# parameters
start_event_date <- Sys.Date() - 1
# globals
mlr3model_path <- file.path('D:/mlfin/mlr3_models')
# set fmpcloudr api token
API_KEY = "15cd5d0adf4bc6805a724b4417bbaafc"
# import mlr3 benchmark results
model_file <- list.files('D:/mlfin/mlr3_models', full.names = TRUE)[1]
model_file <- 'C:/Users/Mislav/Documents/GitHub/alphar/mlmodels/bmr_results-20210702-084320.rds'
bmr_results <- readRDS(model_file)
autoplot(bmr_results) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
measures = list(
msr("classif.acc", id = "acc_train", predict_sets = 'train'),
msr("classif.acc", id = "acc_test", predict_sets = 'test')
best_models <- bmr_results$score(measures)[,best := acc_test == max(acc_test), by = learner_id]
best_models <- best_models[best == 1]
best_models <- best_models[learner_id != 'classif.featureless']
feature_names <- best_models$task[[1]]$feature_names
# import new announcements
get_earnings_announcement <- function(from, to) {
url <- ""
p <- GET(url, query = list(from = from, to = to, apikey = API_KEY))
result <- rbindlist(httr::content(p))
ea <- get_earnings_announcement(start_event_date, Sys.Date())
ea <- ea[!$epsEstimated)]
ea[, date := as.Date(date)]
ea[, event_date := as.Date(date)]
# get transcripts
get_earning_call_transcript <- function(symbol, year = 2020, api_key) {
url = paste0("", symbol)
req <- content(GET(url, query = list(year = year, apikey = api_key)))
result <- rbindlist(req)
# scrap data
transcripts <- lapply(unique(ea$symbol), function(tick) {
transcript_symbol <- lapply(2021, function(y) {
get_earning_call_transcript(tick, y, API_KEY)
transcript_symbol <- rbindlist(transcript_symbol)
transcripts <- rbindlist(transcripts)
transcripts[, datetime := as.POSIXct(date)]
transcripts[, date := as.Date(datetime)]
transcripts[, date_transcript := date] # we will need date which will be discard in merge
transcripts <- transcripts[!duplicated(transcripts[, .(symbol, date)])] # remove one duplicate
table(format.POSIXct(transcripts$datetime, "%H:%M:%S")) # frequenciese of transcript times; most are > 17:00
# price data
prices <- lapply(unique(ea$symbol), fmpc_price_history, startDate = Sys.Date() - 60)
prices <- rbindlist(prices)
prices[, returns := adjClose / data.table::shift(adjClose) - 1, by = symbol]
# create catch22 features
price_sybmols <- unique(prices$symbol)
catch22_vars<- list()
for (i in 1:length(price_sybmols)) {
s <- price_sybmols[i]
# data sample
sample_ <- copy(prices)
sample_ <- sample_[symbol == s]
# create catch 22 features
n <- 22
sample_[, `:=`(
CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff),
CO_f1ecac = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::CO_f1ecac),
CO_FirstMin_ac = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::CO_FirstMin_ac),
CO_HistogramAMI_even_2_5 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::CO_HistogramAMI_even_2_5),
CO_trev_1_num = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::CO_trev_1_num),
DN_HistogramMode_10 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::DN_HistogramMode_10),
DN_HistogramMode_5 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::DN_HistogramMode_5),
DN_OutlierInclude_n_001_mdrmd = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::DN_OutlierInclude_n_001_mdrmd),
DN_OutlierInclude_p_001_mdrmd = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::DN_OutlierInclude_p_001_mdrmd),
FC_LocalSimple_mean1_tauresrat = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::FC_LocalSimple_mean1_tauresrat),
FC_LocalSimple_mean3_stderr = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::FC_LocalSimple_mean3_stderr),
IN_AutoMutualInfoStats_40_gaussian_fmmi = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::IN_AutoMutualInfoStats_40_gaussian_fmmi),
MD_hrv_classic_pnn40 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::MD_hrv_classic_pnn40),
PD_PeriodicityWang_th0_01 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::PD_PeriodicityWang_th0_01),
SB_BinaryStats_diff_longstretch0 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SB_BinaryStats_diff_longstretch0),
SB_BinaryStats_mean_longstretch1 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SB_BinaryStats_mean_longstretch1),
SB_MotifThree_quantile_hh = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SB_MotifThree_quantile_hh),
SB_TransitionMatrix_3ac_sumdiagcov = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SB_TransitionMatrix_3ac_sumdiagcov),
SC_FluctAnal_2_dfa_50_1_2_logi_prop_r1 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SC_FluctAnal_2_dfa_50_1_2_logi_prop_r1),
