#' @title Generation of random deviates of the posterior distribution of parameters u,v, lambda.
#' @description Generate random points according to the posterior probability distribution of the
#' parameters u,v, and lambda in the hierarchical model
#' @param n number of values to generate
#' @param nMNO non-negative integer vector with the number of individuals detected in each cell
#' according to the network operator
#' @param nReg non-negative integer vector with the number of individuals detected in each cell
#' according to the register
#' @param fu named list with the prior marginal distribution of the parameter \code{u}
#' @param fv named list with the prior marginal distributions of the parameter \code{v}
#' @param flambda named list with the prior distribution of the parameter \eqn{\lambda}
#' @param relTol relative tolerance in the computation of the \code{\link{kummer}} function. Default
#' value is \code{1e-6}
#' @param nSim number of two-dimensional points to generate to compute the integral. Default value
#' is \code{1e4}
#' @param nStrata integer vector of length 3 with the number of strata in each dimension. Default
#' value is \code{c(1, 1e2, 1e2)}
#' @param verbose logical (default \code{FALSE}) to report progress of the computation
#' @param nThreads number (default the number of all cores, including logical cores) to use for computation
#' @return \code{ruvlambda} generates \code{n} points according to the posterior distribution of
#' the parameters \eqn{u, v, \lambda}. The function returns a \linkS4class{data.table} with these
#' points.
#' @details The points are generated according to the accept-reject method using as candidate
#' distribution the unnormalised distribution given by
#' \deqn{\mathbb{P}(u, v, \lambda|N^{\textrm{MNO}})\propto\mathbb{P}(u,v|\lambda, N^{\textrm{MNO}})
#' \cdot\mathbb{P}(\lambda|N^{\textrm{MNO}})}.
#' The prior distributions are specified as named lists where the first component of each list must
#' be the name of distribution ('unif', 'triang', 'gamma') and the rest components must be
#' named according to the name of the parameters of the random generator of the corresponding
#' distribution according to:
#' \itemize{
#' \item unif: \code{xMin}, \code{xMax} for the minimum, maximum of the sampled interval.
#' \item degen: \code{x0} for the degenerate value of the random variable.
#' \item triang: \code{xMin}, \code{xMax}, \code{xMode} for minimum, maximum and mode (see
#' \code{\link{qtriang}}).
#' \item gamma: \code{scale} and \code{shape} with the same meaning as in \code{\link{rgamma}}.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{rlambda}}, \code{\link{duvlambda}}
#' @examples
#' ruvlambda(10, nMNO = 20, nReg = 115,
#' fu = list('unif', xMin = 0.10, xMax = 0.20),
#' fv = list('unif', xMin = 100, xMax = 120),
#' flambda = list('gamma', shape = 11, scale = 12))
#' ruvlambda(10, nMNO = c(19, 20), nReg = c(115, 117),
#' fu = list(list('unif', xMin = 0.10, xMax = 0.20),
#' list('unif', xMin = 0.11, xMax = 0.22)),
#' fv = list(list('unif', xMin = 100, xMax = 120),
#' list('unif', xMin = 97, xMax = 123)),
#' flambda = list(list('gamma', shape = 11, scale = 105 / 10),
#' list('gamma', shape = 12, scale = 1107 / 11)))
#' @include rlambda.R duvlambda.R triang.R
#' @import data.table
#' @export
ruvlambda <- function(n, nMNO, nReg, fu, fv, flambda, relTol = 1e-6, nSim = 1e6,
nStrata = c(1, 1e2, 1e2), verbose = FALSE,
nThreads = RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads()){
nCells <- length(nMNO)
if (length(nReg) != nCells) stop('nReg and nMNO must have the same length.')
