#' Imputation Diagnostics
#' Performs multivariate imputation by chained equations and returns a set of
#' diagnostic plots and statistics together with the imputations.
#' \code{imputeDiagnostics} is essentially the same function as
#' \code{\link{imputeData}}, but returns in addition the complete output from
#' \code{mice::mice} as well as a series of diagnostic plots.
#' \code{imputeData} will generally involve lengthy calculations where the
#' \code{nSim} argument is set equal to the number of bootstrap samples in
#' subsequent calculation of an index using \code{\link{calculateIndex}}.
#' \code{imputeDiagnostics} is intended to be run before \code{imputeData},
#' allowing inspection of the diagnostics using a low value for \code{nSim},
#' and thus facilitating trial runs with different settings of input arguments
#' to \code{mice::mice}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{imputeData}} and \code{\link[mice:mice]{mice::mice}}.
#' \cr The vignette \code{objectsInNIcalc} gives a detailed description of
#' \code{\link{niInput}} lists.
#' @name imputeDiagnostics
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Bård Pedersen
#' @import mice
#' @import lattice
#' @importFrom grDevices grey
#' @param x list of class \code{niInput}.
#' @param nSim integer, number of imputations, default is 10.
#' @param transConst numeric scalar, \code{0<transConst<=0.1}.
#' Transformation constant in log-transformation. Default is \code{0.01}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{mice::mice}.
#' @return A list of three elements:
#' \cr\code{identifiers}: a data.frame with variables relating each imputed
#' indicator observation to a missing observation in the data set \code{x}.
#' \cr\code{imp}: list with 21 elements containing the complete output
#' from \code{mice::mice}.
#' \cr\code{diagnostics}: list of diagnostic outputs including convergence
#' plots, stripplots showing the distribution of imputed and observed
#' values, and plots showing the distribution of missing values over years
#' and indicators.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' imputeDiagnostics(x = themeData,
#' nSim = 10,
#' maxit = 100)$diagnostics
#' }
#' @export
imputeDiagnostics <- function(x = NULL,
nSim = 10,
transConst = 0.01,
...) {
# Control input
y <- match.call()
if (length(x) == 0) {
stop("Required argument 'x' missing with no default", call. = TRUE)
if (!is.niInput(x)) {
stop(paste("Object '",y[2],"' is not a list of class 'niInput'.",sep=""), call. = TRUE)
if (transConst > 0.1 | transConst <= 0) {
stop(paste("Variable transConst=",transConst," out of range.",sep=""))
if (nSim <= 0 | nSim > 20) {
nSim <- 20
# Create Imputation dataset; create data.frame with variables
# lexpected - log of expected value
# llower - log of lower quartile
# lID - log of interquartile distance
# fyears - factor of years
# findicators - factor of indicators
refVal <- x$referenceValues$expectedValue
ICrefVal <- x$referenceValues$ICunitId
ICunit <- var1 <- var2 <- var3 <- var4 <- var5 <- NULL
for (i in names(x$indicatorValues)) {
ICunit <- c(ICunit,x$indicatorValues[[i]]$ICunitId)
var1 <- c(var1,x$indicatorValues[[i]]$expectedValue)
var2 <- c(var2,x$indicatorValues[[i]]$lowerQuantile)
var3 <- c(var3,x$indicatorValues[[i]]$upperQuantile)
var4 <- c(var4,x$indicatorValues[[i]]$yearName)
var5 <- c(var5,x$indicatorValues[[i]]$indName)
# Some missing values may be given as a negative number in dataset x
var1[var1 < 0] <- NA
var2[var2 < 0] <- NA
var3[var3 < 0] <- NA
var2[is.na(var1)] <- NA
var3[is.na(var1)] <- NA
nMissing <- sum(is.na(var1))
# Transform variables to be imputed
for (i in unique(ICunit)) {
var1[ICunit == i] <- var1[ICunit == i]/refVal[ICrefVal == i]
var2[ICunit == i] <- var2[ICunit == i]/refVal[ICrefVal == i]
var3[ICunit == i] <- var3[ICunit == i]/refVal[ICrefVal == i]
lexpected <- log(var1 + transConst)
llower <- log(var2 + transConst)
lID <- log(var3 - var2 + transConst)
fyears <- as.factor(var4)
findicators <- as.factor(var5)
naData <- data.frame(lexpected,llower,lID,fyears,findicators)
# Plots displaying missing value pattern.
RRR <- is.na(naData$lexpected)
missMatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=length(levels(findicators)),ncol=length(levels(fyears)),
dimnames = list(levels(findicators),levels(fyears)))
for (j in 1:length(levels(fyears))) {
for (k in 1:length(levels(findicators))) {
missMatrix[k,j] <- sum(RRR[fyears==levels(fyears)[j] & findicators==levels(findicators)[k]]) /
sum(fyears==levels(fyears)[j] & findicators==levels(findicators)[k])
plot1 <- lattice::levelplot(t(missMatrix),
col.regions=grDevices::grey(15:0/15),aspect = "Fill",
xlab = "Year", ylab = "Indicator")
plot2 <- lattice::histogram(~fyears|RRR, data=naData)
plot3 <- mice::md.pattern(naData,plot=F)
mdPatternByYear <- NULL
for (i in levels(fyears)) {
if (sum(is.na(naData[fyears == i,])) > 0) {
mdPatternByYear[[i]] <- mice::md.pattern(naData[fyears == i,],plot=F)
} else {
mdPatternByYear[[i]] <- NULL
# Multiple imputations using MICE
message("\nMultiple imputations:\nm = ",nSim," imputations for each of ",nMissing,
" missing indicator observations ..... ")
nImputations <- nSim
imp <- suppressWarnings(mice::mice(naData,
m = nImputations,
method = c("pmm", "pmm", "pmm", "", ""),
# maxit = 50,
# print = FALSE,
plot4 <- plot(imp)
plot5 <- mice::stripplot(imp, lexpected~.imp, pch=20, cex=2)
plot6 <- mice::stripplot(imp, llower~.imp, pch=20, cex=2)
plot7 <- mice::stripplot(imp, lID~.imp, pch=20, cex=2)
diagnostics <- list("mdDistribuiton" = plot1,
"mdHistogram" = plot2,
"mdPattern" = plot3,
"mdPatternByYear" = mdPatternByYear,
"convergencePlot" = plot4,
"stripplotExpected" = plot5,
"stripplotLower" = plot6,
"stripplotId" = plot7)
# Select referance values
names(refVal) <- ICrefVal
refss <- refVal[as.character(ICunit[as.numeric(names(imp$where[,1][imp$where[,1]]))])]
# Construct variables identifying the imputed values
year <- var4[as.numeric(names(imp$where[,1][imp$where[,1]]))]
indName <- var5[as.numeric(names(imp$where[,1][imp$where[,1]]))]
ICunitId <- ICunit[as.numeric(names(imp$where[,1][imp$where[,1]]))]
# Assemble object with imputations and diagnostics
impData <- list(identifiers = data.frame(ICunitId,indName,year,refss,stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
imp = imp,
diagnostics = diagnostics)
} #End of function imputeDiagnostics
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