
Defines functions prctile stdrobust meanrobust NormalizeUmatrix getAbstractUMatrix getToroidVoronoiBorders BorderToGridwalkCoord normUmatrix

Documented in NormalizeUmatrix

normUmatrix <- function(aumx, umx){
  # Normiert eine Umatrix mithilfe einer abstrakten Umatrix (aus getAbstractUMatrix)
  #   aumx      Abstrakte Umatrix, Übergeben als Matrix die ein toroides Gitter repräsentiert
  #   umx       Umatrix, Übergeben als Matrix die ein toroides Gitter repräsentiert
  #     Normierte Umatrix
  if(any(dim(aumx) != dim(umx))){
    stop("Abstract umatrix and umatrix must have the same size")
  meana <- meanrobust(as.vector(aumx))
  meanu <- meanrobust(as.vector( umx))
  stda <- as.numeric(stdrobust(as.vector(aumx)))
  stdu <- as.numeric(stdrobust(as.vector( umx)))
  normaumx <- ((aumx - meana)/stda)
  normumx <- ((umx - meanu)/stdu)
  nas = which(is.na(normaumx),arr.ind = T)
  normaumx[nas] = normumx[nas]

BorderToGridwalkCoord <- function(Border, Size) {
  # Berechnet aus aus einem Vektor der Start- und Endkoordinaten einer Linie enthält die Koordinaten 
  # aller Punkte in einem toroiden Gitter aus denen diese Linie besteht
  # Border    Vektor der Länge 4 benötigt der Anfangs und Endpunkte der Linie in x und y Achse beschreibt.
  # Size      Vektor der Länge 2 der die größe des Gitters angibt.
  # points    Matrix mit 2 dimensionalen Gitterkoordinaten.
  # Felix Pape 10/2016
  round <- function(x, n = 0){
    posneg = sign(x)
    z = abs(x)*10^n
    z = z + 0.5
    z = trunc(z)
    z = z/10^n
  start <- round(c(as.numeric(Border[1]), as.numeric(Border[2])))
  end   <- round(c(as.numeric(Border[3]), as.numeric(Border[4])))
  dx <- end[1] - start[1]
  dy <- end[2] - start[2]
  nx <- abs(dx)
  ny <- abs(dy)
  sign_x = (dx > 0) * 2 - 1 # R Type magic. TRUE essentally == 1, FALSE == 0
  sign_y = (dy > 0) * 2 - 1
  points <- matrix(NA, nrow = nx + ny + 1, ncol = 2)
  points[1,] <- start
  ix <- 0
  iy <- 0
  i <- 2
  while(ix < nx || iy < ny){
    if((0.5+ix)/nx < (0.5+iy)/ny){
      # next step horizontal
      points[i,] <- points[i-1,] + c(sign_x, 0)
      ix <- ix + 1
    } else {
      # next step vertical
      points[i,] <- points[i-1,] + c(0, sign_y)
      iy <- iy + 1
    i <- i + 1
  points[,1] = ((points[,1] - 1) %% (Size[1])) + 1
  points[,2] = ((points[,2] - 1) %% (Size[2])) + 1
getToroidVoronoiBorders <- function(BestMatches, Size){
  # Creates a matrix containing the start and end coordinates of the borders of the toroid voronoi cells
  # BestMatches     Matrix containing the Index and Positions of the best matching units
  # Size            Vector of length 2. Size of the grid to be used. Probably size(Umatrix)
  # borders         stripped down version of the dirsgs data.frame returned by deldir, containing
  #                           the beginning and end points of toroid voronoi borders [,1:4] and
  #                           the corresponding BestMatch ids of the border [,5:6]
  # Felix Pape 10/2016
  ninetileBM <- function(BestMatches, Size){
    Lines = Size[2]
    Columns = Size[1]
    b = BestMatches[,2:3]
    b = rbind(b, cbind(b[,1] + Columns, b[,2]), cbind(b[,1] - Columns, b[,2]))
    b = rbind(b, cbind(b[,1], b[,2] + Lines), cbind(b[,1], b[,2] - Lines))
  originds = BestMatches[,1]
  bmulen = dim(BestMatches)[1]
  b9     = ninetileBM(BestMatches,Size)
  # Hierbei fallen Bestmatches mit gleicher Position im Gitter raus
  # Das ist tendentiell schlecht, da sp?ter Distanzen zwischen Bestmatches
  # mit gemeinsamen Kanten berechnet werden muessen.
  # Moeglichkeit diese Bestmatches zu finden:
  # Die Indizes von 1 bis bmulen die in do$ind.orig NICHT auftreten.
  # Fragen:
  # Wie soll mit diesen Bestmatches umgegangen werden?
  # Wie wird die Distanz zwischen 2 Voronoi Zellen berechnet, wenn mindestens eine 2 unterschiedliche Kerne hat?
  # Derzeit wird dieses "Problem" ignoriert.
  do     = deldir::deldir(b9[,1],b9[,2])
  inds   = which(do$ind.orig[do$dirsgs[,5]] %in% 1:length(originds) | do$ind.orig[do$dirsgs[,6]]  %in% 1:length(originds))
  borders= do$dirsgs[inds,]
  borders[,5] = originds[((do$ind.orig[do$dirsgs[inds,5]] - 1) %% (bmulen )) + 1]
  borders[,6] = originds[((do$ind.orig[do$dirsgs[inds,6]] - 1) %% (bmulen )) + 1]
getAbstractUMatrix <- function(BestMatches, Size, Data, BorderAlg = BorderToGridwalkCoord){
  # Generate abstract umatrix. Be aware: Not all points in the resulting grid have a value assigned to them and stay NA.
  # BestMatches     Matrix containing the coordinates of the best matching units on the grid
  # Size            Vector of 2: Size of the grid to create the abstract umatrix upon. Should be size(umatrix) of the corresponding umatrix
  # Data            Matrix of data for which the abstract umatrix is going to be created
  # BorderAlg       Function used to create grid coordinates from border coordinates. BorderToGridwalkCoord (grid walking algorithm), or BorderToGridCoord (linear interpolation)
  # A matrix representing a 2 dimensional toroid grid filled with all edges of the abstract umatrix. All other points are NA.
  # Felix Pape 11/2016
  uniquePoints <- function(data,mindist = 1e-10){
