# library(forecast)
# library(mlr3verse)
# library(mlr3cluster)
# library(DescTools)
# library(future.apply)
# library(httr)
# library(roll)
# library(PerformanceAnalytics)
# library(patchwork)
# library(gausscov)
# library(runner)
# library(rollRegres)
# SET UP ------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if we have all necessary env variables
assert_choice("AWS-ACCESS-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("AWS-SECRET-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("AWS-REGION", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("BLOB-ENDPOINT", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("BLOB-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("APIKEY-FMPCLOUD", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("FRED-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
# set credentials
config <- tiledb_config()
config["vfs.s3.aws_access_key_id"] <- Sys.getenv("AWS-ACCESS-KEY")
config["vfs.s3.aws_secret_access_key"] <- Sys.getenv("AWS-SECRET-KEY")
config["vfs.s3.region"] <- Sys.getenv("AWS-REGION")
context_with_config <- tiledb_ctx(config)
# set calendar
# date segments
DOTCOM <- c("2000-01-01", "2002-01-01")
GFC <- c("2007-01-01", "2010-01-01")
AFTERGFCBULL <- c("2010-01-01", "2015-01-01")
COVID <- c("2020-01-01", "2021-06-01")
AFTER_COVID <- c("2021-06-01", "2022-01-01")
NEW <- c("2022-01-01", "2022-03-15")
# DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------
# import market data and fundamentals
factors = Factors$new()
factors_l = factors$get_factors(first_date = as.Date("2010-01-01"))
price_factors <- factors_l$prices_factos
fundamental_factors <- factors_l$fundamental_factors
macro <- factors_l$macro
# free resources
# filter dates and symbols
price_factors_dt <- unique(price_factors, by = c("symbol", "date"))
# change date to data.table date
price_factors_dt[, date := data.table::as.IDate(date)]
# keep only NYSE trading days
trading_days <- getBusinessDays(price_factors_dt[, min(date)],
price_factors_dt[, max(date)])
setkey(price_factors_dt, date)
price_factors_dt <- price_factors_dt[.(as.IDate(trading_days))]
setkey(price_factors_dt, NULL)
# order data
setorder(price_factors_dt, "symbol", "date")
# remove symbols with less than 2 years of data
prices_n <- price_factors_dt[, .N, by = symbol]
prices_n <- prices_n[which(prices_n$N > 252*2)] # remove prices with only 700 or less observations
price_factors_dt <- price_factors_dt[symbol %in% prices_n$symbol]
# remove missing values
price_factors_dt <- na.omit(price_factors_dt,
cols = c("symbol", "date", "open", "high", "low",
"close", "volume", "returns"))
# remove zero and negative prices
price_factors_dt <- price_factors_dt[open > 0 & high > 0 & low > 0 & close > 0]
# add help columns
price_factors_dt[, `:=`(year = year(date), month = month(date))] # help columns
# save SPY for later and keep only events symbols
spy <- price_factors_dt[symbol == "SPY"]
setorder(spy, date)
# COARSE UNIVERSE SELECTION ------------------------------------------------------
# keep most liquid
n_most_liquid <- 500
price_factors_dt[, volume_sum := sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(symbol, year, month)]
most_liquid <- unique(price_factors_dt[, .(symbol, year, month, volume_sum)])
most_liquid <- most_liquid[, .SD[volume_sum %in% tail(sort(unique(volume_sum)), n_most_liquid)], by = .(year, month)]
prices_most_liquid <- most_liquid[, `:=`(index = 1, volume_sum = NULL)][price_factors_dt, on = .(year = year, month = month, symbol = symbol)]
prices_most_liquid <- prices_most_liquid[index == 1]
prices_most_liquid[, index := NULL]
setorderv(prices_most_liquid, c("year", "month", "symbol"))
# rolling vol
prices_most_liquid[, vol_monthly := roll::roll_sd(returns, length(returns), min_obs = 1L), by = symbol]
prices_most_liquid[, vol_monthly := data.table::last(vol_monthly, 1L), by = .(symbol, year, month)]
# keep least volatility
n_least_volatile <- 250
least_volatile <- unique(prices_most_liquid[, .(symbol, year, month, vol_monthly)])
least_volatile <- least_volatile[, .SD[vol_monthly %in% head(sort(unique(vol_monthly)), n_least_volatile)], by = .(year, month)]
prices_most_liquid_least_vol <- least_volatile[, `:=`(index = 1, vol_monthly = NULL)][
prices_most_liquid, on = .(year = year, month = month, symbol = symbol)
prices_most_liquid_least_vol <- prices_most_liquid_least_vol[index == 1]
prices_most_liquid_least_vol[, index := NULL]
setorderv(prices_most_liquid_least_vol, c("year", "month", "symbol"))
# FINE FUNDAMENTAL FILTERING -------------------------------------------------------------
# choose fundamnetal features
features_fund <- fundamental_factors[, .(symbol, date, fillingDate, fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare,
fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare, payoutRatio,
returnOnCapitalEmployed, freeCashFlowYield)]
features_fund[, filling_date := fillingDate]
setnames(features_fund, "date", "date_fund")
features_fund <- features_fund[, payoutratio_5y_mean := frollmean(payoutRatio, n = 4 * 5, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
features_fund <- features_fund[, returnOnCapitalEmployed_5y_mean := frollmean(returnOnCapitalEmployed, n = 4 * 5, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
