
Defines functions createCovariateSettings

Documented in createCovariateSettings

# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of FeatureExtraction
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# This file has been autogenerated. Do not change by hand.

#' Create covariate settings
#' @details
#' creates an object specifying how covariates should be constructed from data in the CDM model.
#' @param useDemographicsGender                                Gender of the subject. (analysis ID 1)
#' @param useDemographicsAge                                   Age of the subject on the index date (in
#'                                                             years). (analysis ID 2)
#' @param useDemographicsAgeGroup                              Age of the subject on the index date (in
#'                                                             5 year age groups) (analysis ID 3)
#' @param useDemographicsRace                                  Race of the subject. (analysis ID 4)
#' @param useDemographicsEthnicity                             Ethnicity of the subject. (analysis ID
#'                                                             5)
#' @param useDemographicsIndexYear                             Year of the index date. (analysis ID 6)
#' @param useDemographicsIndexMonth                            Month of the index date. (analysis ID 7)
#' @param useDemographicsPriorObservationTime                  Number of continuous days of observation
#'                                                             time preceding the index date. (analysis
#'                                                             ID 8)
#' @param useDemographicsPostObservationTime                   Number of continuous days of observation
#'                                                             time following the index date. (analysis
#'                                                             ID 9)
#' @param useDemographicsTimeInCohort                          Number of days of observation time
#'                                                             during cohort period. (analysis ID 10)
#' @param useDemographicsIndexYearMonth                        Both calendar year and month of the
#'                                                             index date in a single variable.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 11)
#' @param useCareSiteId                                        Care site associated with the cohort
#'                                                             start, pulled from the visit_detail,
#'                                                             visit_occurrence, or person table, in
#'                                                             that order. (analysis ID 12)
#' @param useConditionOccurrenceAnyTimePrior                   One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_occurrence table starting any
#'                                                             time prior to index. (analysis ID 101)
#' @param useConditionOccurrenceLongTerm                       One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_occurrence table starting in
#'                                                             the long term window. (analysis ID 102)
#' @param useConditionOccurrenceMediumTerm                     One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_occurrence table starting in
#'                                                             the medium term window. (analysis ID
#'                                                             103)
#' @param useConditionOccurrenceShortTerm                      One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_occurrence table starting in
#'                                                             the short term window. (analysis ID 104)
#' @param useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientAnyTimePrior   One covariate per condition observed as
#'                                                             a primary diagnosis in an inpatient
#'                                                             setting in the condition_occurrence
#'                                                             table starting any time prior to index.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 105)
#' @param useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientLongTerm       One covariate per condition observed as
#'                                                             a primary diagnosis in an inpatient
#'                                                             setting in the condition_occurrence
#'                                                             table starting in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 106)
#' @param useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientMediumTerm     One covariate per condition observed as
#'                                                             a primary diagnosis in an inpatient
#'                                                             setting in the condition_occurrence
#'                                                             table starting in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 107)
#' @param useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientShortTerm      One covariate per condition observed as
#'                                                             a primary diagnosis in an inpatient
#'                                                             setting in the condition_occurrence
#'                                                             table starting in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 108)
#' @param useConditionEraAnyTimePrior                          One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table overlapping with any
#'                                                             time prior to index. (analysis ID 201)
#' @param useConditionEraLongTerm                              One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table overlapping with any
#'                                                             part of the long term window. (analysis
#'                                                             ID 202)
#' @param useConditionEraMediumTerm                            One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table overlapping with any
#'                                                             part of the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 203)
#' @param useConditionEraShortTerm                             One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table overlapping with any
#'                                                             part of the short term window. (analysis
#'                                                             ID 204)
#' @param useConditionEraOverlapping                           One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table overlapping with the
#'                                                             end of the risk window. (analysis ID
#'                                                             205)
#' @param useConditionEraStartLongTerm                         One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table starting in the long
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 206)
#' @param useConditionEraStartMediumTerm                       One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table starting in the
#'                                                             medium term window. (analysis ID 207)
#' @param useConditionEraStartShortTerm                        One covariate per condition in the
#'                                                             condition_era table starting in the
#'                                                             short term window. (analysis ID 208)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraAnyTimePrior                     One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             overlapping with any time prior to
#'                                                             index. (analysis ID 209)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraLongTerm                         One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             overlapping with any part of the long
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 210)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraMediumTerm                       One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             overlapping with any part of the medium
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 211)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraShortTerm                        One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             overlapping with any part of the short
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 212)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraOverlapping                      One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             overlapping with the end of the risk
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 213)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraStartLongTerm                    One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             starting in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 214)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraStartMediumTerm                  One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             starting in the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 215)
#' @param useConditionGroupEraStartShortTerm                   One covariate per condition era rolled
