#' @title Calculating a Transformation of a Continuous Feature Using PDP/ALE Plot
#' @description The safely_transform_continuous() function calculates a transformation function
#' for the continuous variable using a PD/ALE plot obtained from black box model.
#' @param explainer DALEX explainer created with explain() function
#' @param variable a feature for which the transformation function is to be computed
#' @param response_type character, type of response to be calculated, one of: "pdp", "ale".
#' If features are uncorrelated, one can use "pdp" type - otherwise "ale" is strongly recommended.
#' @param grid_points number of points on x-axis used for creating the PD/ALE plot, default 50
#' @param N number of observations from the dataset used for creating the PD/ALE plot, default 200
#' @param penalty penalty for introducing another changepoint,
#' one of "AIC", "BIC", "SIC", "MBIC", "Hannan-Quinn" or numeric non-negative value
#' @param nquantiles the number of quantiles used in integral approximation
#' @param no_segments numeric, a number of segments variable is to be divided into in case of founding no breakpoints
#' @return list of information on the transformation of given variable
#' @seealso \code{\link{safe_extraction}}, \code{\link{safely_detect_changepoints}}
#' @examples
#' library(DALEX)
#' library(randomForest)
#' library(rSAFE)
#' data <- apartments[1:500,]
#' set.seed(111)
#' model_rf <- randomForest(m2.price ~ construction.year + surface + floor +
#' no.rooms + district, data = data)
#' explainer_rf <- explain(model_rf, data = data[,2:6], y = data[,1])
#' safely_transform_continuous(explainer_rf, "construction.year")
#' @importFrom ingredients accumulated_dependence partial_dependence
#' @export
safely_transform_continuous <- function(explainer, variable, response_type = "ale", grid_points = 50, N = 200, penalty = "MBIC", nquantiles = 10, no_segments = 2) {
if (!inherits(explainer, "explainer")) {
stop(paste0("No applicable method for 'safely_transform_continuous' applied to an object of class '", class(explainer), "'."))
if (! variable %in% colnames(explainer$data)) {
stop("Wrong variable name!")
if (! response_type %in% c("pdp", "ale")) {
warning("Wrong type of response - using default one.")
response_type <- "ale"
if (!is.numeric(no_segments) | no_segments%%1!=0 | no_segments<2) {
warning("Wrong number of segments - using default one.")
no_segments <- 2
#calculating average responses of chosen type
if (response_type == "ale") {
sv <- accumulated_dependence(explainer, variables = variable, grid_points = grid_points, N = N)
} else {
sv <- partial_dependence(explainer, variables = variable, grid_points = grid_points, N = N)
#if the variable is a factor with two values (but is regarded as a continuous feature) we do not transform it
if (length(sv$`_x_`) <= 2) {
return(list(sv = sv,
break_points = NULL,
new_levels = NULL))
#computing breakpoints
break_points <- safely_detect_changepoints(sv$`_yhat_`, penalty, nquantiles = nquantiles)
if (length(break_points) == 0) { #no significant changes have been found
#in this case we take a median as a breakpoint and create two intervals (as deafult)
#or if no_segments arguments is specified then we take (no_segments-1) different quantiles and create no_segments intervals
var_quantiles <- quantile(explainer$data[,variable], probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = no_segments+1))
break_points <- unique(as.vector(var_quantiles)[2:no_segments]) #removing first, last and repeating values
} else {
break_points <- sv$`_x_`[break_points]
new_levels <- pretty_intervals(break_points)
return(list(sv = sv,
break_points = break_points,
new_levels = new_levels))
pretty_intervals <- function(break_points) {
if (is.null(break_points)) {
stop("No data provided!")
#we use prettyNum() function to nicely format numbers that will be displeyed during intervals printing
bp_pretty <- unique(prettyNum(break_points))
if (length(break_points) == 1) {
new_levels <- c(paste0("(-Inf, ", bp_pretty[1], "]"),
paste0("(", bp_pretty[1], ", Inf)"))
} else {
#in case there are many breakpoints first we check if they still will be unique after applying prettyNum() function
if (length(bp_pretty) != length(break_points)) { #not all the 'pretty' breakpoints are unique so we go back to original formatting
bp_pretty <- break_points
first_interval <- paste0("(-Inf, ", bp_pretty[1], "]")
inner_interval_starts <- bp_pretty[1:(length(bp_pretty)-1)]
inner_interval_ends <- bp_pretty[2:length(bp_pretty)]
inner_intervals <- matrix(c(inner_interval_starts, inner_interval_ends), ncol = 2)
inner_intervals <- apply(inner_intervals, 1, function(x) paste0("(", x[1], ", ", x[2], "]"))
last_interval <- paste0("(", bp_pretty[length(bp_pretty)], ", Inf)")
new_levels <- c(first_interval, inner_intervals, last_interval)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_vline
plot_continuous <- function(temp_info, variable) {
p <- plot(temp_info$sv)
#adding breakpoints to the pdp/ale plot
temp_bp <- temp_info$break_points
if (!is.null(temp_bp)) {
for (i in 1:length(temp_bp)) {
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = temp_bp[i], colour = "red", size = 1, linetype = "dotted")
} else {
cat(paste0("No transformation for '", variable, "'."))
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