class The type of matrix to be created, one of "matrix" or "Matrix".
#'                     Default is "matrix".
#' @param unit,year See `IEATools::iea_cols`.
#' @param quantity,machine,eu_product,e_dot_machine,e_dot_machine_perc,maximum_values,eta_fu,phi_u,phi See `IEATools::template_cols`.
#' @param matnames,matvals,rownames,colnames,rowtypes,coltypes See `IEATools::mat_meta_cols`.
#' @param product,industry See `IEATools::row_col_types`.
#' @param arrow_note,from_note Notation vectors used for creating the eta_fu and phi vectors. 
#'                             See `matsbyname::notation_vec()`. 
#'                             Defaults are `RCLabels::arrow_notation` and ``RCLabels::from_notation`, respectively.
#' @param .id The name of an identification column used internally. Default is ".id".
#' @return a wide-by-matrices data frame with metadata columns (and year) 
#'         along with columns for `eta_fu` and `phi_u` vectors.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_eta_fu_data() %>% 
#'   form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs()
form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs <- function(.eta_fu_table, 
                                   matrix_class = c("matrix", "Matrix"),
                                   unit = IEATools::iea_cols$unit,
                                   year = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
                                   quantity = IEATools::template_cols$quantity,
                                   machine = IEATools::template_cols$machine,
                                   eu_product = IEATools::template_cols$eu_product,
                                   e_dot_machine = IEATools::template_cols$e_dot_machine,
                                   e_dot_machine_perc = IEATools::template_cols$e_dot_machine_perc,
                                   maximum_values = IEATools::template_cols$maximum_values,
                                   eta_fu = IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
                                   phi_u = IEATools::template_cols$phi_u,
                                   phi = IEATools::template_cols$phi,
                                   matnames = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$matnames,
                                   matvals  = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$matvals,
                                   rownames = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$rownames,
                                   colnames = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$colnames,
                                   rowtypes = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$rowtypes,
                                   coltypes = IEATools::mat_meta_cols$coltypes, 
                                   product = IEATools::row_col_types$product,
                                   industry = IEATools::row_col_types$industry,
                                   arrow_note = RCLabels::arrow_notation, 
                                   from_note = RCLabels::from_notation, 
                                   .id = ".id") {
  matrix_class <- match.arg(matrix_class)
  cleaned <- .eta_fu_table %>% 
    # Eliminate rows titled e_dot_machine or e_dot_machine_perc. These are just helper rows for the analyst.
    dplyr::filter(! (.data[[quantity]] %in% c(e_dot_machine, e_dot_machine_perc)) ) %>% 
      # Eliminate the unit column (if it exists), as it has no meaning for efficiencies and exergy-to-energy ratios.
      "{unit}" := NULL,
      # Eliminate the maximum_values column. It was only a helper for the analyst.
      "{maximum_values}" := NULL
    ) %>% 
      # The quantity column gives us the matrix names
      # "{matnames}" := quantity
      "{matnames}" := dplyr::all_of(quantity)
  # Gather years into a tidy data frame.
  year_names <- year_cols(cleaned, return_names = TRUE)
  # It could be that the incoming .eta_fu_table is already gathered (pivoted longer).
  # If so, don't need to pivot longer here.
  # Detect if it is already pivoted longer by whether or not a year column is present.
  # If not, need to gather.
  if (!(year %in% colnames(cleaned))) {
    cleaned <- cleaned %>% 
      # Gather to put years in a column
      # tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = year_names, names_to = year, values_to = matvals)  
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::all_of(year_names), names_to = year, values_to = matvals)  
  gathered <- cleaned %>% 
    # Eliminate rows where C is NA. They came from places where data are not available.
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data[[matvals]])) %>% 
    # Make sure the year column is numeric
      "{year}" := as.numeric(.data[[year]])
  prepped <- gathered %>% 
      # Create rownames from the machine and eu_product rows.
      "{rownames}" := dplyr::case_when(
        .data[[matnames]] == eta_fu ~ RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = .data[[machine]], suff = .data[[eu_product]], notation = arrow_note),
        .data[[matnames]] == phi_u ~ RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = .data[[eu_product]], suff = .data[[machine]], notation = from_note),
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
      # Eliminate machine and eu_product columns, because we no longer need them.
      "{machine}" := NULL,
      "{eu_product}" := NULL,
      # Create colnames according to the name of the matrix to be created
      "{colnames}" := .data[[matnames]],
      "{rowtypes}" := dplyr::case_when(
        .data[[matnames]] == eta_fu ~ RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = industry, suff = product, notation = arrow_note),
        .data[[matnames]] == phi_u ~ RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = product, suff = industry, notation = from_note), 
