
Defines functions data_plots JointCount rllFun llFun mcmcfrailtySPlog mcmcfrailtySP mcmcSpatialLog mcmcspatialSP mcmcSPlog mcmcSP lambda.gibbs.sampling2 V.F.MH.sampling2 V.F.MH.sampling V.F.post2 V.F.post V.MH.sampling2 V.MH.sampling V.post2 V.post W.F.MH.sampling2 W.F.MH.sampling W.F.post2 W.F.post W.MH.sampling2 W.MH.sampling W.post2 W.post rho.post2 rho.post gammas.post4 gammas.post3 gammas.post2 gammas.post betas.post2 betas.post rho.slice.sampling2 rho.slice.sampling univ.gammas.slice.sampling4 univ.gammas.slice.sampling3 univ.gammas.slice.sampling univ.gammas.slice.sampling2 gammas.slice.sampling4 gammas.slice.sampling3 gammas.slice.sampling2 gammas.slice.sampling univ.betas.slice.sampling2 univ.betas.slice.sampling betas.slice.sampling2 betas.slice.sampling formcall

#' @useDynLib BayesSPsurv
#' @importFrom stats dgamma runif rgamma dnorm model.frame as.formula model.matrix model.response na.omit
#' @importFrom MCMCpack riwish
#' @importFrom coda mcmc
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom FastGP rcpp_rmvnorm rcpp_log_dmvnorm
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
#' @export

.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("BayesSPsurv", libpath)

nameob <- c('capdist', 'numa', 'numb', 'kmdist', 'midist')

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){

formcall <- function(duration,
                     S = NULL,
                     A = NULL,
                     w = c(1, 1, 1),
                     m = 10,
                     ini.beta =  0,
                     ini.gamma = 0,
                     ini.W = 0,
                     ini.V= 0,
                     prop.varV = NULL,
                     prop.varW = NULL,
                     model = character())

  formula1 <- as.formula(duration)
  formula2 <- as.formula(immune)
  variable <- unique(c(all.vars(formula1), all.vars(formula2)))
  mf1 <- model.frame(formula = duration, data = data)
  mf2 <- model.frame(formula = immune,   data = data)
  X <- model.matrix(attr(mf1, "terms"), data = mf1)
  Z <- model.matrix(attr(mf2, "terms"), data = mf2)
  Y <- as.matrix(model.response(mf1))
  C <- as.matrix(model.response(mf2))
  Y0 <- data[,Y0]
  LY <- data[,LY]
  burn <-  burn
  if (is.null(w)) w <- c(1,1,1) else w <- w
  if (is.null(m)) m <- 10 else m <- m
  if (is.null(ini.beta)) ini.beta <- 0 else ini.beta <- ini.beta
  if (is.null(ini.gamma)) ini.gamma <- 0 else ini.gamma <- ini.gamma
  if (is.null(ini.W)) ini.W <- 0 else ini.W <- ini.W
  if (is.null(ini.V)) ini.V <- 0 else ini.V <- ini.V
  form <-  form
  cnx <- colnames(X)
  cnz <- colnames(Z)

  if(model == "SPsurv"){

    dataset <- data.frame(cbind(Y, Y0, C, LY, X, Z))
    dataset <- na.omit(dataset)
    Y  <- as.matrix(dataset[,1])
    Y0 <- as.matrix(dataset[,2])
    C  <- as.matrix(dataset[,3])
    LY <- as.matrix(dataset[,4])
    X  <- as.matrix(dataset[,5:(4+ncol(X))])
    Z  <- as.matrix(dataset[,(5+ncol(X)):ncol(dataset)])
    colnames(X) <- cnx
    colnames(Z) <- cnz
    fm <- list(Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, LY = LY, X = X, Z = Z, N = N, burn = burn,
               thin = thin, w = w, m = m, ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, form = form)