#'                                                             up to groups in the condition_era table
#'                                                             starting in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 216)
#' @param useDrugExposureAnyTimePrior                          One covariate per drug in the
#'                                                             drug_exposure table starting any time
#'                                                             prior to index. (analysis ID 301)
#' @param useDrugExposureLongTerm                              One covariate per drug in the
#'                                                             drug_exposure table starting in the long
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 302)
#' @param useDrugExposureMediumTerm                            One covariate per drug in the
#'                                                             drug_exposure table starting in the
#'                                                             medium term window. (analysis ID 303)
#' @param useDrugExposureShortTerm                             One covariate per drug in the
#'                                                             drug_exposure table starting in the
#'                                                             short term window. (analysis ID 304)
#' @param useDrugEraAnyTimePrior                               One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table overlapping with any time prior to
#'                                                             index. (analysis ID 401)
#' @param useDrugEraLongTerm                                   One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table overlapping with any part of the
#'                                                             long term window. (analysis ID 402)
#' @param useDrugEraMediumTerm                                 One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table overlapping with any part of the
#'                                                             medium term window. (analysis ID 403)
#' @param useDrugEraShortTerm                                  One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table overlapping with any part of the
#'                                                             short term window. (analysis ID 404)
#' @param useDrugEraOverlapping                                One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table overlapping with the end of the
#'                                                             risk window. (analysis ID 405)
#' @param useDrugEraStartLongTerm                              One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table starting in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 406)
#' @param useDrugEraStartMediumTerm                            One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table starting in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 407)
#' @param useDrugEraStartShortTerm                             One covariate per drug in the drug_era
#'                                                             table starting in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 408)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraAnyTimePrior                          One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table overlapping
#'                                                             with any time prior to index. (analysis
#'                                                             ID 409)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraLongTerm                              One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table overlapping
#'                                                             with any part of the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 410)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraMediumTerm                            One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table overlapping
#'                                                             with any part of the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 411)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraShortTerm                             One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table overlapping
#'                                                             with any part of the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 412)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraOverlapping                           One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table overlapping
#'                                                             with the end of the risk window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 413)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraStartLongTerm                         One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table starting in
#'                                                             the long term window. (analysis ID 414)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraStartMediumTerm                       One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table starting in
#'                                                             the medium term window. (analysis ID
#'                                                             415)
#' @param useDrugGroupEraStartShortTerm                        One covariate per drug rolled up to ATC
#'                                                             groups in the drug_era table starting in
#'                                                             the short term window. (analysis ID 416)
#' @param useProcedureOccurrenceAnyTimePrior                   One covariate per procedure in the
#'                                                             procedure_occurrence table any time
#'                                                             prior to index. (analysis ID 501)
#' @param useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm                       One covariate per procedure in the
#'                                                             procedure_occurrence table in the long
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 502)
#' @param useProcedureOccurrenceMediumTerm                     One covariate per procedure in the
#'                                                             procedure_occurrence table in the medium
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 503)
#' @param useProcedureOccurrenceShortTerm                      One covariate per procedure in the
#'                                                             procedure_occurrence table in the short
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 504)
#' @param useDeviceExposureAnyTimePrior                        One covariate per device in the device
#'                                                             exposure table starting any time prior
#'                                                             to index. (analysis ID 601)
#' @param useDeviceExposureLongTerm                            One covariate per device in the device
#'                                                             exposure table starting in the long term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 602)
#' @param useDeviceExposureMediumTerm                          One covariate per device in the device
#'                                                             exposure table starting in the medium
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 603)
#' @param useDeviceExposureShortTerm                           One covariate per device in the device
#'                                                             exposure table starting in the short
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 604)
#' @param useMeasurementAnyTimePrior                           One covariate per measurement in the
#'                                                             measurement table any time prior to
#'                                                             index. (analysis ID 701)
#' @param useMeasurementLongTerm                               One covariate per measurement in the
#'                                                             measurement table in the long term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 702)
#' @param useMeasurementMediumTerm                             One covariate per measurement in the
#'                                                             measurement table in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 703)
#' @param useMeasurementShortTerm                              One covariate per measurement in the
#'                                                             measurement table in the short term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 704)
#' @param useMeasurementValueAnyTimePrior                      One covariate containing the value per
#'                                                             measurement-unit combination any time
#'                                                             prior to index. (analysis ID 705)
#' @param useMeasurementValueLongTerm                          One covariate containing the value per
#'                                                             measurement-unit combination in the long
#'                                                             term window. (analysis ID 706)
#' @param useMeasurementValueMediumTerm                        One covariate containing the value per
#'                                                             measurement-unit combination in the
#'                                                             medium term window. (analysis ID 707)
