
Defines functions as.data.frame.DatasetFilter print.DatasetFilter toString.DatasetFilter querySubjects.DatasetFilter query.DatasetFilter DatasetFilter querySubjects.PopulationFilter queryIndividual.PopulationFilter query.PopulationFilter getFilterVarNames toPandoc toString.PopulationFilter PopulationFilter querySubjects query

Documented in as.data.frame.DatasetFilter DatasetFilter getFilterVarNames PopulationFilter print.DatasetFilter query query.DatasetFilter queryIndividual.PopulationFilter query.PopulationFilter querySubjects querySubjects.DatasetFilter querySubjects.PopulationFilter toPandoc toString.DatasetFilter

#' Generic function to query
#' @export
query <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("query", x)

#' Generic function to query subjects
#' @export
querySubjects <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("querySubjects", x)

#' Constructor for "PopulationFilter" class. A list of filters with more specific functionality
#' @param datasets the named list of data frames we want to filter.
#' @param name the name of the population filter
#' @param initFilters a list of DatasetFilters
#' @param createDate the data this filter was created
#' @param editData the date this filter was last edited
#' @return PopulationFilter object
#' @export
PopulationFilter <- function(dataset_names, name = NULL, initFilters = list(), createDate = date(), editDate = date()) {
  fc <- list(
    dataset_names = dataset_names,
    filters = initFilters,
    name = name,
    createDate = createDate,
    editDate = editDate
  class(fc) <- "PopulationFilter"

toString.PopulationFilter <- function(x, ...) {
  res <- paste0("Data sets: ", paste0(x$dataset_names, collapse = ", "))
  filter_strings <- paste0("\t", lapply(x$filters, toString), collapse = "\n\t")
  res <- paste(res, "Filters:", filter_strings, sep = "\n")

#' Returns a population filter as pandoc
#' @param popfilter PopulationFilter
#' @export
toPandoc <- function(popfilter) {
  pander::pandoc.header(paste0("Sub-population: ", popfilter$name), level = 2)
  pander::pandoc.p(paste0("Create date: ", popfilter$createDate))
  pander::pandoc.p(paste0("Last edit: ", popfilter$editDate))
  pander::pandoc.header("Filters", level = 3)
    lapply(popfilter$filters, toString)

#' Gets a string of the variable names in the population filter
#' @param popfilter the PopulationFilter
#' @export
getFilterVarNames <- function(popfilter) {
  if(length(popfilter$filters) == 0) {
    "No filters"
  } else {
    paste0(purrr::map(popfilter$filters, "variable"), collapse = ", ")

#' Query the population filter
#' @param popfilter The PopulationFilter object
#' @param datasets a list of data sets to query
#' @param idkey the id key common to all data sets
#' @export
query.PopulationFilter <- function(popfilter, datasets, idkey = "USUBJID", commonTable = NULL) {
  subjects <- querySubjects.PopulationFilter(popfilter, datasets, idkey = idkey, commonTable = commonTable, mergeResults = TRUE)
  lapply(datasets, function(ds) {
    dplyr::filter(ds, get(idkey) %in% subjects)

#' Gets all ids that match the current filters in the given filter collection
#' This applies all the filters for a given dataset only to that dataset.
#' Use \code{query.PopulationFilter} make sure filters apply cross-dataset
#' @param PopulationFilter PopulationFilter object
#' @param idkey id key name for the filter
#' @param commonTable a string of the table name in the filter collection that contains all metadata about the subjects (E.g. ADSL)
#' @return ids that match the current filter in `PopulationFilter`
#' @export
queryIndividual.PopulationFilter <- function(popfilter, datasets, idkey = "USUBJID", commonTable = NULL) {
  # Initialize with all the datasets
  if(!is.null(commonTable)) {
    commonIndex <- grep(commonTable, names(datasets))
    if(length(commonIndex) > 1) {
      warning("Found more than one common table in datasets...")
    } else if(length(commonIndex) == 0) {
      warning("Common table not found in dataset!")
      results <- list()
    } else if(length(commonIndex) == 1) {
      results <- datasets[commonIndex]
  } else {
    queriedDatasets <- unlist(purrr::map(popfilter$filters, "dataset_name"))
    # No filters, return back the data sets
    if(length(queriedDatasets) == 0) return(NULL)
    # Only use the datasets that are actually queried
    results <- datasets[queriedDatasets]
  filters <- popfilter$filters
  for(f in filters) {
    if(is.null(f$dataset_name) || is.null(f$variable)) next;
    # Query each using the previous results as the dataset
    # This is the equivalent of doing intersections
    results[[f$dataset_name]] <- query(f, dataset = results[[f$dataset_name]] %||% datasets[[f$dataset_name]])

