#' @useDynLib BayesSPsurv
#' @importFrom stats dgamma runif rgamma dnorm model.frame as.formula model.matrix model.response na.omit
#' @importFrom MCMCpack riwish
#' @importFrom coda mcmc
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom FastGP rcpp_rmvnorm rcpp_log_dmvnorm
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
#' @export
.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
library.dynam.unload("BayesSPsurv", libpath)
nameob <- c('capdist', 'numa', 'numb', 'kmdist', 'midist')
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
formcall <- function(duration,
w = c(1, 1, 1),
m = 10,
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
ini.W = 0,
ini.V= 0,
prop.varV = NULL,
prop.varW = NULL,
model = character())
formula1 <- as.formula(duration)
formula2 <- as.formula(immune)
variable <- unique(c(all.vars(formula1), all.vars(formula2)))
mf1 <- model.frame(formula = duration, data = data)
mf2 <- model.frame(formula = immune, data = data)
X <- model.matrix(attr(mf1, "terms"), data = mf1)
Z <- model.matrix(attr(mf2, "terms"), data = mf2)
Y <- as.matrix(model.response(mf1))
C <- as.matrix(model.response(mf2))
Y0 <- data[,Y0]
LY <- data[,LY]
burn <- burn
if (is.null(w)) w <- c(1,1,1) else w <- w
if (is.null(m)) m <- 10 else m <- m
if (is.null(ini.beta)) ini.beta <- 0 else ini.beta <- ini.beta
if (is.null(ini.gamma)) ini.gamma <- 0 else ini.gamma <- ini.gamma
if (is.null(ini.W)) ini.W <- 0 else ini.W <- ini.W
if (is.null(ini.V)) ini.V <- 0 else ini.V <- ini.V
form <- form
cnx <- colnames(X)
cnz <- colnames(Z)
if(model == "SPsurv"){
dataset <- data.frame(cbind(Y, Y0, C, LY, X, Z))
dataset <- na.omit(dataset)
Y <- as.matrix(dataset[,1])
Y0 <- as.matrix(dataset[,2])
C <- as.matrix(dataset[,3])
LY <- as.matrix(dataset[,4])
X <- as.matrix(dataset[,5:(4+ncol(X))])
Z <- as.matrix(dataset[,(5+ncol(X)):ncol(dataset)])
colnames(X) <- cnx
colnames(Z) <- cnz
fm <- list(Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, LY = LY, X = X, Z = Z, N = N, burn = burn,
thin = thin, w = w, m = m, ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, form = form)
} else {
prop.varV <- prop.varV
prop.varW <- prop.varW
S <- data[, S]
dataset <- data.frame(cbind(Y, Y0, C, LY, S, X, Z))
dataset <- na.omit(dataset)
Y <- as.matrix(dataset[,1])
Y0 <- as.matrix(dataset[,2])
C <- as.matrix(dataset[,3])
LY <- as.matrix(dataset[,4])
S <- as.matrix(dataset[,5])
X <- as.matrix(dataset[,6:(5+ncol(X))])
Z <- as.matrix(dataset[,(6+ncol(X)):ncol(dataset)])
colnames(X) <- cnx
colnames(Z) <- cnz
fm <- list(Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, LY = LY, X = X, Z = Z, S = S, N = N, burn = burn,
thin = thin, w = w, m = m, ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V = ini.V,
form = form, prop.varV = prop.varV, prop.varW = prop.varW)
if(!is.null(A)) fm$A <- as.matrix(A)
# @title betas.slice.sampling
# @description slice sampling for betas
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
betas.slice.sampling = function(Sigma.b,
form) {
p1 = length(betas)
for (p in sample(1:p1, p1, replace = FALSE)) {
betas[p] = univ.betas.slice.sampling(betas[p], p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title betas.slice.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for betas
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
betas.slice.sampling2 = function(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, form) {
p1 = length(betas)
for (p in sample(1:p1, p1, replace = FALSE)) {
betas[p] = univ.betas.slice.sampling2(betas[p], p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title univ.betas.slice.sampling
# @description univariate slice sampling for betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.betas.slice.sampling = function(betas.p,
lower = -Inf,
upper = +Inf,
form) {
b0 = betas.p
b.post0 = betas.post(b0, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)
e.b.post0 = exp(b.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.b.post0)){e.b.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(b.post0) > 0) { b.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.b.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = b0 - u
R = b0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (betas.post(L, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (betas.post(R, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
K = (m - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (betas.post(L, p, Sigma.b, Y,Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (betas.post(R, p, Sigma.b, Y,Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
b1 = runif(1, L, R)
b.post1 = betas.post(b1, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)
if (b.post1 >= b.post0) break
if (b1 > b0) {
R = b1
} else {
L = b1
# @title univ.betas.slice.sampling2
# @description univariate slice sampling for betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.betas.slice.sampling2 = function(betas.p, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, form) {
b0 = betas.p
b.post0 = betas.post2(b0, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)
e.b.post0 = exp(b.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.b.post0)){e.b.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(b.post0) > 0) { b.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.b.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = b0 - u
