
Defines functions dailyHourlyBarplot

Documented in dailyHourlyBarplot

#' @title Create a Daily-Hourly plot for many monitors
#' @description
#' Create a time series barplot showing PM2.5 data for the given monitors. The
#' overall plot is faceted by monitor, and each facet has two sets of columns:
#' one for daily levels, and one for hourly levels.
#' @param ws_monitor \emph{ws_monitor} object.
#' @param monitorIDs Optional vector of monitor IDs used to filter the data.
#' @param tlim Optional vector with start and end times. Can either be a
#'   character/numeric vector in form of 'yyyymmdd', or a POSIXct object.
#'   Defaults to `NULL` (no subsetting).
#' @param columns Number of columns the faceted plot should have (default 1).
#' @param title The title of the plot. Defaults to specifying the types of
#'   data present in the plot.
#' @param xLabel The x-axis label of the plot. Defaults to years present in
#'   data.
#' @param yLabel The y-axis label of the plot. Defaults to PM2.5.
#' @param includeLink Option to include a link to an AQI help page at the bottom
#'   of the plot (default `TRUE`).
#' @param hourlyDataType The type of hourly data to include in the plot. The
#'   options include "nowcast" (hourly nowcast values), "raw" (raw hourly values),
#'   or "none" (no hourly data at all) (default "nowcast").
#' @param palette The ordered color palette used to represent each AQI
#'   category. Currently defaults to (and only accepts) "epa_aqi".
#' @param includeThirdCol Option to include a third column in the legend.
#'   Currently in testing (default `False`).
#' @return A **ggplot** plot of the given monitors and data.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SF_IDs <- c("060010011_01","060010013_01","060010012_01","060750005_01")
#' SF_daily <- loadDaily() %>% monitor_subset(monitorIDs = SF_IDs)
#' SF_latest <- loadLatest() %>% monitor_subset(monitorIDs = SF_IDs)
#' SF_full <- monitor_join(SF_daily, SF_latest)
#' today <- lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::now('America/Los_Angeles'), unit='day')
#' now <- lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::now('America/Los_Angeles'), unit='hour')
#' starttime <- today - lubridate::ddays(4)
#' SF_4day <- monitor_subset(SF_full, tlim=c(starttime, now))
#' # Create plot using pre subset data
#' dailyHourlyBarplot(SF_4day, SF_IDs)
#' # Create plot using data subset by function
#' dailyHourlyBarplot(SF_full, SF_IDs, tlim = c(starttime, now))