  } else {

    prop.varV <-  prop.varV
    prop.varW <-  prop.varW
    S  <- data[, S]
    dataset <- data.frame(cbind(Y, Y0, C, LY, S, X, Z))
    dataset <- na.omit(dataset)
    Y  <- as.matrix(dataset[,1])
    Y0 <- as.matrix(dataset[,2])
    C  <- as.matrix(dataset[,3])
    LY <- as.matrix(dataset[,4])
    S  <- as.matrix(dataset[,5])
    X  <- as.matrix(dataset[,6:(5+ncol(X))])
    Z  <- as.matrix(dataset[,(6+ncol(X)):ncol(dataset)])
    colnames(X) <- cnx
    colnames(Z) <- cnz
    fm <- list(Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, LY = LY, X = X, Z = Z, S = S, N = N, burn = burn,
               thin = thin, w = w, m = m, ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V = ini.V,
               form = form, prop.varV = prop.varV, prop.varW = prop.varW)


  if(!is.null(A)) fm$A <- as.matrix(A)



# @title betas.slice.sampling
# @description slice sampling for betas
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

betas.slice.sampling = function(Sigma.b,
                                form) {
  p1 = length(betas)
  for (p in sample(1:p1, p1, replace = FALSE)) {
    betas[p] = univ.betas.slice.sampling(betas[p], p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)

# @title betas.slice.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for betas
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
betas.slice.sampling2 = function(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C,  LY, rho, w, m, form) {
  p1 = length(betas)
  for (p in sample(1:p1, p1, replace = FALSE)) {
    betas[p] = univ.betas.slice.sampling2(betas[p], p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)

# @title univ.betas.slice.sampling
# @description univariate slice sampling for betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

univ.betas.slice.sampling = function(betas.p,
                                     lower = -Inf,
                                     upper = +Inf,
                                     form) {
  b0 = betas.p
  b.post0 = betas.post(b0, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)

  e.b.post0 = exp(b.post0)
  if (is.infinite(e.b.post0)){e.b.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(b.post0) > 0) { b.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.b.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = b0 - u
  R = b0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (betas.post(L, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (betas.post(R, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
    K = (m - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (betas.post(L, p, Sigma.b, Y,Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (betas.post(R, p, Sigma.b, Y,Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    b1 = runif(1, L, R)
    b.post1 = betas.post(b1, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)

    if (b.post1 >= b.post0) break
    if (b1 > b0) {
      R = b1
    } else {
      L = b1

# @title univ.betas.slice.sampling2
# @description univariate slice sampling for betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.betas.slice.sampling2 = function(betas.p, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, form) {
  b0 = betas.p
  b.post0 = betas.post2(b0, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)

  e.b.post0 = exp(b.post0)
  if (is.infinite(e.b.post0)){e.b.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(b.post0) > 0) { b.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.b.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = b0 - u
  R = b0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (betas.post2(L, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (betas.post2(R, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, is.numeric(m)))
    K = (is.numeric(m) - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (betas.post2(L, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (betas.post2(R, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    b1 = runif(1, L, R)
    b.post1 = betas.post2(b1, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)
    if (b.post1 >= b.post0) break
    if (b1 > b0) {
      R = b1
    } else {
      L = b1

# @title gammas.slice.sampling
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

gammas.slice.sampling = function(Sigma.g,
                                 form) {
  p2 = length(gammas)
  for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
    gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)

# @title gammas.slice.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

gammas.slice.sampling2 = function(Sigma.g,
                                  form) {
  p2 = length(gammas)
  for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
    gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling2(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)

# @title gammas.slice.sampling3
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

gammas.slice.sampling3 = function(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form) {
  p2 = length(gammas)
  for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
    gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling3(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title gammas.slice.sampling4
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

gammas.slice.sampling4 = function(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form) {
  p2 = length(gammas)
  for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
    gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling4(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)

# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling2
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

univ.gammas.slice.sampling2 = function(gammas.p,
                                       p, Sigma.g,
                                       lower = -Inf,
                                       upper = +Inf,
                                       form) {
  g0 = gammas.p
  g.post0 = gammas.post2(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

  e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)

  if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = g0 - u
  R = g0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post2(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post2(R, p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
    K = (m - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post2(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post2(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    g1 = runif(1, L, R)
    g.post1 = gammas.post2(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

    if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
    if (g1 > g0) {
      R = g1
    } else {
      L = g1

# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

univ.gammas.slice.sampling = function(gammas.p,
                                      lower = -Inf,
                                      upper = +Inf,
                                      form) {
  g0 = gammas.p
  g.post0 = gammas.post(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z,gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

  e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)

  if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = g0 - u
  R = g0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post(L, p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
    K = (m - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    g1 = runif(1, L, R)
    g.post1 = gammas.post(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

    if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
    if (g1 > g0) {
      R = g1
    } else {
      L = g1

# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling3
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.gammas.slice.sampling3 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, form) {
  g0 = gammas.p
  g.post0 = gammas.post3(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z,gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

  e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)

  if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = g0 - u
  R = g0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post3(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post3(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
    K = (m - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post3(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post3(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    g1 = runif(1, L, R)
    g.post1 = gammas.post3(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

    if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
    if (g1 > g0) {
      R = g1
    } else {
      L = g1

# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling4
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.gammas.slice.sampling4 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, form) {
  g0 = gammas.p
  g.post0 = gammas.post4(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

  e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)

  if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = g0 - u
  R = g0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post4(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post4(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, is.numeric(m)))
    K = (is.numeric(m) - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (gammas.post4(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C,  LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (gammas.post4(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    g1 = runif(1, L, R)
    g.post1 = gammas.post4(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)

    if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
    if (g1 > g0) {
      R = g1
    } else {
      L = g1

# @title rho.slice.sampling
# @description univariate slice sampling for rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

rho.slice.sampling = function(Y,
                              lower = 0.01,
                              upper = +Inf) {
  l0 = rho
  l.post0 = rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, l0)

  e.l.post0 = exp(l.post0)
  if (is.infinite(e.l.post0)){e.l.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(l.post0) > 0) { l.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.l.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = l0 - u
  R = l0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (is.na(rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
      if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
    K = (m - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (is.na(rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
      if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    l1 = runif(1, L, R)
    l.post1 = rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, l1)

    if (l.post1 >= l.post0) break
    if (l1 > l0) {
      R = l1
    } else {
      L = l1

# @title rho.slice.sampling2
# @description univariate slice sampling for rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
rho.slice.sampling2 = function(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = 0.01, upper = +Inf) {
  l0 = rho
  l.post0 = rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, l0)

  e.l.post0 = exp(l.post0)
  if (is.infinite(e.l.post0)){e.l.post0 = exp(700)}

  if (exp(l.post0) > 0) { l.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.l.post0))}

  u = runif(1, 0, w)
  L = l0 - u
  R = l0 + (w - u)
  if (is.infinite(m)) {
    { if (L <= lower) break
      if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
      L = L - w
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (is.na(rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
        if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
      R = R + w
  } else if (m > 1) {
    J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
    K = (m - 1) - J

    while (J > 0) {
      if (L <= lower) break
      if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
      L = L - w
      J = J - 1

    while (K > 0) {
      if (R >= upper) break
      if (is.na(rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
        if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
      R = R + w
      K = K - 1

  if (L < lower) {
    L = lower
  if (R > upper) {
    R = upper

    l1 = runif(1, L, R)
    l.post1 = rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, l1)

    if (l.post1 >= l.post0) break
    if (l1 > l0) {
      R = l1
    } else {
      L = l1

# @title betas.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of betas with pth element fixed as betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas

betas.post = function(betas.p,
                      p, Sigma.b,
                      form) {
  betas[p] = betas.p
  eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
  lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.b, rep(0, length(betas)), betas, FALSE)
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title betas.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of betas with pth element fixed as betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Lokelihood)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
betas.post2 = function(betas.p, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) {
  betas[p] = betas.p
  eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
  lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.b, rep(0, length(betas)), betas, FALSE)
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title gammas.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas

gammas.post = function(gammas.p,
                       form) {
  gammas[p] = gammas.p
  num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title gammas.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas

gammas.post2 = function(gammas.p,
                        eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) {
  gammas[p] = gammas.p
  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title gammas.post3
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return log- posterior density of betas

gammas.post3 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) {
  gammas[p] = gammas.p
  num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title gammas.post4
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas

gammas.post4 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) {
  gammas[p] = gammas.p
  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title rho.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param a shape parameter of gammas prior
# @param b scale parameter of gammas prior
# @return log- posterior density of betas

rho.post = function(Y,
                    a = 1,
                    b = 1) {
  lprior = dgamma(rho, a, b, log = TRUE)
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title rho.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param a shape parameter of gammas prior
# @param b scale parameter of gammas prior
# @return log- posterior density of betas

rho.post2 = function(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, a = 1, b = 1) {
  lprior = dgamma(rho, a, b, log = TRUE)
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title W.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W (Weibull or exponential)

