#' Create or test for Objects of Classes niOutput, niSeries, niValue
#' \code{niOutput}, \code{niSeries}, \code{niValue} return \code{S3} objects of
#' classes \code{niOutput}, \code{niSeries}, \code{niValue} respectively.
#' \cr\code{is.niOutput}, \code{is.niSeries}, \code{is.niValue} tests if a
#' candidate object is of each of these classes.
#' Lists of class \code{niOutput} contain the results from the calculation of
#' a set of (time) series of Nature Index or thematic index values for a set of
#' NIunits. The function \code{\link{calculateIndex}} returns objects of class
#' \code{niOutput}. Each element of an \code{niOutput} list is itself a list of
#' class \code{niSeries} and contains the results from the calculation of
#' a (time) series of index values for a single NIunit.
#' Finally, each element of an \code{niSeries} list is a list of
#' class \code{niValue}. Objects of class \code{niValue} contain the results from
#' the calculation of a single Nature Index or thematic index value.
#' @seealso The following methods are available within \code{NIcalc}:
#' \code{\link{summary.niOutput}}, \code{\link{summary.niSeries}},
#' \code{\link{plot.niSeries}}, \code{\link{summaryWeights}},
#' \code{\link{plot.niValue}}, and \code{\link{plotWeights}}
#' \cr The vignette \code{objectsInNIcalc} gives a detailed description of S3
#' classes defined within \code{NIcalc}.
#' @name niOutput
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Bård Pedersen
#' @param x a list where each element is of class \code{niSeries} (\code{niOutput}),
#' \cr a list where each element is of class \code{niValue} (\code{niSeries}),
#' \cr or object to be tested (\code{is.niOutput}, \code{is.niSeries},
#' \code{is.niValue}).
#' @param indexArea string, name of NIunit.
#' @param call object of mode "call", unevaluated function call to
#' \code{calculateIndex}.
#' @param calculationParameters list of options chosen for the calculation
#' of indices in \code{calculateIndex}.
#' @param metadata numeric vector, \code{names(metadata) = c("nIndicators",
#' "nBSunits","nICunits","nImputations")} containing metadata describing the
#' input dataset.
#' @param year numeric scalar.
#' @param indicators character vector of indicator names.
#' @param indicatorData data.frame with indicator data.
#' @param ICunits integer vector of ICunit IDs.
#' @param ICunitMatrix \code{BSunit x indicator} matrix of ICunit IDs.
#' @param imputations optional data.frame listing indicators and ICunits with
#' imputed values.
#' @param BSunits character vector of BSunit names.
#' @param BSunitData data.frame with BSunit data.
#' @param BSunitWeights numeric \code{BSunits x indicator} matrix of
#' BSunit weights.
#' @param NIunitWeights numeric vector of NIunit weights.
#' @param BSunitIndices numeric \code{BSunit x nsim} matrix of \code{nsim} index
#' values per BSunit.
#' @param BSunitbbb numeric vector of bbb statistics per BSunit.
#' @param indexWeights numeric \code{BSunit x indicators} matrix of (NI)weights.
#' @param index numeric vector of \code{length = nsim} index values.
#' @param bbb numeric scalar, bbb statistic.
#' @return \code{niOutput} returns a list of class \code{niOutput}, where each
#' element is of class \code{niSeries}. \cr\code{niSeries} returns a list of
#' class \code{niSeries}, where each element is of class \code{niValue}.
#' \cr\code{niValue} returns \code{S3} object of class \code{niValue}
#' \cr\code{is.niOutput}, \code{is.niSeries}, and \code{is.niValue} returns
#' \code{TRUE} if their argument is of class \code{niOutput}, \code{niSeries},
#' and \code{niValue} respectively.
#' @rdname niOutput
#' @export
niOutput <- function(x) {
y <- match.call()
if (sum(unlist(lapply(x,is.niSeries))) < length(x)) {
stop(paste("Objects '",
paste(y[2],names(x) [which(!unlist(lapply(x,is.niSeries)))],sep = "$",collapse = "', '"),
"' not of class 'niSeries'.", sep=""), call. = TRUE)
niResults <- x
class(niResults) <- c("niOutput","list")
#' @rdname niOutput
#' @export
niSeries <- function(x) {
y <- match.call()
if (sum(unlist(lapply(x,is.niValue))) < length(x)) {
stop(paste("Objects '",
paste(y[2],names(x) [which(!unlist(lapply(x,is.niValue)))],sep = "$",collapse = "', '"),
"' not of class 'niValue'.", sep=""), call. = TRUE)
niResults <- x
class(niResults) <- c("niSeries","list")
#' @rdname niOutput
#' @export
niValue <- function(
indexArea =stop("Required argument 'indexArea' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
call = stop("Required argument 'call' missing with no default", call. = TRUE),
calculationParameters =
stop("Required argument 'calculationParameters' missing",
call. = TRUE),
metadata = stop("Required argument 'metadata' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
year = stop("Required argument 'year' missing with no default", call. = TRUE),
indicators = stop("Required argument 'indicators' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
indicatorData = stop("Required argument 'indicatorData' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
ICunits = stop("Required argument 'ICunits' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
ICunitMatrix = stop("Required argument 'ICunitMatrix' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
imputations = stop("Required argument 'imputations' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
BSunits = stop("Required argument 'BSunits' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
BSunitData = stop("Required argument 'BSunitData' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
BSunitWeights = stop("Required argument 'BSunitWeights' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
NIunitWeights = stop("Required argument 'NIunitWeights' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
BSunitIndices = stop("Required argument 'BSunitIndices' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
BSunitbbb = stop("Required argument 'BSunitbbb' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
indexWeights = stop("Required argument 'indexWeights' missing with no default",
call. = TRUE),
index = stop("Required argument 'index' missing with no default", call. = TRUE),
bbb = stop("Required argument 'bbb' missing with no default", call. = TRUE)) {
niResults <- list(indexArea = indexArea,
call = call,
calculationParameters = calculationParameters,
metadata = metadata,
year = year,
indicators = indicators,
indicatorData = indicatorData,
ICunits = ICunits,
ICunitMatrix = ICunitMatrix,
imputations = imputations,
BSunits = BSunits,
BSunitData = BSunitData,
BSunitWeights = BSunitWeights,
NIunitWeights = NIunitWeights,
BSunitIndices = BSunitIndices,
BSunitbbb = BSunitbbb,
indexWeights = indexWeights,
index = index,
bbb = bbb)
class(niResults) <- c("niValue","list")
#' @rdname niOutput
#' @export
is.niOutput <- function(x) c("niOutput") %in% class(x)
#' @rdname niOutput
#' @export
is.niSeries <- function(x) c("niSeries") %in% class(x)
#' @rdname niOutput
#' @export
is.niValue <- function(x) c("niValue") %in% class(x)
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