features_fund <- features_fund[, freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean := frollmean(freeCashFlowYield, n = 4 * 5, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
# features <- features[, earningsYield_10Y_mean := frollmean(earningsYield, n = 4 * 10, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
features_fund[, `:=`(payoutRatio.x = NULL, returnOnCapitalEmployed = NULL, freeCashFlowYield = NULL)]
features_fund[symbol == "MSFT" & date_fund == as.Date("2021-12-31")]
features_fund[date_fund == as.Date("2021-09-30")]
# create dataset
DT <- features_fund[prices_most_liquid_least_vol, on = .(symbol = symbol, fillingDate = date), roll = +Inf]
DT[fillingDate == as.Date("2021-09-30")]
DT <- na.omit(DT, cols = c("fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare", "fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare", "freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean"))
DT[fillingDate == as.Date("2021-09-30")]
# 1) remove stocks with fundamnetals below thresholds
DT_sample <- DT[fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare >= 0.05]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare >= 0.02]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[payoutratio_5y_mean <= 0.7]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[returnOnCapitalEmployed_5y_mean >= 0.025]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean >= 0.01]
# 2) cluster analysis
data_ <- DT[fillingDate == as.Date("2021-12-31"), .(symbol, fillingDate, fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare,
fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare, freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean)]
cols <- colnames(data_)[3:ncol(data_)]
summary(data_[, ..cols])
data_[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {Winsorize(as.numeric(x), probs = c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)}), .SDcols = cols]
summary(data_[, ..cols])
data_task <- TaskClust$new(id = "fundamentals", backend = data_[, 3:ncol(data_)])
design = benchmark_grid(
tasks = data_task,
learners = list(
lrn("clust.kmeans", centers = 3L),
lrn("clust.pam", k = 3L),
lrn("clust.cmeans", centers = 3L),
# lrn("clust.SimpleKMeans"),
lrn("clust.agnes", k = 3L)),
resamplings = rsmp("insample"))
# execute benchmark
bmr = benchmark(design)
# define measure
measures = list(msr("clust.wss"), msr("clust.silhouette"))
# predictions
task = TaskClust$new(id = "fundamentals_pred", backend = data_[, 3:ncol(data_)])
learner = lrn("clust.pam", k = 3L)
preds = learner$predict(task = task)
autoplot(preds, task, type = "pca")
autoplot(preds, task, type = "pca", frame = TRUE, frame.type = "norm")
# extract class assigments
nrow(data_) == length(preds$partition)
data_$symbol[which(preds$partition == 1)]
data_$symbol[which(preds$partition == 2)]
data_$symbol[which(preds$partition == 3)]
# QC BACKTEST -------------------------------------------------------------
# inspect
DT_sample[year == 2023 & month == 5, unique(symbol)]
# shift dates to lead month
qc_data <- DT_sample[, .(fillingDate, symbol)]
qc_data[, month_lead := ceiling_date(fillingDate, unit = "month")]
qc_data[, month_last := ceiling_date(month_lead, unit = "month") - 1]
qc_data <- qc_data[ , .(symbol = symbol, month = seq(month_lead, month_last, by = "day")), by = 1:nrow(qc_data)]
qc_data <- qc_data[, .(month, symbol)]
setnames(qc_data, "month", "date")
qc_data <- unique(qc_data)
# save universe on blob azure
qc_data[, date := format.Date(date, format = "%Y%m%d")]
qc_data_save <- qc_data[, .(symbol = paste0(unlist(symbol), collapse = ",")), by = date]
endpoint = storage_endpoint(Sys.getenv("BLOB-ENDPOINT-SNP"), Sys.getenv("BLOB-KEY-SNP"))
storage_write_csv(qc_data_save, storage_container(endpoint, "qc-backtest"), "universe.csv", col_names = FALSE)
# SPX symbols
utils_data <- UtilsData$new()
sp500_symobls_by_date <- utils_data$sp500_history()
# get profiles for all symbols
# url <- ""
# profiles_l <- lapply(unique(usa_symbols$symbol), function(x) {
# content(GET(paste0(url, x), query = list(apikey = Sys.getenv("APIKEY-FMPCLOUD"))))
# })
# profiles <- rbindlist(profiles_l)
# filter_symbols <- profiles[usa_symbols, on = c(symbol = symbol)]
# filter_symbols # non etf
# keep usa, non-etf
prices_usa <- prices[symbol %in% usa_symbols$symbol]
prices_usa[, `:=`(year = year(date), month = month(date))] # help columns
# SPY data
spy <- prices[symbol == "SPY", .(date, close, returns)]
bonds_hy_symbols <- usa_symbols[grep("bond", name, = TRUE)]
bonds_hy <- prices[symbol %in% bonds_hy_symbols$symbol]
bonds_hy[date < as.Date("2002-01-01"), unique(symbol)]
# keep SP500 symbols
# prices_usa <- merge(prices_usa, sp500_symbols[, index := 1], by = c("symbol", "date"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# prices_usa <- prices_usa[index == 1]
get_market_capitalization <- function(ticker, limit = 6000) {
url = paste0("", ticker)
p <- GET(url, query = list(limit = limit, apikey = "15cd5d0adf4bc6805a724b4417bbaafc"))
data_ <- rbindlist(content(p))
market_cap_data_l <- lapply(unique(prices_usa$symbol), get_market_capitalization, limit = 6000)
market_cap_data <- rbindlist(market_cap_data_l)
market_cap_data[, date := as.Date(date)]
prices_usa <- merge(prices_usa, market_cap_data, by = c("symbol", "date"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# COARSE UNIVERSE SELECTION ------------------------------------------------------
