# split one index into smaller groups
# so that if the process is interrupted it
# can easily be restarted
# and file sizes stay small
# while being created
#' @title Split index into groups
#' @description Split the index into `group.size` in order
#' to facilitate batch processing of files.
#' @details some additional details
#' @export
split_index <- function( index, group.size=1000 )
urls <- index$URL
f <- ( ( 1 : length(urls) ) + group.size - 1 ) %/% group.size
f <- paste0( "g", f )
f <- factor( f, levels=unique(f) )
url.list <- split( urls, f )
return( url.list )
# groups <- split_index( index=xx, group.size=10 )
# x is the specific set of breaks from groups
# that is sent to the function by sapply
# index and year must be exported to the clusters
# saves tables to disk and returns failed URLs
#' @title some title text
#' @description some description text
#' @details some additional details
#' @export
build_tables <- function( urls, year, table.names=NULL )
# urls <- index$URL
# data( concordance )
if( is.null(table.names) )
rdb.tables <- concordance$rdb_table
table.names <- unique( rdb.tables )
table.names <- table.names[ grepl( "-T00-", table.names ) ]
table.names <- gsub( "-", "_", table.names )
table.names <- paste0( "BUILD_", table.names )
all.npos <- list()
failed.urls <- NULL
# get all tables from one doc
# and save as names tables in
for( i in 1:length(urls) )
url <- urls[i]
doc <- NULL
try( doc <- xml2::read_xml( url ), silent=T )
if( is.null(doc) )
failed.urls <- c( failed.urls, url )
xml2::xml_ns_strip( doc )
one.npo <- sapply( table.names, do.call, list( doc, url ) )
one.npo$BUILD_SCHEDULE_TABLE <- get_schedules( doc, url )
all.npos[[i]] <- one.npo
print( paste( "There are ", length(failed.urls), " failed XML URLs to re-try." ) )
# add random string so filenames not duplicated
# when using parallelization
time <- format(Sys.time(), "%b-%d-%Y-%Hh-%Mm")
rand <- paste( sample(LETTERS,5), collapse="" )
time <- paste0( "time-", time, "-", rand )
table.names <- c( table.names, "BUILD_SCHEDULE_TABLE" )
for( j in table.names )
t.name <- substr( j, start=7, stop=nchar(j) )
t.name <- gsub( "_", "-", t.name )
df.list <- lapply( all.npos, '[[', j )
df <- dplyr::bind_rows( df.list )
saveRDS( df, paste0( year, "-", t.name, "-", time, ".rds" ) )
# write.csv( df, paste0( year, "-", t.name, "-", time, ".csv" ), row.names=F )
return( failed.urls )
# urls <- index.2018$URL[1:25] # grab 3 to test below
# table.names <- c( "BUILD_F9_P00_T00_HEADER",
# build_tables( url=urls, table.names, year=2018 )
# not sure how to send arguments to build_tables()
# directly in a parSapply() call. Instead export
# them using clusterExport() then reference them in
# the parsapply_tables() function
# Note that we don't pass the variables year and
# table.name because they are exported by
# parallel::clusterExport
#' @title Passing arguments to parSapply
#' @description Pass arguments to parallel sapply table function.
#' @details Helper function to send variables to the build_tables function in parSapply framework.
#' @export
parsapply_tables <- function( index.group )
require( irs990efile )
failed.urls <- build_tables( index.group, table.names=table.names, year=year )
return( failed.urls )
#' @title some title text
#' @description some description text
#' @details some additional details
#' @export
build_tables_parallel <- function( groups, year, table.names=NULL )
if( is.null(table.names) )
rdb.tables <- concordance$rdb_table
table.names <- unique( rdb.tables )
table.names <- table.names[ grepl( "-T00-", table.names ) ]
table.names <- gsub( "-", "_", table.names )
table.names <- paste0( "BUILD_", table.names )
num.cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
cl <- parallel::makeCluster( num.cores )
parallel::clusterExport( cl, varlist = c("year","table.names"), envir=environment() ) # index table.names year
results <- parallel::parSapply( cl, X=groups, FUN=parsapply_tables ) # returns a list
parallel::stopCluster( cl )
failed.urls <- unlist( results )
return( failed.urls )
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