
Defines functions is_python_initialized ensure_python_initialized initialize_python

#' R Interface to Python
#' R interface to Python modules, classes, and functions. When calling into
#' Python R data types are automatically converted to their equivalent Python
#' types. When values are returned from Python to R they are converted back to R
#' types. The reticulate package is compatible with all versions of Python >= 2.7.
#' Integration with NumPy requires NumPy version 1.6 or higher.
#' @docType package
#' @name reticulate
#' @useDynLib reticulate, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp

# package level mutable global state
.globals <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.globals$required_python_version <- NULL
.globals$use_python_versions <- c()
.globals$py_config <- NULL
.globals$delay_load_module <- NULL
.globals$delay_load_environment <- NULL
.globals$delay_load_priority <- 0
.globals$suppress_warnings_handlers <- list()
.globals$class_filters <- list()
.globals$py_repl_active <- FALSE

is_python_initialized <- function() {

ensure_python_initialized <- function(required_module = NULL) {
  if (!is_python_initialized()) {
     # give delay load modules priority
     use_environment <- NULL
     if (!is.null(.globals$delay_load_module)) {
        required_module <- .globals$delay_load_module
        use_environment <- .globals$delay_load_environment
        .globals$delay_load_module <- NULL # one shot
        .globals$delay_load_environment <- NULL
        .globals$delay_load_priority <- 0
    .globals$py_config <- initialize_python(required_module, use_environment)

    # generate 'R' helper object
    py_inject_r(envir = globalenv())

    # remap output streams to R output handlers


initialize_python <- function(required_module = NULL, use_environment = NULL) {

  # resolve top level module for search
  if (!is.null(required_module))
    required_module <- strsplit(required_module, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[1]]

  # find configuration
  config <- py_discover_config(required_module, use_environment)

  # check for basic python prerequsities
  if (is.null(config)) {
    stop("Installation of Python not found, Python bindings not loaded.")
  } else if (!is_windows() && (is.null(config$libpython) || !file.exists(config$libpython))) {
    stop("Python shared library '", config$libpython, "' not found, Python bindings not loaded.")
  } else if (is_incompatible_arch(config)) {
    stop("Your current architecture is ", current_python_arch(), " however this version of ",
         "Python is compiled for ", config$architecture, ".")

  # check numpy version and provide a load error message if we don't satisfy it
  if (is.null(config$numpy) || config$numpy$version < "1.6")
    numpy_load_error <- "installation of Numpy >= 1.6 not found"
    numpy_load_error <- ""

  # add the python bin dir to the PATH (so that any execution of python from
  # within the interpreter, from a system call, or from within a terminal
  # hosted within the front end will use the same version of python.
  python_home <- dirname(config$python)
  python_dirs <- c(normalizePath(python_home))

  if (is_windows()) {

    # include the Scripts path, as well
    python_scripts <- file.path(python_home, "Scripts")
    if (file.exists(python_scripts))
      python_dirs <- c(python_dirs, normalizePath(python_scripts))

    # we saw some crashes occurring when Python modules attempted to load
    # dynamic libraries at runtime; e.g.
    #   Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll
    # we work around this by putting the associated binary directory
    # on the PATH so it can be successfully resolved
    python_bin <- file.path(python_home, "Library/bin")
    if (file.exists(python_bin))
      python_dirs <- c(python_dirs, normalizePath(python_bin))

  Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(paste(python_dirs, collapse =  .Platform$path.sep),
                          sep = .Platform$path.sep))

  # initialize python
                config$version >= "3.0",

  # if we have a virtualenv then set the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable
  if (nzchar(config$virtualenv_activate))
    Sys.setenv(VIRTUAL_ENV = path.expand(dirname(dirname(config$virtualenv_activate))))

  # set available flag indicating we have py bindings
  config$available <- TRUE

  # add our python scripts to the search path
  py_run_string_impl(paste0("import sys; sys.path.append('",
                       system.file("python", package = "reticulate") ,

  # set R_SESSION_INITIALIZED flag (used by rpy2)
  Sys.setenv(R_SESSION_INITIALIZED=sprintf('PID=%s:NAME="reticulate"', Sys.getpid()))

  # return config
Mormukut11/R-interface-to-Python documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:36 a.m.