
Defines functions readMaf

Documented in readMaf

#' readMaf
#' @description Read tab delimited MAF (can be plain text or *.gz compressed) file along with sample information file.
#' @param mafFile A tab delimited MAF file (plain text or *.gz compressed). Required.
#' @param clinicalFile A clinical data file includes Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Tumor_ID, Patient_ID. Tumor_Sample_Label is optional. Default NULL.
#' @param ccfFile A CCF file of somatic mutations. Default NULL.
#' @param adjusted.VAF Whether adjusted VAF is included in mafFile. Default FALSE.
#' @param nonSyn.vc List of Variant classifications which are considered as non-silent. Default NULL, use Variant Classifications with "Frame_Shift_Del","Frame_Shift_Ins","Splice_Site","Translation_Start_Site","Nonsense_Mutation","Nonstop_Mutation","In_Frame_Del","In_Frame_Ins","Missense_Mutation"
#' @param use.indel.ccf Whether include indels in ccfFile. Default FALSE.
#' @param ccf.conf.level The confidence level of CCF to identify clonal or subclonal. 
#' Only works when "CCF_std" or "CCF_CI_high" is provided in ccfFile. Default 0.95.
#' @param refBuild Human reference genome version. Default 'hg19'. Optional: 'hg18' or 'hg38'.
#' @examples
#' maf.File <- system.file("extdata/", "CRC_HZ.maf", package = "MesKit")
#' clin.File <- system.file("extdata/", "CRC_HZ.clin.txt", package = "MesKit")
#' ccf.File <- system.file("extdata/", "CRC_HZ.ccf.tsv", package = "MesKit")
#' maf <- readMaf(mafFile=maf.File,clinicalFile = clin.File, refBuild="hg19")
#' maf <- readMaf(mafFile=maf.File, clinicalFile = clin.File, ccfFile=ccf.File, refBuild="hg19")
#' @return an object of Maf or MafList.
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom data.table fread setkey 
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export readMaf

## read.maf main function
readMaf <- function(
    ccfFile = NULL,
    adjusted.VAF = FALSE,
    nonSyn.vc = NULL,
    use.indel.ccf = FALSE,
    ccf.conf.level = 0.95,
    refBuild = "hg19"
    ) {

    refBuild <- match.arg(refBuild, choices =  c('hg18', 'hg19', 'hg38'), several.ok = FALSE)
    ## get non-silent muation types
    if (is.null(nonSyn.vc)) {
        nonSyn.vc <- c(

    maf_data <- data.table::fread(
            file = mafFile,
            quote = "",
            header = TRUE,
            data.table = TRUE,
            fill = TRUE,
            sep = '\t',
            skip = "Hugo_Symbol",
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    clin_data <- data.table::fread(
        file = clinicalFile,
        quote = "",
        header = TRUE,
        data.table = TRUE,
        fill = TRUE,
        sep = '\t',
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    ## merge maf data and clinical data
    maf_col <- colnames(maf_data)
    clin_col <- colnames(clin_data)
    is_col <- intersect(maf_col, clin_col)
    is_col <- is_col[is_col!="Tumor_Sample_Barcode"]
    maf_data <- dplyr::select(maf_data, -all_of(is_col))
    maf_data <- dplyr::left_join(
        by = c(
    # check maf data
    maf_data <- validMaf(maf_data)
    ## calculate Total_allele_depth
    maf_data <- maf_data %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(Total_allele_depth = .data$Ref_allele_depth + .data$Alt_allele_depth) %>% 
        maf_data$VAF_adj <- maf_data$VAF

    ## read ccf files
    if (!is.null(ccfFile)) {
        ccf_data <- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(
            quote = "",
            header = TRUE,
            fill = TRUE,
            sep = '\t',
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        ## check ccf_data
        ccf_data <- validCCF(ccf_data, maf_data, use.indel.ccf = use.indel.ccf)
        ## merge ccf_data to maf_data
        maf_data <- readCCF(maf_data, ccf_data, ccf.conf.level, sample.info, adjusted.VAF, use.indel.ccf = use.indel.ccf)
    ## calculate average adjust VAF
    if("VAF_adj" %in% colnames(maf_data)){
        maf_data <- maf_data %>%
            dplyr::group_by(.data$Patient_ID, .data$Tumor_ID, .data$Chromosome, 
                            .data$Start_Position, .data$Reference_Allele,.data$Tumor_Seq_Allele2) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(Tumor_Average_VAF = round(
                sum(.data$VAF_adj * .data$Total_allele_depth)/

    maf_data <- maf_data %>% 
        dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
        dplyr::select(-"Total_allele_depth") %>% 
    data_list <- split(maf_data, maf_data$Patient_ID)
    maf_patient_list <- list()
    for(data in data_list){
        patient <- unique(data$Patient_ID)
        sample.info <- data %>% 
            dplyr::select("Tumor_Sample_Barcode","Tumor_ID") %>%
            dplyr::distinct(.data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode, .keep_all = TRUE)
        if(nrow(sample.info) < 2){
            n <- nrow(sample.info)
            stop(paste0(patient," has only ",n," tumor samples.",
                        "A minimum of two tumor samples are required for each patient."))
        ## set Maf
        maf <- Maf(
            data = data.table::setDT(data),
            sample.info = as.data.frame(sample.info),
            nonSyn.vc = nonSyn.vc,
            ref.build = refBuild
        maf_patient_list[[patient]] <- maf
    if(length(data_list) > 1){
        ## set MafList
        maf_list <-  MafList(maf_patient_list)
Niinleslie/MesKit documentation built on Jan. 29, 2022, 10:24 a.m.