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
      "{coltypes}" := dplyr::case_when(
        .data[[matnames]] == eta_fu ~ eta_fu,
        .data[[matnames]] == phi_u ~ phi,
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
  # Check for inconsistencies in the phi values. 
  # For every combination of metadata (country, year, etc.),
  # we expect only one phi value per product, 
  # regardless of the machine that produced it. 
  # Do that check here.
  meta_cols <- prepped %>% 
    IEATools::meta_cols(return_names = TRUE, 
                        not_meta = c(matnames, rownames, colnames, rowtypes, coltypes))
  # Find the number of unique row of metadata, product, year, and phi values (matvals)
  unique_with_phi_vals <- prepped %>% 
    dplyr::filter(.data[[colnames]] == phi_u) %>% 
      "{product}" := .data[[rownames]] %>% 
        RCLabels::get_pref_suff(which = "pref", notation = from_note)
    ) %>% 
    # dplyr::select(meta_cols, product, year) %>% 
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(meta_cols, product, year))) %>% 
  # Find the number of unique row of metadata, product, and year
  unique_without_phi_vals <- prepped %>% 
    dplyr::filter(.data[[colnames]] == phi_u) %>% 
      "{product}" := .data[[rownames]] %>% 
        RCLabels::get_pref_suff(which = "pref", notation = from_note)
    ) %>% 
    # dplyr::select(meta_cols, product, year, -matvals) %>% 
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(meta_cols, product, year)), -dplyr::all_of(matvals)) %>% 
  # We should have the exact same number of rows in each data frame.
  # If not, there is a problem.
  nrow_diff <- nrow(unique_with_phi_vals) - nrow(unique_without_phi_vals)
  if (nrow_diff != 0) {
    # There are different phi values for some combinations of 
    # metadata plus year.
    # Craft an error message and throw an error.
    # Add an identifier row number to unique_without_phi_values
    with_id <- unique_without_phi_vals %>% 
    err_rows <- dplyr::left_join(unique_with_phi_vals, with_id,
                                 # join by everything but matvals
                                 by = names(unique_with_phi_vals)[-which(names(unique_with_phi_vals) == "matvals")]) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data[[.id]]) %>%
      dplyr:: filter(dplyr::n() > 1)
    err_msg <- paste("Found useful products with different phi values in form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs(). All phi values should be same for all combinations of metadata. Error(s) in:",
  # If we get here, everything is OK.
  # Set the grouping columns for later.
  group_cols <- matsindf::everything_except(prepped, matvals, rownames, colnames, rowtypes, coltypes)
  out <- prepped %>% 
      "{rownames}" := dplyr::case_when(
        # For the phi_u rows, we want to keep only the product in the name.
        .data[[matnames]] == phi_u ~ .data[[rownames]] %>%
          RCLabels::get_pref_suff(which = "pref", notation = from_note), 
        TRUE ~ .data[[rownames]], 
      "{colnames}" := dplyr::case_when(
        .data[[matnames]] == phi_u ~ phi, 
        TRUE ~ .data[[colnames]]
      "{rowtypes}" := dplyr::case_when(
        .data[[matnames]] == phi_u ~ product, 
        TRUE ~ .data[[rowtypes]]
    ) %>% 
    # Eliminate-duplicate phi.u rows
    unique() %>% 
    # Collapse to matrices (actually, column vectors) and return  
    dplyr::group_by(!!!group_cols) %>% 
    matsindf::collapse_to_matrices(matnames = matnames, matvals  = matvals, 
                                   rownames = rownames, colnames = colnames, 
                                   rowtypes = rowtypes, coltypes = coltypes, 
                                   matrix_class = matrix_class) %>% 
    # pivot wider to the sutmats format
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matnames, values_from = matvals)
  # If the outgoing data frame has no rows, 
  # we will not have columns generated from matnames,
  # so generate them here.
  if (nrow(out) == 0) {
    out <- out |> 
        "{eta_fu}" := list(),
        "{phi_u}" := list()

#' Move an ECC from final to useful as its last stage
#' This function uses a matrix method to move 
#' from final energy/exergy 
#' to useful energy/exergy as the last stage of an energy conversion chain.
#' `.sutdata` or individual matrices are always assumed to have final energy as its last stage.
#' Internally, this function uses `matsindf::matsindf_apply()` to perform its calculations.
#' If `.sutdata` is `NULL`, and `R`, `U_eiou`, `U_feed`, `U`, `r_eiou`, `V`, and `Y` are individual matrices,
#' the output is a named list of matrices containing new values for 
#' **U_eiou**, **U_feed**, **U**, **r_eiou**, **V**, and **Y** matrices, 
#' named with `.sep` plus `useful` appended to the variable names.
