
#' Fits iterative random forest algorithm.
#' Fits iterative random forest algorithm.  Returns
#' data.frame with variable importances and top rated features.
#' @param X                 A data.frame.
#'                          Each column corresponds to a feature vectors.
#' @param y                 Response vector.
#' @param drop_fraction     A number between 0 and 1.  Percentage of features
#'                          dropped at each iteration.
#' @param keep_fraction     A number between 0 and 1. Proportion features
#'                          from each module to retain at screening step.
#' @param mtry_factor       A positive number.  Mtry for each random forest
#'                          is set to
#'                          \code{ceiling}(\eqn{\sqrt{p}}\code{mtry_factor})
#'                          where \code{p} is the current number of features.
#' @param ntree_factor      A number greater than 1.  \code{ntree} for each
#'                          random is \code{ntree_factor} times the number
#'                          of features.  For each random forest, \code{ntree}
#'                          is set to \code{max}(\code{min_ntree},
#'                          \code{ntree_factor}*\code{p}).
#' @param min_ntree         Minimum number of trees grown in each random forest.
#' @param num_processors    Number of processors used to fit random forests.
#' @param nodesize          Minimum nodesize.
#' @return A data.frame with the top ranked features.
#' @note This work was partially funded by NSF IIS 1251151.
iterative_RF <- function(X, y, drop_fraction, keep_fraction, mtry_factor,
                         ntree_factor = 10, min_ntree=5000,
                         num_processors = 1, nodesize) {
  CLASSIFICATION <- is.factor(y)
  cl = parallel::makeCluster(num_processors)
  num_features <- ncol(X)
  #TUNING PARAMETER mtry_factor
    mtry <- min(ceiling(mtry_factor*num_features/3), num_features)
      nodesize <- 1
    mtry <- min(ceiling(mtry_factor*sqrt(num_features)), num_features)
      nodesize <- 5
  ntree <- max(num_features*ntree_factor, min_ntree)
  target <- ceiling(num_features * keep_fraction)
  current_X <- X
  while (num_features >= target){
    rf = `%dopar%`(foreach(ntree = rep(ntree/num_processors, num_processors)
                           , .combine = combine, .packages = 'randomForest'),
                   #second argument to '%dopar%'
                   randomForest(current_X , y, ntree = ntree, mtry = mtry,
                                importance = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
    var_importance <- importance(rf, type=1)
    var_importance <- var_importance[order(var_importance[, 1],
                                           decreasing=TRUE), ,drop=FALSE]
    reduction <- ceiling(num_features*drop_fraction)
    if(num_features - reduction > target) {
      trimmed_varlist <- var_importance[1:(num_features - reduction), ,drop=FALSE]
      features <- row.names(trimmed_varlist)
      current_X <- current_X[, which(names(current_X) %in% features)]
        mtry <- min(ceiling(mtry_factor*num_features/3), num_features)
        mtry <- min(ceiling(mtry_factor*sqrt(num_features)), num_features)
      ntree <- max(num_features*ntree_factor, min_ntree)
    else {
      num_features <- target - 1
      mod_varlist <- var_importance[, 1][1:target]
      features <- row.names(var_importance)[1:target]
      out <- cbind(features, mod_varlist)

#' Carries out selection step of fuzzyforest algorithm.
#' Carries out selection step of fuzzyforest algorithm.  Returns
#' data.frame with variable importances and top rated features.
#' @param X                 A data.frame.
#'                          Each column corresponds to a feature vectors.
#'                          Could include additional covariates not a part of
#'                          the original modules.
#' @param y                 Response vector.
#' @param drop_fraction     A number between 0 and 1.  Percentage of features
#'                          dropped at each iteration.
#' @param number_selected   Number of features selected by fuzzyforest.
#' @param mtry_factor       In the case of regression, \code{mtry} is set to
#'                          \code{ceiling}(\eqn{\sqrt(p)}*\code{mtry_factor}).
#'                          In the case of classification, \code{mtry} is set to
#'                          \code{ceiling}((p/3)*\code{mtry_factor}).  If either
#'                          of these numbers is greater than p, \code{mtry} is
#'                          set to p.
#' @param min_ntree         Minimum number of trees grown in each random forest.
#' @param ntree_factor      A number greater than 1.  \code{ntree} for each
#'                          random is \code{ntree_factor} times the number
#'                          of features.  For each random forest, \code{ntree}
#'                          is set to \code{max}(\code{min_ntree},
#'                          \code{ntree_factor}*\code{p}).
#' @param num_processors    Number of processors used to fit random forests.
#' @param nodesize          Minimum nodesize
#' @return A data.frame with the top ranked features.
#' @note This work was partially funded by NSF IIS 1251151.
select_RF <- function(X, y, drop_fraction, number_selected, mtry_factor,
                      ntree_factor, min_ntree,
                      num_processors, nodesize) {
  selection_list <- list()
  if(num_processors > 1) {
    cl = parallel::makeCluster(num_processors)
  num_features <- ncol(X)
  mtry <- min(ceiling(mtry_factor*sqrt(num_features)), dim(X)[2])
  ntree <- max(num_features*ntree_factor, min_ntree)
  target <- number_selected
  current_X <- X
  i <- 1
  while (num_features >= target){
    if(num_processors > 1) {
      rf = `%dopar%`(foreach(ntree = rep(ntree/num_processors, num_processors)
                             , .combine = combine, .packages = 'randomForest'),
                     #second argument to '%dopar%'
                     randomForest(current_X , y, ntree = ntree, mtry = mtry,
                                  importance = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
    if(num_processors == 1) {
      rf <- randomForest(current_X, y, ntree = ntree, mtry = mtry,
                         importance = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
                         nodesize = nodesize)
    var_importance <- rf$importance
    var_importance <- var_importance[order(var_importance[, 1],
                                           decreasing=TRUE), ]
    selection_list[[i]] <- data.frame(row.names(var_importance),
                                      round(var_importance[, 1], 4),
    names(selection_list[[i]]) <- c("feature_name", "variable_importance")
    i <- i + 1
    reduction <- ceiling(num_features*drop_fraction)
    if(num_features - reduction > target) {
      trimmed_varlist <- var_importance[1:(num_features - reduction), ]
      features <- row.names(trimmed_varlist)
      current_X <- current_X[, which(names(current_X) %in% features)]
      num_features <- length(features)
      mtry <- min(ceiling(mtry_factor*sqrt(num_features)), dim(current_X)[2])
      ntree <- max(num_features*ntree_factor, min_ntree)
    else {
      num_features <- target - 1
      mod_varlist <- var_importance[, 1][1:target]
      features <- row.names(var_importance)[1:target]
      feature_list <- cbind(features, mod_varlist)
      selection_list[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(features, round(mod_varlist, 4)),
      names(selection_list[[i]]) <- c("feature_name", "variable_importance")
  if(num_processors > 1) {
  out <- list(feature_list, selection_list)
OHDSI/FuzzyForest documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:26 p.m.