
Defines functions calc_agg_eta_pfus calc_eta_fu_Y_eiou calc_eta_pfd calc_eta_i

Documented in calc_agg_eta_pfus calc_eta_fu_Y_eiou calc_eta_i calc_eta_pfd

#' Calculate industry efficiencies
#' Calculates industry efficiencies for all energy conversion industries in the ECC.
#' Calculations are performed as shown in Equation 11 in
#' Heun, Owen, and Brockway. 2018.
#' A physical supply-use table framework for energy analysis on the energy conversion chain.
#' Applied Energy, vol 226, pp. 1134-1162.
#' The efficiency for a given industry is calculated iff the units for inputs and outputs for that industry are unit-homogeneous.
#' If units for inputs and outputs are heterogeneous for an industry, `NA` is the result.
#' Note that these efficiencies (`eta`) are different from
#' final demand sector and product efficiencies (`eta_s` and `eta_p`, respectively).
#' Both final demand sector and product efficiencies
#' (`eta_s` and `eta_p`) are based on embodied energy, whereas
#' industry efficiencies (`eta`) is based on direct inputs consumed and outputs produced
#' by the energy conversion industry.
#' To calculate energy conversion final demand sector and product efficiencies, use the
#' `calc_embodied_etas()` function.
#' @param .sutmats A data frame containing columns for **U**, **V**, and **S_units** matrices.
#' @param U A string for the name of a column of **U** matrices in `.sutmats`. Default is `Recca::psut_cols$U`.
#' @param V A string for the name of a column of **V** matrices in `.sutmats`. Default is `Recca::psut_cols$V`.
#' @param S_units A string for the name of a column of **S_units** matrices in `.sutmats`. Default is `Recca::psut_cols$S_units`.)
#' @param eta_i The name of the industry efficiency column in output. Default is `Recca::psut_cols$S_units`.
#' @return `.sutmats` with an additional column `eta_i`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tidyr)
#' UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#'   tidyr::spread(key = "matrix.name", value = "matrix") %>%
#'   calc_eta_i()
calc_eta_i <- function(.sutmats,
                       # Inputs
                       U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
                       V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
                       S_units = Recca::psut_cols$S_units,
                       # Outputs
                       eta_i = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_i){
  eta_func <- function(U_mat, V_mat, S_units_mat){
    f_vec <- matsbyname::colsums_byname(U_mat) %>% matsbyname::transpose_byname()
    g_vec <- matsbyname::rowsums_byname(V_mat)
    eta_vec <- matsbyname::quotient_byname(g_vec, f_vec)
    # Set the name of the efficiency column to the value of the eta_i argument.
    dimnames(eta_vec) <- list(dimnames(eta_vec)[[1]], eta_i)

    # Ensure that places where there are inhomogeneous units are replaced by NA.
    result_var <- "result"
    units_OK <- flows_unit_homogeneous(U = U_mat, V = V_mat, S_units = S_units_mat,
                                       flows_unit_homogeneous = result_var, keep_details = TRUE)[[result_var]]
    # Make sure that units_OK and eta have same rows by completing the rows (industries) relative to one another
    completed <- matsbyname::complete_and_sort(units_OK, eta_vec, margin = 1)
    # The complete_and_sort function converts the TRUE/FALSE values in units_OK to 1/0.
    # Convert back to TRUE and FALSE.
    units_OK <- completed$a == 1
    eta_vec <- completed$b
    # Now set eta to NA if the industry is unit-heterogeneous in the first column of the respective vectors.
    eta_vec[which(!units_OK[ , 1]), 1] <- NA_real_
    # Return the eta value(s) with the correct name
    list(eta_vec) %>% magrittr::set_names(eta_i)

  matsindf::matsindf_apply(.sutmats, FUN = eta_func, U_mat = U, V_mat = V, S_units_mat = S_units)