#' If `.sutdata` is a named list of matrices, 
#' output is a list of matrices with names appended to include `.sep` and `useful`, 
#' where appropriate. 
#' Note that output matrices are appended to the original list supplied to `.sutdata`.
#' If `.sutdata` is a data frame, arguments
#' `R`, `U_feed`, `U_eiou`, `U`, `r_eiou`, `V`, `Y`, `C_eiou`, `C_Y`, `eta_fu`, and `phi_u` 
#' should all be strings (as the default)
#' identifying which columns in `.sutdata` should be used for each matrix.
#' Output is a data frame with additional columns with names
#' appended with `paste0(.sep, useful)`.
#' If final and useful versions of matrices are 
#' desired to be stacked (`rbind`ed), 
#' call `stack_final_useful_df()` subsequent to calling
#' `extend_to_useful()`.
#' An energy balance check is performed on the useful matrices. 
#' If the energy balance check fails, a warning is emitted and 
#' additional diagnostic information will appear in the output: `.err` and `.e_bal_ok`.
#' If `.sutdata` is a data frame with no rows or a list of length `0`, 
#' `NULL` is returned.
#' @param .sutdata A wide-by-matrices data frame of PSUT matrices that represent an energy conversion chain.
#'                 Each row of `.sutdata` should contain the matrices that represent one energy conversion chain.
#'                 Matrices should be in columns identified by their names.
#'                 The last stage of these ECCs should be final (not useful).
#'                 `.sutdata` is likely the result of calling (in sequence)
#'                 `load_tidy_iea_df()`, `specify_all()`, and `prep_psut()`.
#'                 `.sutdata` should also include columns of matrices `C_Y`, `C_eiou`, and `eta_fu`,
#'                 probably created by functions `form_C_mats()` and `form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs()`.
#'                 `.sutdata` can also be a named list of matrices that forms a store of variables.
#'                 Default is `NULL` to enable use of single matrices, too.
#' @param tol The allowable error in energy balances for the outgoing matrices (last stage useful). 
#'            Default is `1e-3`.
#' @param last_stage See `IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage`. 
#' @param final,useful See `IEATools::last_stages`.
#' @param industry_type,product_type See `IEATools::row_col_types`
#' @param R,U_eiou,U_feed,U,r_eiou,V,Y See `IEATools::psut_cols`. 
#'        These should be strings (if `.sutdata` is a data frame or a list)
#'        or individual matrices (if `.sutdata` is `NULL`).
#' @param C_eiou,C_Y,eta_fu,phi_u See `IEATools::template_cols`. 
#'        These should be strings (if `.sutdata` is a data frame or a list)
#'        or individual matrices (if `.sutdata` is `NULL`).
#' @param interface_ind See `IEATools::interface_industries`. Interface industries are kept same from `Y_final` to `Y_useful`.
#' @param losses See `IEATools::tfc_compare_flows`. Losses are kept same from `Y_final` to `Y_useful`.
#' @param stat_diffs See `IEATools::tfc_compare_flows`. Statistical differences are kept same from `Y_final` to `Y_useful`.
#' @param arrow_note,from_note The row and column notation in the `eta_fu` vectors.
#'                             See `RCLabels::notation_vec()`. Defaults is `RCLabels::arrow_notation` and `RCLabels::from_notation`.
#' @param .add_to_U_f An internal matrix name for the a matrix to be added to the U_feed_f matrix 
#'                    to form the useful form of the U_feed matrix. Default is ".add_to_U_f".
#' @param .add_to_U_eiou An internal matrix name for the a matrix to be added to the U_eiou_f matrix 
#'                       to form the useful form of the U_eiou matrix. Default is ".add_to_U_eiou".
#' @param .add_to_V_f An internal matrix name for a matrix to add to the Y_f matrix. Default is ".add_to_V_f".
#' @param .add_to_dest An internal matrix name for a matrix that replaces a previous energy destination. Default is ".repl_dest".
#' @param details_fu An internal matrix name for a matrix that contains detailed information about the final-to-useful extension, namely, final energy product, destination sector, final-to-useful machine, and useful energy product.
#' @param .err An internal matrix name for calculating energy balance errors. Default is ".err".
#' @param .e_bal_ok An internal column name for assessing whether energy balance is within acceptable tolerances set by the `tol` argument. Default is ".e_bal_OK".
#' @param .sep A separator between matrix names and `final` or `useful` indicators. Default is "_".
