
Defines functions TimesliceToDART WriteDischargeObsSeq MkDischargeVariance Model3SdErrClimTaper Model3SdErrPctErrPlusQntlIncpt

Documented in MkDischargeVariance Model3SdErrClimTaper Model3SdErrPctErrPlusQntlIncpt WriteDischargeObsSeq

# Put USGS observations into a DART obs_seq.in file which can be piped into
# create_obs_sequence. 
# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_Observations.php#obs_seq_overview
# they show an example of doing this interactively, but can also cat a file to
# create_obs_sequence.

## error model
## review/plot
## write to obs_seq_out

## create_obs_sequence wants tuples of: (??)
## [[[ type, location, time, expected error, and optionally a data value and/or a quality control indicator]]]


#' Three-sigma errors specified as percent of observed plus some quantile of
#' historical flows.
#' \code{Model3SdErrPctErrPlusQntlIncpt} models three sigma (standard deviation)
#' errors (same units as input) as percent of observed plus some quantile of
#' historical record.
#' @param data, Numeric the values for which errors are to be modeled.
#' @param qntlIncpt Numeric the quantile of historical observations to be used
#'   as minimum error.
#' @param pctErr Numeric the percent error associated with the observations.
#' @export
Model3SdErrPctErrPlusQntlIncpt <- function(data, qntlIncpt=.005, pctErr=.1) {
  # may consider giving warning about length of timeseries? but how to do without time information.
  quantile(data, qntlIncpt) + (pctErr * pretty$Q.cms)


#' Three-sigma error specification assuming errors are smaller near
#' climatological median (or other quantile).
#' \code{Model3SdErrClimTaper} models three-sigma errors (same units as input)
#' as smallest (\code{qntlIncpt} intercept is some climatological quantile) at 
#' "climatological" observations (\code{qntlClim}, e.g. median = .5) and grow to
#' some maximum percent error (\code{pctErr}). This is expressed by \cr
#' \code{quantile(data, qntlIncpt) + pmin( pctErr*data,
#' pctErr*abs(data-quantile(data, qntlClim)) )}
#' @param data Numeric The values for which errors are to be modeled.
#' @param qntlIncpt Numeric The quantile of historical observations to be used
#'   as minimum error or intercept.
#' @param qntlClim Numeric The quantile of historical observations to be used as
#'   observation value of minimum error.
#' @param pctErr Numeric The percent error associated with the observations.
#' @export
Model3SdErrClimTaper <- function(data, qntlIncpt=.05, qntlClim=.5, pctErr=.15) {  
  # may consider giving warning about length of timeseries? but how to do without time information.
  quantile(data, qntlIncpt) + pmin( pctErr*data, pctErr*abs(data-quantile(data, qntlClim)) )


#' Make variances for prettyUsgs discharge observations.
#' \code{MkDischargeVariance} makes variances fr prettyUsgs discharge
#' observations. The formulation of the variances is subjective. Assuming
#' zero-mean Gaussian observation errors, the approach here is to supply a
#' function which estimates the 3-sigma (inner 99.5% error quantiles) around the
#' observations. This amount seems somewhat easier to conceptualize than
#' 1-sigma, hence here we are. This function divides the error amounts by 3 and
#' either returns the standard deviation or squares the result to return the
#' variance (default).
#' @param prettyUsgs The prettyUsgs discharge observations to which variances
#'   are to be added.
#' @param error3SdFunc Function which accepts the data and returns 3-sigma error
#'   estimates.
#' @param retVariance Logical Returns variance if TRUE, else returns 1-sigma
#'   error.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dbPath <- '~/usgsDb/'
#' prettyOrodell <- 
#'  PrettySiteData(QuerySiteData(QuerySiteName("FOURMILE CREEK AT ORODELL, CO", path=dbPath), 
#'                               product='00060', path=dbPath),metricOnly=FALSE, metric=TRUE)
#' prettyOro <- MkDischargeVariance(prettyOrodell, Model3SdErrClimTaper)
#' prettyO <- subset(prettyOro, dateTime < as.POSIXct('2012-01-01'))
#' oroPlot <- PlotPrettyData(prettyO)
#' }
#' @keywords manip
#' @concept DART dataMgmt
#' @export
MkDischargeVariance <- function(prettyUsgs, error3SdFunc, retVariance=TRUE) {
  if(!('prettyUsgs' %in% class(prettyUsgs))) {
    warning("MkDischargeVariance needs a 'prettyUsgs' object as its first argument. Returning.")
  if(!('Discharge code' %in% names(prettyUsgs))) {
    warning("MkDischargeVariance only applies to discharge data. Returning.")
  ## only return one, NOT both
  if(retVariance) {
    errExp <- 2; errStr <- 'variance'; errAtt <- 'variances'
  } else {
    errExp <- 1; errStr <- 'st.dev.' ; errAtt <- 'st.devs.'
  ## Is there more than one variable?
  variables <- attr(prettyUsgs, 'variables')
  varSplit <- strsplit(variables,'[] ()]')
  errNames  <- plyr::laply(varSplit, function(ch) paste0(ch[1],' ',errStr,' (',ch[3],'^',errExp,')'))
  names(errNames) <- names(variables) <- variables
  calcErr <- function(var) (error3SdFunc(var)/3)^(errExp)
  errs <- plyr::llply(variables, function(var) calcErr(prettyUsgs[[var]]))
  for (var in variables) {
    prettyUsgs[[errNames[var]]] <- errs[[var]]
  names(errNames) <- NULL
  attr(prettyUsgs, errAtt) <- errNames