    # U <- uniquePoints(data)
    # return only the unique points in data
    # INPUT
    # data[1:n,1:d]   The vector/matrix with n data points of dimension d
    #				          the points are in the  rows
    # mindist					everything with less distance is considered equal
    # OUTPUT
    # a list U containg:
    # UniqueData  <- U$unique[1:u,1:d]       the data points  without duplicate points
    # UniqueInd   <- U$sortind[1:u]		       an index vector such that unique ==  data[sortind,]
    # Uniq2DataInd<- U$mergeind[1:n] 	       an index vector such that   data ==  unique[mergeind,]
    # IsDuplicate <- U$IsDuplicate[1:n,1:n]  for i!=j IsDuplicate[i,j]== 1  iff data[i,] == data[j,] ;  IsDuplicate[i,i]==0
    # Complete Code rewrite by FP 03/17 
    # 1.Editor: MT 03/17: mindist als Parameter eingefuehrt
    # when data is a vector, convert to matrix
    if (methods::is(data,"numeric") || methods::is(data,"complex")) {
      data <- matrix(data, ncol = 1)
    } else if (inherits(data,"data.frame")) {
      data <- as.matrix(data)
    } else if (!inherits(data,"matrix")) {
      stop("uniquePoints input is neither a (numeric or complex) vector, matrix or data.frame.")
    NumData = nrow(data)
    distsmat = as.matrix(dist(data))
    # * 1 is to "hack" TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0
    IsDuplicate = ((distsmat) < mindist) * 1 - diag(NumData)
    # Hack: set distance of every node to itself to NA (we're not interested in these distances)
    # otherwise every element would be a duplicate of itself later.
    distsmat = distsmat + diag(rep(NA, nrow(distsmat)))
    # No duplicates found
    if (length(which((distsmat) < mindist)) == 0) {
        "unique" = unique(data),
        "sortind" = c(1:NumData),
        "mergeind" = c(1:NumData),
        IsDuplicate = IsDuplicate
    # save rownames
    origrows = rownames(data)
    # use rownames to save original index
    rownames(data) = c(1:NumData)
    #  find out which distances are smaller than mindist (and as such duplicates)
    # (except the diagonal, so we artificially increase it)
    dups = which((distsmat) < mindist, arr.ind = T)
    # indicies of rows which will be deleted
    delinds = c()
    while (dim(dups)[1] > 0) {
      ind = dups[1, 1]
      delinds = c(delinds, ind)
      # remove every row in which the duplicate also occurs.
      # this is to prevent to also delete the "original"
      # if not save, encapuslate right hand side in matrix( ... , nrow = 2)
      dups = dups[-(which(dups == ind, arr.ind = T)[, 1]), ]
    # delete duplicates, stay as matrix (important for vector input) and keep rownames
    uniquedata = data[-delinds, ]
    uniquedata = matrix(uniquedata, ncol = ncol(data))
    rownames(uniquedata) = rownames(data)[-delinds]
    # the rownames contain the indicies in the original data
    sortind = as.numeric(rownames(uniquedata))
    # calculate the mergind. At the end there should not be a NA in mergeind left
    mergeind = rep(NA, NumData)
    mergeind[sortind] = 1:nrow(uniquedata)
    # this works due to the fact that:
    #   union(sortind, delinds) == 1:NumData (if everything is sorted)
    for (i in delinds) {
      candidates = which(IsDuplicate[i, ] == 1)
      original = intersect(candidates, sortind)
      mergeind[i] = which(sortind == original)
    # restore rownames of the original data
    rownames(uniquedata) = origrows[-delinds]
        "unique" = as.matrix(uniquedata),
        "sortind" = sortind,
        "mergeind" = mergeind,
        IsDuplicate = IsDuplicate
  } #end function uniquePoints
  if(ncol(BestMatches) != 3)
    stop("BestMatches must be in the usual format. 3 columns: ID, Line, Column")
  if(!is.vector(Size) || length(Size) != 2)
    stop("Size expects a vector of length 2. See the result of size for a (u)matrix")
  uni = uniquePoints(BestMatches[,2:3])
  BestMatches = cbind(uni$sortind, uni$unique[,1], uni$unique[,2])
  borders = getToroidVoronoiBorders(BestMatches, Size)
  gridcoords = apply(borders[,1:4], 1, BorderAlg, Size = Size)
  #gridcordmat = do.call(rbind, gridcoords)
  grid = matrix(NA, nrow = Size[1], ncol = Size[2])
  for (i in 1:length(gridcoords)) {
      curbor = (gridcoords[[i]])
      curbor = t(matrix(gridcoords[[i]], nrow = 2))
    curbms = borders[names(gridcoords)[i], 5:6]
    d = as.numeric(dist(rbind(Data[curbms$ind1, ], Data[curbms$ind2, ])))
    grid[curbor] = apply(cbind(d,grid[curbor]), MARGIN = 1, max, na.rm=T)

