
Defines functions attach_class prior_to_df set_mobloc_prior get_mobloc_prior combine_raster_layers prior_filter create_network_prior create_uniform_prior create_prior

Documented in combine_raster_layers create_network_prior create_prior create_uniform_prior prior_filter

#' Create a prior distribution
#' Functions to create a prior distribution. A prior distribution is a raster layer where all values add up to 1. The function \code{create_prior} creates a prior using one or more raster layers. The function \code{create_uniform_prior} creates a uniform prior. The function \code{create_network_prior} extracts a prior from the propagation model. This is based on the assumption that an MNO will place cells where they expect people. The function \code{prior_filter} can be used to filter a prior raster using a polygons object (for instance, the administrative region of interest).
#' @rdname create_prior
#' @name create_prior
#' @param ... one of more raster objects, or a list of it. When multiple raster layers are used, these are first combined using a weighed sum (see argument \code{weights} and the underlying function \code{\link{combine_raster_layers}}). After that, these values are normalised such that the values add up to 1
#' @param weights The weights of the raster objects, which should be a vector of the same length as the number of specified raster layers. See also the underlying function \code{\link{combine_raster_layers}}.
#' @param raster raster object that contains the raster tile index numbers (e.g. created with \code{\link{create_raster}})
#' @param region a polygons object (class \code{sf}) that specifies a region. If the object contains multiple polygons, they are considered as one.
#' @param strength a signal strength model object, which is the result of \code{\link{compute_sig_strength}}
#' @param name name of the prior
#' @param prior object created with \code{create_prior}, \code{create_network_prior} or \code{create_uniform_prior}
#' @return data frame with two columns, raster id number \code{rid} and probability \code{p}. These probabilities will add up to 1.
#' @seealso \href{../doc/mobloc.html}{\code{vignette("mobloc")}}
#' @example ./examples/create_prior.R
#' @export
create_prior <- function(..., name = "composite", weights = NULL) {
    x <- combine_raster_layers(..., weights = weights)

    x[][is.na(x[])] <- 0
    x[] <- x[] / sum(x[])
    set_mobloc_prior(x, name)

#' @rdname create_prior
#' @export
create_uniform_prior <- function(raster) {
    if (missing(raster)) stop("Please specify a raster object")


    y <- raster::raster(raster)

    y[] <- 1/raster::ncell(raster)
    set_mobloc_prior(y, "uniform")

#' @rdname create_prior
#' @export
create_network_prior <- function(strength, raster) {
    rid <- s <- p <- NULL
    totals <- sum(strength$s)

    strength <- copy(strength)

    z <- strength[, p:=sum(s)/totals, by = rid]

    y <- raster::raster(raster)
    y[] <- 0
    y[][match(z$rid, raster[])] <- z$p
    set_mobloc_prior(y, "network")

#' @rdname create_prior
#' @export
prior_filter <- function(prior, region) {
    name <- get_mobloc_prior(prior)
    r <- raster(prior)
    r[] <- 1:length(r)

    rids <- get_raster_ids(r, region)$rid

    r[] <- 0
    r[][rids] <- prior[][rids]

    r[][rids] <- r[][rids] / sum(r[])
    set_mobloc_prior(r, name)

#' Combine raster layers to a single raster layer
#' Combine raster layers to a single raster layer. Weights can be assigned to the raster layers.
#' @param ... Either one raster brick/stack, or multiple raster layer objects
#' @param weights numeric vector that specifies the weights of the raster layers
#' @return raster object of one layer
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_prior}}
#' @example ./examples/combine_raster_layers.R
#' @export
combine_raster_layers <- function(..., weights = NULL) {
    args <- list(...)
    if (length(args) == 1 && is.list(args[[1]])) args <- args[[1]]

    sapply(args, function(a) {
        if (!inherits(a, "Raster")) stop("Not all arguments are raster objects")

    if (inherits(args[[1]], "RasterBrick")) {
        x <- args[[1]]
    } else {
            x <- do.call(brick, args)
        }, error = function(e) {
            stop("Could not convert the raster object(s) to a raster brick")

    k <- raster::nlayers(x)

    if (is.null(weights)) {
        weights <- rep(1, k)
        message("weights set to c(", paste(rep(1, k), collapse = ", "), ").")
    } else {
        if (length(weights) != k) stop("The length of weights does not correspond to ", k, ", the number of specified layers")

    a <- x[] %*% weights
    r <- raster(x)
    r[] <- a

get_mobloc_prior <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(attr(x, "mobloc_prior"))) stop("Invalid prior object")

set_mobloc_prior <- function(x, name) {
    names(x) <- name
    attr(x, "mobloc_prior") <- TRUE

prior_to_df <- function(prior, raster) {
    p <- NULL
    data.table(rid = raster[],
               p = prior[])[!is.na(p)]

attach_class <- function(x, cls) {
    class(x) <- c(class(x), cls)
MobilePhoneESSnetBigData/mobloc documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 3:41 a.m.