  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

First load CryptDriftR.


Next we load the data from Vermeulen, Morrissey et al Science 2013.


This data set comprises all 8 pulse chase data sets used in the paper.

Small intestine data analysis

Wild type data

Fit the data with the neutral drift model.

# Get time points from colnames
time_interval = data_SI_ahCreER_WT %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
# Fit model
fit_out_WT   = fitNeutralDrift(data_SI_ahCreER_WT, time_interval)

The model is fit using MCMC, so it's a good idea to check everything has gone well. This tends to not be a problem for this code, but worth checking.

pp_convergence = plotsConvergence_Neutral(fit_out_WT)

We can look at the parametres that were inferred.

pp_posterior = plotPosterior_Neutral(fit_out_WT) 

We can also access the optimal fit (MAP estimate is used for this).


It's also possible to plot the data with the optimal fit overlaid.


Mutant pulse chase data

Next we fit the biased drift model to the KRAS data.

time_interval = data_SI_ahCreER_KRAS %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
# We use the WT parameters inferred from the WT data
fit_out_mut   = fitBiasedDrift(data_SI_ahCreER_KRAS, time_interval, WT_params = fit_out_WT$MAP_est)

Again we can check the convergence.

pp_convergence =  plotsConvergence_Biased(fit_out_mut)

We can plot the inferred parameter.

pp_posterior = plotPosterior_Pr(fit_out_mut) 

And calculate the estimate of the paramater


We can also plot the fit

pp_KRAS = plotsBiasDrift_Fit(fit_out_mut)

We can analyse the APC mutant data sets.

time_interval = data_SI_ahCreER_APChet %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
fit_out_het   = fitBiasedDrift(data_SI_ahCreER_APChet, time_interval, WT_params = fit_out_WT$MAP_est)
time_interval = data_SI_ahCreER_APChom %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
fit_out_hom   = fitBiasedDrift(data_SI_ahCreER_APChom, time_interval, WT_params = fit_out_WT$MAP_est)
pp_het = plotPosterior_Pr(fit_out_het) + ggtitle("Apc-Het")
pp_hom = plotPosterior_Pr(fit_out_hom) + ggtitle("Apc-Hom")
grid.arrange(pp_het, pp_hom)

Colon data analysis

First we get the neutral drift parameters for colon

time_interval    = data_Colon_LGR5CreER_WT %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric() 
fit_out_colon_WT = fitNeutralDrift(data_Colon_LGR5CreER_WT, time_interval)

Effect of p53

Next we analyse the effect of p53 mutation on colonic stem cells.

time_interval   = data_Colon_LGR5CreER_p53 %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
fit_out   = fitBiasedDrift(data_Colon_LGR5CreER_p53, time_interval, WT_params = fit_out_colon_WT$MAP_est) 
pp_Pr_p53 = plotPosterior_Pr(fit_out) 


We calculate neutral drift parameters on a colitis background.

time_interval   = data_DSSColon_LGR5CreER_WT %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
fit_out   = fitNeutralDrift(data_DSSColon_LGR5CreER_WT, time_interval) 
pp_post = plotPosterior_Neutral(fit_out)

And next we estimate Pr for p53 mutant stem cells with a colitis background.

time_interval = data_DSSColon_LGR5CreER_p53 %>% colnames() %>% as.numeric()
fit_out_mut   = fitBiasedDrift(data_DSSColon_LGR5CreER_p53, time_interval, WT_params = fit_out$MAP_est) 
pp_Pr_p53     = plotPosterior_Pr(fit_out_mut) 

MorrisseyLab/CryptDriftR documentation built on Aug. 7, 2021, 8:22 p.m.