#' @param U_eiou_name,U_feed_name,U_name,r_eiou_name,V_name,Y_name,Y_fu_details_name,U_eiou_fu_details_name See `IEATools::psut_cols`. 
#'        Distinct from `U_feed`,`U_eiou`, `U`, `r_eiou`, `V`, and `Y` (which can be matrices or strings), 
#'        these variables determine the names of these matrices on output.
#'        Default values are taken from `IEATools::psut_cols`. 
#'        Note that `.sep` and `useful` are appended to the strings in `U_eiou_name` ... `Y_name` 
#'        to form the output names. 
#' @return Output depends on input, roughly according to 
#'         conventions in `matsindf::apply()`. 
#'         If `.sutdata` is `NULL` and individual matrices are supplied in 
#'         `U_eiou`, `U_feed`, `U`, `r_eiou`, `V`, and `Y` arguments, 
#'         output is a named list of individual matrices with `.sep` and `useful` appended.
#'         If `.sutdata` is a named list of individual matrices, 
#'         the output is a list of matrices with `.sep` and `final` or `.sep` and `useful` appended
#'         to the names.
#'         If `.sutdata` is a data frame, output will be a data frame of matrices
#'         with column names with with `.sep` and `final` or `.sep` and `useful` appended
#'         to the names (when `gather = FALSE`).
#'         If `.sutdata` is a data frame, output will be a data frame of matrices
#'         with a `last.stage` column containing `final` or `useful` and 
#'         columns named for matrices (when `gather = TRUE`, the default).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' C_data <- load_fu_allocation_data() %>% 
#'   form_C_mats()
#' eta_fu_data <- load_eta_fu_data() %>% 
#'   form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs()
#' m_cols <- eta_fu_data %>% 
#'   IEATools::meta_cols(return_names = TRUE,
#'                       years_to_keep = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
#'                       not_meta = c(IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
#'                                    IEATools::template_cols$phi_u))
#' psut_mats <- load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
#'   specify_all() %>% 
#'   prep_psut()
#' extended_to_useful <- psut_mats |> 
#'   dplyr::full_join(C_data, by = m_cols) %>% 
#'   dplyr::full_join(eta_fu_data, by = m_cols) |> 
#'   extend_to_useful()
#' extended_to_useful %>% 
#'   head()
extend_to_useful <- function(.sutdata = NULL, 
                             tol = 0.1,
                             R = IEATools::psut_cols$R, 
                             U_feed = IEATools::psut_cols$U_feed,
                             U_eiou = IEATools::psut_cols$U_eiou,
                             U = IEATools::psut_cols$U,
                             r_eiou = IEATools::psut_cols$r_eiou,
                             V = IEATools::psut_cols$V, 
                             Y = IEATools::psut_cols$Y, 
                             C_eiou = IEATools::template_cols$C_eiou,
                             C_Y = IEATools::template_cols$C_Y, 
                             eta_fu = IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
                             phi_u = IEATools::template_cols$phi_u,
                             last_stage = IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
                             final = IEATools::last_stages$final,
                             useful = IEATools::last_stages$useful,
                             industry_type = IEATools::row_col_types$industry, 
                             product_type = IEATools::row_col_types$product,
                             interface_ind = IEATools::interface_industries,
                             losses = IEATools::tfc_compare_flows$losses,
                             stat_diffs = IEATools::tfc_compare_flows$statistical_differences,
                             arrow_note = RCLabels::arrow_notation,
                             from_note = RCLabels::from_notation,

                             .add_to_U_f = ".add_to_U_f",
                             .add_to_U_eiou = ".add_to_U_eiou",
                             .add_to_V_f = ".add_to_V_f",
                             .add_to_dest = ".repl_dest",
                             details_fu = "details_fu",
                             .err = ".err", 
                             .e_bal_ok = ".e_bal_ok",
                             .sep = "_", 

                             U_feed_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_feed,
                             U_eiou_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_eiou,
                             U_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U,
                             r_eiou_name = IEATools::psut_cols$r_eiou,
                             V_name = IEATools::psut_cols$V, 
                             Y_name = IEATools::psut_cols$Y, 
                             Y_fu_details_name = IEATools::psut_cols$Y_fu_details, 
                             U_eiou_fu_details_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_eiou_fu_details) {
  # New names
  U_feed_useful_name <- paste0(U_feed_name, .sep, useful)
  U_eiou_useful_name <- paste0(U_eiou_name, .sep, useful)
  U_useful_name <- paste0(U_name, .sep, useful)
  r_eiou_useful_name <- paste0(r_eiou_name, .sep, useful)
  V_useful_name <- paste0(V_name, .sep, useful)
  Y_useful_name <- paste0(Y_name, .sep, useful)
  extend_func <- function(eta_fu_vector = NULL, Y_mat = NULL, C_Y_mat = NULL, U_feed_mat = NULL, 