R = b0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (betas.post2(L, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (betas.post2(R, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, is.numeric(m)))
K = (is.numeric(m) - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (betas.post2(L, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (betas.post2(R, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) <= b.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
b1 = runif(1, L, R)
b.post1 = betas.post2(b1, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form)
if (b.post1 >= b.post0) break
if (b1 > b0) {
R = b1
} else {
L = b1
# @title gammas.slice.sampling
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
gammas.slice.sampling = function(Sigma.g,
form) {
p2 = length(gammas)
for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title gammas.slice.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
gammas.slice.sampling2 = function(Sigma.g,
form) {
p2 = length(gammas)
for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling2(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title gammas.slice.sampling3
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
gammas.slice.sampling3 = function(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form) {
p2 = length(gammas)
for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling3(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title gammas.slice.sampling4
# @description slice sampling for gammas
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
gammas.slice.sampling4 = function(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form) {
p2 = length(gammas)
for (p in sample(1:p2, p2, replace = FALSE)) {
gammas[p] = univ.gammas.slice.sampling4(gammas[p], p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, form = form)
# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling2
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.gammas.slice.sampling2 = function(gammas.p,
p, Sigma.g,
lower = -Inf,
upper = +Inf,
form) {
g0 = gammas.p
g.post0 = gammas.post2(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = g0 - u
R = g0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post2(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post2(R, p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
K = (m - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post2(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post2(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
g1 = runif(1, L, R)
g.post1 = gammas.post2(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
if (g1 > g0) {
R = g1
} else {
L = g1
# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.gammas.slice.sampling = function(gammas.p,
lower = -Inf,
upper = +Inf,
form) {
g0 = gammas.p
g.post0 = gammas.post(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z,gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = g0 - u
R = g0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post(L, p, Sigma.g, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
K = (m - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
g1 = runif(1, L, R)
g.post1 = gammas.post(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
if (g1 > g0) {
R = g1
} else {
L = g1
# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling3
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.gammas.slice.sampling3 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, form) {
g0 = gammas.p
g.post0 = gammas.post3(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z,gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = g0 - u
R = g0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post3(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post3(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
K = (m - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post3(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post3(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
g1 = runif(1, L, R)
g.post1 = gammas.post3(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
if (g1 > g0) {
R = g1
} else {
L = g1
# @title univ.gammas.slice.sampling4
# @description univariate slice sampling for gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
univ.gammas.slice.sampling4 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, form) {
g0 = gammas.p
g.post0 = gammas.post4(g0, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
e.g.post0 = exp(g.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.g.post0)){e.g.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(g.post0) > 0) { g.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.g.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = g0 - u
R = g0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post4(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post4(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, is.numeric(m)))
K = (is.numeric(m) - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (gammas.post4(L, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (gammas.post4(R, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) <= g.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
g1 = runif(1, L, R)
g.post1 = gammas.post4(g1, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form)
if (g.post1 >= g.post0) break
