#' @title Get the non-workdays or workdays
#' @description Get the non-workdays or workdays within one year.
#' The function is intended for use when planning sampling to
#' excluded days or weeks from the sampling plan.
#' @details \code{type} is used to select the type of non-workday or
#' workday. Valid input are one of c("non_workday", "sat_to_sun",
#' "public_holiday", "workday"). public_holiday are the non-moveable
#' holidays, Easter and Pentacost; sat_to_sun are Saturdays and
#' Sundays; and non_workday are public_holiday and sat_to_sun combined.
#' workday is the opposite of non_workday when
#' \code{exclude_trapped_days} = \code{FALSE}.
#' \code{exclude_trapped_days} is used to exclude trapped days
#' and other days that many often takes a day off, i.e. the
#' Easter week and the Christmas week. It is only Valid for
#' workday and has no effect on the other types. Input
#' "trapped" or \code{TRUE} will exclude trapped days,
#' "easter" will exclude Monday to Wednesday before Thursday
#' and "xmas" will exclude the days in the week of Christmas
#' eve until New years eve.
#' The output is a data frame with the selected dates and the
#' day_of_week (integer) when \code{output} = "selected". When
#' \code{output} = "raw" the data frame includes all dates and
#' the additional columns c("non_workday", "sat_to_sun", "public_holiday",
#' "workday", "trapped" and "public"), see below for description.
#' The output data frame for \code{output} = "raw":
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \strong{Column name} \tab \strong{Format} \tab \strong{Description} \cr
#' date \tab date \tab Date. \cr
#' day_of_week \tab integer \tab Week day number, Monday = 1, Sunday = 7. \cr
#' sat_to_sun \tab integer \tab Saturday and Sunday = 1, otherwise 0. \cr
#' public_holiday \tab integer \tab Public holidays = 1 otherwise = 0. \cr
#' non_workday \tab integer \tab Saturday, Sunday and public holidays = 1, otherwise = 0. \cr
#' workday \tab integer \tab Workday, the opposite of non-workday when \code{exclude_trapped_days} = \code{FALSE}. \cr
#' public \tab character \tab Easter = "e", Pentacost = "p", non-moveable = "n", otherwise NA. \cr
#' trapped \tab character \tab trapped days (t), Easter week days (e) and/or Xmas week days (x) otherwise NA. \cr
#' }
#' When \code{output \%in\%} \code{c("fhi", "cstime")} the data frame is
#' formatted as the table \code{cstime::nor_workdays_by_date}
#' created by National Public Health Institute (FHI).
#' The function is limited to years from 1968, as before 1968
#' Saturday was a normal workday in Norway. Be aware that
#' Saturday was a normal school day in Norway until and including
#' 1972.
#' @param year [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Year.
#' @param type [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The type of non_workday or workday, see details. Defaults to "workday".
#' @param exclude_trapped_days [\code{character} | \code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Should trapped days and common days off be excluded from workday?,
#' see details. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param output [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The output format of the data frame, see details. Defaults
#' to "selected".
#' @return data frame with the selected dates.
#' @author Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@@vetinst.no
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Selects the public holidays
#' public_holidays <- get_holiday(year = 2024,
#' type = "public_holiday")
#' # Selects workdays except the trapped days
#' workdays <- get_holiday(year = 2024,
#' type = "workday",
#' exclude_trapped_days = TRUE)
#' # Selects workdays except days in Easter and Christmas week
#' workdays <- get_holiday(year = 2024,
#' type = "workday",
#' exclude_trapped_days = c("easter", "xmas"))
get_holiday <- function(year,
type = "workday",
exclude_trapped_days = FALSE,
output = "selected") {
# Object to store check-results
checks <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
# Perform checks
lower = 1968,
len = 1,
any.missing = FALSE,
all.missing = FALSE,
unique = TRUE)
type <- NVIcheckmate::match_arg(x = type,
choices = c("non_workday", "public_holiday",
