#' @title Add RDB unique keys to a build table function.
#' @description Add a set of meta-data variables contained in the `rdbkeys` file and
#' unique keys needed for filtering or merging tables generated from the
#' concordance files.
#' @details This is an internal function only.
#' @export
add_keys <- function( filename, rdb.keys )
fileConn <- file( filename, open="a" )
writeLines( "####----------------------------------------------------", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "#### KEYS", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "####----------------------------------------------------", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
writeLines( "## OBJECT ID", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n" )
writeLines( "OBJECTID <- get_object_id( url )", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
writeLines( "## URL", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n" )
writeLines( "URL <- url", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
writeLines( "## RETURN VERSION", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n" )
writeLines( "RETURN_VERSION <- xml2::xml_attr( doc, attr='returnVersion' )", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
for( i in unique( rdb.keys$VARIABLE_NAME ) )
sub.dat <- rdb.keys[ rdb.keys$VARIABLE_NAME == i , ]
writeLines( paste("## VARIABLE NAME: ", i), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## DESCRIPTION: ", sub.dat$DESCRIPTION[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## LOCATION: ", sub.dat$LOCATION_CODE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## TABLE: ", sub.dat$RDB_TABLE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## VARIABLE TYPE: ", sub.dat$DATA_TYPE_SIMPLE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## PRODUCTION RULE: ", sub.dat$PRODUCTION_RULE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n" )
xpath.vec <- sub.dat$XPATH
num.paths <- length( xpath.vec )
if( num.paths > 1 ){
for( j in 1:num.paths )
xpath.j <- paste( "V", j, sep="" )
writeLines( paste( xpath.j, " <- '/", xpath.vec[j], "'", sep=""), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
or.var.name <- paste0( "TEMP_", i )
or.statement <- paste( or.var.name, "<- paste(", paste( "V", 1:num.paths, sep="", collapse=", " ), ", sep='|' )" )
writeLines( or.statement, con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste( i, "<- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc,", or.var.name, ") )"), con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n\n" )
} else
single.xpath <- paste( "'", xpath.vec, "'", sep="" )
writeLines( paste( i, "<- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc,", single.xpath, ") )"), con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n\n" )
close( fileConn )
return( NULL )
#' @title Concordance to table functions
#' @description Turn the concordance file into a set of functions to build 1-to-1 tables.
#' @details Note that this function only works for RDB tables with one-to-one cardinality
#' (see the `rdb_relationship` variable in the `concordance` file for cardinality).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data( concordance )
#' # list of all one-to-one table
#' unique( concordance$rdb_tables[ concordance$rdb_relationship == "ONE" ] )
#' # create a new function to build a single table
#' create_code_chunks( rdb.table="F9-P00-T00-HEADER", show=TRUE )
#' # create functions for all one-to-one tables
#' do_all_chunks()
#' }
#' @export
create_code_chunks <- function( rdb.table="F9-P00-T00-HEADER", show=FALSE )
if( ! exists("rdb.keys") ){ data(rdbkeys) }
names( rdb.keys ) <- toupper( names( rdb.keys ) )
if( ! exists("concordance") ){ data(concordance) }
concordance <- concordance[ concordance$rdb_table == rdb.table , ]
concordance <- concordance[ ! duplicated( concordance$xpath ) , ]
names( concordance ) <- toupper( names( concordance ) )
concordance$VARIABLE_NAME <- gsub( "-", "_", concordance$VARIABLE_NAME )
key.names <- paste0( "F9_00_", unique(rdb.keys$VARIABLE_NAME) )
concordance <- concordance[ ! concordance$VARIABLE_NAME %in% key.names , ]
function.name <- paste0( "BUILD_", gsub( "-", "_", rdb.table ), " <- function( doc, url )" )
filename <- paste0( "CHUNKS-", rdb.table, ".R" )
file.create( filename )
fileConn <- file( filename, open="a" )
writeLines( "#' @title ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( "#' Build table ", rdb.table ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "#' ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "#' @description ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "#' Generate a 1:1 table for the relational database.", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "#' ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "#' @export ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( function.name, con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "{", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