if (g1 > g0) {
R = g1
} else {
L = g1
# @title rho.slice.sampling
# @description univariate slice sampling for rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
rho.slice.sampling = function(Y,
lower = 0.01,
upper = +Inf) {
l0 = rho
l.post0 = rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, l0)
e.l.post0 = exp(l.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.l.post0)){e.l.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(l.post0) > 0) { l.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.l.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = l0 - u
R = l0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (is.na(rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
K = (m - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (is.na(rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
if (rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
l1 = runif(1, L, R)
l.post1 = rho.post(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, l1)
if (l.post1 >= l.post0) break
if (l1 > l0) {
R = l1
} else {
L = l1
# @title rho.slice.sampling2
# @description univariate slice sampling for rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param lower lower bound on support of the distribution
# @param upper upper bound on support of the distribution
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
rho.slice.sampling2 = function(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w, m, lower = 0.01, upper = +Inf) {
l0 = rho
l.post0 = rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, l0)
e.l.post0 = exp(l.post0)
if (is.infinite(e.l.post0)){e.l.post0 = exp(700)}
if (exp(l.post0) > 0) { l.post0 = log(runif(1, 0, e.l.post0))}
u = runif(1, 0, w)
L = l0 - u
R = l0 + (w - u)
if (is.infinite(m)) {
{ if (L <= lower) break
if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
L = L - w
if (R >= upper) break
if (is.na(rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
R = R + w
} else if (m > 1) {
J = floor(runif(1, 0, m))
K = (m - 1) - J
while (J > 0) {
if (L <= lower) break
if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, L) <= l.post0) break
L = L - w
J = J - 1
while (K > 0) {
if (R >= upper) break
if (is.na(rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R))) #browser()
if (rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, R) <= l.post0) break
R = R + w
K = K - 1
if (L < lower) {
L = lower
if (R > upper) {
R = upper
l1 = runif(1, L, R)
l.post1 = rho.post2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, l1)
if (l.post1 >= l.post0) break
if (l1 > l0) {
R = l1
} else {
L = l1
# @title betas.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of betas with pth element fixed as betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
betas.post = function(betas.p,
p, Sigma.b,
form) {
betas[p] = betas.p
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.b, rep(0, length(betas)), betas, FALSE)
lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title betas.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of betas with pth element fixed as betas.p
# @param betas.p current value of the pth element of betas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.b variance estimate of betas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Lokelihood)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
betas.post2 = function(betas.p, p, Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, form) {
betas[p] = betas.p
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.b, rep(0, length(betas)), betas, FALSE)
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title gammas.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
gammas.post = function(gammas.p,
form) {
gammas[p] = gammas.p
num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
lpost = llikWeibull(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title gammas.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
gammas.post2 = function(gammas.p,
eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) {
gammas[p] = gammas.p
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
lpost = llikWeibull(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title gammas.post3
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
gammas.post3 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) {
gammas[p] = gammas.p
num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title gammas.post4
# @description log-posterior distribution of gammas with pth element fixed as gammas.p
# @param gammas.p current value of the pth element of gammas
# @param p pth element
# @param Sigma.g variance estimate of gammas
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return log- posterior density of betas
gammas.post4 = function(gammas.p, p, Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, form) {
gammas[p] = gammas.p
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
lprior = rcpp_log_dmvnorm(Sigma.g, rep(0, length(gammas)), gammas, FALSE)
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title rho.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param a shape parameter of gammas prior
# @param b scale parameter of gammas prior
# @return log- posterior density of betas
rho.post = function(Y,
a = 1,
b = 1) {
lprior = dgamma(rho, a, b, log = TRUE)
lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title rho.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of rho
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param a shape parameter of gammas prior
# @param b scale parameter of gammas prior
# @return log- posterior density of betas
rho.post2 = function(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, a = 1, b = 1) {
lprior = dgamma(rho, a, b, log = TRUE)
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title W.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W (Weibull or exponential)
W.post = function(S,
rho) {
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
adj = which(A[s,] == 1)
m_j = length(adj)
if(m_j == 0){
m_j <- exp(-700)
} else {
m_j <- m_j
wj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
if (length(wj) == 0){
W_j_bar = 0
} else {
W_j_bar = mean(wj)
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], W_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title W.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W (Log likelihood)
W.post2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho) {
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
adj = which(A[s,] == 1)
m_j = length(adj)
if(m_j == 0){
m_j <- exp(-700)
} else {
m_j <- m_j
wj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
if (length(wj) == 0){
W_j_bar = 0
} else {
W_j_bar = mean(wj)
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], W_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title W.MH.sampling
# @description MH Sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
W.MH.sampling = function(S,
prop.varW) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
u = log(runif(1))
w1 = W.post(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0,X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
w1[which(w1==-Inf)] <- -740
w2 = W.post(S, A, lambda, Y,Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
w2[which(w2==-Inf)] <- -740
temp = w1- w2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
W = W_new[S]
} else {
W = W_old[S]
# @title W.MH.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
W.MH.sampling2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
u = log(runif(1))
w1 = W.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
#w1[which(w1==-Inf)] <- -740
#w1[which(w1==Inf)] <- exp(700)
w2 = W.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
#w2[which(w2==Inf)] <- exp(700)
temp = w1- w2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
W = W_new[S]
} else {
W = W_old[S]
# @title W.F.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W
W.F.post = function(Sigma.w,
rho) {
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.w[s,s])
lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title W.F.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of W
W.F.post2 = function(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho) {
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.w[s,s])
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title W.F.MH.sampling (Cure Model with Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
W.F.MH.sampling = function(Sigma.w,
prop.varW) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
u = log(runif(1))
w1 = W.F.post(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
w2 = W.F.post(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
temp = w1- w2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
W = W_new[S]
} else {
W = W_old[S]
# @title W.F.MH.sampling2 (Cure Model with Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for W
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param betas current value of betas
# @param delta probability of true censoring
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
W.F.MH.sampling2 = function(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W))
W_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
W_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varW * diag(length(W_old)), W_old)
W_new = W_new - mean(W_new)
u = log(runif(1))
w1 = W.F.post2(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_new[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
w1[which(w1==-Inf)] <- -740
w2 = W.F.post2(Sigma.w, S, Y, Y0, X, W_old[S], betas, delta, C, LY, rho)
w2[which(w2==-Inf)] <- -740
temp = w1- w2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
W = W_new[S]
} else {
W = W_old[S]
# @title V.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas
V.post = function(S,
rho) {
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
adj = which(A[s,] == 1)
m_j = length(adj)
if(m_j == 0){
m_j <- exp(-700)
} else {
m_j <- m_j
vj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
if (length(vj) == 0){
V_j_bar = 0
} else {
V_j_bar = mean(vj)
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], V_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title V.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas (log likelihood)
V.post2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho) {
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
#delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:nrow(A)) {
adj = which(A[s,] == 1)
m_j = length(adj)
if(m_j == 0){
m_j <- exp(-700)
} else {
m_j <- m_j
vj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
if (length(vj) == 0){
V_j_bar = 0
} else {
V_j_bar = mean(vj)
