#' Initialise values for the random effects
#' Initialise the random effects for each subject using MCMC.
#' Before sampling can start the Particle Metropolis within Gibbs sampler needs
#' initial values for the random effects. The \code{init} function generates
#' these values using a Monte Carlo algorithm. One alternative methods would be
#' setting the initial values randomly.
#' Optionally takes starting values for the model parameters and the variance /
#' covariance matrix. All arrays must match the appropriate shape.
#' For example, with 5 parameters and 10 subjects, the model parameter start
#' means must be a vector of length 5 and the covariance matrix must be an array
#' of 5 x 5.
#' If the start_mu and start_sig arguments are left at the default (NULL) then
#' start_mu will be sampled from a normal distribution with mean as the prior
#' mean for eac variable and sd as the square of the variance from the prior
#' covariance matrix. start_sig by default is sampled from an inverse wishart
#' (IW) distribution. For a model with the number of parameters N the degrees of
#' freedom of the IW distribution is set to N*3 and the scale matrix is the
#' identity matrix of size NxN.
#' @param pmwgs The sampler object that provides the parameters.
#' @param start_mu An array of starting values for the group means
#' @param start_sig An array of starting values for the group covariance matrix
#' @param display_progress Display a progress bar during sampling
#' @param particles The number of particles to generate in initialisation
#' @return The sampler object but with initial values set for \code{theta_mu},
#' \code{theta_sig}, \code{alpha} and other values for the first sample.
#' @examples
#' lba_ll <- function(x, data) {
#' x <- exp(x)
#' if (any(data$rt < x["t0"])) {
#' return(-1e10)
#' }
#' sum(
#' log(
#' rtdists::dLBA(
#' rt = data$rt,
#' response = data$correct,
#' A = x["A"],
#' b = x["A"] + x[c("b1", "b2", "b3")][data$condition],
#' t0 = x["t0"],
#' mean_v = x[c("v1", "v2")],
#' sd_v = c(1, 1),
#' silent = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' }
#' sampler <- pmwgs(
#' forstmann,
#' c("b1", "b2", "b3", "A", "v1", "v2", "t0"),
#' lba_ll
#' )
#' sampler <- init(sampler, particles=10)
#' @export
init <- function(pmwgs, start_mu = NULL, start_sig = NULL,
display_progress = TRUE, particles = 100) {
if (is.null(attr(pmwgs, "class"))) {
message("ERROR: No object to add start points to")
# If no starting point for group mean just sample from prior
if (is.null(start_mu)) {
start_mu <- stats::rnorm(
mean = pmwgs$prior$theta_mu_mean,
sd = sqrt(diag(pmwgs$prior$theta_mu_var)))
# If no starting point for group var just sample from inverse wishart
if (is.null(start_sig)) {
start_sig <- riwish(pmwgs$n_pars * 3, diag(pmwgs$n_pars))
n_particles <- particles
# Sample the mixture variables' initial values.
a_half <- 1 / stats::rgamma(n = pmwgs$n_pars, shape = 0.5, scale = 1)
# Create and fill initial random effects for each subject
alpha <- array(NA, dim = c(pmwgs$n_pars, pmwgs$n_subjects))
if (display_progress) {
message("MESSAGE: Sampling Initial values for random effects")
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = pmwgs$n_subjects, style = 3)
likelihoods <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(pmwgs$n_subjects))
for (s in 1:pmwgs$n_subjects) {
if (display_progress) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, s)
particles <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n_particles, start_mu, start_sig)
colnames(particles) <- rownames(pmwgs$samples$theta_mu) # preserve par names
lw <- apply(
data = pmwgs$data[pmwgs$data$subject == pmwgs$subjects[s], ]
weight <- exp(lw - max(lw))
idx <- sample(x = n_particles, size = 1, prob = weight)
alpha[, s] <- particles[idx, ]
likelihoods[s] <- lw[idx]
if (display_progress) close(pb)
pmwgs$init <- TRUE
pmwgs$samples$theta_mu[, 1] <- start_mu
pmwgs$samples$theta_sig[, , 1] <- start_sig
pmwgs$samples$alpha[, , 1] <- alpha
pmwgs$samples$last_theta_sig_inv <- MASS::ginv(start_sig)
pmwgs$samples$subj_ll[, 1] <- likelihoods
pmwgs$samples$a_half[, 1] <- a_half
pmwgs$samples$idx <- 1
#' Gibbs step of the Particle Metropolis within Gibbs sampler
#' Samples new \code{theta_mu} and \code{theta_sig} using Gibbs sampling
#' @param sampler The pmwgs object from which to generate the new group
#' parameters.
#' @return A new sample for \code{theta_mu}, \code{theta_sig} and some new
#' mixing weights in a list for use in the Particle Metropolis step.
#' @keywords internal
gibbs_step <- function(sampler) {
# Get single iter versions, tmu = theta_mu, tsig = theta_sig
last <- last_sample(sampler$samples)
hyper <- attributes(sampler)
prior <- sampler$prior
# Here mu is group mean, so we are getting mean and variance
var_mu <- MASS::ginv(
sampler$n_subjects * last$tsinv + prior$theta_mu_invar
mean_mu <- as.vector(
var_mu %*% (last$tsinv %*% apply(last$alpha, 1, sum) +
prior$theta_mu_invar %*% prior$theta_mu_mean)
chol_var_mu <- t(chol(var_mu)) # t() because I want lower triangle.
# New sample for mu.
tmu <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mean_mu, chol_var_mu %*% t(chol_var_mu))[1, ]
names(tmu) <- sampler$par_names
# New values for group var
theta_temp <- last$alpha - tmu
cov_temp <- (theta_temp) %*% (t(theta_temp))
B_half <- 2 * hyper$v_half * diag(1 / last$a_half) + cov_temp # nolint
tsig <- riwish(hyper$k_half, B_half) # New sample for group variance
tsinv <- MASS::ginv(tsig)
# Sample new mixing weights.
a_half <- 1 / stats::rgamma(
n = sampler$n_pars,
shape = hyper$v_shape,
scale = 1 / (hyper$v_half * diag(tsinv) + hyper$A_half)
tmu = tmu,
tsig = tsig,
tsinv = tsinv,
a_half = a_half,
alpha = last$alpha
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