NormalizeUmatrix = function(Data, Umatrix, BestMatches) {
  if (!is.matrix(BestMatches))
    stop('Bestmatches have to be a matrix')
    b = dim(BestMatches)
  if (b[2] > 3 | b[2] < 2)
    stop(paste0('Wrong number of Columns of Bestmatches: ', b[2]))
  if (b[2] == 2) {
    Points = BestMatches
    #With Key
    BestMatches = cbind(1:b[1], BestMatches)
  } else{
    Points = BestMatches[, 2:3]
  d = dim(Umatrix)
  if (is.null(d)) {
    stop('Umatrix Dimension is null. Please check Input')
  mini=apply(Points, 2, min,na.rm=TRUE)
  maxi=apply(Points, 2, max,na.rm=TRUE)
  #mini = matrixStats::colMins(Points, na.rm = TRUE)
  #maxi = matrixStats::colMaxs(Points, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (sum(mini) < 2) {
    stop('Some Bestmatches are below 1 in X or Y/Columns or Lines')
  if (d[1] < maxi[1]) {
      'Range of Bestmatches',
      ' is higher than Range of Umatrix',
  if (d[2] < maxi[2]) {
      'Range of Bestmatches',
      ' is higher than Range of Umatrix',
  if (b[1] != nrow(Data))
    stop('Number of Data cases do not equal Number of BestMatches')
  aumx = getAbstractUMatrix(BestMatches, Size = dim(Umatrix), Data = Data)
  normalized = normUmatrix(aumx, Umatrix)

meanrobust <- function(x, p=0.1){
    for(i in 1:dim(x)[2]){
  } else  mhat<-mean(x,trim=p,na.rm=TRUE) 
  return (mhat) 

stdrobust <- function(x,lowInnerPercentile=25){
  if(is.vector(x) || (is.matrix(x) && dim(x)[1]==1)) dim(x)<-c(length(x),1)
  hiInnerPercentile<- 100 - lowInnerPercentile
  if (ncol(x)>1)
  for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
  return (shat) 

  #   matlab:
  #   Y = prctile(X,p) returns percentiles of the values in X. 
  #   p is a scalar or a vector of percent values. When X is a 
  #   vector, Y is the same size as p and Y(i) contains the p(i)th 
  #   percentile. When X is a matrix, the ith row of Y contains the 
  #   p(i)th percentiles of each column of X. For N-dimensional arrays,
  #   prctile operates along the first nonsingleton dimension of X.  
  if(is.matrix(x) && ncol(x)>1){
    for(i in 1:cols){
Mthrun/GeneralizedUmatrix documentation built on July 19, 2023, 9:34 a.m.