                          V_mat = NULL, C_eiou_mat = NULL, U_eiou_mat = NULL, R_mat = NULL) {
    # Check for the case when all of the incoming values are of length 0.
    # This can occur when the incoming data frame has no rows.
    # In that event, return a list with empty list()s and numeric()s
    # and the correct names.
    # Lists are required, because these will be bound (potentially) with other
    # lists of matrices in a data frame.
    if (length(eta_fu_vector) == 0 & length(Y_mat) == 0 & length(C_Y_mat) == 0 & length(U_feed_mat) == 0 &
        length(V_mat) == 0 & length(C_eiou_mat) == 0 & length(U_eiou_mat) == 0 & length(R_mat) == 0) {
      out <- list(list(), 
                  list()) %>% 

    # Industries to retain from Y_f to Y_u. 
    # These industries are not allocated to f-u machines, nor are they tracked for useful energy.
    Y_keep_inds <- c(interface_ind, losses, stat_diffs)
    # Calculate .eta_fu_hat, which is needed twice below.
    # Doing the calculation here makes it available for other downstream calculations.
    .eta_fu_hat_mat <- eta_fu_vector %>% 
      matsbyname::hatinv_byname(keep = "rownames") %>% 
      # Swap column names from notation (default is arrow notation) to "from" notation.
      # Internally, we use the "from" notation.
      matsbyname::switch_notation_byname(margin = 2, 
                                         from = list(arrow_note), 
                                         to = list(from_note), 
                                         flip = list(TRUE))
    # There are two destinations for final energy: final demand (the Y matrix) and EIOU (the U_EIOU matrix)
    # We take each of these in turn, adjusting the energy conversion chain to account for the fact that 
    # useful energy is now the last stage.
    res_Y <- extend_to_useful_helper(dest_mat = Y_mat, C_mat = C_Y_mat, eta_fu_vec = eta_fu_vector, 
                                     add_to_U = .add_to_U_f, add_to_V = .add_to_V_f, add_to_dest = .add_to_dest)
    U_feed_useful_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(U_feed_mat, res_Y[[.add_to_U_f]])
    # At this point, we have no EIOU, so just set U_useful equal to U_feed_useful.
    U_useful_mat <- U_feed_useful_mat
    # Set EIOU-related matrices to the 0 matrix, keeping the correct row and column names.
    U_eiou_useful_mat <- matsbyname::hadamardproduct_byname(U_useful_mat, 0)
    r_eiou_useful_mat <- U_eiou_useful_mat
    V_useful_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(V_mat, res_Y[[.add_to_V_f]])
    # We need to keep industries in Y that are interface industries 
    # (exports, stock changes, international marine and aviation bunkers, and 
    # imports, though there won't be any imports in the Y matrix, because imports are in the V matrix).
    # Also keep non-energy flows.
    # None of the interface industries nor the non-energy flows are in the allocation matrix (C), 
    # so we must retain them in the Y matrix.
    Y_keep_mat <- matsbyname::select_cols_byname(Y_mat, 
                                                 retain_pattern = RCLabels::make_or_pattern(Y_keep_inds, 
                                                                                            pattern_type = "leading"))
    Y_useful_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(Y_keep_mat, res_Y[[.add_to_dest]])
    # Get the detail Y_u matrix
    Y_fu_details_mat <- res_Y[[details_fu]]
    # Add a NULL U_EIOU_u_details matrix
    U_eiou_fu_details_mat <- NULL
    # Now check to see if we have any EIOU. 
    # If so, make further adjustments to the matrices.
    # If not, no big deal. 
    # We can live with the matrices calculated above.
    if (!is.null(C_eiou_mat)) {
      # We have some EIOU. Calculate modifications to matrices accounting for the EIOU portion of the ECC.
      res_eiou <- extend_to_useful_helper(dest_mat = U_eiou_mat, C_mat = C_eiou_mat, eta_fu_vec = eta_fu_vector, 
                                          add_to_U = .add_to_U_eiou, add_to_V = .add_to_V_f, add_to_dest = .add_to_dest)
      # Add the modifications to the U_feed, U_eiou, U, 
      U_feed_useful_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(U_feed_useful_mat, res_eiou[[.add_to_U_eiou]]) 
      U_eiou_useful_mat <- res_eiou[[.add_to_dest]]
      U_useful_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(U_feed_useful_mat, U_eiou_useful_mat)
      r_eiou_useful_mat <- matsbyname::quotient_byname(U_eiou_useful_mat, U_useful_mat) %>% 
        matsbyname::replaceNaN_byname(val = 0)
      V_useful_mat <- matsbyname::sum_byname(V_useful_mat, res_eiou[[.add_to_V_f]])
      U_eiou_fu_details_mat <- res_eiou[[details_fu]]