#' Calculate aggregate (total) efficiencies
#' Calculates aggregate (total) primary-to-final demand (gross and net) efficiencies
#' across the energy conversion chain.
#' `.aggregate_df` is probably formed by joining the results from
#' `primary_aggregates()` and `finaldemand_aggregates()`
#' or by calling `footprint_aggregates()`.
#' See examples.
#' @param .aggregate_df A data frame or list containing columns
#'                      `aggregate_primary_colname`,
#'                      `net_aggregate_demand_colname`,
#'                      `gross_aggregate_demand_colname`,
#'                      probably the result of calling `footprint_aggregates()`.
#' @param efficiency_name_suffix The suffix for efficiency names.
#'                               Default is `Recca::efficiency_cols$efficiency_name_suffix`.
#' @param aggregate_primary_colname The name of the column in `p_aggregates` that contains primary energy or exergy aggregates.
#'                                  Default is `Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_primary`.
#' @param gross_aggregate_demand_colname The name of the column in `finaldemand_aggregates`
#'                                       that contains gross final demand aggregates.
#'                                       Default is `Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_demand`.
#' @param net_aggregate_demand_colname The name of the column in `finaldemand_aggregates`
#'                                     that contains net final demand aggregates.
#'                                     Default is `Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_demand`.
#' @param energy_type The name of the energy type column. Default is `Recca::psut_cols$energy_type`.
#' @param last_stage The name of the last stage column. Default is `Recca::psut_cols$last_stage`.
#' @param eta_pfd_gross The name of the output column containing efficiencies
#'                      of converting primary energy into gross final demand energy.
#'                      Default is `Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_pfd_gross`.
#' @param eta_pfd_net The name of the output column containing efficiencies
#'                    of converting primary energy into net final demand energy.
#'                    Default is `Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_pfd_net`.
#' @param eta_pfd_gross_colname The name of the output column containing names of gross efficiency parameters.
#'                              Default is `paste0(eta_pfd_gross, efficiency_name_suffix)`.
#' @param eta_pfd_net_colname The name of the output column containing names of net efficiency parameters.
#'                            Default is `paste0(eta_pfd_net, efficiency_name_suffix)`.
#' @return A data frame of aggregate efficiencies.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wide <- primary_total_aggregates_sut <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
#'   tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matrix.name, values_from = matrix)
#' # Define primary industries
#' p_industries <- c("Resources - Crude", "Resources - NG")
#' primary_total_aggregates <- wide %>%
#'   Recca::primary_aggregates(p_industries = p_industries, by = "Total") %>%
#'   # Don't need the matrices
#'   dplyr::select(IEATools::iea_cols$country,
#'                 IEATools::iea_cols$year,
#'                 IEATools::iea_cols$energy_type,
#'                 IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
#'                 Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_primary)
#' # Define final demand sectors
#' fd_sectors <- c("Residential", "Transport", "Oil fields")
#' finaldemand_total_aggregates <- wide %>%
#'   Recca::finaldemand_aggregates(fd_sectors = fd_sectors, by = "Total") %>%
#'   # Don't need the matrices
#'   dplyr::select(IEATools::iea_cols$country,
#'                 IEATools::iea_cols$year,
#'                 IEATools::iea_cols$energy_type,
#'                 IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage,
#'                 Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_demand,
#'                 Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_demand)
#' dplyr::full_join(primary_total_aggregates,
#'                  finaldemand_total_aggregates,
#'                  by = c(IEATools::iea_cols$country,
#'                         IEATools::iea_cols$year,
#'                         IEATools::iea_cols$energy_type,
#'                         IEATools::iea_cols$last_stage)) %>%
#'   calc_eta_pfd()
calc_eta_pfd <- function(.aggregate_df = NULL,
                         efficiency_name_suffix = Recca::efficiency_cols$efficiency_name_suffix,
                         # Inputs
                         aggregate_primary_colname = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_primary,
                         gross_aggregate_demand_colname = Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_demand,
                         net_aggregate_demand_colname = Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_demand,
                         energy_type = Recca::psut_cols$energy_type,
                         last_stage = Recca::psut_cols$last_stage,
                         # Outputs
                         eta_pfd_gross = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_pfd_gross,
                         eta_pfd_net = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_pfd_net,
                         eta_pfd_gross_colname = paste0(eta_pfd_gross, efficiency_name_suffix),
                         eta_pfd_net_colname = paste0(eta_pfd_net, efficiency_name_suffix)) {

  eta_pfd_func <- function(primary_val, gross_fd_val, net_fd_val, energy_type_val, last_stage_val) {
    eta_pfd_gross_val <- gross_fd_val / primary_val
    eta_pfd_net_val <- net_fd_val / primary_val