#' @param useMeasurementValueShortTerm                         One covariate containing the value per
#'                                                             measurement-unit combination in the
#'                                                             short term window. (analysis ID 708)
#' @param useMeasurementRangeGroupAnyTimePrior                 Covariates indicating whether
#'                                                             measurements are below, within, or above
#'                                                             normal range any time prior to index.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 709)
#' @param useMeasurementRangeGroupLongTerm                     Covariates indicating whether
#'                                                             measurements are below, within, or above
#'                                                             normal range in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 710)
#' @param useMeasurementRangeGroupMediumTerm                   Covariates indicating whether
#'                                                             measurements are below, within, or above
#'                                                             normal range in the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 711)
#' @param useMeasurementRangeGroupShortTerm                    Covariates indicating whether
#'                                                             measurements are below, within, or above
#'                                                             normal range in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 712)
#' @param useMeasurementValueAsConceptAnyTimePrior             One covariate per measurement-value
#'                                                             concept combination any time prior to
#'                                                             index. (analysis ID 713)
#' @param useMeasurementValueAsConceptLongTerm                 One covariate per measurement-value
#'                                                             concept combination in the long term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 714)
#' @param useMeasurementValueAsConceptMediumTerm               One covariate per measurement-value
#'                                                             concept combination in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 715)
#' @param useMeasurementValueAsConceptShortTerm                One covariate per measurement-value
#'                                                             concept combination in the short term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 716)
#' @param useObservationAnyTimePrior                           One covariate per observation in the
#'                                                             observation table any time prior to
#'                                                             index. (analysis ID 801)
#' @param useObservationLongTerm                               One covariate per observation in the
#'                                                             observation table in the long term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 802)
#' @param useObservationMediumTerm                             One covariate per observation in the
#'                                                             observation table in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 803)
#' @param useObservationShortTerm                              One covariate per observation in the
#'                                                             observation table in the short term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 804)
#' @param useObservationValueAsConceptAnyTimePrior             One covariate per observation-value
#'                                                             concept combination any time prior to
#'                                                             index. (analysis ID 805)
#' @param useObservationValueAsConceptLongTerm                 One covariate per observation-value
#'                                                             concept combination in the long term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 806)
#' @param useObservationValueAsConceptMediumTerm               One covariate per observation-value
#'                                                             concept combination in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 807)
#' @param useObservationValueAsConceptShortTerm                One covariate per observation-value
#'                                                             concept combination in the short term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 808)
#' @param useCharlsonIndex                                     The Charlson comorbidity index (Romano
#'                                                             adaptation) using all conditions prior
#'                                                             to the window end. (analysis ID 901)
#' @param useDcsi                                              The Diabetes Comorbidity Severity Index
#'                                                             (DCSI) using all conditions prior to the
#'                                                             window end. (analysis ID 902)
#' @param useChads2                                            The CHADS2 score using all conditions
#'                                                             prior to the window end. (analysis ID
#'                                                             903)
#' @param useChads2Vasc                                        The CHADS2VASc score using all
#'                                                             conditions prior to the window end.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 904)
#' @param useHfrs                                              The Hospital Frailty Risk Score score
#'                                                             using all conditions prior to the window
#'                                                             end. (analysis ID 926)
#' @param useDistinctConditionCountLongTerm                    The number of distinct condition
#'                                                             concepts observed in the long term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 905)
#' @param useDistinctConditionCountMediumTerm                  The number of distinct condition
#'                                                             concepts observed in the medium term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 906)
#' @param useDistinctConditionCountShortTerm                   The number of distinct condition
#'                                                             concepts observed in the short term
#'                                                             window. (analysis ID 907)
#' @param useDistinctIngredientCountLongTerm                   The number of distinct ingredients
#'                                                             observed in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 908)
#' @param useDistinctIngredientCountMediumTerm                 The number of distinct ingredients
#'                                                             observed in the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 909)
#' @param useDistinctIngredientCountShortTerm                  The number of distinct ingredients
#'                                                             observed in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 910)
#' @param useDistinctProcedureCountLongTerm                    The number of distinct procedures
#'                                                             observed in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 911)
#' @param useDistinctProcedureCountMediumTerm                  The number of distinct procedures
#'                                                             observed in the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 912)
#' @param useDistinctProcedureCountShortTerm                   The number of distinct procedures
#'                                                             observed in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 913)
#' @param useDistinctMeasurementCountLongTerm                  The number of distinct measurements
#'                                                             observed in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 914)
#' @param useDistinctMeasurementCountMediumTerm                The number of distinct measurements
#'                                                             observed in the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 915)
#' @param useDistinctMeasurementCountShortTerm                 The number of distinct measurements
#'                                                             observed in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 916)
#' @param useDistinctObservationCountLongTerm                  The number of distinct observations
#'                                                             observed in the long term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 917)
#' @param useDistinctObservationCountMediumTerm                The number of distinct observations
#'                                                             observed in the medium term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 918)
#' @param useDistinctObservationCountShortTerm                 The number of distinct observations
#'                                                             observed in the short term window.
