
Defines functions remove_special_characters

#' Remove and substitute special characters in a string
#' This is a helper function for the [download_package()] function. This was
#' created as a helper so that users can edit the helper, rather than [download_package()]
#' if they want differing special character substitutions. Substitutes special
#' characters from a package identifier. Can be generalized for use with any pid.
#' @author Dominic Mullen, \email{dmullen17@@gmail.com}
#' @param pid (character) The identifier a DataONE object.
#' @return (character) The formatted identifer as a string.
#' @noRd
remove_special_characters <- function(pid) {
    pid <- pid %>%
        gsub(":", "", .) %>%
        gsub("\\/", "", .) %>%
        gsub("\\.", "", .)


#' Convert Excel workbook to multiple csv files
#' This is a helper function for [download_package()].
#' @param path (character) File location of the Excel workbook.
#' @param prefix (character) Optional prefix to prepend to the file name.
#' @author Dominic Mullen \email{dmullen17@@gmail.com}
#' @return (invisible())
#' @noRd
excel_to_csv_prefix <- function(path, prefix) {

    # Try to read excel file and split into csvs
        sheets <- excel_sheets(path)

        excel_name <- basename(path)
        excel_name <- gsub("\\.xls[x]?$", "", excel_name, ignore.case = TRUE)

        lapply(seq_along(sheets), function(i) {
            csv = read_excel(path, sheet = sheets[i])

            if (length(prefix) > 0) {
                excel_name <- gsub(prefix, "", excel_name)

                if (length(sheets) == 1) {
                    file_name <- paste0(prefix, "_", excel_name, ".csv")
                } else {
                    file_name <- paste0(prefix, "_", excel_name, "_", sheets[i], ".csv")

            } else {
                if (length(sheets) == 1) {
                    file_name <- paste0(excel_name, ".csv")
                } else {
                    file_name <- paste0(excel_name, "_", sheets[i], ".csv")

            file_path <- file.path(dirname(path), file_name)

            utils::write.csv(csv, file_path , row.names = FALSE)})

    error = function(e) {message("Error converting: ", path, " to csv\n")}


#' Append one list to another
#' This function appends one list to another list. It can also be used to
#' prepend, just reverse the order of the lists.
#' @param list1 (list) The list to append to.
#' @param list2 (list) The list being appended.
#' @author Dominic Mullen, \email{dmullen17@@gmail.com}
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' appended_lists <- append_lists(list(1:3), list("a", "b", mean))
#' }
append_lists <- function(list1, list2) {
    # TODO Make this function handle infinite lists

    stopifnot(length(list1) > 0)
    stopifnot(length(list2) > 0)

    n1 <- length(list1)
    n2 <- length(list2)

    for (i in 1:n2) {
        list1[[n1+i]] <- list2[[i]]


#' Calculate the total size (in bytes) of the objects in a data package
#' @param mn (MNode/CNode) The Member Node to query for Object sizes.
#' @param resource_map_pid (character) The identifier of the Data Package's Resource Map.
#' @param formatType (character) Optional. Filter to just Objects of the given formatType. One of METADATA, RESOURCE, or DATA or * for all types.
#' @author Bryce Mecum
#' @return (numeric) The sum of all Object sizes in the Data Package
#' @noRd
get_package_size <- function(mn, resource_map_pid, formatType = "*") {
    size_query <- dataone::query(mn,
                                        formatType, "&fl=size"),
                                 as = "data.frame")

    if (nrow(size_query) == 0) {


#' Format bytes to human readable format
#' This is a helper function for [download_package()]
#' @param download_size (numeric) Total size in bytes
#' @noRd
convert_bytes <- function(download_size) {
    # TODO - make this function more robust using gdata::humanReadable as a template

    if (download_size >= 1e+12) {
        download_size <- round(download_size/(1e+12), digits = 2)
        unit = " terabytes"
    } else if (1e+12 > download_size & download_size >= 1e+9) {
        download_size <- round(download_size/(1e+9), digits = 2)
        unit = " gigabytes"
    } else if (1e+9 > download_size & download_size >= 1e+6) {
        download_size <- round(download_size/(1e+6), digits = 2)
        unit = " megabytes"
    } else if (1e+6 > download_size) {
        download_size = round(download_size/1000, digits = 2)
        unit = " kilobytes"

    return(paste0(download_size, " ", unit))