    c(eta_pfd_gross_val, eta_pfd_net_val) %>%
      magrittr::set_names(c(eta_pfd_gross, eta_pfd_net))
  out <- matsindf::matsindf_apply(.aggregate_df,
                                  FUN = eta_pfd_func,
                                  primary_val = aggregate_primary_colname,
                                  gross_fd_val = gross_aggregate_demand_colname,
                                  net_fd_val = net_aggregate_demand_colname,
                                  energy_type_val = energy_type,
                                  last_stage_val = last_stage)
  if (is.data.frame(out)) {
    out <- out %>%
        "{eta_pfd_gross}" := as.numeric(unlist(.data[[eta_pfd_gross]])),
        "{eta_pfd_net}" := as.numeric(unlist(.data[[eta_pfd_net]]))

#' Calculate final-to-useful efficiencies for final demand and EIOU when last stage is final
#' Final-to-useful efficiencies for energy carriers and sectors
#' in final demand and energy industry own use
#' can be calculated from
#' allocations (`C_Y` and `C_eiou`),
#' machine efficiencies (`eta_i`), and
#' (for exergetic efficiencies) exergy-to-energy ratios (`phi`).
#' This function performs those calculations.
#' By default, the output contains matrices in the same
#' structure as **Y** and **U_EIOU** when last stage is final.
#' The matrix formula for calculating energy efficiencies
#' is **eta_fu_E** `=` **C** `*` **eta_i**,
#' where **C** is one of **C_Y** or **C_EIOU**.
#' The matrix formula for calculating exergy efficiencies
#' from allocations and machine energy efficiencies is
#' **eta_fu_X** `=` (**phi_u_hat_inv** `*` (**C** `*` **eta_fu_hat**)) `*` **phi_u**.
#' The **C_Y** matrix is assumed to have rows named
#' with prefixes of final energy carriers and
#' suffixes of the final demand sector
#' into which the final energy carrier flows.
#' The **C_EIOU** matrix is similar, except that
#' its rows are named with suffixes of the
#' energy industry sector into which the final energy carrier flows.
#' The columns of the **C_Y** and **C_EIOU** matrices
#' are named with prefixes of machine names and
#' suffixes of useful energy product made by the machine.
#' See examples.
#' The **eta_i** vector of machine efficiencies
#' has rows named with
#' prefixes same as **C_Y** and **C_EIOU** columns.
#' The name of the **eta_i** column is not used.
#' See examples.
#' The **phi** vector of exergy-to-energy ratios
#' has rows named with energy carriers
#' that correspond to the prefixes of
#' **C_Y** and **C_EIOU** rows and the suffixes of
#' **C_Y** and **C_EIOU** columns.
#' See examples.
#' This function uses [matsbyname::vec_from_store_byname()]
#' to construct the `eta_i` and `phi` vectors before multiplying, thereby
#' eliminating unnecessary growth of the output matrices.
#' @param .c_mats_eta_phi_vecs A data frame containing allocation matrices (`C_Y` and `C_eiou`),
#'                             vectors of machine efficiencies (`eta_i`), and
#'                             exergy-to-energy ratio vectors (`phi`).
#'                             Default is `NULL`, in which case individual matrices or vectors
#'                             can be passed to `C_Y`, `C_eiou`, `eta_i`, and `phi`.
#' @param C_Y The name of the column in `.c_mats_eta_phi_vecs` containing allocation
#'            matrices for final demand (the `Y` in `C_Y`).
#'            Or a single **C_Y** matrix.
#'            Or a list of **C_Y** matrices.
#'            Default is `Recca::alloc_cols$C_Y`.
#' @param C_eiou The name of the column in `.c_mats_eta_phi_vecs` containing allocation
#'               matrices for energy industry own use (the `eiou` in `C_eiou`).
#'               Or a single **C_EIOU** matrix.
#'               Or a list of **C_EIOU** matrices.
#'               Default is `Recca::alloc_cols$C_eiou`.
#' @param eta_i The name of the column in `.c_mats_eta_phi_vecs` containing machine efficiencies.
#'              Or a single **eta_i** vector.
#'              Or a list of **eta_i** vectors.
#'              Default is `Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_i`.
#' @param phi The name of the column in `.c_mats_eta_phi_vecs` containing exergy-to-energy ratios.
#'            Or a single **phi** vector.
#'            Default is `Recca::psut_cols$phi`.
#' @param matricize A boolean that tells whether to return matrices of the same
#'                  structure as **Y** and **U_EIOU** when last stage is final.
#'                  Default is `TRUE`.
#'                  `FALSE` returns a column vector with rows same as
#'                  **C_Y** and **C_EIOU**.
