
#' Plot MPE diagnostic output against a 
#' single control rule parameter
#' @author Charles Edwards, D'Arcy Webber
#' @export
mpeview.bypar <- function(dat, pars, stock, axis.labels, file.suffix = "", target.dir)
    # first argument in pars vector should
    # be "par1", "par2", .... , "par10"
    # to match parameters in MPE control file
    npar <- length(pars)
    nmdl <- nlevels(dat$model)
    nstk <- nlevels(dat$stock)
    if (npar == 1) stop("Only one diagnostic parameter\n")
    if (nstk > 1 & length(stock) == 1) {
        dat  <- dat[dat$stock == stock,]
        nstk <- 1
    if (missing(axis.labels))
        axis.labels <- list()
        axis.labels[['x']] <- pars[1]
        axis.labels[['y']] <- pars[-1]
    dat[,pars[1]] <- as.factor(dat[,pars[1]])
    dfr <- data.frame(stock = dat$stock, model = dat$model, par.y = pars[2], x = dat[,pars[1]], y = dat[,pars[2]])
    ggplot(dfr) + geom_boxplot(aes(x,y))
    if (npar > 2)
        for(i in 3:npar)
          dfr <- rbind(dfr, data.frame(stock = dat$stock, model = dat$model, par.y = pars[i], x = dat[,pars[1]], y = dat[,pars[i]]))
    dfr$par.y <- factor(dfr$par.y, labels = axis.labels[['y']])
    p <- ggplot(dfr)
    if (nmdl > 1)
        p <- p + geom_boxplot(aes(x, y, fill = model), alpha = 0.7) + labs(fill = 'Model') 
    } else {
        p <- p + geom_boxplot(aes(x, y), alpha = 0.7)
    if (nstk > 1) {
        p <- p + facet_grid(stock ~ par.y, scales = "free")
    } else {
        p <- p + facet_wrap(~ par.y, scales = "free_y")
    p <- p + labs(x = axis.labels[['x']], y = "") + 
        theme_lobview(PlotOptions) +
        scale_colour_manual(values = PlotOptions$colourPalette) + 
        scale_fill_manual(values = PlotOptions$colourPalette)
    if (PlotOptions$Captions)
        p <- p + ggtitle(paste(stock, ": MPE output")) +
            theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 9, vjust = 2.7))
    # if target directory is not specified then print to screen only; otherwise save
    if (missing(target.dir))
    } else {
        PlotType(paste(target.dir, "/", stock, "mpe_", file.suffix, sep = ""),
                 width = 2*PlotOptions$plotsize[1], height = 10+PlotOptions$plotsize[2])
NZRLIC/RLPlots documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:05 p.m.