#' Query the subjects from a population filter
#' @param popfilter the PopulationFilter object
#' @param datasets the datasets to filter on
#' @param idkey the subject identification key in the 
#' @param mergeResults Boolean, should the results from each data set be merged? If TRUE, returns a single vector of subject ids
#' If FALSE, will return a list with keys of the data set names and a vector of ids for each data set
#' @export
querySubjects.PopulationFilter <- function(popfilter, datasets, idkey = "USUBJID", commonTable = NULL, mergeResults = TRUE) {
  if(is.null(datasets)) return(NULL)
  # If we have a null population filter, return all subject ids from the data sets
  if (is.null(popfilter) || length(popfilter$filters) == 0) {
    if(length(datasets) == 1) {
    } else {
      return(Reduce(union, purrr::map(datasets, idkey)))
  res <- queryIndividual.PopulationFilter(popfilter, datasets, idkey, commonTable)
  rtn <- NULL
  if(!is.null(res)) {
    # Get a list of each of the filtered ids
    if(length(datasets) == 1) {
    } else {
      idResults <- purrr::map(res, idkey) %>%
        purrr::map(., unique)
    # Return the entire result list
    if (! mergeResults) {
    # Get the intersection of all ids if we have filters applied
    if (length(popfilter$filters) > 0) {
      rtn <- Reduce(intersect, idResults)
    } else if (length(popfilter$filters) == 0) {
      if (! is.null(commonTable)) {
        # Match the common table name
        commonIndex <- grep(commonTable, names(datasets))
        if(length(commonIndex) > 1) {
          warning("Found more than one common table in datasets...")
        } else if(length(commonIndex) == 0) {
          warning("Common table not found in dataset!")
          rtn <- rtn <- Reduce(union, idResults)
        } else if(length(commonIndex) == 1) {
          commonName <- names(datasets)[[commonIndex]]
          rtn <- res[[commonName]][[idkey]]
      } else {
        # If we don't have a common table, take the UNION between all the datasets on the idkey
        # TODO: I think this should actually be an intersection
        rtn <- Reduce(union, idResults)
  if(!is.null(rtn)) {
    if (! mergeResults) {
      # Return the non-merged results with the filters applied to each dataset
      # Intersect the final subject list with each of the id results
      return(purrr::map(idResults, ~ intersect(.x, rtn)))
    } else {

#' Create object for data set filter
#' @param dataset_name data set name  to filter on
#' @param variable name of variable from `dataset_name` that we are filtering on
#' @param filterType One of "categorical", "date", or "numeric"
#' @param catValues If categorical is selected for \code{filterType} should provide a vector of choices to select. A subject will match if \code{variable} is in \code{catValues}
#' @param minVal the minimum value to match if \code{filterType} is "date" or "numeric". Selected values greater than or equal to \code{minVal}
#' @param maxVal the maximum value to match if \code{filterType} is "date" or "numeric". Selected values less than or equal to \code{maxVal}
#' @param includeMissing Boolean. Should we include missing values? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. 
#' @param onlyMissing Boolean. Should we only include subjects with missing values from \code{variable}? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. Need to provide the value filter. If "categorical" type is given, then catValues must be provided. If `date` or `numeric` is given, one or both of minVal or maxVal should be provided.
#' @export
DatasetFilter <- function(dataset_name, variable = NULL, filterType = c("categorical", "date", "numeric"),
                          catValues = NULL, minVal = NULL, maxVal = NULL,
                          includeMissing = FALSE, onlyMissing = FALSE) {
  if (length(filterType) != 1) stop("Can only create with one filter type: 'categorical', 'date', 'numeric'")
  if(filterType %in% c("numeric", "date") && !missing(minVal) && !missing(maxVal) && minVal > maxVal) {
    stop("min value is greater than the max value")
  filterObj <- list()
  filterObj$dataset_name <- dataset_name
  filterObj$variable <- variable
  filterObj$filterType <- filterType
  filterObj$catValues <- catValues
  filterObj$minVal <- minVal
  filterObj$maxVal <- maxVal
  filterObj$includeMissing <- includeMissing
  filterObj$onlyMissing <- onlyMissing
  # Add current time for creation date
  filterObj$createDate <- date()
  class(filterObj) <- "DatasetFilter"