# number of symbols by year-month
symbols_by_year_month <- price_factors_dt[, .(n_symbols = length(unique(symbol))), by = .(year, month)]
symbols_by_year_month[, date := as.Date(paste(year, month, "01", sep = "-"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")]
ggplot(symbols_by_year_month, aes(date, n_symbols)) + geom_line()
# change real month to lead month. we pretend we do analysis in lead month because
# this is the month when we make universe selection decision
# TODO ADD close_raw to Factors
# # remove where raw close price < 5$
# min_price = 5
# prices_usa_penny_removed <- copy(price_factors_dt)
# prices_usa_penny_removed[, price_threshold := any(close_raw > min_price), by = c("symbol", "year", "month")]
# prices_usa_penny_removed <- prices_usa_penny_removed[price_threshold == TRUE]
# nrow(prices_usa)
# nrow(prices_usa_penny_removed)
# prices_usa_penny_removed[, n_obs_pet_month := .N, by = c("symbol", "year", "month")]
# prices_usa_penny_removed <- prices_usa_penny_removed[n_obs_pet_month > 15]
# keep only stocks with positive month rturn on the begining of the month
# help_dt = unique(prices_usa_penny_removed[, .(symbol, year, month)])
# help_dt[, month_lead := shift(month, 1, type = "lead"), by=.(symbol, year)]
# help_dt[month == 1 &, month_lead := 12]
# prices_usa_penny_removed[help_dt, on=.(symbol, year, month), month_lead := i.month_lead, by=.EACHI ]
# head(prices_usa_penny_removed, 50)
# head(prices_usa_penny_removed, 10)
# keep most liquid
n_most_liquid <- 500
price_factors_dt[, volume_sum := sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE), by = .(symbol, year, month)]
most_liquid <- unique(price_factors_dt[, .(symbol, year, month, volume_sum)])
most_liquid <- most_liquid[, .SD[volume_sum %in% tail(sort(unique(volume_sum)), n_most_liquid)], by = .(year, month)]
prices_most_liquid <- most_liquid[, `:=`(index = 1, volume_sum = NULL)][price_factors_dt, on = .(year = year, month = month, symbol = symbol)]
prices_most_liquid <- prices_most_liquid[index == 1]
prices_most_liquid[, index := NULL]
setorderv(prices_most_liquid, c("year", "month", "symbol"))
# keep only stocks with positive month rturn on the begining of the month
# prices_most_liquid[, month_return := Return.cumulative(returns), by = c("symbol", "year", "month")]
# prices_most_liquid <- prices_most_liquid[month_return > 0]
# calculate beta
# setorderv(prices_most_liquid, c("symbol", "date"))
# prices_most_liquid[, rolling_beta := RollingWindow::RollingBeta(returns,
# spy_[date_ %in% date, returns],
# window = 2,
# expanding = TRUE), by = symbol]
# rolling vol
prices_most_liquid[, vol_monthly := roll::roll_sd(returns, length(returns), min_obs = 1L), by = symbol]
prices_most_liquid[, vol_monthly := data.table::last(vol_monthly, 1L), by = .(symbol, year, month)]
# save for Nebojsa
# sample_ <- prices_most_liquid[, tail(.SD, 1), by = c("symbol", "year", "month")]
# sample_[symbol == "FL"]
# fwrite(sample_, "Ndata.csv")
# writexl::write_xlsx(sample_, "Ndata.xlsx")
# keep least volatility
n_least_volatile <- 250
least_volatile <- unique(prices_most_liquid[, .(symbol, year, month, vol_monthly)])
least_volatile <- least_volatile[, .SD[vol_monthly %in% head(sort(unique(vol_monthly)), n_least_volatile)], by = .(year, month)]
prices_most_liquid_least_vol <- least_volatile[, `:=`(index = 1, vol_monthly = NULL)][
prices_most_liquid, on = .(year = year, month = month, symbol = symbol)
prices_most_liquid_least_vol <- prices_most_liquid_least_vol[index == 1]
prices_most_liquid_least_vol[, index := NULL]
setorderv(prices_most_liquid_least_vol, c("year", "month", "symbol"))
# inspect
prices_most_liquid_least_vol[year == 2022 & month == 1, unique(symbol)]
# FINE FUNDAMENTAL FILTERING -------------------------------------------------------------
# choose fundamnetal features
features_fund = fundamental_factors[, .(symbol, date, fillingDate, fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare,
fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare, payoutRatio, freeCashFlowYield)]
features_fund <- fundamentals [, .(symbol, date, fillingDate, fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare,
fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare, payoutRatio.x,
returnOnCapitalEmployed, freeCashFlowYield)]
features_fund[, filling_date := fillingDate]
setnames(features_fund, "date", "date_fund")
features_fund <- features_fund[, payoutratio_5y_mean := frollmean(payoutRatio.x, n = 4 * 5, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
features_fund <- features_fund[, returnOnCapitalEmployed_5y_mean := frollmean(returnOnCapitalEmployed, n = 4 * 5, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
features_fund <- features_fund[, freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean := frollmean(freeCashFlowYield, n = 4 * 5, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
# features <- features[, earningsYield_10Y_mean := frollmean(earningsYield, n = 4 * 10, na.rm = TRUE), by = "symbol"]
features_fund[, `:=`(payoutRatio.x = NULL, returnOnCapitalEmployed = NULL, freeCashFlowYield = NULL)]
features_fund[symbol == "MSFT" & date_fund == as.Date("2021-12-31")]
features_fund[date_fund == as.Date("2021-09-30")]