#dataHourly <- plyr::ddply(pretty, .(year, month, day, hour),
                    ##Q.cms=mean(`discharge (cfs)`*cfs2cms, na.rm=TRUE) )
#                    Q.cms=`discharge (cfs)`[which.max(minute)]*cfs2cms )

#dataHourly$POSIXct <-
  #as.POSIXct(with(dataHourly, paste0(year,'/',month,'/',day,'_',hour)),format='%Y/%m/%d_%H')

#' Writes an ascii obs_seq.in file for DART binary create_obs_sequence
#' \code{WriteDischargeObsSeq} makes variances for prettyUsgs discharge observations. The formulation 
#' of the variances is subjective. Assuming zero-mean Gaussian observation errors, the approach 
#' here is to supply a function which estimates the 3-sigma (inner 99.5% error quantiles) around 
#' the observations. This amount seems somewhat easier to conceptualize than 1-sigma, hence here
#' we are. This function divides the error amounts by 3 and either returns the standard deviation
#' or squares the result to return the variance (default).
#' @param pretty The prettyUsgs discharge observations to which variances are to be added. 
#' @param outPath     Character The directory where the file is to be written.
#' @param stationName Character To help identify the outputfile and the station data in the file.
#' @param errorId     Character To help identify the outputfile and the error function used.
#' @param typeQ       Numeric   Stream discharge obs type index in my pre-release version of DART. It could change.
#'                              DART/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90
#' @examples
#' #Following on examples for MkDischargeVariance
#' \dontrun{
#' WriteDischargeObsSeq(prettyOro, '~/.', 'orodell', 'climTaperDefault')
#mkGaugeObsSeq( loganData, '~/boulderCreek/', 'loganMill' )
#mkGaugeObsSeq( sunshineData, '~/boulderCreek/', 'sunshine' ) 
#' }
#' @keywords manip
#' @concept DART dataMgmt
#' @family dartObs
#' @export
WriteDischargeObsSeq <- function(obsDf,
                                 na.rm=FALSE) {

  if(FALSE) {


    outPath <- '~/'
    ## typcially the tag would include error spec info as well as grouping info
    groupTag <- format(obsDf[1, POSIXctCol], '%Y-%m-%d')
    errTag <- '10PctErr'
  ## remove missing observations
  whNa <- which(is.na(obsDf[[obsCol]]))
  if(length(whNa)) {
    if(na.rm) {
      warning('Missing observations removed in WriteDischargeObsSeq')
      obsDf <- obsDf[-whNa,]
    } else
    warning('Missing observations present in WriteDischargeObsSeq')
  ## time in year month day hour minute second
  obsDf$year   <-  format(obsDf[,POSIXctCol], '%Y')
  obsDf$month  <-  format(obsDf[,POSIXctCol], '%m')
  obsDf$day    <-  format(obsDf[,POSIXctCol], '%d')
  obsDf$hour   <-  format(obsDf[,POSIXctCol], '%H')
  obsDf$minute <-  format(obsDf[,POSIXctCol], '%M')
  obsDf$second <-  format(obsDf[,POSIXctCol], '%S')

  outFileBase <- paste0(groupTag,'.',errTag)
  outFilePathName <- paste0(outPath,'/',outFileBase,'.inputForCreateObsSeq')

  ## this is the file listed at the end of the file we will write, it is the name of the
  ## file to be made by create_obs_seq
  outSeqFileName <- paste0(outFileBase,'.obs_seq.out')

  ## open a file for writing
  outCon <- file(outFilePathName, "w")  # open an output file connection
  ## create_obs_seqence meta info
  ## Input upper bound on number of observations in sequence
  ## Input number of copies of data (0 for just a definition)
  ## Input number of quality control values per field (0 or greater)
  ## input meta data for data copy             1
  ##the obs
  ## input meta data for qc field             1
  cat(as.character(nrow(obsDf)+1), file = outCon, sep = "\n")