close( fileConn )
add_keys( filename, rdb.keys=rdb.keys )
fileConn <- file( filename, open="a" )
writeLines( "######----------------------------------------------------", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "######", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "###### 1:1 TABLE VARIABLES", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "######", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "######----------------------------------------------------", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
for( i in unique( concordance$VARIABLE_NAME ) )
sub.dat <- concordance[ concordance$VARIABLE_NAME == i , ]
writeLines( paste("## VARIABLE NAME: ", i), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## DESCRIPTION: ", sub.dat$DESCRIPTION[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## LOCATION: ", sub.dat$LOCATION_CODE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## TABLE: ", sub.dat$RDB_TABLE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## VARIABLE TYPE: ", sub.dat$DATA_TYPE_SIMPLE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste("## PRODUCTION RULE: ", sub.dat$PRODUCTION_RULE[1]), con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n" )
xpath.vec <- sub.dat$XPATH
num.paths <- length( xpath.vec )
if( num.paths > 1 ){
for( j in 1:num.paths )
xpath.j <- paste( "V", j, sep="" )
writeLines( paste( xpath.j, " <- '/", xpath.vec[j], "'", sep=""), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
or.var.name <- paste0( "V_", substr( i, 7, nchar(i) ) )
or.statement <- paste( or.var.name, "<- paste(", paste( "V", 1:num.paths, sep="", collapse=", " ), ", sep='|' )" )
writeLines( or.statement, con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste( i, "<- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc,", or.var.name, ") )"), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( "if( length( ", i, " ) > 1 )" ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( "{ ", "\n create_record( varname=", i, ", ein=ORG_EIN, year=TAX_YEAR, url=URL )" ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( " ", i, " <- paste0( '{', ", i, ", '}', collapse=';' ) "), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "} ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n\n\n" )
} else
single.xpath <- paste( "'", xpath.vec, "'", sep="" )
writeLines( paste( i, "<- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc,", single.xpath, ") )"), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( "if( length( ", i, " ) > 1 )" ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( "{ ", "\n create_record( varname=", i, ", ein=ORG_EIN, year=TAX_YEAR, url=URL )" ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( " ", i, " <- paste0( '{', ", i, ", '}', collapse=';' ) "), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "} ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n\n\n" )
var.names <- c( 'OBJECTID', 'URL', 'RETURN_VERSION', unique( rdb.keys$VARIABLE_NAME ), unique(concordance$VARIABLE_NAME) )
writeLines( "var.list <- ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( paste0( "namedList(", paste0(var.names, collapse=","), ")" ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
writeLines( "df <- as.data.frame( var.list )", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
#+ writeLines( "var.names <- ", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
#+ writeLines( paste0( "c(", paste0("'",var.names,"'", collapse=","), ")" ), con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
#+ writeLines( "dd <- sapply( var.names, get, simplify=FALSE ) # named list", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
#+ writeLines( "dd[ sapply( dd, identical, character(0) ) ] <- NA", con = fileConn, sep = "\n" )
#+ writeLines( "df <- as.data.frame( dd )", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
writeLines( "return( df )", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
writeLines( "}", con = fileConn, sep = "\n\n\n" )
close( fileConn )
if( show==TRUE ){ shell( filename ) }
return( NULL )
# Loop through the concordance and
# create code chunks for all of the 1:1 tables
#' @title Create all one-to-one tables.
#' @description Convert the concordance into a set of table build functions
#' for all of the one-to-one tables in the concordance file.
#' @export
do_all_chunks <- function()
data( concordance )
t <- sort( unique( concordance$rdb_table ) )
t00 <- t[ grepl( "-T00-", t ) ]
dir.create( "chunks" )
setwd( "chunks" )
for( i in t00 )
create_code_chunks( rdb.table=i, show=FALSE )
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