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], V_j_bar, sqrt(1/(lambda * m_j)), log = TRUE)
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title V.MH.sampling
# @description MH sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
V.MH.sampling = function(S,
prop.varV) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
u = log(runif(1))
v1 = V.post(S, A, lambda, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
v2 = V.post(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
temp = v1- v2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
V = V_new[S]
} else {
V = V_old[S]
# @title V.MH.sampling2
# @description slice sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param lambda CAR parameter
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
V.MH.sampling2 = function(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
u = log(runif(1))
v1 = V.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
#v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
#V1[which(V1==Inf)] <- exp(700)
v2 = V.post2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
#v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
#v2[which(v2==Inf)] <- exp(700)
temp = v1- v2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
V = V_new[S]
} else {
V = V_old[S]
# @title V.F.post
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas (Weibull and Exponential)
V.F.post = function(Sigma.v,
rho) {
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.v[s,s])
lpost = llikWeibull(Y,Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title V.F.post2
# @description log-posterior distribution of W with sth element fixed as W.s
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @return log- posterior density of betas (log likelihood)
V.F.post2 = function(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho) {
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
#delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
lprior = 0
for (s in 1:length(unique(S))){
lprior = lprior + dnorm(S_uniq[s, 2], 0, Sigma.v[s,s])
lpost = llikLoglog(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho) + lprior
# @title V.F.MH.sampling (Cure Model with non-spatial Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling
V.F.MH.sampling = function(Sigma.v,
prop.varV) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
u = log(runif(1))
v1 = V.F.post(Sigma.v,S, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
v2 = V.F.post(Sigma.v,S, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
temp = v1- v2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
V = V_new[S]
} else {
V = V_old[S]
# @title V.F.MH.sampling2 (Cure Model with non-spatial Frailties)
# @description MH sampling for rcpp_log_dmvnorm
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param eXB exponentiated vector of covariates times betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param gammas current value of gammas
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param rho current value of rho
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return One sample update using slice sampling (log likelihood)
V.F.MH.sampling2 = function(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV) {
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, V))
V_old = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]), 2]
V_new = rcpp_rmvnorm(1, prop.varV * diag(length(V_old)), V_old)
V_new = V_new - mean(V_new)
u = log(runif(1))
v1 = V.F.post2(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_new[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
#v1[which(v1==-Inf)] <- -740
v2 = V.F.post2(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V_old[S], gammas, C, LY, rho)
#v2[which(v2==-Inf)] <- -740
temp = v1- v2
alpha = min(0, temp)
if (u <= alpha) {
V = V_new[S]
} else {
V = V_old[S]
# @title lambda.gibbs.sampling2
# @description log-posterior distribution of rho
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param W spatial random effects
# @param V spatial random effects
# @param a shape parameter of gammas prior
# @param b scale parameter of gammas prior
# @return log- posterior density of betas
lambda.gibbs.sampling2 <- function(S,
a = 1, # prior
b = 1) { # prior
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
J = nrow(S_uniq)
sums = 0
for (j in 1:J) {
adj = which(A[j,]==1)
m_j = length(adj)
if(m_j == 0){
m_j <- exp(-700)
} else {
m_j <- m_j
wj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),2]
if (length(wj) == 0){
W_j_bar = 0
} else {
W_j_bar = mean(wj)
vj = S_uniq[which(S_uniq[,1] %in% adj),3]
if (length(vj) == 0){
V_j_bar = 0
} else {
V_j_bar = mean(vj)
W_j = S_uniq[j, 2]
V_j = S_uniq[j, 3]
sums = sums + m_j/2 * ((W_j-W_j_bar)^2 + (V_j-V_j_bar)^2)
lambda = rgamma(1, J + a, sums + b)
# @title mcmcSP
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian split population survival model with no frailties
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcSP <- function(Y,
w = c(1, 1, 1),
m = 10,
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
form) {
p1 = dim(X)[2]
p2 = dim(Z)[2]
# initial values
rho = 1
betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
W = rep(0, length(Y))
#V = rep(0, length(Y))
delta = exp(Z %*% gammas)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
Sigma.b = 10 * p1 * diag(p1)
Sigma.g = 10 * p2 * diag(p2)
betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
for (iter in 1:N) {
# if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn) {
Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
betas = betas.slice.sampling(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas))
gammas = gammas.slice.sampling(Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
if (form %in% "Weibull") {
rho = rho.slice.sampling(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
colnames(betas.samp) <- colnames(X) #adc
colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
return(list(betas = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, delta = delta.samp,
spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, form = form),
initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma)))
# @title mcmcSPlog
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian cure model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Log Likelihood)
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcSPlog <- function(Y,
w = c(1, 1, 1),
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
ini.W = 0,
ini.V= 0,
form) {
p1 = dim(X)[2]
p2 = dim(Z)[2]
# initial values
rho = 1
betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
W = rep(0, length(Y))
#V = rep(0, length(Y))
delta = exp(Z %*% gammas)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
Sigma.b = 5 * p1 * diag(p1)
Sigma.g = 5 * p2 * diag(p2)
betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
for (iter in 1:N) {
#if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #F #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn) {
Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
betas = betas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
eXB = exp((X %*% betas))
gammas = gammas.slice.sampling3(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
num = exp(Z %*% gammas)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
if (form %in% "loglog") {
rho = rho.slice.sampling2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
colnames(betas.samp) <- colnames(X) #adc
colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
return(list(betas = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp,
spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, form = form),
initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma)))
# @title mcmcspatialSP
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) routine for Bayesian spatial split population survival model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param LY last observation year
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcspatialSP <- function(Y,
thin, w = c(1, 1, 1),
m = 10,
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
ini.W = 0,
ini.V= 0,
id_WV) {
p1 = dim(X)[2]
p2 = dim(Z)[2]
# initial values
rho = 1
betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
Sigma.b = 10 * p1 * diag(p1)
Sigma.g = 10 * p2 * diag(p2)
betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))
V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
for (iter in 1:N) {
#if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn) {
Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
#CAR model
lambda = lambda.gibbs.sampling2(S, A, W, V)
W = W.MH.sampling(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
betas = betas.slice.sampling(Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
V = V.MH.sampling(S, A, lambda, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
gammas = gammas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
if (form %in% "Weibull") {
rho = rho.slice.sampling(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]
colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(betas.samp) <- colnames(X) #adc
colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
return(list(betas = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, delta = delta.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V = ini.V)))
# @title mcmcSpatialLog
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian spatial cure model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcSpatialLog <- function(Y,
w = c(1, 1, 1),
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
ini.W = 0,
ini.V= 0,
prop.varV = .00001,
prop.varW = .00001,
id_WV) {
p1 = dim(X)[2]
p2 = dim(Z)[2]
# initial values
rho = 1
betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
#delta = 1/(1 + exp(-Z %*% gammas + V))
Sigma.b = 5 * p1 * diag(p1)
Sigma.g = 5 * p2 * diag(p2)
betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))
V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = nrow(A))
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
for (iter in 1:N) {
#if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn) {
Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
#CAR model
lambda = lambda.gibbs.sampling2(S, A, W, V)
W = W.MH.sampling2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
betas = betas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
eXB = exp((X %*% betas) + W)
V = V.MH.sampling2(S, A, lambda, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
gammas = gammas.slice.sampling4(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
#delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
if (form == "loglog") {
rho = rho.slice.sampling2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