# create dataset
DT <- features_fund[prices_most_liquid_least_vol, on = .(symbol = symbol, fillingDate = date), roll = +Inf]
DT[fillingDate == as.Date("2021-09-30")]
DT <- na.omit(DT, cols = c("fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare", "fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare", "freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean"))
DT[fillingDate == as.Date("2021-09-30")]
# 1) remove stocks with fundamnetals below thresholds
DT_sample <- DT[fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare >= 0.05]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare >= 0.02]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[payoutratio_5y_mean <= 0.7]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[returnOnCapitalEmployed_5y_mean >= 0.025]
DT_sample <- DT_sample[freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean >= 0.01]
# 2) cluster analysis
data_ <- DT[fillingDate == as.Date("2021-12-31"), .(symbol, fillingDate, fiveYRevenueGrowthPerShare,
fiveYDividendperShareGrowthPerShare, freeCashFlowYield_5y_mean)]
cols <- colnames(data_)[3:ncol(data_)]
summary(data_[, ..cols])
data_[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {Winsorize(as.numeric(x), probs = c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)}), .SDcols = cols]
summary(data_[, ..cols])
data_task <- TaskClust$new(id = "fundamentals", backend = data_[, 3:ncol(data_)])
design = benchmark_grid(
tasks = data_task,
learners = list(
lrn("clust.kmeans", centers = 3L),
lrn("clust.pam", k = 3L),
lrn("clust.cmeans", centers = 3L),
# lrn("clust.SimpleKMeans"),
lrn("clust.agnes", k = 3L)),
resamplings = rsmp("insample"))
# execute benchmark
bmr = benchmark(design)
# define measure
measures = list(msr("clust.wss"), msr("clust.silhouette"))
# predictions
task = TaskClust$new(id = "fundamentals_pred", backend = data_[, 3:ncol(data_)])
learner = lrn("clust.pam", k = 3L)
preds = learner$predict(task = task)
autoplot(preds, task, type = "pca")
autoplot(preds, task, type = "pca", frame = TRUE, frame.type = "norm")
# extract class assigments
nrow(data_) == length(preds$partition)
data_$symbol[which(preds$partition == 1)]
data_$symbol[which(preds$partition == 2)]
data_$symbol[which(preds$partition == 3)]
# QC BACKTEST -------------------------------------------------------------
# inspect
DT_sample[year == 2022 & month == 2, unique(symbol)]
# shift dates to lead month
qc_data <- DT_sample[, .(fillingDate, symbol)]
qc_data[, month_lead := ceiling_date(fillingDate, unit = "month")]
qc_data[, month_last := ceiling_date(month_lead, unit = "month") - 1]
qc_data <- qc_data[ , .(symbol = symbol, month = seq(month_lead, month_last, by = "day")), by = 1:nrow(qc_data)]
qc_data <- qc_data[, .(month, symbol)]
setnames(qc_data, "month", "date")
qc_data <- unique(qc_data)
# save universe on blob azure
qc_data[, date := format.Date(date, format = "%Y%m%d")]
qc_data_save <- qc_data[, .(symbol = paste0(unlist(symbol), collapse = ",")), by = date]
storage_write_csv(qc_data_save, storage_container(endpoint, "qc-backtest"), "universe.csv", col_names = FALSE)
# # MARKET RISK -------------------------------------------------------------
# # mcap (micro, mid, large) 52w high / 52w low
# mcap_52 <- prices_usa[, .(symbol, date, high, low, close, marketCap)]
# mcap_52[, q_33 := quantile(marketCap, probs = c(0.33), na.rm = TRUE), by = "date"]
# mcap_52[, q_66 := quantile(marketCap, probs = c(0.66), na.rm = TRUE), by = "date"]
# mcap_52 <- mcap_52[! & !]
# mcap_52[marketCap < q_33, size := "micro" ]
# mcap_52[marketCap > q_66, size := "large" ]
# mcap_52[marketCap >= q_33 & marketCap <= q_66, size := "mid" ]
# mcap_52[]
# setorderv(mcap_52, c("symbol", "date"))
# mcap_52[, high52w := frollapply(high, 52 * 5, max), by = "symbol"]
# mcap_52[, low52w := frollapply(low, 52 * 5, min), by = "symbol"]
# divergence <- 0.02 # PARAMETER
# mcap_52[(high52w / close - 1) < divergence, high52w_dummy := 1]
# mcap_52[(low52w / close - 1) > -divergence, low52w_dummy := 1]
# print(paste0("Many missing values!!! Percent of total observations: ", sum($marketCap)) / nrow(mcap_52) ))
# mcap_52 <- mcap_52[!]
# mcap_52_indicator <- mcap_52[, .(high52w_sum = sum(high52w_dummy, na.rm = TRUE),
# low52w_sum = sum(low52w_dummy, na.rm = TRUE)), by = c("size", "date")]
# setorderv(mcap_52_indicator, c("size", "date"))
# mcap_52_indicator[, low_high_52w_ratio := low52w_sum / high52w_sum]
# g1 <- ggplot(mcap_52_indicator, aes(x = date, y = low_high_52w_ratio, color = size)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("Whole period")
# g1 <- ggplot(mcap_52_indicator[date %between% DOTCOM], aes(x = date, y = low_high_52w_ratio, color = size)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("DOTCOM")
# g2 <- ggplot(mcap_52_indicator[date %between% GFC], aes(x = date, y = low_high_52w_ratio, color = size)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("GFC")
# g3 <- ggplot(mcap_52_indicator[date %between% AFTERGFCBULL], aes(x = date, y = low_high_52w_ratio, color = size)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("AFTERGFCBULL")
# g4 <- ggplot(mcap_52_indicator[date %between% COVID], aes(x = date, y = low_high_52w_ratio, color = size)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("COVID")