SC_FluctAnal_2_rsrangefit_50_1_logi_prop_r1 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SC_FluctAnal_2_rsrangefit_50_1_logi_prop_r1),
SP_Summaries_welch_rect_area_5_1 = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SP_Summaries_welch_rect_area_5_1),
SP_Summaries_welch_rect_centroid = frollapply(adjClose, n, Rcatch22::SP_Summaries_welch_rect_centroid)
# save
cols <- c("symbol", "date",
colnames(sample_)[which(colnames(sample_) == "CO_f1ecac"):ncol(sample_)])
catch22_vars[[i]] <- sample_[, ..cols]
catch_22_features <- rbindlist(catch22_vars)
# get financial growth ratios
get_fundamental_data <- function(symbol, api_tag) {
url <- paste0("", api_tag, "/", symbol)
req <- GET(url, query = list(period = "quarter", limit = 1, apikey = API_KEY))
fdata <- rbindlist(content(req))
# get income statement reports
get_pl <- function(symbol) {
url <- paste0("", symbol)
req <- GET(url, query = list(period = "quarter", limit = 1, apikey = API_KEY))
fdata <- rbindlist(content(req))
# get fundamental data
pl <- lapply(unique(ea$symbol), get_pl)
pl_dt <- rbindlist(pl)
# key metrics
metrics <- lapply(unique(ea$symbol), function(x) get_fundamental_data(x, "key-metrics"))
metrics_dt <- rbindlist(metrics)
# financial growth
fg <- lapply(unique(ea$symbol), function(x) get_fundamental_data(x, "financial-growth"))
fg_dt <- rbindlist(fg)
# CREATE DATA SET ---------------------------------------------------------
# merge events and transcripts
DT <- transcripts[ea, on = c(symbol = "symbol", date = "date"), roll = "nearest"]
DT[, .(symbol, date, date_transcript)] # view merge. Transcript date >= date
DT[date_transcript < date, `:=`(content = NA, date_transcript = NA)] # transcript date can't be before earnings announcement date (?)
DT[, date_diff := date_transcript - date] # diff between earning report date and transcript call date
DT[date_diff > 10, `:=`(content = NA, date_transcript = NA)] # remove if transcript is delayed by more than 10 days
DT[! & duplicated(content), `:=`(content = NA, date_transcript = NA)] # duplicated transcripts to NA
DTT <- DT[!]
# features from prices
indicators <- copy(prices)
setorderv(indicators, c("symbol", "date"))
# catch22 features
indicators <- catch_22_features[indicators, on = c(symbol = "symbol", date = "date")]
# indicators
close_ath_percente <- function(close) {
cl_ath <- cummax(close)
cl_ath_dev <- (cl_ath - close) / cl_ath
indicators[, `:=`(
returns_week = frollsum(returns, 5, na.rm = TRUE),
returns_month = frollsum(returns, 22, na.rm = TRUE),
volume_week = frollmean(volume, 5, na.rm = TRUE),
volume_month = frollmean(volume, 22, na.rm = TRUE),
close_ath = close_ath_percente(adjClose),
# rsi_month = RSI(adjClose, 22),
# macd = MACD(adjClose, 22)[, "macd"],
# macdsignal = MACD(adjClose, 22)[, "signal"],
std_week = roll::roll_sd(returns, 5),
std_month = roll::roll_sd(returns, 22),
# skew_month = as.vector(RollingWindow::RollingSkew(returns, window = 22, na_method = 'ignore')),
kurt_month = as.vector(RollingWindow::RollingKurt(returns, window = 22, na_method = 'ignore'))
), by = symbol]
A <- indicators[DT, on = c(symbol = "symbol", date = "date"), roll = -Inf]
A[, .(symbol, date, datetime, date_transcript)]
# actual vs estimated
A[, `:=`(
eps_diff = (eps - epsEstimated) / adjClose,
rev_diff = (revenue - revenueEstimated) / adjClose
setorderv(A, c("symbol", "date"))
# fundamental data
reports <- copy(pl_dt)
reports[, `:=`(date = as.Date(date),
fillingDate = as.Date(fillingDate),
acceptedDateTime = as.POSIXct(acceptedDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
acceptedDate = as.Date(acceptedDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))]
fin_growth <- copy(fg_dt)
fin_growth[, date := as.Date(date)]
fin_ratios <- copy(metrics_dt)
fin_ratios[, date := as.Date(date)]
fundamentals <- merge(reports, fin_growth, by = c("symbol", "date"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
fundamentals <- merge(fundamentals, fin_ratios, by = c("symbol", "date"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
fundamentals <- fundamentals[date > as.Date("1998-01-01")]
fundamentals[, acceptedDateFundamentals := acceptedDate]
data.table::setnames(fundamentals, "date", "fundamental_date")
fundamentals[, .(ebitgrowth, acceptedDateFundamentals, fillingDate)]
# A <- fundamentals[, .(symbol, acceptedDate, ebitgrowth)][A[, .(symbol, date, volume_month)], on = c(symbol = "symbol", "acceptedDate" = "date")]
A <- fundamentals[A, on = c(symbol = "symbol", "acceptedDate" = "date")]
A <- A[!]