  nCopies <- 1
  cat(as.character(nCopies), file = outCon, sep = "\n")
  nQuality <- 0
  cat(as.character(nQuality), file = outCon, sep = "\n")
  cat('"The observations"', file = outCon, sep = "\n")
  ##      Input -1 * state variable index for identity observations
  ##      OR input the name of the observation kind from table below:
  ##      OR input the integer index, BUT see documentation...
  ##                  3 SOIL_MOISTURE
  ##                 20 STREAM_FLOW
  ## location_mod: Ignoring vertical when computing distances; horizontal only
  ## location_mod: Using table-lookup approximation for distance computations
  ## Vertical coordinate options
  ##           -2  --> vertical coordinate undefined
  ##           -1  --> surface
  ##            1  --> model level
  ##            2  --> pressure
  ##            3  --> height
  ##            4  --> scale height
  ## Vertical coordinate height
  ## Input longitude: value 0 to 360.0 or a negative number for 
  ## Uniformly distributed random location in the horizontal
  ## Input latitude: value -90.0 to 90.0
  ## input date (as integers): year month day hour minute second
  ##1999 2 2 2 2 2
  ## Input error variance for this observation definition 
  ## Enter value             1 for this observation
  ## Enter quality control value             1 for this observation
  ## input a -1 if there are no more obs
  ##      Input -1 * state variable index for identity observations
  ##      OR input the name of the observation kind from table below:
  ##      OR input the integer index, BUT see documentation...
  ##                  3 SOIL_MOISTURE
  ##                 20 STREAM_FLOW
  ##2 [[[repeat]]]
  for (i in 1:nrow(obsDf) ) {
        as.character(obsDf[i, elevCol]),
        format(obsDf[i, lonCol] %% 360, digits=20),
        format(obsDf[i, latCol], digits=20),
        paste(as.character(obsDf[i, 'year']),
              as.character(obsDf[i, 'month']),
              as.character(obsDf[i, 'day']),
              as.character(obsDf[i, 'hour']),
              as.character(obsDf[i, 'minute']), 
              as.character(obsDf[i, 'second']),
              sep=' '),
        as.character(obsDf[i, sigma3Col]), 
        as.character(obsDf[i, obsCol]),
        file=outCon, sep='\n')
  cat(as.character(-1), file=outCon, sep='\n')
  cat(outSeqFileName, file=outCon, sep='\n')

#' @export
TimesliceToDART <- function(timesliceFiles,
                            groupTag=NULL) {

  if(FALSE) {


    ## this gets a days worth of files
    sliceSearchDir <-
    timesliceFiles <-
      list.files(sliceSearchDir, pattern='usgsTimeSlice.ncdf$', recursive=TRUE, full=TRUE)
    routeLinkFile <- '/home/jamesmcc/WRF_Hydro/TESTING/TEST_FILES/CONUS/V1.2/RouteLink_2017_04_24.nc'
    QErrFunc <- function(q) q*.1

  ## Get the obs
  obsDf <- plyr::ldply(timesliceFiles, GetNcdfFile,
                             q=TRUE, exclude=TRUE, variable='queryTime')
  ## rename
  obsDf <- dplyr::rename(obsDf, site_no = stationId)
  obsDf$POSIXct <- as.POSIXct(obsDf$time, format='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S', tz='UTC')
  ## Bring in the lat-lon meta data
  if(!is.null(routeLinkFile)) {
    rl <- GetNcdfFile(routeLinkFile, variable=c('gages','alt','lon','lat'), q=TRUE)
    #rl <- data.table::as.data.table(rl)
    rl <- dplyr::rename(rl, site_no = gages)
    rl <- subset(rl, trimws(site_no) != '')
    rl$site_no <- as.vector(rl$site_no)
    obsDf <- dplyr::inner_join(obsDf, rl, by='site_no')
  } else if(!is.null(locationDf)) {

    ## This is NOT tested. 
    #    locationDf <- dplyr::rename(
                         c('locSiteCol', 'locLonCol', 'locLatCol', 'locElevCol'),
                         c('site_no',    'lon',       'lat',       'elev'      ) )
    obsDf <- dplyr::inner_join(obsDf, locationDf, by='site_no')
  ## Apply the error function
  obsDf$err <- QErrFunc(obsDf$discharge)
  errTag <- as.character(substitute(QErrFunc))

  ## Remove non-positive values
  if(negativeQ.rm) obsDf <- subset(obsDf, discharge > 0)
  ## Remove values with discharge_quality < qualityThresh.rm
  obsDf <- subset(obsDf, discharge_quality*.01 >= qualityThresh.rm)

  SiteWriteDischargeObsSeq <- function(subDf, groupTag)
    WriteDischargeObsSeq(obsDf, POSIXctCol='POSIXct',
                         lonCol='lon', latCol='lat', elevCol='alt',
                         obsCol='discharge', sigma3Col='err', siteCol='site_no',
                         dartTypeQ=20, na.rm=FALSE)

  if(bySite) {

    returnedFiles <- list()
    for(ss in trimws(unique(obsDf$site_no))) {
      groupTagSite <- ifelse( is.null(groupTag) || groupTag=='' ,
                             ss, paste0(groupTag,'_',ss))
      returnedFiles[ss] <- SiteWriteDischargeObsSeq( subset(obsDf, site_no == ss), groupTagSite)
  } else {

    returnedFiles <- SiteWriteDischargeObsSeq(obsDf, groupTag)

NCAR/rwrfhydro documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 12:47 p.m.