#' Query the dataset filter and get back the data set with filtered rows
#' @param x the DatasetFilter
#' @param dataset the dataset (data frame, tibble, etc.) that we want to filter
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr filter intersect
query.DatasetFilter <- function(x, dataset, ...) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  if(!is.null(dataset)) {
    res <- dataset
  } else {
  if(x$onlyMissing) {
    res <- res %>% filter(is.na(get(x$variable)))
  } else {
    if(x$filterType == "categorical" && length(x$catValues) > 0) {
      # If we are including missing, then add the na values as well.
      res <- res %>% filter(get(x$variable) %in% x$catValues | (x$includeMissing & is.na(get(x$variable))))
    } else if (x$filterType %in% c("date", "numeric")) {
      if (! is.null(x$minVal)) {
        res <- res %>% filter(get(x$variable) >= x$minVal | (x$includeMissing & is.na(get(x$variable)))) %>% intersect(res)
      if (! is.null(x$maxVal)) {
        res <- res %>% filter(get(x$variable) <= x$maxVal| (x$includeMissing & is.na(get(x$variable)))) %>% intersect(res)

#' Get the unique patients that match the given filter
#' @param x a DatasetFilter
#' @export
querySubjects.DatasetFilter <- function(x, dataset, idkey = "USUBJID", ...) {
  if(!x$onlyMissing && (is.null(x$catValue) || x$catValue == "") && is.null(x$minVal) && is.null(x$maxVal)) {
    if(! is.null(dataset)) {
      # Return all the subjects if we have an empty filter
      unique(dataset[, idkey, drop = TRUE])
    else {
  } else {
    res <- query.DatasetFilter(x, dataset, idkey, ...)
    if(nrow(res) > 0) {
      unique(res[, idkey, drop = TRUE])

#' toString implemention for DatasetFilter class
#' @param label boolean indicating whether or not we want to use the SAS label or variable name. Defaults to the short variable name.
#' @export
toString.DatasetFilter <- function(x, label = FALSE, ...) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  if(label && !is.null(x$label)) {
    variable <- x$label
  } else {
    variable <- x$variable
  res <- ""
  if (x$filterType == "categorical") {
    if (length(x$catValues) == 1) {
      res <- paste(variable, "=", x$catValues) 
    } else if (length(x$catValues) > 1) {
      res <- paste0(variable, " in (", paste(x$catValues, collapse=", "), ")")
    } else {
      # No categorical variables selected
      res <- paste0(variable, "(Nothing selected)")
  } else {
    if(! is.null(x$minVal)) {
      res <- paste0(x$minVal, " <= ")
    res <- paste0(res, x$variable)
    if(! is.null(x$maxVal)) {
      res <- paste0(res, " <= ", x$maxVal)
  if(x$onlyMissing) {
    res <- paste("Missing", variable)
  } else if (x$includeMissing) {
    res <- paste(res, "(With NA)")
  } else {
    res <- paste(res, "(Remove NA)")

#' print implemention for DatasetFilter class
#' @export
print.DatasetFilter <- function(x, ...) {
  print(paste(x$dataset_name, toString(x), sep=": "))

#' Convert a DataFilter to data frame
#' @export
as.data.frame.DatasetFilter <- function(x, ...) {
  data.frame(dataset = x$dataset_name, variable = x$variable, query = toString(x))
Novartis/subpat documentation built on April 11, 2020, 3:11 p.m.