W.post = function(S,
                  rho) {
  eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
  adj = which(A[s,] == 1)
  m_j = length(adj)

  if(m_j == 0){
    m_j <- exp(-700)
  } else {
    m_j <- m_j

  wj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]

  if (length(wj) == 0){
    W_j_bar = 0
  } else {
    W_j_bar = mean(wj)

  lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], W_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title W.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W (Log likelihood)
W.post2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho) {
  eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
    adj = which(A[s,] == 1)
    m_j = length(adj)
    if(m_j == 0){
      m_j <- exp(-700)
    } else {
      m_j <- m_j

    wj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
    if (length(wj) == 0){
      W_j_bar = 0
    } else {
      W_j_bar = mean(wj)

    lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], W_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title W.MH.sampling
# @description MH Sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

W.MH.sampling = function(S,
                         prop.varW) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
  W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  w1 = W.post(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0,X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  w1[which(w1==-Inf)] <- -740
  w2 = W.post(S, A, lambda, Y,Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  w2[which(w2==-Inf)] <- -740
  temp = w1- w2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
  	W = W_new[S]
  } else {
  	W = W_old[S]

# @title W.MH.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
W.MH.sampling2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
  W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  w1 = W.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  #w1[which(w1==-Inf)] <- -740
  #w1[which(w1==Inf)] <- exp(700)
  w2 = W.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  #w2[which(w2==Inf)] <- exp(700)
  temp = w1- w2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
    W = W_new[S]
  } else {
    W = W_old[S]

# @title W.F.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W

W.F.post = function(Sigma.w,
                    rho) {
  eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
    lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.w[s,s])
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title W.F.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W
W.F.post2 = function(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho) {
  eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
    lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.w[s,s])

  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title W.F.MH.sampling (Cure Model with Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

W.F.MH.sampling = function(Sigma.w,
                           prop.varW) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
  W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  w1 = W.F.post(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  w2 = W.F.post(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  temp = w1- w2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
    W = W_new[S]
  } else {
    W = W_old[S]

# @title W.F.MH.sampling2 (Cure Model with Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
W.F.MH.sampling2 = function(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
  W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
  W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  w1 = W.F.post2(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  w1[which(w1==-Inf)] <- -740
  w2 = W.F.post2(Sigma.w, S,  Y, Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
  w2[which(w2==-Inf)] <- -740
  temp = w1- w2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
    W = W_new[S]
  } else {
    W = W_old[S]

# @title V.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas

V.post = function(S,
                  rho) {

  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
  adj = which(A[s,] == 1)

  m_j = length(adj)
  if(m_j == 0){
    m_j <- exp(-700)
  } else {
    m_j <- m_j

  vj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
  if (length(vj) == 0){
    V_j_bar = 0
  } else {
    V_j_bar = mean(vj)

  lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], V_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title V.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas (log likelihood)
V.post2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho) {

  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  #delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
    adj = which(A[s,] == 1)

    m_j = length(adj)
    if(m_j == 0){
      m_j <- exp(-700)
    } else {
      m_j <- m_j

    vj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
    if (length(vj) == 0){
      V_j_bar = 0
    } else {
      V_j_bar = mean(vj)

    lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], V_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title V.MH.sampling
# @description MH sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

V.MH.sampling = function(S,
                         prop.varV) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
  V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  v1 = V.post(S, A, lambda, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
  v2 = V.post(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
  temp = v1- v2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
  	V = V_new[S]
  } else {
  	V = V_old[S]