#'                                                             (analysis ID 919)
#' @param useVisitCountLongTerm                                The number of visits observed in the
#'                                                             long term window. (analysis ID 920)
#' @param useVisitCountMediumTerm                              The number of visits observed in the
#'                                                             medium term window. (analysis ID 921)
#' @param useVisitCountShortTerm                               The number of visits observed in the
#'                                                             short term window. (analysis ID 922)
#' @param useVisitConceptCountLongTerm                         The number of visits observed in the
#'                                                             long term window, stratified by visit
#'                                                             concept ID. (analysis ID 923)
#' @param useVisitConceptCountMediumTerm                       The number of visits observed in the
#'                                                             medium term window, stratified by visit
#'                                                             concept ID. (analysis ID 924)
#' @param useVisitConceptCountShortTerm                        The number of visits observed in the
#'                                                             short term window, stratified by visit
#'                                                             concept ID. (analysis ID 925)
#' @param longTermStartDays                                    What is the start day (relative to the
#'                                                             index date) of the long-term window?
#' @param mediumTermStartDays                                  What is the start day (relative to the
#'                                                             index date) of the medium-term window?
#' @param shortTermStartDays                                   What is the start day (relative to the
#'                                                             index date) of the short-term window?
#' @param endDays                                              What is the end day (relative to the
#'                                                             index date) of the window?
#' @param includedCovariateConceptIds                          A list of concept IDs that should be
#'                                                             used to construct covariates.
#' @param addDescendantsToInclude                              Should descendant concept IDs be added
#'                                                             to the list of concepts to include?
#' @param excludedCovariateConceptIds                          A list of concept IDs that should NOT be
#'                                                             used to construct covariates.
#' @param addDescendantsToExclude                              Should descendant concept IDs be added
#'                                                             to the list of concepts to exclude?
#' @param includedCovariateIds                                 A list of covariate IDs that should be
#'                                                             restricted to.
#' @return
#' An object of type \code{covariateSettings}, to be used in other functions.
#' @examples
#' settings <- createCovariateSettings(
#'   useDemographicsGender = TRUE,
#'   useDemographicsAge = FALSE,
#'   useDemographicsAgeGroup = TRUE,
#'   useDemographicsRace = TRUE,
#'   useDemographicsEthnicity = TRUE,
#'   useDemographicsIndexYear = TRUE,
#'   useDemographicsIndexMonth = TRUE,
#'   useDemographicsPriorObservationTime = FALSE,
#'   useDemographicsPostObservationTime = FALSE,
#'   useDemographicsTimeInCohort = FALSE,
#'   useDemographicsIndexYearMonth = FALSE,
#'   useCareSiteId = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrenceAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrenceLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrenceMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrenceShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraOverlapping = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraOverlapping = FALSE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useConditionGroupEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugExposureAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useDrugExposureLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugExposureMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugExposureShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraOverlapping = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraOverlapping = TRUE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDrugGroupEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useProcedureOccurrenceAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useProcedureOccurrenceMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useProcedureOccurrenceShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useDeviceExposureAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useDeviceExposureLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useDeviceExposureMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDeviceExposureShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useMeasurementAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useMeasurementMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useMeasurementValueAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementValueLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementValueMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementValueShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementRangeGroupAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementRangeGroupLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useMeasurementRangeGroupMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementRangeGroupShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useMeasurementValueAsConceptAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementValueAsConceptLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useMeasurementValueAsConceptMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useMeasurementValueAsConceptShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useObservationAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useObservationLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useObservationMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useObservationShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useObservationValueAsConceptAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
#'   useObservationValueAsConceptLongTerm = TRUE,
#'   useObservationValueAsConceptMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useObservationValueAsConceptShortTerm = TRUE,
#'   useCharlsonIndex = TRUE,
#'   useDcsi = TRUE,
#'   useChads2 = TRUE,
#'   useChads2Vasc = TRUE,
#'   useHfrs = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctConditionCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctConditionCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctConditionCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctIngredientCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctIngredientCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctIngredientCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctProcedureCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctProcedureCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctProcedureCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctMeasurementCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctMeasurementCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctMeasurementCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctObservationCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctObservationCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useDistinctObservationCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useVisitCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useVisitCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useVisitCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   useVisitConceptCountLongTerm = FALSE,