A[, .(symbol, event_date, acceptedDate, fillingDate, eps_diff)]
# stop if A is empty; there are no new cases that fulfill or requirements
if (nrow(A) == 0) {
email <- compose_email(
body = md(
Nema novih predikcija za PEAD strategiju na današnji dan.
Lijep pozdrav,
Mislav Šagovac"),
footer = md(paste0("Email sent on ", add_readable_time(), "."))
email %>%
to = c("", "", ""),
from = "",
subject = enc2utf8("ML predikcije za današnji dan"),
credentials = creds_file("blastula_creds")
stop("No Pead cases for today.")
# PREPARE DATA FOR ML AND PREDICT -----------------------------------------
# test data for prediciton
feature_names[!(feature_names %in% colnames(A))]
predict_data <- na.omit(A, cols = feature_names)
predict_data[, .(symbol, event_date, fundamental_date, fillingDate, acceptedDate)]
# add quasi true labels
trues <- vector("integer", nrow(predict_data))
for (i in seq_along(trues)) {
sample_ <- prices[symbol == predict_data[i, symbol] & date %between% c(predict_data[i, event_date] + 1, Sys.Date())]
sample_ <- na.omit(sample_[, returns := adjClose / data.table::shift(adjClose) - 1, by = symbol])
cum_returns <- Return.cumulative(sample_$returns)
trues[i] <- ifelse(cum_returns > 0, 1, -1)
predict_data[, best_models$task[[1]]$target_names := as.factor(trues)]
predict_data <- cbind(predict_data[, .(symbol, event_date, bin)], predict_data[, ..feature_names])
cols <- colnames(predict_data)[4:ncol(predict_data)]
predict_data[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = cols]
if (nrow(predict_data) == 1) {
predict_data <- rbind(predict_data, predict_data)
# make predictions
predictions <- lapply(best_models$learner, function(x) {
y <-$learner$predict_newdata(newdata = predict_data))
colnames(y) <- paste(colnames(y), x$id, sep = "_")
predictions <-, predictions)
colnames(predictions)[2] <- "truth"
predictions[, grep("row_ids|truth_", colnames(predictions)) := NULL]
predictions <- cbind(predict_data[, .(symbol, event_date)], predictions)
predictions <- unique(predictions)
setorder(predictions, "event_date")
colnames(predictions) <- gsub(".tuned", "", colnames(predictions))
# save predicitons
fwrite(predictions, file.path("D:/mlfin/predictions_ea", paste0("predictions-", as.character(Sys.Date()), ".csv")))
# nice table
# mltbl <- data.table::melt(predictions,
# id.vars = c("symbol", "event_date"),
# measure.vars = patterns("classif"),
# variable.factor = FALSE)
# mltbl[, model := gsub(".*\\.", "", variable)]
# mltbl[, prediction := ifelse(grep("response", variable), value, NA), by = model]
# mltbl <- mltbl[!grepl("response", variable)]
# mltbl[, variable := gsub("_class.*", "", variable)]
# mltbl <-, names_from = variable))
# cols <- colnames(mltbl)[5:7]
# mltbl[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) round(as.numeric(x), 2)), .SDcols = cols]
# kable(mltbl, align = "c") %>%
# kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
# create rmarkdown report
file_save <- paste0("D:/mlfin/predictions_ea/", "Pead-", Sys.Date(), ".html")
rmarkdown::render("R/Pead.Rmd", params = list(predictions = predictions), output_file = file_save)
# send Rmarkdown report by e-mail
email <- compose_email(
body = md(
U privitku se nalaze ML predikcije za današnji dan.
Lijep pozdrav,
Mislav Šagovac"),
footer = md(paste0("Email sent on ", add_readable_time(), "."))
) %>%
file = file.path(file_save)
# creds(user = "", provider = NULL, host = "", port = 587, use_ssl = TRUE)
email %>%
# to = "",
to = c("", "", ""),
from = "",
subject = enc2utf8("ML predikcije za današnji dan"),
credentials = creds_file("blastula_creds")
# compare with true
# holdout_set <- data.frame(truth = as.factor(predictions$truth),
# res = predictions$response_classif.ranger.tuned)
# holdout_set <- holdout_set[holdout_set$res != 0, ]
# holdout_set$truth <- droplevels(holdout_set$truth)
# holdout_set$res <- droplevels(holdout_set$res)
# mlr3measures::confusion_matrix(holdout_set$truth, holdout_set$res, "1")
# cols <- c(1:3, 8:11)
# predictions[truth == 1, ..cols]
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