# @title V.MH.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
V.MH.sampling2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
  V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  v1 = V.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  #v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
  #V1[which(V1==Inf)] <- exp(700)
  v2 = V.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  #v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
  #v2[which(v2==Inf)] <- exp(700)
  temp = v1- v2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
    V = V_new[S]
  } else {
    V = V_old[S]

# @title V.F.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas (Weibull and Exponential)

V.F.post = function(Sigma.v,
                    rho) {

  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
    lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.v[s,s])
  lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title V.F.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas (log likelihood)

V.F.post2 = function(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho) {

  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
  delta = num/denom

  #delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  lprior = 0
  for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
    lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.v[s,s])
  lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior

# @title V.F.MH.sampling (Cure Model with non-spatial Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling

V.F.MH.sampling = function(Sigma.v,
                           prop.varV) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
  V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  v1 = V.F.post(Sigma.v,S, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
  v2 = V.F.post(Sigma.v,S, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
  temp = v1- v2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
    V = V_new[S]
  } else {
    V = V_old[S]

# @title V.F.MH.sampling2 (Cure Model with non-spatial Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling (log likelihood)
V.F.MH.sampling2 = function(Sigma.v, S,  Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV) {
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
  V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
  V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
  V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
  u = log(runif(1))
  v1 = V.F.post2(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  #v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
  v2 = V.F.post2(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
  #v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
  temp = v1- v2
  alpha = min(0, temp)
  if (u <= alpha) {
    V = V_new[S]
  } else {
    V = V_old[S]

# @title lambda.gibbs.sampling2
# @description log-posterior distribution of rho
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param a shape parameter of gammas prior
# @param b scale parameter of gammas prior
# @return log- posterior density of betas

lambda.gibbs.sampling2 <- function(S,
                                   a = 1,    # prior
                                   b = 1) {  # prior
  S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
  S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
  J = nrow(S_uniq)
  sums = 0
  for (j in 1:J) {
    adj = which(A[j,]==1)
    m_j = length(adj)

    if(m_j == 0){
      m_j <- exp(-700)
    } else {
      m_j <- m_j

    wj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
    if (length(wj) == 0){
      W_j_bar = 0
    } else {
      W_j_bar = mean(wj)

    vj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),3]
    if (length(vj) == 0){
      V_j_bar = 0
    } else {
      V_j_bar = mean(vj)

    W_j = S_uniq[j, 2]
    V_j = S_uniq[j, 3]

    sums = sums + m_j/2 * ((W_j-W_j_bar)^2 + (V_j-V_j_bar)^2)

  lambda = rgamma(1, J + a, sums + b)

# @title mcmcSP
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian split population survival model with no frailties
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return chain of the variables of interest

mcmcSP <- function(Y,
                   w = c(1, 1, 1),
                   m = 10,
                   ini.beta =  0,
                   ini.gamma = 0,
                   form) {
  p1 = dim(X)[2]
  p2 = dim(Z)[2]
  # initial values
  rho = 1
  betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
  gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
  W = rep(0, length(Y))
  #V = rep(0, length(Y))
  delta = exp(Z %*% gammas)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
  Sigma.b = 10 * p1 * diag(p1)
  Sigma.g = 10 * p2 * diag(p2)
  betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
  gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
  rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
    for (iter in 1:N) {
    # if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn) {
      Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
      Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
    betas = betas.slice.sampling(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
    eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas))
    gammas = gammas.slice.sampling(Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
    num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
    num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
    denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
    num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
    delta = num/denom

    if (form %in% "Weibull") {
      rho = rho.slice.sampling(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
    if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
      betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
      gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
      rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
      delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)

  colnames(betas.samp)  <- colnames(X) #adc
  colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
  return(list(betas   = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, delta = delta.samp,
              spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,  Y0 = Y0, C = C, form = form),
              initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma)))