    # Check Product energy balances.
    # It would be nice to use Recca::verify_SUT_energy_balance() for this purpose.
    # However, IEATools is (by design) independent of Recca.
    # So we need to do our own energy balance here.
    # Fortunately, energy balance calculations for products are relatively simple.
    # The energy balance for products is given by row sums of (R + V)^T - U - Y, which should all equal 0
    # within acceptable error.
    .err_vec <- matsbyname::sum_byname(R_mat, V_useful_mat) %>%   # R + V
      matsbyname::transpose_byname() %>%                          # (R + V)^T
      matsbyname::difference_byname(U_useful_mat) %>%             # (R + V)^T - U
      matsbyname::difference_byname(Y_useful_mat) %>%             # (R + V)^T - (U + Y)
    .ebal_ok <- .err_vec %>%
      matsbyname::iszero_byname(tol = tol) %>% 
    # Return a named list, as required by matsindf_apply()
    out <- list(U_feed_useful_mat, 
                .ebal_ok) %>% 
    if (.ebal_ok) {
      # Remove the error and .e_bal_ok items
      out[[.err]] <- NULL
      out[[.e_bal_ok]] <- NULL
    } else {
      # Emit a warning if there is a problem and return the wrong thing.
      warning(paste0("Energy is not balanced to within ", tol, " in IEATools::extend_to_useful(). See columns ", 
                     .err, " and ", .e_bal_ok, " for problems."))
  out <- matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutdata, FUN = extend_func,
                                  eta_fu_vector = eta_fu, 
                                  Y_mat = Y, 
                                  C_Y_mat = C_Y, 
                                  U_feed_mat = U_feed, 
                                  V_mat = V, 
                                  C_eiou_mat = C_eiou, 
                                  U_eiou_mat = U_eiou, 
                                  R_mat = R)

#' A helper function for extending to the useful energy/exergy stage
#' The helper function is needed, because moving from final to useful energy 
#' occurs for both the final demand matrix (`Y`) and the energy industry own use matrix (`U_eiou`).
#' The calculations are identical, so we factor the calculations into this function.
#' @param .sutdata a data frame containing `dest_mat`, `C_mat`, and `eta_fu_vec` columns for calculations. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param dest_mat a `Y` or `U_eiou` matrix (Product x Industry) that is a destination for final energy in an energy conversion chain
#'                 or the string name of such matrices in `.sutadata`.
#' @param C_mat an allocation matrix (either `Y` or `U_eiou`, both Product x Industry),
#'              indicating the distribution of 
#'              final energy carriers (Products) to 
#'              final-to-useful energy conversion machines (Industries).
#'              `C_mat` should have been created by `form_C_mats()`.
#'              This argument could also be the string name of such matrices in `.sutdata`.
#' @param eta_fu_vec an efficiency column vector indicating the efficiency (column) 
#'                   of final-to-useful energy conversion machines (rows).
#'                   `eta_fu_vec` should have been created by `form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs()`.
#'                   This argument could also be the string name of such matrices in `.sutdata`.
#' @param product_type a string identifying product row or column types. Default is "`IEATools::row_col_types$product`".
#' @param industry_type a string identifying industry row or column types. Default is "`IEATools::row_col_types$industry`".
#' @param arr_note a row and column name notation vector that indicates a `source -> destination` relationship. 
#'                 `arr_note` is used for the `eta_fu` matrix, among others.
#'                 See `matsbyname::notation_vec()`.
#'                 Default is `RCLabels::arrow_notation`.
#' @param from_note a row and column name notation vector that indicates a `destination [from source]` relationship. 
#'                  `from_note` is used for the columns of some intermediate matrices.
#'                  See `matsbyname::notation_vec()`.
#'                  Default is `RCLabels::from_notation`.
#' @param add_to_U a string name for the matrix to be added to a use matrix. Default is "add_to_U".
#' @param add_to_V a string name for the matrix to be added to a make matrix. Default is "add_to_V".
#' @param add_to_dest a string name for the matrix to replace some entries previous destination matrix. Default is "repl_dest".
#' @param details_fu A string name for the matrix containing detailed information about the final-to-useful extension,
#'                    namely, final energy product, destination sector, final-to-useful machine, and useful energy product.