"sat_to_sun", "workday"),
several.ok = FALSE,
ignore.case = TRUE,
add = checks)
checkmate::check_subset(exclude_trapped_days, choices = c("easter", "trapped", "xmas")),
add = checks)
output <- NVIcheckmate::match_arg(x = output,
choices = c("cstime", "fhi", "raw", "selected"),
several.ok = FALSE,
ignore.case = TRUE,
add = checks)
# Report check-results
# Calculate Easter day
# reference
K <- floor(year / 100)
M <- 15 + floor((3 * K + 3) / 4) - floor((8 * K + 13) / 25)
S <- 2 - floor((3 * K + 3) / 4)
A <- year %% 19
D <- (19 * A + M) %% 30
R <- floor((D + A / 11) / 29)
OG <- 21 + D - R
SZ <- 7 - ((year + floor(year / 4) + S) %% 7)
OE <- 7 - ((OG - SZ) %% 7)
easterday <- as.Date(paste0(year, "-03-01")) - 1 + OG + OE
easter <- rep(easterday, 5) + c(-7, -3, -2, 0, 1)
easter_trapped <- rep(easterday, 3) + c(-6, -5, -4)
pentacost <- rep(easterday, 3) + c(39, 49, 50)
non_moveable <- as.Date(paste0(year, c("-01-01", "-05-01", "-05-17", "-12-25", "-12-26")))
days_before_newyear <- 7
if (as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31")), "%u")) <= 3) {
days_before_newyear <- days_before_newyear + as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31")), "%u"))
# as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31")) - as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31")), "%u"))
xmas_trapped <- rep(as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31")), days_before_newyear + 1) + c(-(days_before_newyear):0)
# create data frame with all dates for year[i]
dates <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(as.Date(paste0(year, "-01-01")):as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31"))),
dimnames = list(NULL, "date")))
dates$date <- as.Date(dates$date, origin = "1970-01-01")
# Assign weekday number
dates$day_of_week <- as.numeric(format(dates$date, format = "%u"))
# Assign sat_to_sun
dates$sat_to_sun <- 0
dates[which(dates$day_of_week %in% c(6, 7)), "sat_to_sun"] <- 1
# Assign public holidays
dates$public <- NA_character_
dates[which(dates$date %in% easter), "public"] <- "e"
dates[which(dates$date %in% pentacost), "public"] <- "p"
dates[which(dates$date %in% non_moveable), "public"] <- "n"
dates$public_holiday <- 0
dates[!is.na(dates$public), "public_holiday"] <- 1
# Assign non_workdays
dates$non_workday <- 0
dates[which(dates$sat_to_sun == 1 | dates$public_holiday == 1), "non_workday"] <- 1
# Assign workday
dates$workday <- +(!dates$non_workday)
# Assign trapped days
dates$trapped <- NA
if ("easter" %in% exclude_trapped_days) {
dates[which(dates$date %in% easter_trapped), "trapped"] <- "e"
if ("xmas" %in% exclude_trapped_days) {
dates[which(dates$date %in% xmas_trapped), "trapped"] <- "x"
if ("trapped" %in% exclude_trapped_days | isTRUE(exclude_trapped_days)) {
dates$behind <- c(NA, dates[c(1:(length(dates$non_workday) - 1)), "non_workday"])
dates$ahead <- c(dates[c(2:length(dates$non_workday)), "non_workday"], "1")
dates[which(dates$ahead == "1" & dates$behind == "1" & dates$non_workday == "0"), "trapped"] <- "t"
dates[, c("behind", "ahead")] <- c(NULL, NULL)
if (output == "selected") {
if ("sat_to_sun" %in% type) {
dates[which(dates$sat_to_sun == 1), "select"] <- 1
if ("public_holiday" %in% type) {
dates[which(dates$public_holiday == 1), "select"] <- 1
if ("non_workday" %in% type) {
dates[which(dates$non_workday == 1), "select"] <- 1
if ("workday" %in% type) {
dates[which(dates$workday == 1), "select"] <- 1
if ("easter" %in% exclude_trapped_days) {
dates[which(dates$trapped == "e"), "select"] <- 0
if ("xmas" %in% exclude_trapped_days) {
dates[which(dates$trapped == "x"), "select"] <- 0
if ("trapped" %in% exclude_trapped_days | isTRUE(exclude_trapped_days)) {
dates[which(dates$trapped == "t"), "select"] <- 0
dates <- subset(dates, dates$select == 1)
dates <- dates[, c("date", "day_of_week")]
if (output == "raw") {
dates <- dates[, c("date", "day_of_week", "sat_to_sun", "public_holiday",
"non_workday", "workday", "public", "trapped")]
if (output %in% c("fhi", "cstime")) {
dates$mon_to_fri <- +(!dates$sat_to_sun)
dates <- dates[, c("date", "day_of_week", "mon_to_fri", "sat_to_sun", "public_holiday",
"non_workday", "workday")]
colnames(dates)[6] <- "freeday"
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