#' @param energy_type,energy,exergy See `Recca::energy_types`.
#' @param eta_fu The base name of the output columns.
#'               Default is `Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_fu`.
#' @param eta_fu_Y_e The name of the energy efficiency output column
#'                   for energy flowing into final demand (**Y**).
#'                   Default is `paste0(eta_fu, "_Y_", energy)`.
#' @param eta_fu_Y_x The name of the exergy efficiency output column
#'                   for energy flowing into final demand (**Y**).
#'                   Default is `paste0(eta_fu, "_Y_", exergy)`.
#' @param eta_fu_eiou_e The name of the energy efficiency output column
#'                      for energy flowing into the energy industry (**U_EIOU**).
#'                      Default is `paste0(eta_fu, "_EIOU_", energy)`.
#' @param eta_fu_eiou_x The name of the exergy efficiency output column
#'                      for energy flowing into the energy industry (**U_EIOU**).
#'                      Default is `paste0(eta_fu, "_EIOU_", energy)`.
#' @param notation The notation for the row and column labels of the matrices and vectors.
#'                 Default is `RCLabels::arrow_notation`.
#' @return A data frame or list containing final-to-useful efficiencies.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' C_Y <- matrix(c(0.7, 0.3, 0,   0,   0,
#'                 0,   0,   0.2, 0.5, 0.3), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 5,
#'               dimnames = list(c("Electricity -> Non-ferrous metals",
#'                                 "PSB -> Residential"),
#'                               c("Electric arc furnaces -> HTH.600.C",
#'                                 "Electric lights -> L",
#'                                 "Wood stoves -> LTH.20.C",
#'                                 "Wood stoves -> LTH.50.C",
#'                                 "Wood stoves -> MTH.100.C")))
#' C_Y
#' eta_i <- matrix(c(0.9, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3), nrow = 5, ncol = 1,
#'                   dimnames = list(c("Electric arc furnaces -> HTH.600.C",
#'                                     "Electric lights -> L",
#'                                     "Wood stoves -> LTH.20.C",
#'                                     "Wood stoves -> LTH.50.C",
#'                                     "Wood stoves -> MTH.100.C"),
#'                                   "eta_i"))
#' eta_i
#' phi <- matrix(c(1, 1.1, 1 - 298.15/(600+273.15), 0.95,
#'                 1 - (20 + 273.15)/298.15,
#'                 1 - 298.15/(50+273.15),
#'                 1 - 298.15/(100+273.15)),
#'               nrow = 7, ncol = 1,
#'               dimnames = list(c("Electricity", "PSB", "HTH.600.C", "L",
#'                                 "LTH.20.C", "LTH.50.C", "MTH.100.C"),
#'                               "phi"))
#' phi
#' res <- calc_eta_fu_Y_eiou(C_Y = C_Y, C_eiou = C_Y, eta_i = eta_i, phi = phi)
#' res$eta_fu_Y_E
#' res$eta_fu_EIOU_E # Same because C_Y and C_EIOU are same
#' res$eta_fu_Y_X
#' res$eta_fu_EIOU_X # Same because C_Y and C_EIOU are same
#' res2 <- calc_eta_fu_Y_eiou(C_Y = C_Y, C_eiou = C_Y, eta_i = eta_i, phi = phi,
#'                            matricize = FALSE)
#' res2$eta_fu_Y_E
#' res2$eta_fu_Y_X
calc_eta_fu_Y_eiou <- function(.c_mats_eta_phi_vecs = NULL,
                               C_Y = Recca::alloc_cols$C_Y,
                               C_eiou = Recca::alloc_cols$C_eiou,
                               eta_i = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_i,
                               phi = Recca::psut_cols$phi,
                               matricize = TRUE,
                               energy_type = Recca::energy_types$energy_type,
                               eta_fu = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_fu,
                               energy = Recca::energy_types$e,
                               exergy = Recca::energy_types$x,
                               eta_fu_Y_e = paste0(eta_fu, "_Y_", energy),
                               eta_fu_Y_x = paste0(eta_fu, "_Y_", exergy),
                               eta_fu_eiou_e = paste0(eta_fu, "_EIOU_", energy),
                               eta_fu_eiou_x = paste0(eta_fu, "_EIOU_", exergy),
                               notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation) {

  eta_func <- function(C_Y_mat, C_eiou_mat, eta_i_vec, phi_vec) {
    # At this point, all incoming matrices and vectors will be single matrices or vectors

    # Calculate some preliminary information, namely C_Y * eta_i_hat.
    # This is used for both energy and exergy calculations.