# (g1 / g2) | (g3 / g4)
# (g1 / g2 / g3 / g4)
# # volume of growth / decline stocks
# vol_52 <- prices_usa[, .(symbol, date, high, low, close, volume)]
# vol_52[, return_52w := close / shift(close, n = 52 * 5) - 1, by = "symbol"]
# vol_52[return_52w > 0, return_52w_dummy := "up", by = "symbol"]
# vol_52[return_52w <= 0, return_52w_dummy := "down", by = "symbol"]
# vol_52 <- vol_52[!]
# vol_52_indicators <- vol_52[, .(volume = sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE)), by = c("return_52w_dummy", "date")]
# setorderv(vol_52_indicators, c("return_52w_dummy", "date"))
# vol_52_indicators <- dcast(vol_52_indicators, date ~ return_52w_dummy)
# vol_52_indicators[, volume_down_up_ratio := down / up]
# ggplot(vol_52_indicators, aes(x = date, y = volume_down_up_ratio)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("Whole period")
# g1 <- ggplot(vol_52_indicators[date %between% DOTCOM], aes(x = date, y = volume_down_up_ratio)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("DOTCOM")
# g2 <- ggplot(vol_52_indicators[date %between% GFC], aes(x = date, y = volume_down_up_ratio)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("GFC")
# g3 <- ggplot(vol_52_indicators[date %between% AFTERGFCBULL], aes(x = date, y = volume_down_up_ratio)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("AFTERGFCBULL")
# g4 <- ggplot(vol_52_indicators[date %between% COVID], aes(x = date, y = volume_down_up_ratio)) +
# geom_line() +
# ggtitle("COVID")
# (g1 / g2 / g3 / g4)
# # spread high yield / investment grade
# bonds <- prices[symbol %in% c("DHF", "DSM"), .(symbol, date, close)]
# bonds <- dcast(bonds, date ~ symbol)
# bonds$spread <- bonds[, 2] / bonds[, 3]
# ggplot(bonds, aes(x = date, y = spread)) +
# geom_line()
# # VIX
# get_fread_data <- function(id = "VIXCLS") {
# data_ <- fredr(series_id = id, observation_start = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_end = Sys.Date())
# data_ <-
# data_ <- data_[, .(date, value)]
# colnames(data_)[2] <- id
# return(data_)
# }
# vix <- get_fread_data("VIXCLS")
# vix[, date := as.Date(date)]
# # FEATURE IMPORTANCE ------------------------------------------------------
# # merge all data
# mcap_52_indicator_ <- melt(mcap_52_indicator, id.vars = c("date", "size"))
# mcap_52_indicator_[, var := paste0(size, "_", variable)]
# mcap_52_indicator_ <- dcast(mcap_52_indicator_, date ~ var, value.var = "value")
# DT <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = "date", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE),
# list(spy, vix, vol_52_indicators, mcap_52_indicator_))
# DT <- na.omit(DT)
# # labels for feature importance and ML
# DT[, ret_1 := shift(close, -1L, "shift") / close - 1]
# DT[, ret_5 := shift(close, -4L, "shift") / close - 1]
# DT[, ret_22 := shift(close, -21L, "shift") / close - 1]
# DT <- na.omit(DT)
# # define feature cols and labels
# LABEL = "ret_1"
# features_cols <- colnames(DT)[which(colnames(DT) == "VIXCLS"):(which(colnames(DT) == "ret_1") - 1)]
# # labels <- colnames(DT)[which(colnames(DT) == "ret_1"):which(colnames(DT) == "ret_22")]
# # cols <- c(features_cols, labels)
# # convert integer to numeric
# cols_change <- c("up", "down")
# DT[, (cols_change) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = cols_change]
# # add interactions
# interactions <- model.matrix( ~ .^2 - 1, data = DT[, ..features_cols])
# cols_keep <- c("date", "close", "returns", LABEL)
# DT <- cbind(DT[, ..cols_keep], interactions)
# colnames(DT) <- gsub(":", "_", colnames(DT))
# features_cols_inter <- colnames(DT)[which(colnames(DT) == "VIXCLS"):ncol(DT)]
# # remove inf values
# dim(DT)
# DT <- DT[is.finite(rowSums(DT[, .SD, .SDcols = is.numeric], na.rm = TRUE))] # remove inf values
# dim(DT)
# # remove constant columns
# remove_cols <- features_cols_inter[apply(DT[, ..features_cols_inter], 2, var, na.rm=TRUE) == 0]
# print(paste0("Removing feature with 0 standard deviation: ", remove_cols))
# # feature_cols <- setdiff(feature_cols, remove_cols)
# # remove highly correlated features
# cor_matrix <- cor(DT[, ..features_cols_inter])
# cor_matrix_rm <- cor_matrix
# cor_matrix_rm[upper.tri(cor_matrix_rm)] <- 0
# diag(cor_matrix_rm) <- 0
# remove_cols <- features_cols_inter[apply(cor_matrix_rm, 2, function(x) any(abs(x) > 0.98))]
# print(paste0("Removing highly correlated featue (> 0.98): ", remove_cols))
# features_cols_inter <- setdiff(features_cols_inter, remove_cols)
# # stationarity
# number_differences <- lapply(DT[, ..features_cols_inter],
# function(x) forecast::ndiffs(log(x)))
# number_differences_cols <- number_differences[number_differences > 0]
# DT[, (names(number_differences_cols)) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x - shift(x)), .SDcols = names(number_differences_cols)]
# # importnat features
# cols_keep <- c(features_cols_inter, LABEL)
# X <- DT[, ..cols_keep]
# X <- na.omit(X)
# X <- as.matrix(X)
# # f1st
# f1st_fi <- f1st(X[, ncol(X)], X[, -ncol(X)], kmn = 20, sub = TRUE)
# cov_index_f1st <- colnames(X[, -ncol(X)])[f1st_fi[[1]][, 1]]
# # f3st_1
# f3st_1 <- f3st(X[, ncol(X)], X[, -ncol(X)], m = 1)
# cov_index_f3st_1 <- unique(as.integer(f3st_1[[1]][1, ]))[-1]
# cov_index_f3st_1 <- cov_index_f3st_1[cov_index_f3st_1 != 0]
# cov_index_f3st_1 <- colnames(X[, -ncol(X)])[cov_index_f3st_1]
# # interesection of all important vars
# most_important_vars <- intersect(cov_index_f1st, cov_index_f3st_1)
# important_vars <- c(cov_index_f1st, cov_index_f3st_1)
# # train/test and holdout set
# start_holdout_date <- as.Date("2021-01-01")
# holdout_ids <- which(DT$date > start_holdout_date)
# X_model <- DT[-holdout_ids, ]
# # select only labels and features
# X_model <- X_model[, .SD, .SDcols = c("date", features_cols_inter, "returns")]
# X_holdout <- X_holdout[, .SD, .SDcols = c("date", features_cols_inter, "returns")]
# # SIMPLE MODELS -----------------------------------------------------------
# # train data
# cols_keep <- c("date", "returns", most_important_vars)
# X_train <- X_model[, ..cols_keep]
# X_train <- na.omit(X_train)
# X_test <- na.omit(X_holdout[, ..cols_keep])
# # parameters
# window_lengths <- c(252, 252 * 2)
# # linear_regressions <- lapply(window_lengths, function(x) {
# # y <- roll_regres(returns ~ ., data = X_train[, 2:ncol(X_train)], width = x, do_compute = "1_step_forecasts")
# # y <- = X_train[, date], y$one_step_forecasts)
# # colnames(y)[2] <- paste0("pred_lm_one_step_", x)
# # y
# # })
# # preds_linear_regressions <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = "date", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE),
# # linear_regressions)
# # preds_linear_regressions$sell <- apply(preds_linear_regressions[, 2:ncol(preds_linear_regressions)], 1, function(x) all(x < 0))
