#' Runs a complete workflow for a given Model Object
#' @param modelFile NONMEM control stream file name (without extension)
#' @param modelExtension NONMEM control stream file extension. Defaults to '.mod'
#' @param addargs Additional PsN command line arguments (text string)
#' @param working.dir Working directory containing control stream and where
#' output files should be stored
#' @param cleanup Whether to clean up additional NONMEM files and folders
#' following estimation. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return NONMEM estimation output files
#' @examples
#' execute_PsN(modelFile='warfarin_PK_CONC_MKS', modelExtension='.ctl',
#' working.dir='./data')
runModel <- function(MOGobj, cleanup = T, diagnostics = T, VPC = F,
bootstrap = F, runno = NULL, outFormat = NULL,
templateModel = NULL, nsamp = 100, working.dir = NULL) {
working.dir <- ifelse(is.null(working.dir), getwd(), working.dir)
#' Initialise output list
output <- as.list(NULL)
#' Find the run number from the Tables statements sdtab etc.
if (!length(runno) > 0)
runno <- as.numeric(gsub("[a-z]", "", MOGobj$Table[1, "File"]))
#' Create the run directory
#' Copy the dataset into the run directory
#' Change working directory to the run directory
runpath <- file.path(getwd(), paste("Run", runno, sep = ""))
file.copy(MOGobj$Data[, "File"], file.path(runpath))
#' Using 'Run<nn>>' convention for temporary Run files
ctlFilename <- paste("Run", runno, sep = "")
fileNameRoot <- gsub("\\..*", "", ctlFilename)
#' Writing out the new control stream
writeControlText(templateModel = templateModel, parsedControl = MOGobj, modelFile = file.path(getwd(),
#' estimate the model using PsN
#' -------------------------
execute_PsN(modelFile = ctlFilename,
psnOpts = list(retries = 3, tweak_inits = TRUE))
# #' Use RNMImport to read the output files
outNM <- RNMImport::importNm(paste(ctlFilename, ".mod", sep = ""))
output$RNMImport <- outNM
#' Model diagnostics
#' -------------------------
#' Here Xpose reads the NONMEM output from the run and creates an Xpose database object.
#' If using png or PDF output then set up the filenaming convention
#' Will be Run<<nn>>GOF<<pageNN>>.png or .pdf
if (length(outFormat) > 0) {
if (outFormat == "png")
png(file = paste("Run", runno, "GOF", "%d.png", sep = ""))
if (outFormat == "pdf")
pdf(file = paste("Run", runno, "GOF", "%d.pdf", sep = ""))
#' VPC simulation-based diagnostics using PsN
#' -------------------------
#' `VPC_PsN` is a wrapper to PsN's VPC function and simply passes the appropriate argument through to PsN.
#' Additional arguments for VPC using PsN can be passed as part of the `addargs` string.
if (VPC) {
VPC_PsN(modelFile = ctlFilename, seed = 123, ..., addargs = paste("--lst_file=",
paste(fileNameRoot, ".lst", sep = ""), " --bin_by_count=0 --bin_array=0.125,0.375,0.75,1.25,1.75,2.5,4.5,7.5,10.5,18,30,42,60,84,108,125 --dir=VPCdir",
sep = ""))
cleanup(path = "VPCdir", remove.folders = T)
#' Plotting the VPC using the xpose.VPC function in xpose.
#' Call to xpose function xpose.VPC.
if (length(outFormat) > 0) {
if (outFormat == "png")
png(file = paste("Run", runno, "VPC", "%d.png", sep = ""))
if (outFormat == "pdf")
pdf(file = paste("Run", runno, "VPC", "%d.pdf", sep = ""))
xpose.VPC(vpc.info = "./VPCdir/vpc_results.csv", vpctab = "./VPCdir/vpctab")
#' Bootstrap of the original model using PsN
#' -------------------------
#' Similarly to `VPC_PsN` here we can use the bootstrap functionality in PsN directly.
if (bootstrap) {
bootstrap_PsN(modelFile = ctlFilename, seed = 123, addarg = "--dir=BSdir",
cleanup(path = "BSdir", remove.folders = T)
#' Summarise bootstrap output i.e. pick out relevant numbers from raw_results...csv file.
output$bootstrap <- bs.summary(fileName = "./BSdir/bootstrap_results.csv")
if (length(outFormat) > 0)
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