# @title mcmcSPlog
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian cure model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcSPlog <- function(Y,
                      w = c(1, 1, 1),
                      ini.beta =  0,
                      ini.gamma = 0,
                      ini.W = 0,
                      ini.V= 0,
                      form) {
  p1 = dim(X)[2]
  p2 = dim(Z)[2]
  # initial values
  rho = 1
  betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
  gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
  W = rep(0, length(Y))
  #V = rep(0, length(Y))
  delta = exp(Z %*% gammas)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
  Sigma.b = 5 * p1 * diag(p1)
  Sigma.g = 5 * p2 * diag(p2)
  betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
  gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
  rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
  for (iter in 1:N) {
    #if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #F #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn) {
      Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
      Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
    betas = betas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C,  LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
    eXB = exp((X %*% betas))
    gammas = gammas.slice.sampling3(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
    num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
    num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
    denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
    num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
    delta = num/denom

    if (form %in% "loglog") {
      rho = rho.slice.sampling2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
    if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
      betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
      gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
      rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
  colnames(betas.samp)  <- colnames(X) #adc
  colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
  return(list(betas   = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp,
              spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,  Y0 = Y0, C = C, form = form),
              initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma)))

# @title mcmcspatialSP
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) routine for Bayesian spatial split population survival model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param LY last observation year
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest

mcmcspatialSP <- function(Y,
                          thin, w = c(1, 1, 1),
                          m = 10,
                          ini.beta =  0,
                          ini.gamma = 0,
                          ini.W = 0,
                          ini.V= 0,
                          id_WV) {
  p1 = dim(X)[2]
  p2 = dim(Z)[2]
  # initial values
  rho = 1
  betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
  gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
  W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
  V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
  delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  Sigma.b = 10 * p1 * diag(p1)
  Sigma.g = 10 * p2 * diag(p2)
  betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
  gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
  rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))
  V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
  for (iter in 1:N) {
    #if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn) {
      Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
      Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
    #CAR model
    lambda = lambda.gibbs.sampling2(S, A, W, V)
    W = W.MH.sampling(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
    betas = betas.slice.sampling(Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
    eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
    V = V.MH.sampling(S, A, lambda, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
 	  gammas = gammas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
 	  num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
 	  num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
 	  denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
 	  num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
 	  delta = num/denom

    if (form %in% "Weibull") {
      rho = rho.slice.sampling(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
    if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
      betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
      gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
      rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
      lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
      delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
      S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
      S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
      W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
      V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]

  colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(betas.samp)  <- colnames(X) #adc
  colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
  return(list(betas   = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, delta = delta.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
              spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,  Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
              initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V  = ini.V)))

# @title mcmcSpatialLog
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian spatial cure model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest

mcmcSpatialLog <- function(Y,
                           w = c(1, 1, 1),
                           ini.beta =  0,
                           ini.gamma = 0,
                           ini.W = 0,
                           ini.V= 0,
                           prop.varV = .00001,
                           prop.varW = .00001,
                           id_WV) {
  p1 = dim(X)[2]
  p2 = dim(Z)[2]
  # initial values
  rho = 1
  betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
  gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
  W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
  V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
  delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  #delta = 1/(1 + exp(-Z %*% gammas + V))
  Sigma.b = 5 * p1 * diag(p1)
  Sigma.g = 5 * p2 * diag(p2)
  betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
  gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
  rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))
  V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
  for (iter in 1:N) {
    #if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn) {
      Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
      Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
    #CAR model
    lambda = lambda.gibbs.sampling2(S, A, W, V)
    W = W.MH.sampling2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
    betas = betas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
    eXB = exp((X %*% betas) + W)
    V = V.MH.sampling2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C,  LY, rho, prop.varV)
    gammas = gammas.slice.sampling4(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C,  LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
    num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
    num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
    denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
    num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
    delta = num/denom

    #delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))

    if (form == "loglog") {
      rho = rho.slice.sampling2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
    # print(delta) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
      betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
      gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
      rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
      lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
      delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
      S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
      S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
      W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
      V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]
      # print(100) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
  colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(betas.samp)  <- colnames(X) #adc
  colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
  return(list(betas   = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, delta= delta.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
              spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,  Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
              initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V  = ini.V)))