#' Download multiple data objects using their PIDs
#' Download multiple DataONE objects. This is a helper function
#' for [download_package()].
#' @param mn (MNode) The DataONE Member Node to download the data objects from.
#' @param data_pids (character) A vector of Data object pids.
#' @param out_paths (character) A vector of file paths to download to.
#' @param n_max (numeric) Optional.  Number of attempts at downloading a Data object.
#' @noRd
download_data_objects <- function(mn, data_pids, out_paths, n_max = 3) {
    stopifnot(methods::is(mn, "MNode"))

    for (i in seq_along(out_paths)) {

        if (file.exists(out_paths[i])) {
            warning(call. = FALSE,
                    paste0("The file ", out_paths[i], " already exists. Skipping download."))
        } else {
            n_tries <- 0
            dataObj <- "error"

            while (dataObj[1] == "error" & n_tries < n_max) {
                dataObj <- tryCatch({
                    dataone::getObject(mn, data_pids[i])
                }, error = function(e) {return("error")})

                n_tries <- n_tries + 1
            writeBin(dataObj, out_paths[i])


#' Download one package without its child packages
#' This function downloads all of the data objects in a data package to the local filesystem.
#' It is particularly useful when a data package is too large to download using the web interface.
#' @param mn (MNode) The Member Node to download from.
#' @param resource_map_pid (character) The identifier of the Resource Map for the package to download.
#' @param download_directory (character) The path of the directory to download the package to.
#' @param prefix_file_names (logical) Optional. Whether to prefix file names with the package metadata identifier.
#'   This is useful when downloading files from multiple packages to one directory.
#' @param download_column_metadata (logical) Optional. Whether to download attribute (column) metadata as csv files.
#'   If using this it is recommended to also set \code{prefix_file_names = TRUE}.
#' @param convert_excel_to_csv (logical) Optional. Whether to convert Excel files to csv files.
#'   This is not recommended if the separate csv files already exist in the package.
#'   The csv files are downloaded as sheetName_excelWorkbookName.csv
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar write.csv
#' @author Dominic Mullen, \email{dmullen17@@gmail.com}
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cn <- CNode("PROD")
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:ARCTIC")
#' download_one_package(mn, "resource_map_doi:10.18739/A2028W", "/home/dmullen")
#' }
download_one_package <- function(mn,
                                 prefix_file_names = TRUE,
                                 download_column_metadata = FALSE,
                                 convert_excel_to_csv = FALSE) {
    # TODO Add option for downloading in folder structure that mirrors nesting
    # rather than only all files in one folder
    # TODO Convert check download size to helper function?

    # Check that input arguments are in the correct format
    stopifnot(methods::is(mn, "MNode"))
    if (convert_excel_to_csv == TRUE) {
        # Stop if the user doesn't have the readxl package installed
        if (!requireNamespace("readxl")) {
            stop(call. = FALSE,
                 "The readxl package is required to show progress. Please install it and try again.")
    # Get package pids
    package <- arcticdatautils::get_package(mn, resource_map_pid, file_names = TRUE)

    # Initialize data_pids, return if no data present
    if (length(package$data) == 0) {
    } else {
        data_pids <- package$data

    # Create file names
    # file_names <- sapply(names(data_pids), function(i) {
    #     ifelse(is.na(file_names[i]),
    #            gsub('[^[:alnum:]]', '_', package$data[i]),
    #            file_names[i])})

    file_names <- names(data_pids)
    prefix <- character(0)
    if (prefix_file_names == TRUE) {
        prefix <- remove_special_characters(package$metadata)
        file_names <- paste0(prefix, "_", file_names)
    out_paths <- file.path(download_directory, file_names)

    download_data_objects(mn, data_pids, out_paths)

    if (download_column_metadata == TRUE) {
        eml <- EML::read_eml(rawToChar(dataone::getObject(mn, package$metadata)))
        download_eml_attributes(eml, download_directory, prefix_file_names)

    if (convert_excel_to_csv == TRUE) {
        indices <- which(sapply(out_paths, grepl, pattern = ".xls"))
        excel_paths <- out_paths[indices]
        sapply(excel_paths, excel_to_csv_prefix, prefix = prefix)