#' @return a named list containing four items: 
#'         `add_to_U_f` (a matrix to be added to a use (`U`) matrix),
#'         `add_to_V_f` (a matrix to be added to a make (`V`) matrix), 
#'         `add_to_dest_mat` (a matrix to replace the destination matrix, typically `Y_f` or `U_eiou`), and 
#'         `details_fu` (a matrix that retails all details for 
#'                       final energy product, 
#'                       destination sector, 
#'                       final-to-useful machine, and
#'                       useful energy product).
extend_to_useful_helper <- function(.sutdata = NULL, 
                                    # Input matrix names
                                    dest_mat, C_mat, eta_fu_vec, 
                                    # Input parameters
                                    product_type = IEATools::row_col_types$product, 
                                    industry_type = IEATools::row_col_types$industry,
                                    arr_note = RCLabels::arrow_notation, 
                                    from_note = RCLabels::from_notation, 
                                    # Output names
                                    add_to_U = "add_to_U", 
                                    add_to_V = "add_to_V", 
                                    add_to_dest = "add_to_dest", 
                                    details_fu = "details_fu") {
  helper_func <- function(dest_m, C_m, eta_fu_v) {
    #### Step 1 on the "Pushing Y to useful" tab in file "Matrix f->u example calcs.xlsx"
    dest_mat_vec <- matsbyname::vectorize_byname(dest_m, notation = arr_note)
    # Calculate dest_mat_vec_hat_C, the matrix product of dest_mat_vec_hat and C
    # This matrix is useful in several calculations below. We calculate it once here.
    dest_mat_vec_hat_C <- dest_mat_vec %>%
      # No longer cleaning here, because we may have 0 matrices for bunkers.
      # ---MKH 13 Aug 2021
      # matsbyname::clean_byname() %>%
      matsbyname::hatize_byname(keep = "rownames") %>%
    eta_fu_hat <- matsbyname::hatize_byname(eta_fu_v, keep = "rownames") %>% 
      # Swap column names from arrow notation to from notation
      matsbyname::switch_notation_byname(margin = 2, from = arr_note, to = from_note, flip = TRUE)
    #### Step 2 on the "Pushing Y to useful" tab in file "Matrix f->u example calcs.xlsx"
    # Calculate the matrix that should be added to the U_f matrix.
    add_to_U_f_mat <- dest_mat_vec_hat_C %>% 
      # aggregate_to_pref_suff_byname() is superseded.
      # matsbyname::aggregate_to_pref_suff_byname(keep = "pref", margin = 1, notation = arr_note) %>%
      matsbyname::aggregate_pieces_byname(piece = "pref", margin = 1, notation = arr_note) %>%
      matsbyname::clean_byname(margin = 1) %>% 
      # Set column type to industry to match other use matrices.

    #### Step 3 on the "Pushing Y to useful" tab in file "Matrix f->U example calcs.xlsx"
    # Calculate the matrix that should be added to the V_f matrix.
    add_to_V_f_mat <- dest_mat_vec_hat_C %>% 
      matsbyname::colsums_byname(rowname = NULL) %>%
      matsbyname::hatize_byname(keep = "colnames") %>%
      matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(eta_fu_hat) %>% 
      # Set row and column type to match other make matrices.
      matsbyname::setrowtype(industry_type) %>% 
    #### Step 4 on the "Pushing Y to useful" tab in file "Matrix f->U example calcs.xlsx"
    details_fu_mat <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(dest_mat_vec_hat_C, eta_fu_hat) |> 
      matsbyname::clean_byname() |> 
      # Set row and column types to match other destination matrices.
      matsbyname::setrowtype(RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = product_type, suff = industry_type, notation = arr_note)) |> 
      matsbyname::setcoltype(RCLabels::paste_pref_suff(pref = product_type, suff = industry_type, notation = from_note))
    # Calculate replacement for the destination matrix (Y_useful instead of Y_f or U_eiou_useful instead of U_eiou)
    add_to_dest_mat <- details_fu_mat |> 
      matsbyname::aggregate_pieces_byname(piece = "suff", margin = 1, notation = arr_note) |> 
      # We're meant to pick up the suffix as the rowtype here, but the rowtype is likely a 
      # single string, which will result in an empty string ("") 
      # for the rowtype after aggregating to the suffix.
      # So set the rowtype (and coltype) manually.
      matsbyname::setrowtype(industry_type) |> 
      matsbyname::setcoltype(product_type) |> 
      # Now transpose to get the desired output

    # Create the outgoing list and set names according to arguments.
    list(add_to_U_f_mat, add_to_V_f_mat, add_to_dest_mat, details_fu_mat) %>% 
      magrittr::set_names(c(add_to_U, add_to_V, add_to_dest, details_fu))
  matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutdata, FUN = helper_func, dest_m = dest_mat, C_m = C_mat, eta_fu_v = eta_fu_vec)

#' Clean and pivot useful data frame
#' After a call to `extend_to_useful()`,
#' the resulting data frame is not in a great shape.
