Man pages for MiguelCos/fragNterminomics
Annotation and processing of peptides from FragPipe search results

annotate_ntermAnnotate peptides based on their N-terminal (bio)chemical...
annotate_peptidesAnnotate peptides based on their enzyme specificity and...
categorize_ntermCategorize and count N-terminal peptides based on Uniprot...
count_location_ntermGenerete counts of N-terminal TMT-labelling and acetylation...
fastaProtein sequences of identified proteins
feature_fdr_correctionApply multiple-testing p-value adjustment on specified...
get_cleave_areaPrepare sequences for motif analysis of cleavage areas
pept_abund_matPeptide abundance data frame
peptide2protein_normalizationNormalize peptide abundance by protein abundance
peptide_matrix_countConvert a character vector of peptides to a matrix of amino...
pept_identPeptides identified and associated modifications
prot_abund_matProtein abundance data frame
proteins_from_psmsProteins from unique PSMs
prot_identProteins identified and associated modifications
psmtsv_to_modified_peptidesProcess 'psm.tsv' file into modified peptides
purify_n_normalizePurify quant and normalize
sample_annotationSample annotation table
sample_proteinsPseudo-random sampling of protein IDs from a character vector
summarize_peptide_countsSummarize counts of peptide identifications
MiguelCos/fragNterminomics documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:31 a.m.