    # Trim eta_i_vec to include only those machines included in C_Y_mat or C_EIOU_mat
    eta_i_vec_trimmed_hat_Y_E <- matsbyname::trim_rows_cols(a = eta_i_vec, mat = matsbyname::transpose_byname(C_Y_mat),
                                                            margin = 1, notation = notation) |>
      matsbyname::hatize_byname(keep = "rownames")
    eta_i_vec_trimmed_hat_eiou_E <- matsbyname::trim_rows_cols(a = eta_i_vec, mat = matsbyname::transpose_byname(C_eiou_mat),
                                                               margin = 1, notation = notation) |>
      matsbyname::hatize_byname(keep = "rownames")

    # Post-multiply C_Y and C_EIOU by hatized eta vectors.
    CYetaihat <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(C_Y_mat, eta_i_vec_trimmed_hat_Y_E)
    CEIOUetaihat <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(C_eiou_mat, eta_i_vec_trimmed_hat_eiou_E)

    # eta_fu for final demand (Y) and energy (E)

    # Do the multiplication required to get eta_fu values
    eta_fu_Y_E_vec <- matsbyname::rowsums_byname(CYetaihat) |>
      matsbyname::setcolnames_byname(eta_fu_Y_e) |>
    eta_fu_eiou_E_vec <- matsbyname::rowsums_byname(CEIOUetaihat) |>
      matsbyname::setcolnames_byname(eta_fu_eiou_e) |>

    # eta_fu for final demand (Y) and energy (X)

    # Build phi_hat_inv for the denominator with only rows that match prefixes of rows of the
    # CYetaihat and CEIOUetaihat matrices.
    # And change the coltype to enable multiplication.
    phi_hat_inv_Y_denom <- matsbyname::vec_from_store_byname(a = CYetaihat, v = phi_vec, notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation, a_piece = "pref") |>
      matsbyname::hatinv_byname(keep = "rownames") |>
    phi_hat_inv_EIOU_denom <- matsbyname::vec_from_store_byname(a = CEIOUetaihat, v = phi_vec, notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation, a_piece = "pref") |>
      matsbyname::hatinv_byname(keep = "rownames") |>

    # Build phi vectors for the numerator by creating the vector from the suffixes of the columns of the
    # CYetaihat and CEIOUetaihat matrices.
    phi_Y_num <- matsbyname::vec_from_store_byname(a = CYetaihat, v = phi_vec, margin = 2, notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation, a_piece = "suff") |>
    phi_EIOU_num <- matsbyname::vec_from_store_byname(a = CEIOUetaihat, v = phi_vec, margin = 2, notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation, a_piece = "suff") |>

    # Now do the exergy calculations
    eta_fu_Y_X_vec <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(phi_hat_inv_Y_denom, CYetaihat) |>
      matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(phi_Y_num) |>
      matsbyname::setcolnames_byname(eta_fu_Y_x) |>
      matsbyname::setrowtype(matsbyname::rowtype(CYetaihat)) |> matsbyname::setcoltype(eta_fu_Y_x)
    eta_fu_EIOU_X_vec <- matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(phi_hat_inv_EIOU_denom, CEIOUetaihat) |>
      matsbyname::matrixproduct_byname(phi_EIOU_num) |>
      matsbyname::setcolnames_byname(eta_fu_eiou_x) |>
      matsbyname::setrowtype(matsbyname::rowtype(CEIOUetaihat)) |> matsbyname::setcoltype(eta_fu_eiou_x)

    # Build an output list
    out <- list(eta_fu_Y_E_vec, eta_fu_eiou_E_vec, eta_fu_Y_X_vec, eta_fu_EIOU_X_vec)
    if (matricize) {
      out <- lapply(out, matsbyname::matricize_byname, notation = notation)
    out |>
      magrittr::set_names(c(eta_fu_Y_e, eta_fu_eiou_e, eta_fu_Y_x, eta_fu_eiou_x))
  matsindf::matsindf_apply(.c_mats_eta_phi_vecs, FUN = eta_func, C_Y_mat = C_Y, C_eiou_mat = C_eiou,
                           eta_i_vec = eta_i, phi_vec = phi)

