#' utility functions used within the package
win <- function() {
.Platform$OS.type == "windows"
# A version of Sys.which that might work better in Windows. From
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34030087/how-to-find-correct-executable-with-sys-which-on-windows
Sys.which2 <- function(cmd) {
stopifnot(length(cmd) == 1)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
pathname <- shell(sprintf("where %s 2> NUL", cmd), intern = TRUE)[1]
if (!is.na(pathname))
return(setNames(pathname, cmd))
## Convert key-value pairs to PsN argument list
list_to_PsNArgs <- function(x) {
x1 <- paste(x$name, x$value, sep = "=")
x2 <- gsub("=TRUE", "", x1)
x3 <- gsub("=FALSE","", x2)
x3[x$type == "is.logical" & x$value == "FALSE"] <-
paste("no-", x$name[x$type == "is.logical" & x$value == FALSE], sep = "")
x4 <- x3[!(x$type == "" & x$value == FALSE)]
x5 <- paste("-",x4,sep="")
paste0(x5, collapse = " ")
## Parse PsN command options list
parse_PsN_options <- function(x){
psnArgs <- stringr::str_trim(x)
firstArg <- grep("^\\[ -h", psnArgs) + 1
lastArg <- grep("^Options enclosed", psnArgs) - 2
psnArgs <- psnArgs[firstArg:lastArg]
optional <- regexpr ("^\\[", psnArgs)>0
mandatory <- regexpr("^--", psnArgs)>0
psnArgs <- gsub("\\[", "", psnArgs)
psnArgs <- gsub("\\]", "", psnArgs)
psnArgs <- gsub("--", "", psnArgs)
psnArgs <- gsub(" ", "", psnArgs)
## Check types
psnArgs <- gsub("\\'string\\'", "is.character", psnArgs) ## character
psnArgs <- gsub("\\'integer\\'", "is.wholenumber", psnArgs) ## wholenumber / integer
psnArgs <- gsub("\\'number\\'", "is.double", psnArgs) ## double precision
psnArgs <- gsub("!", "=is.logical", psnArgs) ## logical / boolean
argName <- gsub("=.*", "", psnArgs)
argType <- gsub(".*=", "", psnArgs)
knownTypes <- c("is.character","is.wholenumber","is.double","is.logical")
isKnown <- stringr::word(psnArgs,2,sep="=") %in% knownTypes
argType[!isKnown] <- "!is.null" ## If complex type then ensure non-missing.
## Need to refactor this though to check PsN Options where >1 type is possible.
names(argType) <- argName
argType[argType == argName] <- ""
psnArgs <- data.frame(name = argName,
type = argType,
optional = optional,
mandatory = mandatory,
## -- from metrumrg runCommand.R
execute <- function(command,minimized = FALSE, invisible = TRUE) {
args <- list(command = command)
if (win())
args <- c(args, list(minimized = minimized, invisible = invisible))
# cat(command, file=file.path(rdir,glue(run,'.cat')),sep='\n',append=TRUE)
result <- tryCatch(do.call(system, args), error = function(e) warning(e$message,
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE))
# if (is.integer(result)) result <- paste('Run',run,'has exit code',result)
# cat(result,file=file.path(rdir,glue(run,'.cat')),sep='\n',append=TRUE)
return(result) #visible
#' ---cleanup: function to remove NONMEM cruft.
#' Based on Andy Hooker's cleanup.R function https://github.com/andrewhooker/MBAOD/blob/master/R/cleanup.R
cleanup <- function(working.dir = NULL, pattern = NULL, remove.folders = F, ...) {
working.dir <- ifelse(is.null(working.dir), getwd(), working.dir)
print("- Cleaning up..")
# remove old files before new run
files <- c("xml", "_L", "_R", "INTER", "LINK", "nul", "nmprd4p.mod", "FCON",
".exe", "FDATA", "FMSG", "fort.6", "FREPORT", "FSIZES", "FSTREAM", "FSUBS",
"fsubs.f90", "fsubs.o", "FSUBS.MU.F90", "GFCOMPILE.BAT", "linkc", "nmfe72",
"set", "newline", "gfortran", "prsizes", "trash", "compile", "matlab", "garbage.out")
if (length(pattern) > 0)
files <- c(files, pattern)
foo <- sapply(files, function(x) unlink(file.path(working.dir, dir(pattern = x))))
unlink(file.path(working.dir, "temp_dir"), recursive = T)
# remove PsN folders
if (remove.folders) {
all <- list.files(all.files = F, full.names = T)
alldirs <- all[file.info(all)$isdir]
matchdirs <- alldirs
if (length(pattern) > 0)
matchdirs <- alldirs[grep(pattern, alldirs)]
unlink(matchdirs, recursive = T, force = T)
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) <
check.executable <- function(x){
tools::file_ext(x) %in% c("bat","exe","pl")
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