#' Download a data package (optionally with child packages)
#' This function downloads all of the data objects in a data package to the local filesystem.
#' It is particularly useful when a data package is too large to download using the web interface.
#' Setting \code{check_download_size} to \code{TRUE} is recommended if you are uncertain of the total download size
#' and want to avoid downloading very large data packages.
#' This function will also download any data objects it finds in any child data packages of the input data package.
#' If you would only like to download data from one data package, set \code{download_child_packages} to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param mn (MNode) The Member Node to download from.
#' @param resource_map_pid (chraracter) The PID of the resource map for the package to download.
#' @param download_directory (character) The path of the directory to download the package to.
#' @param prefix_file_names (logical) Optional. Whether to prefix file names with the package metadata identifier.
#'   This is useful when downloading files from multiple packages to one directory.
#' @param download_column_metadata (logical) Optional. Whether to download attribute (column) metadata as csv files.
#'   If using this, then it is recommended to also set \code{prefix_file_names = TRUE}.
#' @param convert_excel_to_csv (logical) Optional. Whether to convert Excel files to csv files. The csv files are downloaded
#'   as sheetName_excelWorkbookName.csv
#' @param download_child_packages (logical) Optional. Whether to download data from child packages of the selected package. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param check_download_size (logical) Optional. Whether to check the total download size before continuing. Setting this to \code{FALSE}
#'   speeds up the function, especially when the package has many elements.
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar write.csv
#' @export
#' @author Dominic Mullen, \email{dmullen17@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cn <- CNode("PROD")
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:ARCTIC")
#' download_package(mn, "resource_map_urn:uuid:2b4e4174-4e4b-4a46-8ab0-cc032eda8269",
#' "/home/dmullen")
#' }
download_package <- function(mn,
                             prefix_file_names = TRUE,
                             download_column_metadata = FALSE,
                             convert_excel_to_csv = FALSE,
                             download_child_packages = TRUE,
                             check_download_size = FALSE) {

    stopifnot(methods::is(mn, "MNode"))
    if (convert_excel_to_csv == TRUE) {
        # Stop if the user doesn't have the readxl package installed
        if (!requireNamespace("readxl")) {
            stop(call. = FALSE,
                 "The readxl package is required to show progress. Please install it and try again.")

    package <- arcticdatautils::get_package(mn, resource_map_pid)

    if (download_child_packages == TRUE) {
        packages <- c(package$resource_map, package$child_packages)

    progressBar <- utils::txtProgressBar(0, length(packages), style = 3)

    sapply(seq_along(packages), function(i) {
        message("\nDownloading data from package ", packages[i], "\n")

        download_one_package(mn = mn,
                             resource_map_pid = packages[i],
                             download_directory = download_directory,
                             prefix_file_names = prefix_file_names,
                             download_column_metadata = download_column_metadata,
                             convert_excel_to_csv = convert_excel_to_csv)

        utils::setTxtProgressBar(progressBar, i)


#' Download multiple data packages
#' This function is a convenience wrapper for [download_package()] when downloading multiple data packages. It downloads all of the
#' data objects in a data package to the local filesystem. It is particularly useful when a data package is too large to download using
#' the web interface.
#' Setting \code{check_download_size} to \code{TRUE} is recommended if you are uncertain of the total download size
#' and want to avoid downloading very large data packages.
#' This function will also download any data objects it finds in any child data packages of the input data package.
#' If you would only like to download data from one data package, set \code{download_child_packages} to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param mn (MNode) The Member Node to download from.
#' @param resource_map_pids (chraracter) The PIDs of the resource maps for the packages to download.
#' @param download_directory (character) The path of the directory to download the packages to.
#' @param ... Allows arguments from [download_package()].
#' @author Dominic Mullen, \email{dmullen17@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [download_package()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cn <- CNode("PROD")
#' mn <- getMNode(cn, "urn:node:ARCTIC")
#' download_packages(mn, c("resource_map_doi:10.18739/A21G1P", "resource_map_doi:10.18739/A2RZ6X"),
#' "/home/dmullen/downloads", prefix_file_names = TRUE, download_column_metadata = TRUE,
#' convert_excel_to_csv = TRUE)
#' }
download_packages <- function(mn, resource_map_pids, download_directory, ...) {
    stopifnot(methods::is(mn, "MNode"))
    stopifnot(length(resource_map_pids) > 0)

    n_packages <- length(resource_map_pids)

    lapply(seq_len(n_packages), function(i) {
        message("Downloading package ", i, "/", n_packages)
        download_package(mn, resource_map_pids[i], download_directory, ...)})


# # Check total download size
# if (check_download_size) {
#     child_package_resource_map_pids <- lapply(child_packages, function(package) {
#         package$resource_map
#     })
#     download_size <- sum(
#         vapply(c(resource_map_pid, child_package_resource_map_pids), function(pid) {
#             get_package_size(mn, pid)
#         }, 0)
#     )
#     download_size_message <- convert_bytes(download_size)
#     # Prompt user if they wish to continue based on total download size
#     message(paste0("\nYour download is approximately ", download_size_message, "\n"))
#     continue <- readline(prompt = paste0("Proceed with the download (", download_size_message, ")? Input yes/no: "))
#     while (!(continue %in% c("yes", "no"))) {
#         message("Type yes or no without quotation marks or capitals\n")
#         continue <- readline(prompt = "Proceed with the download? Input yes/no: ")
#     }
#     # Cancel download if "no" was entered
#     if (continue == "no") {
#         stop("Download cancelled by user")
#     }
# }
NCEAS/datamgmt documentation built on June 5, 2023, 6:14 a.m.