
Defines functions divLeinster

Documented in divLeinster

### HEADER #####################################################################
##' @title Find cutoff to transform abundance values into binary values
##' @name divLeinster
##' @description This function calculates the diversity of each site of a site 
##' by species matrix according to the q parameter according to 
##' \href{http://www.jstor.org/stable/23143936}{Leinster & Cobbold 2012 Ecology}.
##' @param spxp a site (row) by species (cols) \code{matrix} with or without 
##' rownames and colnames
##' @param Z default \code{NULL}. \cr A species by species similarity 
##' \code{matrix}
##' @param q default \code{2}. \cr An \code{integer} corresponding to the 
##' importance attributed to relative abundances 
##' @param check (\emph{optional}) default \code{TRUE}. \cr If \code{TRUE}, the 
##' given arguments will be checked
##' @export
## END OF HEADER ###############################################################

#                                                                                           #
#     Alpha, beta, gamma decomposition with parametrization of the dominance (q) effect     #
#                                                                                           #    
#     Refs : Chalmandrier et al. Ecology                                                    #
#            Chao et al. 2010                                                               #  
#            Leinster & Cobbold 2012                                                        #
#                                                                                           #

# Functions
## divLeinster calculates the diversity of each site of a site by species matrix according to the q parameter according to Leinster & Cobbold 2012.

## abgDecompQ performs a alpha, beta, gamma multiplicative decomposition using Leinster's diversity indices. 

## BetaDisQ calculates the pairwise beta-diversity (minus 1) between sites of a site by species matrix according to the q parameter using the afformentionned functions
##Allows a parametrization of the dominance effect

## chaoObjects is a data preparation function. It returns adequate arguments for abgDecompQ, BetaDisQ and divLeinster to perform a diversity analysis using Chao's diversity index.
### Warning: this formula only works with an ultrametric tree!

# Arguments
## spxp : sites (row) by species (cols) matrix with or without rownames and colnames.
## weight : vectors of weights attributed to sites. Ex : according to species richness or total abundance.
## Z : similarity matrix used into all functions.
## check : arguments specifying if the arguments should be checked.

divLeinster <- function(spxp, Z = NULL, q = 2, check = TRUE)
  #Calcul the diversity of each site of sites by species matrix. 
  #spxp columns and Z rows and columns are assumed to be in the same order.
  if (is.null(Z)) Z <- diag(ncol(spxp))
  if (check){
    if (!inherits(spxp, "matrix")) {
      stop("object \"spxp\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
    if (!inherits(Z, "matrix")) {
      stop("object \"Z\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
    if (!all(c(ncol(Z), nrow(Z)) == ncol(spxp))){
      stop("object \"Z\" and object \"spxp\" does not have matching dimensions")}
  spxp <- sweep(spxp, 1, rowSums(spxp,na.rm=TRUE), "/")
  spxp[which(is.na(spxp))] = 0
  Zp <- Z %*% t(spxp)
  if (q != 1 & q != Inf){
    mat <- t(spxp) * (Zp)^(q-1)
    #    mat[is.na(mat)] <- 0
    mat[t(spxp)==0] <- 0
    D <- colSums(mat) ^ (1/(1-q))
  if (q==Inf)  {
    D <- 1/ apply(Zp, 2, max)
  if (q == 1){
    D <- apply(Zp^t(spxp), 2, function(x) 1/prod(x))