#'   useVisitConceptCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
#'   useVisitConceptCountShortTerm = FALSE,
#'   longTermStartDays = -365,
#'   mediumTermStartDays = -180,
#'   shortTermStartDays = -30,
#'   endDays = 0,
#'   includedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
#'   addDescendantsToInclude = FALSE,
#'   excludedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
#'   addDescendantsToExclude = FALSE,
#'   includedCovariateIds = c()
#' )
#' @export
createCovariateSettings <- function(useDemographicsGender = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsAge = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsAgeGroup = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsRace = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsEthnicity = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsIndexYear = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsIndexMonth = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsPriorObservationTime = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsPostObservationTime = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsTimeInCohort = FALSE,
                                    useDemographicsIndexYearMonth = FALSE,
                                    useCareSiteId = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrenceAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrenceLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrenceMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrenceShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionOccurrencePrimaryInpatientShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraOverlapping = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraOverlapping = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useConditionGroupEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugExposureAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useDrugExposureLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugExposureMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugExposureShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraOverlapping = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraOverlapping = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraStartLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraStartMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDrugGroupEraStartShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useProcedureOccurrenceAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useProcedureOccurrenceMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useProcedureOccurrenceShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDeviceExposureAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useDeviceExposureLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDeviceExposureMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDeviceExposureShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementRangeGroupAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementRangeGroupLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementRangeGroupMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementRangeGroupShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueAsConceptAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueAsConceptLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueAsConceptMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useMeasurementValueAsConceptShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useObservationAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useObservationLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useObservationMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useObservationShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useObservationValueAsConceptAnyTimePrior = FALSE,
                                    useObservationValueAsConceptLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useObservationValueAsConceptMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useObservationValueAsConceptShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useCharlsonIndex = FALSE,
                                    useDcsi = FALSE,
                                    useChads2 = FALSE,
                                    useChads2Vasc = FALSE,
                                    useHfrs = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctConditionCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctConditionCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctConditionCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctIngredientCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctIngredientCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctIngredientCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctProcedureCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctProcedureCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctProcedureCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctMeasurementCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctMeasurementCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctMeasurementCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctObservationCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctObservationCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useDistinctObservationCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useVisitCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useVisitCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useVisitCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    useVisitConceptCountLongTerm = FALSE,
                                    useVisitConceptCountMediumTerm = FALSE,
                                    useVisitConceptCountShortTerm = FALSE,
                                    longTermStartDays = -365,
                                    mediumTermStartDays = -180,
                                    shortTermStartDays = -30,
                                    endDays = 0,
                                    includedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
                                    addDescendantsToInclude = FALSE,
                                    excludedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
                                    addDescendantsToExclude = FALSE,
                                    includedCovariateIds = c()) {
  covariateSettings <- list(
    temporal = FALSE,
    temporalSequence = FALSE
  formalNames <- names(formals(createCovariateSettings))
  anyUseTrue <- FALSE
  for (name in formalNames) {
    value <- get(name)
    if (is.null(value)) {
      value <- vector()
    if (grepl("use.*", name)) {
      if (value) {
        covariateSettings[[sub("use", "", name)]] <- value
        anyUseTrue <- TRUE
    } else {
      covariateSettings[[name]] <- value
  if (!anyUseTrue) {
    stop("No covariate analysis selected. Must select at least one")
  attr(covariateSettings, "fun") <- "getDbDefaultCovariateData"
  class(covariateSettings) <- "covariateSettings"
OHDSI/FeatureExtraction documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 6:37 a.m.