#' An altered version of the utils:txtProgressBar that shows acceptance rate
#' The progress bar displays several elements, the progress visually as a bar
#' being filled and the percentage complete as per the standard
#' utils::txtProgressBar and additionally the average across subjects of the
#' rate of accepting newly generated particles.
#' @param min The minimum of the value being updated for the progress bar
#' @param max The maximum of the value being updated for the progress bar
#' @return A structure matching the structure of a txtProgresBar with additional
#' info
#' @keywords internal
accept_progress_bar <- function(min = 0, max = 1) {
.val <- 0
.killed <- FALSE
.nb <- 0L
.pc <- -1L # This ensures the initial value is displayed
.ex <- 0
component <- list(
pchar = "=",
prog_start = " |",
prog_end = "| ",
percent = "%3d%%",
acc_sep = " | ",
acc_msg = "New(%3d%%)"
width <- lapply(component, function(x) {
if (grepl("%3d", x)) {
nchar(gettextf(x, 100))
} else {
width$extras <- sum(unlist(width)) - width$pchar
width$term <- getOption("width")
width$progress <- trunc((width$term - width$extras) / width$pchar)
if (max <= min) stop("must have 'max' > 'min'")
# Handles an update to the progress bar
up <- function(value, extra = 0) {
if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max) {
.val <<- value
nb <- round(width$progress * (value - min) / (max - min))
pc <- round(100 * (value - min) / (max - min))
extra <- round(100 * extra)
if (nb == .nb && pc == .pc && .ex == extra) {
# Clear the current progress bar
cat(paste0("\r", strrep(" ", width$term)))
# Write the updated progress bar
strrep(component$pchar, nb),
strrep(" ", width$pchar * (width$progress - nb)),
sprintf(component$percent, pc),
sprintf(component$acc_msg, extra)))
.nb <<- nb
.pc <<- pc
.ex <<- extra
get_value <- function() .val
kill <- function() {
if (!.killed) {
.killed <<- TRUE
up(0) # will check if in range
structure(list(getVal = get_value, up = up, kill = kill),
class = c("accept_progress_bar", "txtProgressBar"))
#' A function that updates the accept_progress_bar with progress and accept rate
#' @param pb The progress bar object
#' @param value The value to set the bar width to
#' @param extra A value that represents the number of accepted particles
#' @return The old value that was present before updating
#' @keywords internal
update_progress_bar <- function(pb, value, extra = 0) {
if (!inherits(pb, "txtProgressBar")) {
"'pb' is not from class %s",
domain = NA
oldval <- pb$getVal()
pb$up(value, extra)
#' Error handler for the gibbs_step call
#' If an error was detected when generating new values in Gibbs step this
#' function is called to generate the error message and save the state of the
#' samples at that moment to help with debugging.
#' @param pmwgs The pmwgs object for the current run.
#' @param err_cond The original error condition that prompted this.
#' @keywords internal
gibbs_step_err <- function(pmwgs, err_cond) {
sampler_tmp <- tempfile(
pattern = "pmwg_obj_",
tmpdir = ".",
fileext = ".RDS"
message("ERROR: Error while generating new group level parameters")
message("MESSAGE: Saving current state of pmwgs object: ", sampler_tmp)
# Remove NA values from the end of the sampler
pmwgs <- trim_na(pmwgs)
saveRDS(pmwgs, file = sampler_tmp)
stop("ERROR: gibbs_step_err")
#' Error handler for the particle selection call
#' If an error was detected when selecting the winning particle, save the state
#' of the samples and particles at that moment to help with debugging.
#' @param subj The index of the subject where the error was detected.
#' @param envir The enclosing environment of the function where the error
#' occurred.
#' @param err_cond The original error condition that prompted this.
#' @keywords internal
particle_select_err <- function(subj, envir, err_cond) {
envir_tmp <- tempfile(
pattern = "pmwg_newsample_",
tmpdir = ".",
fileext = ".RData"
message(paste("ERROR: Error while selecting winning proposal particle",
"for subject number", subj))
message("MESSAGE: Saving environment in new_sample function: ", envir_tmp)
save(envir = envir, file = envir_tmp, list = names(envir))
stop("ERROR: particle_select_err")
#' Error handler forany error in new_sample function call(s)
#' If an error was detected when generating new samples. Save the state
#' of the samples and particles at that moment to help with debugging.
#' @param pmwgs The pmwgs object for the current run.
#' @param envir The environment of the function at this point in time.
#' @param err_cond The original error condition that prompted this.
#' @keywords internal
new_sample_err <- function(pmwgs, envir, err_cond) {
envir_tmp <- tempfile(
pattern = "pmwg_runstage_",
tmpdir = ".",
fileext = ".RData"
sampler_tmp <- tempfile(
pattern = "pmwg_sampler_",
tmpdir = ".",
fileext = ".RDS"
message("ERROR: An error was detected during evaluation of the new_sample function.")
message("MESSAGE: Saving environment in run_stage function: ", envir_tmp)
save(envir = envir, file = envir_tmp, list = names(envir))
message("MESSAGE: Saving current state of pmwgs object: ", sampler_tmp)
# Remove NA values from the end of the sampler
pmwgs <- trim_na(pmwgs)
saveRDS(pmwgs, file = sampler_tmp)
stop("ERROR: new_sample_err")
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