# print(delta) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]
# print(100) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(betas.samp) <- colnames(X) #adc
colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
return(list(betas = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, delta= delta.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V = ini.V)))
# @title mcmcfrailtySP
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) routine to run Bayesian non-spatial frailties split population survival model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param LY last observation year
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param A adjacency information corresponding to spatial information
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling. A vector of values for beta, gamma, rho.
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcfrailtySP <- function(Y,
thin, w = c(1, 1, 1),
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
ini.W = 0,
ini.V= 0,
id_WV) {
p1 = dim(X)[2]
p2 = dim(Z)[2]
p3 = length(unique(S))
p4 = length(unique(S))
# initial values
rho = 1
lambda = 1
betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
WS = rep(ini.W, p3)
VS = rep(ini.V, p4)
delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
Sigma.b = 10 * p1 * diag(p1)
Sigma.g = 10 * p2 * diag(p2)
Sigma.w = 10 * p3 * diag(p3)
Sigma.v = 10 * p4 * diag(p4)
betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))
V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
for (iter in 1:N) {
#if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn) {
Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
Sigma.w = riwish(1 + p3, WS %*% t(WS) + p3 * diag(p3))
Sigma.v = riwish(1 + p4, VS %*% t(VS) + p4 * diag(p4))
#non-spatial Frailty model
W = W.F.MH.sampling(Sigma.w, S,Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
betas = betas.slice.sampling(Sigma.b, Y, Y0,X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
V = V.F.MH.sampling(Sigma.v, S, Y,Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
gammas = gammas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.g, Y, Y0,eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
if (form %in% "Weibull") {
rho = rho.slice.sampling(Y, Y0,eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]
colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(betas.samp) <- colnames(X) #adc
colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
return(list(betas = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, delta = delta.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V = ini.V)))
# @title mcmc Cure with Non-spatial frailties
# @description Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to run Bayesian spatial cure model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param C censoring indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param S spatial information (e.g. district)
# @param N number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn burn-in to be discarded
# @param thin thinning to prevent from autocorrelation
# @param w size of the slice in the slice sampling for (betas, gammas, rho)
# @param m limit on steps in the slice sampling
# @param form type of parametric model (Exponential or Weibull)
# @param prop.varV proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @param prop.varW proposal variance for Metropolis-Hastings
# @return chain of the variables of interest
mcmcfrailtySPlog <- function(Y,
w = c(1, 1, 1),
m = 10,
ini.beta = 0,
ini.gamma = 0,
ini.W = 0,
ini.V= 0,
prop.varV = .00001,
prop.varW = .00001,
id_WV) {
p1 = dim(X)[2]
p2 = dim(Z)[2]
p3 = length(unique(S))
p4 = length(unique(S))
# initial values
rho = 1
lambda = 1
betas = rep(ini.beta, p1)
gammas = rep(ini.gamma, p2)
W = rep(ini.W, length(Y))
V = rep(ini.V, length(Y))
WS = rep(ini.W, p3)
VS = rep(ini.V, p4)
delta = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)/ (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
prop.varV = prop.varV
prop.varW = prop.varW
#delta = 1/(1 + exp(-Z %*% gammas + V))
Sigma.b = 5 * p1 * diag(p1)
Sigma.g = 5 * p2 * diag(p2)
Sigma.w = 5 * p3 * diag(p3)
Sigma.v = 5 * p4 * diag(p4)
betas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p1)
gammas.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = p2)
rho.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
lambda.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
delta.samp = rep(NA, (N - burn) / thin)
W.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))
V.samp = matrix(NA, nrow = (N - burn) / thin, ncol = length(unique(S)))
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = N)
for (iter in 1:N) {
#if (iter %% 1000 == 0) print(iter) #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** #### ***** ####
if (iter > burn) {
Sigma.b = riwish(1 + p1, betas %*% t(betas) + p1 * diag(p1))
Sigma.g = riwish(1 + p2, gammas %*% t(gammas) + p2 * diag(p2))
Sigma.w = riwish(1 + p3, WS %*% t(WS) + p3 * diag(p3))
Sigma.v = riwish(1 + p4, VS %*% t(VS) + p4 * diag(p4))
#non-spatial Frailty model.
W = W.F.MH.sampling2(Sigma.w, S,Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, prop.varW)
betas = betas.slice.sampling2(Sigma.b, Y, Y0, X, W, betas, delta, C, LY, rho, w[1], m, form = form)
eXB = exp(-(X %*% betas) + W)