# # preds_linear_regressions <-
# # preds_linear_regressions[sell == TRUE, pred_lm_one_step_all_negative := -0.1]
# # preds_linear_regressions[sell == FALSE, pred_lm_one_step_all_negative := 0.1]
# # preds_linear_regressions$sell <- NULL
# # tail(preds_linear_regressions)
# # VAR
# library(vars)
# library(BigVAR)
# library(tsDyn)
# roll_preds <- lapply(window_lengths, function(x) {
# runner(
# x = X_train,
# f = function(x) {
# # x <- X_train[1:300, 1:ncol(X_train)]
# y <-[, 2:ncol(x)])
# y <- y[, which(apply(y, 2 , sd) != 0), drop = FALSE]
# if(length(y) == 1) print("STOP!")
# # VAR
# res <- VAR(y, lag.max = 5, type = "both")
# p <- predict(res)
# var_pred_onestep <- p$fcst[[1]][1, 1]
# # BigVar
# Y <- as.matrix(y)
# B =, struct='Basic', p=5, lambda=1)[,,1]
# Z = VARXLagCons(Y, p=5, oos=TRUE)$Z
# yhat = B%*%Z[,ncol(Z),drop=FALSE]
# bigvar_pred_onestep <- yhat[1]
# # TVAR (1)
# tv1 <- tryCatch(TVAR(y, lag=2, nthresh=1, thDelay=1, trim=0.1, mTh=1, plot=FALSE), error = function(e) NULL)
# if (is.null(tv1)) {
# tv1_pred_onestep <- NA
# } else {
# tv1 <- predict(tv1)
# tv1_pred_onestep <- tv1[1, 1]
# }
# # TVAR (2)
# tv2 <- tryCatch(TVAR(y, lag=2, nthresh=2, thDelay=1, trim=0.1, mTh=1, plot=FALSE), error = function(e) NULL)
# if (is.null(tv2)) {
# tv2_pred_onestep <- NA
# } else {
# tv2 <- predict(tv2)
# tv2_pred_onestep <- tv2[1, 1]
# }
# # merge all predictions
# data.frame(var_pred_onestep = var_pred_onestep,
# bigvar_pred_onestep = bigvar_pred_onestep,
# tv1_pred_onestep = tv1_pred_onestep,
# tv2_pred_onestep = tv2_pred_onestep)
# },
# k = x,
# lag = 0L,
# na_pad = TRUE
# )
# })
# roll_preds_merged <- lapply(roll_preds, function(x) lapply(x,
# roll_preds_merged <- lapply(roll_preds_merged, rbindlist, fill = TRUE)
# lapply(roll_preds_merged, function(x) x[, V1 := NULL])
# roll_preds_merged <- lapply(seq_along(roll_preds_merged), function(i) {
# colnames(roll_preds_merged[[i]]) <- paste0(colnames(roll_preds_merged[[i]]), "_", window_lengths[i])
# roll_preds_merged[[i]]
# })
# roll_preds_merged <-, roll_preds_merged))
# roll_preds_merged <- roll_preds_merged[, lapply(.SD, unlist)]
# roll_preds_merged$mostly_negative <- apply(roll_preds_merged, 1, function(x) sum(x < 0) > 5)
# roll_preds_merged$mostly_negative_tv2 <- apply(roll_preds_merged[, .(tv2_pred_onestep_252, tv2_pred_onestep_504)],
# 1, function(x) sum(x < 0) > 2)
# roll_preds_merged[, mostly_negative := ifelse(mostly_negative == TRUE, -0.1, 0.1)]
# roll_preds_merged[, mostly_negative_tv2 := ifelse(mostly_negative_tv2 == TRUE, -0.1, 0.1)]
# roll_preds_merged$mean_pred <- apply(roll_preds_merged, 1, function(x) mean(x))
# predictions_var <- cbind(date = X_train[, date], roll_preds_merged)
# # TVAR
# # library(tsDyn)
# # data(zeroyld)
# # tv <- TVAR(y, lag=2, nthresh=1, thDelay=1, trim=0.1, mTh=1, plot=FALSE)
# # print(tv)
# # summary(tv)
# # plot(tv)
# # predict(tv)
# # c(AIC(tv), BIC(tv), logLik(tv))
# # backtest apply
# backtest <- function(returns, indicator, threshold, return_cumulative = TRUE) {
# sides <- vector("integer", length(indicator))
# for (i in seq_along(sides)) {
# if (i %in% c(1) ||[i-1])) {
# sides[i] <- NA
# } else if (indicator[i-1] < threshold) { # & indicator_2[i-1] > 1
# sides[i] <- 0
# } else {
# sides[i] <- 1
# }
# }
# sides <- ifelse(, 1, sides)
# returns_strategy <- returns * sides
# if (return_cumulative) {
# return(PerformanceAnalytics::Return.cumulative(returns_strategy))
# } else {
# return(returns_strategy)
# }
# }
# Performance <- function(x) {
# cumRetx = Return.cumulative(x)
# annRetx = Return.annualized(x, scale=252 * 8)
# sharpex = SharpeRatio.annualized(x, scale=252 * 8)
# winpctx = length(x[x > 0])/length(x[x != 0])
# annSDx = sd.annualized(x, scale=252 * 8)
# DDs <- findDrawdowns(x)
# maxDDx = min(DDs$return)
# maxLx = max(DDs$length)
# Perf = c(cumRetx, annRetx, sharpex, winpctx, annSDx, maxDDx, maxLx)
# names(Perf) = c("Cumulative Return", "Annual Return","Annualized Sharpe Ratio",
# "Win %", "Annualized Volatility", "Maximum Drawdown", "Max Length Drawdown")
# return(Perf)
# }
# backtest_data <- merge(spy, predictions_var, by = "date", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# backtest_data <- na.omit(backtest_data)
# Return.cumulative(backtest_data$returns)
# backtest_results <- lapply(backtest_data[, 4:ncol(backtest_data)], function(x) backtest(backtest_data$returns, x, -0.002))
# backtest_results <-
# backtest_results
# # individual backtests
# x <- backtest(backtest_data$returns, backtest_data$tv2_pred_onestep_504, -0.002, FALSE)
# backtest_results_ind <- as.xts(cbind(SPY = backtest_data$returns, Strategy = x), = as.Date(backtest_data$date))
# charts.PerformanceSummary(backtest_results_ind)
# Performance(backtest_results_ind$SPY)
# Performance(backtest_results_ind$Strategy)
# # subsample
# charts.PerformanceSummary(as.xts(cbind(backtest_data$returns, x), = as.Date(backtest_data$date))[1:1000])
# charts.PerformanceSummary(as.xts(cbind(backtest_data$returns, x), = as.Date(backtest_data$date))[1000:2000])
# charts.PerformanceSummary(as.xts(cbind(backtest_data$returns, x), = as.Date(backtest_data$date))[2000:3000])
# charts.PerformanceSummary(as.xts(cbind(backtest_data$returns, x), = as.Date(backtest_data$date))[3000:4000])
# charts.PerformanceSummary(as.xts(cbind(backtest_data$returns, x), = as.Date(backtest_data$date))[4000:nrow(backtest_data)])
