
Defines functions treeMutationalBranches byML byMP

byMP <- function(mut_dat){
   matTree <- nj(dist.gene(mut_dat))
   tree_dat <- phangorn::as.phyDat(mut_dat, type="USER", levels = c(0, 1))
   tree_pars <- suppressMessages(phangorn::optim.parsimony(matTree,
                                                           method = "sankoff", 
                                                           trace = FALSE)) 
   matTree <- phangorn::acctran(tree_pars, tree_dat)

byML <- function(mut_dat){
   matTree <- nj(dist.gene(mut_dat))
   tree_dat <- phangorn::as.phyDat(mut_dat, type="USER", levels = c(0, 1))
   fitJC <- phangorn::pml(matTree, tree_dat)
   fitJC <- try(phangorn::optim.pml(fitJC,control = phangorn::pml.control(trace = FALSE))) 
   matTree <- fitJC$tree

treeMutationalBranches <- function(maf_data, branch.id, binary.matrix){
   maf_data <- maf_data %>% 
      do.classify(class = "SP",classByTumor = TRUE)
   binary.matrix <- as.data.frame(binary.matrix)
   binary.matrix$mut_id <- rownames(binary.matrix)
   ## get mutationalSigs-related  infomation
   mut_id <- dplyr::select(tidyr::unite(maf_data, "mut_id", 
                                        "Hugo_Symbol", "Chromosome", 
                                        "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Seq_Allele2", 
                                        sep=":"), "mut_id")
   mutSigRef <- data.frame(Branch_ID = as.character(maf_data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode), 
                           Mutation_Type = as.character(maf_data$Mutation_Type),
                           Tumor_ID = as.character(maf_data$Tumor_ID),
                           Hugo_Symbol = maf_data$Hugo_Symbol, 
                           Chromosome = as.character(maf_data$Chromosome),
                           Start_Position = maf_data$Start_Position, 
                           End_Position = maf_data$End_Position,
                           Reference_Allele = maf_data$Reference_Allele, 
                           Tumor_Allele  = maf_data$Tumor_Seq_Allele2,
                           mut_id = mut_id,
   # if("Tumor_Sample_Label" %in% colnames(maf_data)){
   #    mutSigRef$Branch_Label <- maf_data$Tumor_Sample_Label
   # }
   ## get branch infomation
   branchChar <- as.character(branch.id$Branch_ID)
   ls.branch <- branchChar[order(nchar(branchChar), branchChar)]
   branches <- strsplit(ls.branch, split='&')
   ## generate mutational intersections for each branch
   mutBranchesOutput <- list()
   for (branch in branches){
      ## generate intersection's mut_id and get the mutation information in mutSigRef
      branch <- unlist(branch)
      ## generate the branch name
      branchName <- paste(branch, collapse="&")
      # branch.id <- append(branch, "mut_id")
      unbranch <- names(binary.matrix)[!names(binary.matrix) %in% branch]
      unbranch <- unbranch[unbranch!="mut_id"]
      ## get branch tumor type
      ids_df <- maf_data %>% 
         dplyr::filter(.data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% branch) %>% 
         dplyr::distinct(.data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode, .keep_all = TRUE)
      tumor_ids <- ids_df$Tumor_ID
      # mutation_type_ids <- unique(maf_data[maf_data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% branch, ]$Tumor_ID)
      # tsbs <- unique(maf_data[maf_data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% branch, ]$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)
      # tsbs.all <- unique(maf_data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)
      # if(length(tsbs.all) == length(tsbs)){
      #    Mutation_Type <- "Public"
      #    # tumor_ids <- paste(ids, collapse = "&")
      # }else if(length(mutation_type_ids) > 1){
      #    Mutation_Type <- paste0("Shared_", paste(mutation_type_ids,collapse = "_"))
      #    # tumor_ids <- paste(ids, collapse = "&")
      # }else if(length(mutation_type_ids) == 1 & length(branch) > 1){
      #    if(length(unique(maf_data$Tumor_ID)) == 1){
      #       Mutation_Type <- "Shared"
      #    }else{
      #       Mutation_Type <- paste0("Shared_",paste(mutation_type_ids,collapse = "_"))
      #    }
      #    # tumor_ids <- ids
      # }else if(length(mutation_type_ids) == 1 & length(branch) == 1){
      #    if(length(unique(maf_data$Tumor_ID)) == 1){
      #       Mutation_Type <- "Private"
      #    }else{
      #       Mutation_Type <- paste0("Private_",paste(mutation_type_ids,collapse = "_"))
      #    }
      #    # tumor_ids <- ids
      # }
      tumor_ids <- paste(tumor_ids, collapse = "&")
      ## initialize 
      . = NULL
      ## generate mutation intersection for specific branch
      branch.intersection <- dplyr::intersect(
         binary.matrix %>% dplyr::filter_at(branch, dplyr::all_vars(. == 1)), 
         binary.matrix %>% dplyr::filter_at(unbranch, dplyr::all_vars(. == 0)))
      if (nrow(branch.intersection) == 0){
         # message(paste(branchName, ": There are no private mutations for branch ", sep=""))
         branch.mut <- data.frame(Branch_ID=branchName,
                                  Mutation_Type = NA,
                                  Tumor_ID = tumor_ids,
                                  mut_id="no mutation"
                                  # Alias=NA
         mutBranchesOutput[[branchName]] <- branch.mut
      branch.mut.id <- branch.intersection$mut_id
      ## data duplication
      branch.mut <- mutSigRef[which(mutSigRef$mut_id %in% branch.mut.id), ]
      branch.mut$Branch_ID <- branchName
      Mutation_Type <- unique(branch.mut$Mutation_Type)
      branch.mut$Mutation_Type <- Mutation_Type
      branch.mut$Tumor_ID <- tumor_ids
      branch.mut <- branch.mut[!duplicated(branch.mut),]

      ## generate branch mutation list
      mutBranchesOutput[[branchName]] <- branch.mut
   tree_output <- dplyr::bind_rows(mutBranchesOutput)%>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$mut_id != "no mutation") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(Tree_Mut = TRUE)
   mut_left <- mutSigRef %>%
      dplyr::filter(!.data$mut_id %in% tree_output$mut_id) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(Tree_Mut = FALSE)
   mut.branches <- dplyr::bind_rows(tree_output, mut_left)
   branch.type <- tree_output %>% 
      dplyr::select("Branch_ID", "Mutation_Type") %>% 
      dplyr::distinct(.data$Branch_ID, .keep_all = TRUE)
   if(nrow(branch.id) != nrow(branch.type)){
      branch_left <- branch.id[,1][!branch.id[,1] %in% branch.type$Branch_ID]
      tumor_id_count <- length(unique(maf_data$Tumor_ID))
      for(b in branch_left){
         b_sample <- strsplit(b, "&")[[1]]
         b_id <- unique(maf_data[maf_data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% b_sample,]$Tumor_ID)
         b_id <- rev(sort(b_id))
         if(length(b_id) == 1){
            b_type <- paste0("Private_", b_id)
         }else if(length(b_id) > 1 & tumor_id_count == 1){
            b_type <- paste0("Shared_", b_id)
            b_type <- paste0("Shared_", paste(b_id, collapse = "_"))
         sub <- data.frame(Branch_ID = b, Mutation_Type = b_type)
         branch.type <- rbind(branch.type, sub)
      # branch.type <- dplyr::arrange(branch.type, Mutation_Type)
   mut.branches <-  mut.branches %>% 
      mut.branches = mut.branches,
      branch.type = branch.type
Niinleslie/MesKit documentation built on Jan. 29, 2022, 10:24 a.m.