#' Calculate aggregations and efficiencies
#' Given a `matsindf`-style data frame
#' of energy conversion chains (ECCs),
#' this function calculates primary, final, useful, and services
#' (when available) aggregates and associated efficiencies.
#' Columns containing PSUT matrices are not returned in the output.
#' Final, useful, and services data are assumed to be
#' contained in the final demand matrix (**Y**) on various rows of `.psut_df`,
#' identified by the `last_stage` column in `.psut_df`.
#' This function will still work, even if primary energy
#' is different for each last stage.
#' Internally, primary aggregates are calculated
#' using `primary_aggregates()`,
#' final demand aggregates are calculated
#' using `finaldemand_aggregates()`.
#' The meaning of final demand aggregates for each row of `.psut_df`
#' is determined by the corresponding value in the `last_stage` column.
#' Note that when an ECC stage is not present,
#' its aggregation and efficiency columns will be removed from output.
#' If a services stage is present, its efficiencies will have mixed units
#' and might be meaningless.
#' Proceed with caution.
#' @param .psut_df A data frame of energy conversion chain data in PSUT format.
#' @param p_industries A string vector of primary industries.
#' @param fd_sectors A string vector of final demand sectors.
#' @param remove_psut_cols A boolean telling whether to delete columns containing
#'                         PSUT matrices.
#'                         Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param piece The piece of the labels used for matching.
#'              Default is "noun".
#' @param notation The notation used for row and column labels.
#'                 Default is `list(RCLabels::bracket_notation, RCLabels::arrow_notation)`.
#' @param pattern_type The pattern type to be used for row and column matching.
#'                     Default is "exact".
#' @param prepositions A list of prepositions for row and column labels.
#'                     Default is `RCLabels::prepositions_list`.
#' @param R,U,V,Y,r_eiou,U_eiou,U_feed,S_units,last_stage String names of matrix columns in `.psut_df`.
#'                                                        See `Recca::psut_cols`.
#' @param gross,net,gross_net See `Recca::efficiency_cols`.
#' @param primary,final,useful,services See `IEATools::all_stages`.
#' @param ex_p,ex_fd_gross,ex_fd_net,ex_fd Names of aggregate columns. See `Recca::aggregate_cols`.
#' @param ex_f,ex_u,ex_s See `IEATools::aggregate_cols`.
#' @param eta_pf,eta_fu,eta_us,eta_pu,eta_ps,eta_fs See `Recca::efficiency_cols`.
#' @return A data frame of metadata columns;
#'         primary, final, useful, and services aggregations;
#'         and efficiencies.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p_industries <- "Resources"
#' fd_sectors <- c("Residential", "Transport", "Oil fields")
#' UKEnergy2000mats |>
#'   tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = matrix.name, values_from = matrix) |>
#'   calc_agg_eta_pfus(p_industries = p_industries, fd_sectors = fd_sectors)
calc_agg_eta_pfus <- function(.psut_df,
                              remove_psut_cols = TRUE,
                              piece = "noun",
                              notation = list(RCLabels::bracket_notation,
                              pattern_type = "exact",
                              prepositions = RCLabels::prepositions_list,
                              # Names of original matrices in .psut_data
                              R = Recca::psut_cols$R,
                              U = Recca::psut_cols$U,
                              U_feed = Recca::psut_cols$U_feed,
                              U_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$U_eiou,
                              r_eiou = Recca::psut_cols$r_eiou,
                              V = Recca::psut_cols$V,
                              Y = Recca::psut_cols$Y,
                              S_units = Recca::psut_cols$S_units,
                              # Key names
                              gross = Recca::efficiency_cols$gross,
                              net = Recca::efficiency_cols$net,
                              gross_net = Recca::efficiency_cols$gross_net,
                              last_stage = Recca::psut_cols$last_stage,
                              primary = Recca::all_stages$primary,
                              final = Recca::all_stages$final,
                              useful = Recca::all_stages$useful,
                              services = Recca::all_stages$services,
                              ex_p = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_primary,
                              ex_f = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_final,
                              ex_u = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_useful,
                              ex_s = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_services,
                              ex_fd_gross = Recca::aggregate_cols$gross_aggregate_demand,
                              ex_fd_net = Recca::aggregate_cols$net_aggregate_demand,
                              ex_fd = Recca::aggregate_cols$aggregate_demand,
                              eta_pf = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_pf,
                              eta_fu = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_fu,
                              eta_us = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_us,
                              eta_pu = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_pu,
                              eta_ps = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_ps,
                              eta_fs = Recca::efficiency_cols$eta_fs) {