# # prediction on test set with best model
# X_test_ <- rbind(X_train[(nrow(X_train)-504+1):nrow(X_train),], X_test)
# roll_preds_test <- lapply(window_lengths, function(x) {
# runner(
# x = X_test_,
# f = function(x) {
# # x <- X_train[1:300, 1:ncol(X_train)]
# y <-[, 2:ncol(x)])
# y <- y[, which(apply(y, 2 , sd) != 0), drop = FALSE]
# if(length(y) == 1) print("STOP!")
# # VAR
# res <- VAR(y, lag.max = 5, type = "both")
# p <- predict(res)
# var_pred_onestep <- p$fcst[[1]][1, 1]
# # BigVar
# Y <- as.matrix(y)
# B =, struct='Basic', p=5, lambda=1)[,,1]
# Z = VARXLagCons(Y, p=5, oos=TRUE)$Z
# yhat = B%*%Z[,ncol(Z),drop=FALSE]
# bigvar_pred_onestep <- yhat[1]
# # TVAR (1)
# tv1 <- tryCatch(TVAR(y, lag=2, nthresh=1, thDelay=1, trim=0.1, mTh=1, plot=FALSE), error = function(e) NULL)
# if (is.null(tv1)) {
# tv1_pred_onestep <- NA
# } else {
# tv1 <- predict(tv1)
# tv1_pred_onestep <- tv1[1, 1]
# }
# # TVAR (2)
# tv2 <- tryCatch(TVAR(y, lag=2, nthresh=2, thDelay=1, trim=0.1, mTh=1, plot=FALSE), error = function(e) NULL)
# if (is.null(tv2)) {
# tv2_pred_onestep <- NA
# } else {
# tv2 <- predict(tv2)
# tv2_pred_onestep <- tv2[1, 1]
# }
# # merge all predictions
# data.frame(var_pred_onestep = var_pred_onestep,
# bigvar_pred_onestep = bigvar_pred_onestep,
# tv1_pred_onestep = tv1_pred_onestep,
# tv2_pred_onestep = tv2_pred_onestep)
# },
# k = x,
# lag = 0L,
# na_pad = TRUE
# )
# })
# predictions_test <-
# predictions_test <- unlist(predictions_test$V2)
# predictions_test <- = X_test_[, date], predictions_test)
# setnames(predictions_test, c("date", "tv2_pred_onestep_504"))
# backtest_data_test <- merge(spy, predictions_test, by = "date", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# backtest_data_test <- na.omit(backtest_data_test)
# Return.cumulative(backtest_data_test$returns)
# backtest_results_test <- lapply(backtest_data_test[, 4:ncol(backtest_data_test)], function(x) backtest(backtest_data_test$returns, x, -0.002))
# backtest_results_test <-
# backtest_results_test
# # individual backtests
# x <- backtest(backtest_data_test$returns, backtest_data_test$tv2_pred_onestep_504 , -0.0001, FALSE)
# backtest_results_test <- as.xts(cbind(SPY = backtest_data_test$returns, Strategy = x), = as.Date(backtest_data_test$date))