# @title mcmcfrailtySP
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) routine to run Bayesian non-spatial frailties split population survival model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param LY last observation year
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest

mcmcfrailtySP <- function(Y,
                          thin, w = c(1, 1, 1),
                          ini.beta =  0,
                          ini.gamma = 0,
                          ini.W = 0,
                          ini.V= 0,
                          id_WV) {
  p1 = dim(X)[2]
  p2 = dim(Z)[2]
  p3 = length(unique(S))
  p4 = length(unique(S))
  # initial values
  rho = 1
  lambda = 1
  betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
  gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
  W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
  V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
  WS = rep(ini.W, p3)
  VS = rep(ini.V, p4)
  delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  Sigma.b = 10 * p1 * diag(p1)
  Sigma.g = 10 * p2 * diag(p2)
  Sigma.w = 10 * p3 * diag(p3)
  Sigma.v = 10 * p4 * diag(p4)
  betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
  gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
  rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))
  V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
  for (iter in 1:N) {
    #if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn) {
      Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
      Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
      Sigma.w = riwish(1 + p3, WS %*% t(WS) + p3 * diag(p3))
      Sigma.v = riwish(1 + p4, VS %*% t(VS) + p4 * diag(p4))
    #non-spatial Frailty model
    W = W.F.MH.sampling(Sigma.w, S,Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
    betas = betas.slice.sampling(Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
    eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
    V = V.F.MH.sampling(Sigma.v, S, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
    gammas = gammas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
    num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
    num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
    denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
    num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
    delta = num/denom

    if (form %in% "Weibull") {
      rho = rho.slice.sampling(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
    if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
      betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
      gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
      rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
      lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
      delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
      S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
      S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
      W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
      V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]

  colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(betas.samp)  <- colnames(X) #adc
  colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
  return(list(betas   = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, delta = delta.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
              spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,  Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
              initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V  = ini.V)))

# @title mcmc Cure with Non-spatial frailties
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian spatial cure model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest

mcmcfrailtySPlog <- function(Y,
                             w = c(1, 1, 1),
                             m = 10,
                             ini.beta =  0,
                             ini.gamma = 0,
                             ini.W = 0,
                             ini.V= 0,
                             prop.varV = .00001,
                             prop.varW = .00001,
                             id_WV) {
  p1 = dim(X)[2]
  p2 = dim(Z)[2]
  p3 = length(unique(S))
  p4 = length(unique(S))
  # initial values
  rho = 1
  lambda = 1
  betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
  gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
  W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
  V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
  WS = rep(ini.W, p3)
  VS = rep(ini.V, p4)
  delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
  prop.varV = prop.varV
  prop.varW = prop.varW
  #delta = 1/(1 + exp(-Z %*% gammas + V))
  Sigma.b = 5 * p1 * diag(p1)
  Sigma.g = 5 * p2 * diag(p2)
  Sigma.w = 5 * p3 * diag(p3)
  Sigma.v = 5 * p4 * diag(p4)
  betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
  gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
  rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
  W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))
  V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))

  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
  for (iter in 1:N) {
    #if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
    if (iter > burn) {
      Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
      Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
      Sigma.w = riwish(1 + p3, WS %*% t(WS) + p3 * diag(p3))
      Sigma.v = riwish(1 + p4, VS %*% t(VS) + p4 * diag(p4))
    #non-spatial Frailty model.
    W = W.F.MH.sampling2(Sigma.w, S,Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
    betas = betas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
    eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
    V = V.F.MH.sampling2(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
    gammas = gammas.slice.sampling4(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
    num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
    num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
    denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
    num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
    delta = num/denom

    if (form == "loglog") {
      rho = rho.slice.sampling2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
    if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
      betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
      gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
      rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
      lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
      delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
      S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
      S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
      W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
      V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]

  colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A)           #ADC
  colnames(betas.samp)  <- colnames(X) #adc
  colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
  return(list(betas   = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, delta = delta.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
              spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y,  Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
              initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V  = ini.V)))

