
#' @export
Agent <- R6::R6Class(
  portable = FALSE,
  class = FALSE,
  public = list(
    policy = NULL,
    bandit = NULL,
    sim_index = NULL,
    agent_index = NULL,
    name = NULL,
    agent_t = NULL,
    policy_t = NULL,
    cum_regret = NULL,
    cum_reward = NULL,
    progress_file = NULL,
    log_interval = NULL,
    sparse = NULL,
    initialize = function(policy, bandit, name=NULL, sparse = 0.0) {
      self$bandit                 <- bandit
      self$policy                 <- policy
      self$sparse                 <- sparse
      if (is.null(name)) {
        self$name  <- gsub("Policy", "", policy$class_name)
      } else {
        self$name  <- name
    reset = function() {
      if(is.null(self$bandit$d)) self$bandit$d = 1
      if(is.null(self$bandit$unique)) {
        self$bandit$unique <- c(1:self$bandit$d)
      if(is.null(self$bandit$shared)) {
        self$bandit$shared <- c(1:self$bandit$d)
      context_initial_params        <- list ()
      context_initial_params$d      <- self$bandit$d
      context_initial_params$k      <- self$bandit$k
      context_initial_params$unique <- self$bandit$unique
      context_initial_params$shared <- self$bandit$shared
      self$progress_file <- FALSE
      self$log_interval <- 1000L
      cum_reward <<- 0.0
      cum_regret <<- 0.0
      agent_t <<- 0L
      policy_t <<- 1L
    do_step = function() {

      agent_t  <<- agent_t + 1L
      context   <- bandit$get_context(agent_t)
      if(is.null(context)) return(list(context = NULL, action = NULL, reward = NULL))
      if(is.null(context$d)) context$d <- self$bandit$d
      if(is.null(context$unique)) context$unique <- c(1:context$d)
      if(is.null(context$shared)) context$shared <- c(1:context$d)
      action    <- policy$get_action(policy_t, context)
      reward    <- bandit$get_reward(agent_t, context, action)

      if (is.null(reward)) {
        theta   <- NULL
      } else {
        if (!is.null(reward[["optimal_reward"]])) {
          reward[["regret"]]      <- reward[["optimal_reward"]] - reward[["reward"]]
          cum_regret              <<- cum_regret + reward[["regret"]]
          reward[["cum_regret"]]  <- cum_regret
        } else {
          reward[["regret"]]      <- 0.0
          reward[["cum_regret"]]  <- 0.0

        if (!is.null(reward[["context"]])) {
          context <- reward[["context"]]

        cum_reward                <<- cum_reward + reward[["reward"]]
        reward[["cum_reward"]]    <- cum_reward

        if (self$sparse == 0.0 || runif(1) > self$sparse) {
          theta   <- policy$set_reward(policy_t, context, action, reward)
        } else {
          theta   <- policy$theta
        if (!is.null(policy$is_oracle) && isTRUE(policy$is_oracle)) {
          reward$reward    <- theta$optimal_reward
          action$choice    <- theta$optimal_arm
        policy_t  <<- policy_t + 1L
      if(isTRUE(self$progress_file)) {
        if (agent_t %% self$log_interval == 0) {
          cat(paste0("[",format(Sys.time(), format = "%H:%M:%OS6"),"] ",sprintf("%9s", agent_t)," > step - ",
                     sprintf("%-20s", self$name)," running ",bandit$class_name,
                     " and ",policy$class_name,"\n"),file = "agents_progress.log", append = TRUE)
      list(context = context, action = action, reward = reward, theta = theta, policy_t = (policy_t-1))
    set_t = function(t) {
      agent_t <<- t
    get_t = function(t) {

#' Agent
#' Keeps track of one \code{\link{Bandit}} and \code{\link{Policy}} pair.
#' Controls the running of one \code{\link{Bandit}} and \code{\link{Policy}}
#' pair over \emph{t} = \{1, \ldots, T\} looping over, consecutively,
#' \code{bandit$get_context(), policy$get_action(), bandit$get_reward()} and \code{policy$set_reward()}
#' for each time step \code{t}.
#' @section Schematic:
#' ![](2agent.jpeg "contextual diagram: simulator")
#' @name Agent
#' @aliases do_step get_t set_t agent
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' agent <- Agent$new(policy, bandit, name=NULL, sparse = 0.0)
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{policy}}{
#'    \code{\link{Policy}} instance.
#'   }
#'  \item{\code{bandit}}{
#'    \code{\link{Bandit}} instance.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{name}}{
#'    character; sets the name of the \code{Agent}. If \code{NULL} (default), \code{Agent} generates a name
#'    based on its \code{\link{Policy}} instance's name.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{sparse}}{
#'     numeric; artificially reduces the data size by setting a sparsity level for the current
#'     \code{\link{Bandit}} and \code{\link{Policy}} pair.
#'     When set to a value between \code{0.0} (default) and \code{1.0} only a fraction \code{sparse} of
#'     the \code{\link{Bandit}}'s data is randomly chosen to be available to improve the \code{Agent}'s
#'     \code{\link{Policy}} through \code{policy$set_reward}.
#'   }
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new()}}{ generates and instantializes a new \code{Agent} instance. }
#'   \item{\code{do_step()}}{
#'      advances a simulation by one time step by consecutively calling \code{bandit$get_context()},
#'      \code{policy$get_action()}, \code{bandit$get_reward()} and \code{policy$set_reward()}.
#'      Returns a list of lists containing \code{context}, \code{action}, \code{reward} and \code{theta}.
#'    }
#'   \item{\code{set_t(t)}}{
#'      integer; sets the current time step to \code{t}.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{get_t()}}{
#'      returns current time step \code{t}.
#'   }
#'   }
#' @seealso
#' Core contextual classes: \code{\link{Bandit}}, \code{\link{Policy}}, \code{\link{Simulator}},
#' \code{\link{Agent}}, \code{\link{History}}, \code{\link{Plot}}
#' Bandit subclass examples: \code{\link{BasicBernoulliBandit}}, \code{\link{ContextualLogitBandit}},
#' \code{\link{OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit}}
#' Policy subclass examples: \code{\link{EpsilonGreedyPolicy}}, \code{\link{ContextualLinTSPolicy}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   policy    <- EpsilonGreedyPolicy$new(epsilon = 0.1)
#'   bandit    <- BasicBernoulliBandit$new(weights = c(0.6, 0.1, 0.1))
#'   agent     <- Agent$new(policy, bandit, name = "E.G.", sparse = 0.5)
#'   history   <- Simulator$new(agents = agent,
#'                              horizon = 10,
#'                              simulations = 10)$run()
#' }
Nth-iteration-labs/contextual documentation built on July 28, 2020, 1:13 p.m.