# charts.PerformanceSummary(backtest_results_test)
# Performance(backtest_results_test$SPY)
# Performance(backtest_results_test$Strategy)
# # save data to blob
# predictions <- rbind(predictions_var[, .(date, tv2_pred_onestep_504)], predictions_test)
# predictions <- na.omit(predictions)
# predictions <- unique(predictions, by = "date")
# setorderv(predictions, "date")
# qc_backtest <- copy(predictions)
# # cols <- setdiff(cols_keep, "date")
# # qc_backtest[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, shift), .SDcols = cols] # VERY IMPORTANT STEP !
# qc_backtest <- na.omit(qc_backtest)
# file_name <- "D:/risks/pr/systemic_risk_v2.csv"
# fwrite(qc_backtest, file_name, col.names = FALSE, dateTimeAs = "write.csv")
# bl_endp_key <- storage_endpoint(Sys.getenv("BLOB-ENDPOINT"), key=Sys.getenv("BLOB-KEY"))
# cont <- storage_container(bl_endp_key, "qc-backtest")
# storage_upload(cont, file_name, basename(file_name))
# backtest_data_test <- merge(spy, qc_backtest, by = "date", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# backtest_data_test <- na.omit(backtest_data_test)
# Return.cumulative(backtest_data_test$returns)
# backtest_results_test <- lapply(backtest_data_test[, 4:ncol(backtest_data_test)], function(x) backtest(backtest_data_test$returns, x, -0.002))
# backtest_results_test <-
# backtest_results_test
# # individual backtests
# x <- backtest(backtest_data_test$returns, backtest_data_test$predictions_test , -0.002, FALSE)
# backtest_results_test <- as.xts(cbind(SPY = backtest_data_test$returns, Strategy = x), = as.Date(backtest_data_test$date))
# charts.PerformanceSummary(backtest_results_test)
# # MODEL SYSTEMIC RISK -----------------------------------------------------
# # task for regression
# task_reg <- as_task_regr(X_train[, .SD, .SDcols = !c("date")], id = "reg", target = LABEL)
# task_reg_holdout <- as_task_regr(X_train[, .SD, .SDcols = !c("date")], id = "reg_holdout", target = LABEL)
# # select important features
# task_reg$select(most_important_vars)
# task_reg_holdout$select(most_important_vars)
# # descriptive analysis
# library(rpart.plot)
# learner = lrn("regr.rpart", maxdepth = 3, minbucket = 50, minsplit = 10, cp = 0.001)
# learner$param_set
# task_ <- task_reg$clone()
# learner$train(task_)
# predictins = learner$predict(task_)
# predictins$score(msr("regr.mae"))
# learner$importance()
# rpart_model <- learner$model
# rpart.plot(rpart_model)
# # xgboost
# learner = lrn("regr.xgboost")
# graph = po("removeconstants", ratio = 0.05) %>>%
# # scaling
# po("branch", options = c("nop_prep", "yeojohnson", "pca", "ica"), id = "prep_branch") %>>%
# gunion(list(po("nop", id = "nop_prep"), po("yeojohnson"), po("pca", scale. = TRUE), po("ica"))) %>>%
# po("unbranch", id = "prep_unbranch") %>>%
# learner
# plot(graph)
# graph_learner = as_learner(graph)
#$param_set)[1:80, .(id, class, lower, upper)]
# search_space = ps(
# # preprocesing
# prep_branch.selection = p_fct(levels = c("nop_prep", "yeojohnson", "pca", "ica")),
# pca.rank. = p_int(2, 6, depends = prep_branch.selection == "pca"),
# ica.n.comp = p_int(2, 6, depends = prep_branch.selection == "ica"),
# yeojohnson.standardize = p_lgl(depends = prep_branch.selection == "yeojohnson"),
# # model
# regr.xgboost.nrounds = p_int(100, 5000),
# regr.xgboost.eta = p_dbl(1e-4, 1),
# regr.xgboost.max_depth = p_int(1, 8),
# regr.xgboost.colsample_bytree = p_dbl(0.1, 1),
# regr.xgboost.colsample_bylevel = p_dbl(0.1, 1),
# regr.xgboost.lambda = p_dbl(0.1, 1),
# regr.xgboost.gamma = p_dbl(1e-4, 1000),
# regr.xgboost.alpha = p_dbl(1e-4, 1000),
# regr.xgboost.subsample = p_dbl(0.1, 1)
# )
# # plan("multisession", workers = 4L)
# at_xgboost = auto_tuner(
# method = "random_search",
# learner = graph_learner,
# resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 3),
# measure = msr("regr.rmse"),
# search_space = search_space,
# term_evals = 25
# )
# at_xgboost$train(task_reg)
# # inspect results
# archive <-$archive)
# archive
# preds = at_xgboost$predict(task_reg)
# preds$score(msr("regr.rmse"))
# # holdout extreme
# preds_holdout <- at_xgboost$predict(task_reg_holdout)
# preds_holdout$score(msrs(c("regr.rmse")))
# prediciotns_extreme_holdout <-
# prediciotns_extreme_holdout_buy <- prediciotns_extreme_holdout[response > 2]
# nrow(prediciotns_extreme_holdout_buy)
# prediciotns_extreme_holdout_buy[, `:=`(truth_01 = ifelse(truth > 0, 1, 0),
# response_01 = ifelse(response > 0, 1, 0))]
# mlr3measures::acc(as.factor(prediciotns_extreme_holdout_buy$truth_01),
# factor(prediciotns_extreme_holdout_buy$response_01, levels = c("0", "1")))
# # BACKTEST ----------------------------------------------------------------
# # backtst function
# backtest <- function(returns, indicator, threshold, return_cumulative = TRUE) {
# sides <- vector("integer", length(indicator))
# for (i in seq_along(sides)) {
# if (i %in% c(1) ||[i-1])) {
# sides[i] <- NA
# } else if (indicator[i-1] > threshold) {
# sides[i] <- 0
# } else {
# sides[i] <- 1
# }
# }
# sides <- ifelse(, 1, sides)
# returns_strategy <- returns * sides
# if (return_cumulative) {
# return(PerformanceAnalytics::Return.cumulative(returns_strategy))
# } else {
# return(returns_strategy)
# }
# }
# # individual backtest
# mcap_52_indicator_merge <- dcast(mcap_52_indicator[, .(size, date, low_high_52w_ratio)], date ~ size)
# backtest_data <- merge(spy, mcap_52_indicator_merge, by = "date")
# results <- backtest(backtest_data$returns, backtest_data$micro, 5, FALSE)
# results <- cbind(spy, strategy = results)
# charts.PerformanceSummary(
# # MLR3 PLAYGROOUND --------------------------------------------------------
# library(mlr3temporal)
# library(mlr3verse)
# library(tsbox)
# task = tsk("petrol")
# learner = LearnerRegrForecastVAR$new()
# rr = rsmp("forecastHoldout", ratio = 0.8)
# rr$instantiate(task)
# resample = resample(task, learner, rr, store_models = TRUE)
# resample$predictions()
# task = tsk("petrol")
# learner = LearnerRegrForecastVAR$new()
# rr = rsmp("RollingWindowCV", folds = 5, fixed_window = F)
# rr$instantiate(task)
# resample = resample(task, learner, rr, store_models = TRUE)
# resample$predictions()
# # multivariate
# X_train$date <- as.Date(X_train$date)
# task = TaskForecast$new(id = 'systemicrisk',
# backend = X_train,
# target = 'returns',
# date_col = 'date')
# learner = LearnerRegrForecastVAR$new()
# rr = rsmp("RollingWindowCV", folds = 4, fixed_window = FALSE)
# rr$instantiate(task)
# resample = resample(task, learner, rr, store_models = TRUE)
# resample$predictions()
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