# @title llFun
# @description Log-likelihood function for exchnageable and spatial frailty split population models
# @param est parameter estimates from the model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C immunity indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param W survival stage (spatial) frailty parameter estimates
# @param V split stage (spatial) frailty parameter estimates
# @param data data that contains the variables of interest
# @return Log-likelihood of the exchangeable or the spatial split population survial model

llFun <- function(est,
                  form){		#Note the extra variable Y0 passed to the time varying MF Weibull

  n     <- nrow(data)
  llik  <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  gamma <- est[1:ncol(Z)]
  beta  <- est[(ncol(Z)+1):(ncol(Z)+ncol(X))]
  p     <- est[length(est)]
  XB    <- X %*% beta
  ZG    <- Z %*% gamma
  phi   <- exp(-ZG + V)/(1+exp(-ZG + V))
  eXB   <- exp(-XB + W)
  if(form == "loglog"){
    llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*(1+((eXB*Y0)^(p)))/(1+exp(-(eXB*Y)^(p)))^2)+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*(1+((eXB*Y0)^p)))^2/(1+((eXB*Y)^p)))^2)
  } else {
    llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*exp(-(eXB*Y))^p/exp(-(eXB*Y0))^p))+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*((exp(-eXB*Y))^p)/((exp(-eXB*Y0))^p)))
  one   <- nrow(llik)
  llik  <- subset(llik, is.finite(llik))
  two   <- nrow(llik)
  llik  <- subset(llik, llik[,1] > -1000)
  three <- nrow(llik)
  llik  <- -1*sum(llik)
  list(llik = llik, one = one, two = two, three = three)


# @title rllFun
# @description Log-likelihood function for pooled split population models
# @param est parameter estimates from the model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C immunity indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param data data that contains the variables of interest
# @return Log-likelihood of the poold slit population survival model

rllFun <- function(est,
                   form){		#Note the extra variable Y0 passed to the time varying MF Weibull

  n     <- nrow(data)
  llik  <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  gamma <- est[1:ncol(Z)]
  beta  <- est[(ncol(Z)+1):(ncol(Z)+ncol(X))]
  p     <- est[length(est)]
  XB    <- X %*% beta
  ZG    <- Z %*% gamma
  phi   <- exp(-ZG )/(1+exp(-ZG ))
  eXB   <- exp(-XB )
  if(form == "loglog"){
    llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*(1+((eXB*Y0)^(p)))/(1+exp(-(eXB*Y)^(p)))^2)+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*(1+((eXB*Y0)^p)))^2/(1+((eXB*Y)^p)))^2)
  } else {
    llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*exp(-(eXB*Y))^p/exp(-(eXB*Y0))^p))+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*((exp(-eXB*Y))^p)/((exp(-eXB*Y0))^p)))
  one   <- nrow(llik)
  llik  <- subset(llik, is.finite(llik))
  two   <- nrow(llik)
  llik  <- subset(llik, llik[,1] > -1000)
  three <- nrow(llik)
  llik  <- -1*sum(llik)
  list(llik = llik, one = one, two = two, three = three)


JointCount<- function(X, W) {
  PB<- mean (X)
  PW<- 1- mean(X)
  PBW<- 2*PB*(1-PB)
  EBB<- 0.5*sum(W)*PBB
  EWW<- 0.5*sum(W)*PWW
  EBW<- 0.5*sum(W)*PBW
  for (i in 1:nrow(W)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(W)){
    s.3j[i]<-(sum(W[i,])+ sum(W[,i]))^2
  varBW<-0.25*(((2*s2*nB*(n-nB))/(n*(n-1)))+(((s3-s1)*nB*(n-nB))/(n*(n-1)))+((4*(s1^2+s2-s3)*nB*(nB-1)*(n-nB)*(n-nB-1))/(n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)) ))-(EBW^2)

data_plots <- function(data, var_id = character(), var_time = character(), n = 0, threshold){

  dat  <- lapply(split(data, data[,var_time]), function(x){x[!duplicated(x[, var_id]), ]})
  dat  <- dat[sapply(dat, nrow) >= n]
  mats <- lapply(dat, function(x){BayesSPsurv::spatial_SA(x, var_ccode = var_id, threshold = threshold)$matrixA})
  w2 <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(dat)){w2[[i]] <- dat[[i]][order(dat[[i]][, var_id]),]}
  list(mats = mats, w2 = w2)

Nicolas-Schmidt/BayesSPsurv documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 8:51 a.m.