V = V.F.MH.sampling2(Sigma.v, S, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, prop.varV)
gammas = gammas.slice.sampling4(Sigma.g, Y, Y0, eXB, Z, V, gammas, C, LY, rho, w[2], m, form = form)
num = exp(Z %*% gammas + V)
num[which(is.infinite(num))] <- exp(700)
denom = (1 + exp(Z %*% gammas + V))
num[which(is.infinite(denom))] <- exp(700)
delta = num/denom
if (form == "loglog") {
rho = rho.slice.sampling2(Y, Y0, eXB, delta, C, LY, rho, w[3], m)
if (iter > burn & (iter - burn) %% thin == 0) {
betas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = betas
gammas.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = gammas
rho.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = rho
lambda.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = lambda
delta.samp[(iter - burn) / thin] = mean(delta)
S_uniq = unique(cbind(S, W, V))
S_uniq = S_uniq[order(S_uniq[,1]),]
W.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,2]
V.samp[(iter - burn) / thin, ] = S_uniq[,3]
colnames(V.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(W.samp) <- id_WV #colnames(A) #ADC
colnames(betas.samp) <- colnames(X) #adc
colnames(gammas.samp) <- colnames(Z) #adc
return(list(betas = betas.samp, gammas = gammas.samp, rho = rho.samp, lambda = lambda.samp, delta = delta.samp, W = W.samp, V = V.samp,
spstats = list(X = X, Z = Z, Y = Y, Y0 = Y0, C = C, S = S, form = form),
initial = list(ini.beta = ini.beta, ini.gamma = ini.gamma, ini.W = ini.W, ini.V = ini.V)))
# @title llFun
# @description Log-likelihood function for exchnageable and spatial frailty split population models
# @param est parameter estimates from the model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C immunity indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param W survival stage (spatial) frailty parameter estimates
# @param V split stage (spatial) frailty parameter estimates
# @param data data that contains the variables of interest
# @return Log-likelihood of the exchangeable or the spatial split population survial model
llFun <- function(est,
form){ #Note the extra variable Y0 passed to the time varying MF Weibull
n <- nrow(data)
llik <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
gamma <- est[1:ncol(Z)]
beta <- est[(ncol(Z)+1):(ncol(Z)+ncol(X))]
p <- est[length(est)]
XB <- X %*% beta
ZG <- Z %*% gamma
phi <- exp(-ZG + V)/(1+exp(-ZG + V))
eXB <- exp(-XB + W)
if(form == "loglog"){
llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*(1+((eXB*Y0)^(p)))/(1+exp(-(eXB*Y)^(p)))^2)+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*(1+((eXB*Y0)^p)))^2/(1+((eXB*Y)^p)))^2)
} else {
llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*exp(-(eXB*Y))^p/exp(-(eXB*Y0))^p))+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*((exp(-eXB*Y))^p)/((exp(-eXB*Y0))^p)))
one <- nrow(llik)
llik <- subset(llik, is.finite(llik))
two <- nrow(llik)
llik <- subset(llik, llik[,1] > -1000)
three <- nrow(llik)
llik <- -1*sum(llik)
list(llik = llik, one = one, two = two, three = three)
# @title rllFun
# @description Log-likelihood function for pooled split population models
# @param est parameter estimates from the model
# @param Y the time (duration) dependent variable for the survival stage (t)
# @param Y0 the elapsed time since inception until the beginning of time period (t-1)
# @param C immunity indicator
# @param X covariates for betas
# @param Z covariates for gammas
# @param data data that contains the variables of interest
# @return Log-likelihood of the poold slit population survival model
rllFun <- function(est,
form){ #Note the extra variable Y0 passed to the time varying MF Weibull
n <- nrow(data)
llik <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
gamma <- est[1:ncol(Z)]
beta <- est[(ncol(Z)+1):(ncol(Z)+ncol(X))]
p <- est[length(est)]
XB <- X %*% beta
ZG <- Z %*% gamma
phi <- exp(-ZG )/(1+exp(-ZG ))
eXB <- exp(-XB )
if(form == "loglog"){
llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*(1+((eXB*Y0)^(p)))/(1+exp(-(eXB*Y)^(p)))^2)+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*(1+((eXB*Y0)^p)))^2/(1+((eXB*Y)^p)))^2)
} else {
llik <- C*(log((1-phi)*eXB*p*((eXB*Y)^(p-1))*exp(-(eXB*Y))^p/exp(-(eXB*Y0))^p))+(1-C)*(log(phi+(1-phi)*((exp(-eXB*Y))^p)/((exp(-eXB*Y0))^p)))
one <- nrow(llik)
llik <- subset(llik, is.finite(llik))
two <- nrow(llik)
llik <- subset(llik, llik[,1] > -1000)
three <- nrow(llik)
llik <- -1*sum(llik)
list(llik = llik, one = one, two = two, three = three)
JointCount<- function(X, W) {
PB<- mean (X)
PW<- 1- mean(X)
PBW<- 2*PB*(1-PB)
EBB<- 0.5*sum(W)*PBB
EWW<- 0.5*sum(W)*PWW
EBW<- 0.5*sum(W)*PBW
for (i in 1:nrow(W)){
for (j in 1:ncol(W)){
s.3j[i]<-(sum(W[i,])+ sum(W[,i]))^2
varBW<-0.25*(((2*s2*nB*(n-nB))/(n*(n-1)))+(((s3-s1)*nB*(n-nB))/(n*(n-1)))+((4*(s1^2+s2-s3)*nB*(nB-1)*(n-nB)*(n-nB-1))/(n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)) ))-(EBW^2)
data_plots <- function(data, var_id = character(), var_time = character(), n = 0, threshold){
dat <- lapply(split(data, data[,var_time]), function(x){x[!duplicated(x[, var_id]), ]})
dat <- dat[sapply(dat, nrow) >= n]
mats <- lapply(dat, function(x){BayesSPsurv::spatial_SA(x, var_ccode = var_id, threshold = threshold)$matrixA})
w2 <- list()
for(i in 1:length(dat)){w2[[i]] <- dat[[i]][order(dat[[i]][, var_id]),]}
list(mats = mats, w2 = w2)
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