#' This function gathers (via `tidyr::pivot_longer()`)
#' and stacks the useful data beneath the final data.
#' A `last_stage` column is added to discriminate between
#' final and useful versions of matrices.
#' @param .useful_df A data frame created by `extend_to_useful()`.
#' @param .sutdata The original input to `extend_to_useful()`.
#' @param last_stage See `IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage`. 
#' @param .sep A separator between matrix names and `final` or `useful` indicators. Default is "_".
#' @param C_eiou,C_Y,eta_fu,phi_u See `IEATools::template_cols`. 
#'        These should be strings (if `.sutdata` is a data frame or a list)
#'        or individual matrices (if `.sutdata` is `NULL`).
#' @param useful See `IEATools::last_stages`.
#' @param U_eiou_name,U_feed_name,U_name,r_eiou_name,V_name,Y_name See `IEATools::psut_cols`. 
#'        Distinct from `U_feed`,`U_eiou`, `U`, `r_eiou`, `V`, and `Y` (which can be matrices or strings), 
#'        these variables determine the names of these matrices on output.
#'        Default values are taken from `IEATools::psut_cols`. 
#'        Note that `.sep` and `useful` are appended to the strings in `U_eiou_name` ... `Y_name` 
#'        to form the output names. 
#' @return A nicer form of useful energy and exergy data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' C_data <- load_fu_allocation_data() %>% 
#'   form_C_mats()
#' eta_fu_data <- load_eta_fu_data() %>% 
#'   form_eta_fu_phi_u_vecs()
#' m_cols <- eta_fu_data %>% 
#'   IEATools::meta_cols(return_names = TRUE,
#'                       years_to_keep = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
#'                       not_meta = c(IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
#'                                    IEATools::template_cols$phi_u))
#' psut_mats <- load_tidy_iea_df() %>% 
#'   specify_all() %>% 
#'   prep_psut()
#' extended_to_useful <- psut_mats |> 
#'   dplyr::full_join(C_data, by = m_cols) %>% 
#'   dplyr::full_join(eta_fu_data, by = m_cols) |> 
#'   extend_to_useful()
#' stack_final_useful_df(extended_to_useful, psut_mats)
stack_final_useful_df <- function(.useful_df, 
                                  last_stage = IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
                                  useful = IEATools::last_stages$useful, 
                                  .sep = "_", 
                                  C_eiou = IEATools::template_cols$C_eiou,
                                  C_Y = IEATools::template_cols$C_Y, 
                                  eta_fu = IEATools::template_cols$eta_fu,
                                  phi_u = IEATools::template_cols$phi_u,
                                  U_feed_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_feed,
                                  U_eiou_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U_eiou,
                                  U_name = IEATools::psut_cols$U,
                                  r_eiou_name = IEATools::psut_cols$r_eiou,
                                  V_name = IEATools::psut_cols$V, 
                                  Y_name = IEATools::psut_cols$Y) {
  # Build a data frame with metadata columns and columns that end in sep+useful.
  # That data frame should be able to be added to the bottom of the incoming data frame.
  cols_to_keep <- .useful_df %>%
    matsindf::everything_except(U_feed_name, U_eiou_name, U_name,
                                r_eiou_name, V_name, Y_name, .symbols = FALSE)
  # We'll need to strip suffixes off column names.
  suff_to_remove <- paste0(.sep, useful)
  useful_df <- .useful_df %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(cols_to_keep)) %>%
    # Change the Last.stage column to Useful
      "{last_stage}" := useful
    ) %>%
    # Strip sep_useful from end of any column names.
    # Hint obtained from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45960269/removing-suffix-from-column-names-using-rename-all
    dplyr::rename_with(~ gsub(paste0(suff_to_remove, "$"), "", .x))
  # Bind the final and useful data frames together.
  out <- dplyr::bind_rows(.sutdata, useful_df) %>%
    # Trim away unneeded columns
      "{C_eiou}" := NULL,
      "{C_Y}" := NULL,
      "{eta_fu}" := NULL,
      "{phi_u}" := NULL
MatthewHeun/IEATools documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 3:29 p.m.