if (nCells == 1) {
if (verbose) cat('Generating random values of lambda... ')
lambda0s <- rlambda(n, nMNO, nReg, fu, fv, flambda, relTol, nSim = 1e4, nStrata[1:2], verbose, nThreads)
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
flist <- lapply(lambda0s, function(lambda0){
function(u, v){ duvlambda(lambda0, u, v, nMNO, fu, fv, flambda, relTol, nThreads)$prob }
if (fu[[1]] == 'unif') {
uMin <- fu[['xMin']]
uMax <- fu[['xMax']]
uMode <- (uMin + uMax) / 2
gu <- function(u){ dunif(u, min = uMin, max = uMax) }
if (fu[[1]] == 'triang') {
uMin <- fu[['xMin']]
uMax <- fu[['xMax']]
uMode <- fu[['xMode']]
gu <- function(u){ dtriang(u, xMin = uMin, xMax = uMax, xMode = uMode) }
if (fv[[1]] == 'unif') {
vMin <- fv[['xMin']]
vMax <- fv[['xMax']]
vMode <- (vMin + vMax) / 2
gv <- function(v){ dunif(v, min = vMin, max = vMax) }
if (fv[[1]] == 'triang') {
vMin <- fv[['xMin']]
vMax <- fv[['xMax']]
vMode <- fv[['xMode']]
gv <- function(v){ dtriang(v, xMin = vMin, xMax = vMax, xMode = vMode) }
if (fv[[1]] == 'gamma') {
vshape <- fv[['shape']]
vscale <- fv[['scale']]
vMode <- (vshape - 1) * vscale
vMin <- vMode * 0.85
vMax <- vMode * 1.15
gv <- function(v){ dgamma(v, shape = vshape, scale = vscale) }
###### Computing rejection rate #####################
g <- function(u, v){ gu(u) * gv(v) }
optimC <- sapply(seq(along = flist), function(i){
fun <- function(x){
output <- numeric(1)
guv <- g(x[1], x[2])
if (guv >= .Machine$double.xmin) output <- g(x[1], x[2]) / flist[[i]](x[1], x[2])
output <- -1 / optim(c(uMode, vMode), fun)$value
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
if (verbose) cat('Generating and accepting/rejecting values...\n')
if (fu[[1]] == 'unif') {
ru <- runif(length(lambda0s), min = uMin, max = uMax)
if (fu[[1]] == 'triang') {
ru <- rtriang(length(lambda0s), xMin = uMin, xMax = uMax, xMode = uMode)
if (fv[[1]] == 'unif') {
rv <- runif(length(lambda0s), min = vMin, max = vMax)
if (fv[[1]] == 'triang') {
rv <- rtriang(length(lambda0s), xMin = vMin, xMax = vMax, xMode = vMode)
if (fv[[1]] == 'gamma') {
rv <- rgamma(length(lambda0s), shape = vshape, scale = vscale)
ruv0 <- cbind(u = ru, v = rv, lambda = lambda0s)
v <- runif(n)
if (verbose) cat(' of target distribution...\n')
fx <- sapply(seq(along = flist), function(i) do.call(flist[[i]], list(u = ruv0[i, 1], v = ruv0[i, 2])))
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
if (verbose) cat(' of candidate distribution...\n')
#gx <- dcauchy(x, location = location, scale = scale)
gx <- sapply(seq(along = flist), function(i) do.call(g, list(u = ruv0[i, 1], v = ruv0[i, 2])))
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
indexOut <- (v <= fx / (optimC * gx))
if (nrow(ruv0) == 1) {
output <- t(as.matrix(ruv0[indexOut, ]))
} else {
output <- ruv0[indexOut, ]
while (nrow(output) < n) {
lambda0s <- rlambda(n - nrow(output), nMNO, nReg, fu, fv, flambda, relTol, nSim = 1e4, nStrata[1:2], verbose, nThreads)
flist <- lapply(lambda0s, function(lambda0){
function(u, v){ duvlambda(lambda0, u, v, nMNO, fu, fv, flambda, relTol, nThreads)$prob }
optimC <- sapply(seq(along = flist), function(i){
fun <- function(x){
output <- numeric(1)
guv <- g(x[1], x[2])
if (guv >= .Machine$double.xmin) output <- g(x[1], x[2]) / flist[[i]](x[1], x[2])
output <- -1 / optim(c(uMode, vMode), fun)$value
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
if (verbose) cat('Generating and accepting/rejecting values...\n')
if (fu[[1]] == 'unif') {
ru <- runif(length(lambda0s), min = uMin, max = uMax)
if (fu[[1]] == 'triang') {
ru <- rtriang(length(lambda0s), xMin = uMin, xMax = uMax, xMode = uMode)
if (fv[[1]] == 'unif') {
rv <- runif(length(lambda0s), min = vMin, max = vMax)
if (fv[[1]] == 'triang') {
rv <- rtriang(length(lambda0s), xMin = vMin, xMax = vMax, xMode = vMode)
if (fv[[1]] == 'gamma') {
rv <- rgamma(length(lambda0s), shape = vshape, scale = vscale)
ruv0 <- cbind(u = ru, v = rv, lambda = lambda0s)
v <- runif(n - nrow(output))
if (verbose) cat(' of target distribution...\n')
fx <- sapply(seq(along = flist), function(i) do.call(flist[[i]], list(u = ruv0[i, 1], v = ruv0[i, 2])))
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
if (verbose) cat(' of candidate distribution...\n')
gx <- sapply(seq(along = flist), function(i) do.call(g, list(u = ruv0[i, 1], v = ruv0[i, 2])))
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
indexOut <- (v <= fx / (optimC * gx))
if (nrow(ruv0) == 1) {
aux <- t(as.matrix(ruv0[indexOut, ]))
} else {
aux <- ruv0[indexOut, ]
output <- rbind(output, aux)
if (verbose) cat(paste0(length(output), ' points selected.\n'))
if (verbose) cat(' ok.\n')
output <- as.data.table(output)
output[, nMNO := rep(nMNO, each = n)]
output[, nReg := rep(nReg, each = n)]
setcolorder(output, c('nMNO', 'nReg', 'u', 'v', 'lambda'))
} else {
output <- lapply(seq(along = nMNO), function(i){
ruvlambda(n, nMNO[i], nReg[i], fu[[i]], fv[[i]], flambda[[i]], relTol, nSim, nStrata, verbose, nThreads)
output <- rbindlist(output)
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