# abgDecompQ <- function(spxp, Z = NULL, q = 2, check = TRUE)
# {
#   #Calcul the diversity of each site of sites by species matrix. 
#   #spxp columns and Z rows/cols are assumed to be in the same order.
#   if (is.null(Z)) Z <- diag(ncol(spxp))
#   if (check){
#     if (!inherits(spxp, "matrix")) {
#       stop("object \"spxp\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
#     if (!inherits(Z, "matrix")) {
#       stop("object \"Z\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
#     if (!all(c(ncol(Z), nrow(Z)) == ncol(spxp))){
#       stop("object \"Z\" and object \"spxp\" does not have matching dimensions")}
#   }
#   site.weight <- rep(1/nrow(spxp), nrow(spxp))
#   spxp <- sweep(spxp, 1, rowSums(spxp,na.rm=TRUE), "/")
#   gamma.ab <- colSums(sweep(spxp, 1, site.weight, "*"))
#   Gamma <- divLeinster(t(as.matrix(gamma.ab)), Z=Z , q=q, check = FALSE)
#   Alphas <- divLeinster(spxp, Z=Z , q=q, check = FALSE) 
#   if (q != 1 & q != Inf) {
#     mAlpha <- (sum(site.weight * (Alphas ^ (1 - q))))^(1 / (1 - q))
#   }
#   if (q==1){
#     mAlpha <- exp(sum(site.weight * log(Alphas)))
#   }
#   if (q==Inf){
#     mAlpha <- min(Alphas)
#   }
#   Beta <- Gamma / mAlpha
#   names(Alphas) <- row.names(spxp)
#   res <- list(Gamma=Gamma, Beta=Beta, mAlpha=mAlpha, Alphas=Alphas)
#   return(res)
# }


# BetaDisQ <- function(spxp, Z = NULL, q = 2, check = TRUE)
# {
#   #Calcul the site pairwise diversity of a sites by species matrix. 
#   #spxp columns and Z rows/cols are assumed to be in the same order.
#   if (is.null(Z)) Z <- diag(ncol(spxp))
#   if (check){
#     if (!inherits(spxp, "matrix")) {
#       stop("object \"spxp\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
#     if (!inherits(Z, "matrix")) {
#       stop("object \"Z\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
#     if (!all(c(ncol(Z), nrow(Z)) == ncol(spxp))){
#       stop("object \"Z\" and object \"spxp\" does not have matching dimensions")}
#   }
#   N <- nrow(spxp)
#   dis <- matrix(NA, N, N)
#   for (i in 2:N) {
#     for (j in 1:(i-1)) {
#       spxp.dummy <- spxp[c(i,j), ]
#       res <- abgDecompQ(as.matrix(spxp.dummy), Z = Z, q = q, check = FALSE)
#       dis[i, j] <- dis[j, i] <- res$Beta
#     }
#   }
#   diag(dis) <- 1
#   dis <- dis - 1
#   row.names(dis) <- colnames(dis) <- row.names(spxp)
#   return(dis)
# }

## @importFrom phangorn Ancestors Descendants

# chaoObjects <- function(spxp, phy){
#   if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")){ 
#     stop("object \"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\"")}
#   if (!inherits(spxp, "matrix")) {
#     stop("object \"spxp\" is not of class \"matrix\"")}  
#   if (ncol(spxp) != length(phy$tip.label)){
#     stop("object \"phy\" and object \"spxp\" does not have the same number of species")}
#   Ancestors.sp <- lapply(1:length(phy$tip.label), function(x) c(Ancestors(phy, x, "all"), x))
#   Branches <- lapply(Ancestors.sp, function(x) which((phy$edge[,1] %in% x) & (phy$edge[,2] %in% x)))
#   Li <- unlist(lapply(Branches, function(x) sum(phy$edge.length[x]))) #Tip - root distances
#   ultra <- all.equal.numeric(var(unlist(Li)), 0, tolerance = 1e-7) #Is it ultrametric
#   if (!ultra) stop ("object \"phy\" must be an ultrametric tree")
#   freq.dummy <- unlist(lapply(1:length(Branches),function(i) rep(i,length(Branches[[i]]))))
#   desc <- lapply(unlist(Branches), function(x) Descendants(phy, phy$edge[x,2], type ="tips")[[1]])
#   tmp <- lapply(desc, function(desc_i){
#     x <- rep(0, length(freq.dummy))
#     x[freq.dummy %in% desc_i] <- 1
#     return(x)
#   })
#   Z <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
#   pi <- sweep(spxp[,freq.dummy], 2, phy$edge.length[unlist(Branches)], FUN = "*")/Li[1]
#   res <- list(pi = pi, Z = Z)      
#   return(res)
# }
MayaGueguen/RFate documentation built on Oct. 17, 2020, 8:06 a.m.