
Defines functions bugs.plot.summary

Documented in bugs.plot.summary

#' Plotting summary information - intended for internal use only
#' Plotting summary information - intended for internal use
#' \code{bugs.plot.summary} (left hand side of plot) and
#' \code{bugs.plot.inferences} (right hand side of plot).
#' @name bugs.plot
#' @aliases bugs.plot.summary bugs.plot.inferences
#' @param sims an object of class \code{bugs}, see \code{\link{bugs}} for
#' details
#' @param display.parallel display parallel intervals in both halves of the
#' summary plots; this is a convergence-monitoring tool and is not necessary
#' once you have approximate convergence (default is \code{FALSE})
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to low-level plot functions
#' @return Does not return anything, but prints and plots as side-effects.
#' @seealso The main function to be called by the user is \code{plot}, see
#' \code{\link{plot.bugs}} for details.
#' @keywords internal
bugs.plot.summary <- function(sims, ...){
  isDIC <- sims$isDIC
  if (.Device == "windows" ||
        (.Device == "null device" && options("device") == "windows")){
    cex.names <- 0.7
    cex.top <- 0.7
    cex.points <- 0.7
    max.length <- 50
    min.width <- 0.01
  } else {
    cex.names <- 0.7
    cex.top <- 0.7
    cex.points <- 0.3
    max.length <- 80
    min.width <- 0.005
  summ <- sims$summary
  sims.array <- sims$sims.array
  n.chains <- sims$n.chains
  n.parameters <- nrow(summ)

  J0 <- unlist(lapply(sims$long.short, length))
  if (isDIC){
    J0 <- J0[1:(length(J0) - 1)]  # don't display deviance summaries
  J <- J0
  total <- ceiling(sum(J + 0.5))
  while ((total > max.length) && max(J) > 1){
    ### vielleicht optimieren ...
    J[J == max(J)] <- max(J) - 1
    total <- ceiling(sum(J + 0.5))
  pos <- -1
  ypos <- NULL
  id <- NULL
  ystart <- NULL
  jj <- 1:J[1]
  n.roots <- length(sims$root.short)
  if (isDIC){
    n.roots <- n.roots - 1  # don't display deviance summaries
  ystart <- numeric(n.roots)
  for (k in 1:n.roots){
    ystart[k] <- pos
    ypos <- c(ypos, pos - seq(0, J[k] - 1))
    id <- c(id, 1:J[k])
    pos <- pos - J[k] - 0.5
    if (k > 1){
      jj <- c(jj, sum(J0[1:(k - 1)]) + (1:J[k]))
  bottom <- min(ypos) - 1
  med <- numeric(sum(J))
  i80 <- matrix(, sum(J), 2)
  i80.chains <- array(NA, c(sum(J), n.chains, 2))
  for (j in 1:sum(J)){
    med[j] <- median(sims.array[, , jj[j]])
    i80[j, ] <- quantile(sims.array[, , jj[j]], c(0.1, 0.9))
    for (m in 1:n.chains){
      i80.chains[j, m, ] <- quantile(sims.array[, m, jj[j]], c(0.1, 0.9))
  rng <- range(i80, i80.chains)
  p.rng <- pretty(rng, n = 2)
  b <- 2/(max(p.rng) - min(p.rng))
  a <- -b * p.rng[1]

  par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 3))
  plot(c(0, 1),
       c(min(bottom, -max.length) - 3, 2.5),
       ann = FALSE,
       bty = "n",
       xaxt = "n",
       yaxt = "n",
       type = "n")
  W <- max(strwidth(unlist(dimnames(summ)[[1]]), cex = cex.names))
  B <- (1 - W)/3.6
  A <- 1 - 3.5 * B
  B <- (1 - A)/3.5
  b <- B * b
  a <- A + B * a
  text(A + B * 1, 2.5, "80% interval for each chain", cex = cex.top)
  lines(A + B * c(0, 2), c(0, 0))
  lines(A + B * c(0, 2), rep(bottom, 2))
  if (n.chains > 1){
    text(A + B * 3, 2.6, "R-hat", cex = cex.top)
    lines(A + B * c(2.5, 3.5), c(0, 0))
    lines(A + B * c(2.5, 3.5), rep(bottom, 2))
  # line at zero
  if (min(p.rng) < 0 & max(p.rng) > 0){
    lines(rep(a, 2), c(0, bottom), lwd = 0.5, col = "gray")

  for (x in p.rng){
    text(a + b * x, 1, x, cex = cex.names)
    lines(rep(a + b * x, 2), c(0, -0.2))
    text(a + b * x, bottom - 1, x, cex = cex.names)
    lines(rep(a + b * x, 2), bottom + c(0, 0.2))
  if (n.chains > 1){
    for (x in seq(1, 2, 0.5)){
      text(A + B * (1.5 + seq(1, 2, 0.5)),
           rep(1, 3),
           c("1", "1.5", "2+"),
           cex = cex.names)
      lines(A + B * rep(1.5 + x, 2), c(0, -0.2))
      text(A + B * (1.5 + seq(1, 2, 0.5)),
           rep(bottom - 1, 3),
           c("1", "1.5", "2+"),
           cex = cex.names)
      lines(A + B * rep(1.5 + x, 2), bottom + c(0, 0.2))
  for (j in 1:sum(J)){
    name <- dimnames(summ)[[1]][jj[j]]
    if (id[j] == 1){
      text(0, ypos[j], name, adj = 0, cex = cex.names)
    } else {
      pos <- as.vector(regexpr("[[]", name))
      text(strwidth(substring(name, 1, pos - 1), cex = cex.names),
           substring(name, pos, nchar(name)),
           adj = 0,
           cex = cex.names)
    for (m in 1:n.chains){
      interval <- a + b * i80.chains[j, m, ]
      if (interval[2] - interval[1] < min.width){
        interval <- mean(interval) + c(-1, 1) * min.width/2
            rep(ypos[j] - 0.1 * (m - (n.chains + 1)/2), 2),
            lwd = 1,
            col = m + 1)
      if (n.chains > 1){
        points(A + B * (1.5 + min(max(summ[jj[j], "Rhat"], 1), 2)),
               pch = 20,
               cex = cex.points)
  for (k in 1:n.roots){
    if (J[k] < J0[k]){
      text(-0.015, ystart[k], "*", cex = cex.names, col = "red")
  if (sum(J != J0) > 0){
         bottom - 3,
         "*  array truncated for lack of space",
         adj = 0,
         cex = cex.names,
         col = "red")
MultiBUGS/R2MultiBUGS documentation built on Aug. 14, 2019, 3:15 p.m.