  # Calculate primary aggregates
  p_aggs <- .psut_df |>
    Recca::primary_aggregates(p_industries = p_industries,
                              piece = piece,
                              notation = notation,
                              pattern_type = pattern_type,
                              prepositions = prepositions)

  # Add final demand aggregates to the data frame
  pfd_aggs <- p_aggs |>
    Recca::finaldemand_aggregates(fd_sectors = fd_sectors,
                                  piece = piece,
                                  notation = notation,
                                  pattern_type = pattern_type,
                                  prepositions = prepositions) |>
      "{R}" := NULL,
      "{U}" := NULL,
      "{U_feed}" := NULL,
      "{U_eiou}" := NULL,
      "{r_eiou}" := NULL,
      "{V}" := NULL,
      "{Y}" := NULL,
      "{S_units}" := NULL

  # Create a data frame of gross and net versions of
  # primary and final demand energy.
  gross_net_p_fd <- pfd_aggs |>
    # Pivot to gross and net primary and final demand energy stages
      "{gross}" := dplyr::all_of(ex_fd_gross),
      "{net}" := dplyr::all_of(ex_fd_net)
    ) |>
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::any_of(c(gross, net)), names_to = gross_net, values_to = ex_fd)

  # Isolate only the final demand energy to work on final and useful stages.
  gross_net_fus <- gross_net_p_fd |>
      "{ex_p}" := NULL
    ) |>
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = dplyr::all_of(last_stage), values_from = dplyr::all_of(ex_fd)) |>
      "{ex_f}" := dplyr::any_of(final),
      "{ex_u}" := dplyr::any_of(useful),
      "{ex_s}" := dplyr::any_of(services)

  # Isolate only primary aggregatges.
  gross_net_p <- gross_net_p_fd |>
      "{ex_fd}" := NULL

  # Join primary and final/useful/services, calculate efficiencies, and return,
  # being careful to preserve all metadata columns.
  out <- dplyr::full_join(gross_net_p, gross_net_fus, by = names(gross_net_p) |> setdiff(c(ex_p, last_stage)))
  # Get the column names to do conditionals below.
  cnames <- names(out)

  # Calculate efficiencies,
  # being careful to only calculate those with meaning.
  if (all(c(ex_p, ex_f) %in% cnames)) {
    out <- out |>
        "{eta_pf}" := .data[[ex_f]] / .data[[ex_p]]
  if (all(c(ex_f, ex_u) %in% cnames)) {
    out <- out |>
        "{eta_fu}" := .data[[ex_u]] / .data[[ex_f]]
  if (all(c(ex_p, ex_u) %in% cnames)) {
    out <- out |>
        "{eta_pu}" := .data[[ex_u]] / .data[[ex_p]]
  if (all(c(ex_p, ex_s) %in% cnames)) {
    out <- out |>
        "{eta_ps}" := .data[[ex_s]] / .data[[ex_p]]
  if (all(c(ex_f, ex_s) %in% cnames)) {
    out <- out |>
        "{eta_fs}" := .data[[ex_s]] / .data[[ex_f]]
  if (all(c(ex_s, ex_u) %in% cnames)) {
    out <- out |>
        "{eta_us}" := .data[[ex_s]] / .data[[ex_u]]
  # Reorder columns,
  # using any_of() to avoid errors when columns don't exist.
  out |>
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of(c(ex_p, ex_f, ex_u, ex_s,
                                   eta_pf, eta_fu, eta_pu,
                                   eta_ps, eta_fs, eta_us)),
                  dplyr::any_of(c(ex_p, ex_f, ex_u, ex_s,
                                  eta_pf, eta_fu, eta_pu,
                                  eta_ps, eta_fs, eta_us)))
MatthewHeun/Recca documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 6:18 p.m.