dailyHourlyBarplot <- function(ws_monitor,
                               monitorIDs = NULL,
                               tlim = NULL,
                               columns = 1,
                               title = NULL,
                               xLabel = NULL,
                               yLabel = NULL,
                               includeLink = TRUE,
                               hourlyDataType = "nowcast",
                               palette = "epa_aqi",
                               includeThirdCol = FALSE) {
  # Validate data -------------------------------------------------------------
  # TODO: make function work with tidy monitor data
  ##      Need to implement a `monitor_dailyStatistic()` function for tidy
  ##      monitor data
  if (!monitor_isMonitor(ws_monitor)) {
    stop("This function can currently only take in a `ws_monitor` object")
  validHourlyDataTypes <- c("nowcast", "raw", "none")
  if (!(hourlyDataType %in% validHourlyDataTypes)) {
        hourlyDataType, " is not a valid hourlyDataType. \n",
        "Please choose from: ", paste0(validHourlyDataTypes, collapse = ", ")
  # Set up data ---------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Get monitors
  monData <- ws_monitor %>%
    monitor_subset(monitorIDs = monitorIDs)
  ## Get time limits
  timezone <- monData$meta$timezone[1]
  if ( is.numeric(tlim) || is.character(tlim) ) {
    tlim <- lubridate::ymd(tlim, tz = timezone) %>%
      lubridate::with_tz(tzone = "UTC")
    tlim[2] <- tlim[2] - lubridate::hours(1)
  } else if ( lubridate::is.POSIXct(tlim) ) {
    tlim <- lubridate::with_tz(tlim, tzone = "UTC")
  } else if ( !is.null(tlim) ) {
      "Argument 'tlim' must be a numeric/charcter vector of the form yyyymmdd",
      "or of class POSIXct."))
  ## Transform data
  # Calculate daily data (or none)
  # TODO: Add ability to include only hourly values (no daily)
  includeDaily <- TRUE
  if (includeDaily) {
    dailyData <- monData %>%
      monitor_dailyStatistic() %>%
      monitor_subset(tlim = tlim) %>%
      monitor_toTidy() %>%
        aqiCategory = cut(
          include.lowest = TRUE,
          labels = AQI$names))
  } else {
    dailyData <- NULL
  # Calculate the appropriate hourly values (or none)
  if (hourlyDataType != "none") {
    if (hourlyDataType == "nowcast") {
      hourlyData <- monData %>%
        monitor_nowcast(includeShortTerm = TRUE) %>%
        monitor_subset(tlim = tlim) %>%
        monitor_toTidy() %>%
          aqiCategory = cut(
            include.lowest = TRUE,
            labels = AQI$names))
      # hourlyDataType == "raw"
    } else {
      hourlyData <- monData %>%
        monitor_subset(tlim = tlim) %>%
        monitor_toTidy() %>%
          aqiCategory = cut(
            include.lowest = TRUE,
            labels = AQI$names))
  } else {
    hourlyData <- NULL
  # Set up labels -------------------------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(title)) {
    if (includeDaily) {
      dailyPart <- "Daily (AQI)"
    } else {
      dailyPart <- NULL
    if (hourlyDataType == "nowcast") {
      hourlyPart <- "Hourly (NowCast)"
    } else if (hourlyDataType == "raw") {
      hourlyPart <- "Hourly (raw)"
    } else {
      hourlyPart <- NULL
    if (includeDaily && hourlyDataType != "none") {
      titlePart <- paste(dailyPart, hourlyPart, sep = " and ")
    } else {
      titlePart <- paste0(dailyPart, hourlyPart)
    title <- bquote(.(titlePart) ~ PM[2.5] ~ "Levels")
  if (is.null(xLabel)) {
    yearPart <- paste(
      collapse = ", ")
    xLabel <- paste0("Date, midnight to midnight (", yearPart, ")")
  if (is.null(yLabel)) {
    yLabel <- expression(paste("PM"[2.5] * " (", mu, "g/m"^3 * ")"))
  if (includeLink) {
    caption <-
      "Learn more about AQI at: airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=aqibasics.aqi"
  } else {
    caption <- NULL
  # Define scales -------------------------------------------------------------
  ## color scale
  aqiNames <- AQI$names
  aqiActions <- AQI$actions
  if (palette == "epa_aqi") {
    aqiColors <- AQI$colors
  } else {
    message("Color scale not recognized: ", palette,
            ". Defaulting to EPA AQI colors.")
    aqiColors <- AQI$colors
  ## time scale
  minDate <- lubridate::as_datetime(min(dailyData$datetime))
  maxDate <- lubridate::as_datetime(max(dailyData$datetime))
  timeSpan <- lubridate::as.interval(maxDate - minDate, minDate)
  numDays <- timeSpan %/% lubridate::days(1)
  if (numDays <= 14) {
    timeScale <- "day"
  } else if (numDays <= 30) {
    timeScale <- "2 days"
  } else if (numDays <= 150) {
    timeScale <- "week"
  } else {
    timeScale <- "month"
  ## datetime vector for date labels
  if (is.null(hourlyData)) {
    datetimeValues <- dailyData$datetime
  } else {
    datetimeValues <- hourlyData$datetime
  datetimeValues <- datetimeValues %>% lubridate::with_tz(tzone = timezone)
  datetimeLabelsMajor <- unique(
      unit = timeScale)
  ) + lubridate::dhours(12)
  datetimeLabelsMinor <- unique(
      unit = "day")
  # Plot data -----------------------------------------------------------------
  # TODO: create new ggplot stat object to handle daily data computation
  # TODO: add ability to create plot with either raw hourly data or nowcast
  dailyHourlyPlot <-
           aes_(x = ~ datetime, y = ~ pm25,
                fill = ~ aqiCategory)) +
    geom_col(data = hourlyData,
             aes_(color = ~ aqiCategory), # needed for legend
             width = 3600 * .45,
             size = 0) +
    geom_col(data = dailyData,
             aes_(x = ~ datetime + lubridate::dhours(12)),
             width = 86400,
             alpha = 0.3,
             color = "grey20",
             size = .1) +
    facet_wrap(~ siteName, ncol = columns) +
    # TODO: combine AQI text into single scale
    # TODO: make legend scale with plot size
      name = "Daily Air Quality Index (24hr AQI)",
      values = aqiColors,
      labels = aqiNames,
      drop = FALSE,
      guide = guide_legend(
        order = 1,
        reverse = TRUE,
        override.aes = list(alpha = 1, color = NA))) +
      name = "Hourly NowCast (actions to protect yourself)",
      values = aqiColors,
      labels = aqiActions,
      drop = FALSE,
      guide = guide_legend(
        order = 2,
        reverse = TRUE,
        override.aes = list(color = NA, fill = NA))) +
      breaks = datetimeLabelsMajor,
      minor_breaks = datetimeLabelsMinor,
      date_labels = "%b %d",
      expand = c(0, 0)) +
    # TODO: make labels a parameter
    # TODO: make labels scale with plot size
      title = title,
      x = xLabel,
      y = yLabel,
      caption = caption) +
    theme_mazamaBar(base_size = 12)
  if (includeThirdCol) {
    dailyHourlyPlot <- dailyHourlyPlot +
      geom_point(data = dailyData,
                 aes_(x = ~ datetime + lubridate::dhours(12),
                      shape = ~ aqiCategory),
                 alpha = 0) +
        values = c(6:11),
        name = "Standard Advice",
        labels = c(
          "Tempus vitae molestie Convallis curabitur vestibulum",
          "Justo rutrum A ut arcu felis eget litora libero",
          "ligula morbi vestibulum eu tellus vel consectetur",
          "congue. Ultricies et commodo amet accumsan nunc eget",
          "mattis tincidunt nonummy donec viverra sed nec iaculis",
          "consectetuer lectus dictum. Velit iaculis a"
        drop = FALSE,
        na.translate = FALSE) +
      theme(legend.text = element_text(size = rel(.5)))
MazamaScience/PWFSLSmokePlots documentation built on Feb. 10, 2020, 9:58 p.m.