# @file StudyPackage
# Copyright 2022 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of ROhdsiWebApi
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#' Load a cohort definition and insert it into this package
#' @details
#' Load a cohort definition from a WebApi instance and insert it into this package. This will fetch
#' the JSON object and store it in a folder (defaults to 'the inst/cohorts' folder), and fetch the
#' template SQL and store it in another folder (defaults to the 'inst/sql/sql_server' folder). Both
#' folders will be created if they don't exist. When using generateStats = TRUE, the following tables
#' are required to exist when executing the SQL: cohort_inclusion, cohort_inclusion_result,
#' cohort_inclusion_stats, and cohort_summary_stats. Also note that the cohort_inclusion table should
#' be populated with the names of the rules prior to executing the cohort definition SQL. Note:
#' generate inclusion statistics are created for all by default.
#' @template BaseUrl
#' @template CohortId
#' @param name The name that will be used for the JSON and SQL files. If not provided, the
#' name in cohort will be used, but this may not lead to valid file names.
#' @param jsonFolder Path to the folder where the JSON representation will be saved.
#' @param sqlFolder Path to the folder where the SQL representation will be saved.
#' @param generateStats Should the SQL include the code for generating inclusion rule statistics?
#' Note that if TRUE, several additional tables are expected to exists as
#' described in the details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This will create 'inst/cohorts/Angioedema.json' and 'inst/sql/sql_server/Angioedema.sql':
#' insertCohortDefinitionInPackage(cohortId = 282,
#' name = "Angioedema",
#' baseUrl = "http://server.org:80/WebAPI")
#' }
#' @export
insertCohortDefinitionInPackage <- function(cohortId,
name = NULL,
jsonFolder = "inst/cohorts",
sqlFolder = "inst/sql/sql_server",
generateStats = FALSE) {
errorMessage <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assertLogical(generateStats, add = errorMessage)
checkmate::assertInt(cohortId, add = errorMessage)
object <- getCohortDefinition(cohortId = cohortId, baseUrl = baseUrl)
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- object$name %>% as.character() %>% trimws()
if (!file.exists(jsonFolder)) {
dir.create(jsonFolder, recursive = TRUE)
jsonFileName <- file.path(jsonFolder, paste(name, "json", sep = "."))
json <- .toJSON(object$expression, pretty = TRUE)
SqlRender::writeSql(sql = json, targetFile = jsonFileName)
writeLines(paste("- Created JSON file:", jsonFileName))
# Fetch SQL
sql <- getCohortSql(baseUrl = baseUrl, cohortDefinition = object, generateStats = generateStats)
if (!file.exists(sqlFolder)) {
dir.create(sqlFolder, recursive = TRUE)
sqlFileName <- file.path(sqlFolder, paste(name, "sql", sep = "."))
SqlRender::writeSql(sql = sql, targetFile = sqlFileName)
writeLines(paste("- Created SQL file:", sqlFileName))
#' Insert a set of cohort definitions into package
#' @param fileName Name of a CSV file specifying the cohorts to insert. See details for
#' the expected file format.
#' @param baseUrl The base URL for the WebApi instance, for example:
#' "http://server.org:80/WebAPI".
#' @param jsonFolder Path to the folder where the JSON representations will be saved.
#' @param sqlFolder Path to the folder where the SQL representations will be saved.
#' @param rFileName Name of R file to generate when \code{insertCohortCreationR = TRUE}.
#' @param insertTableSql Should the SQL for creating the cohort table be inserted into the
#' package as well? This file will be called CreateCohortTable.sql.
#' @param insertCohortCreationR Insert R code that will create the cohort table and instantiate the
#' cohorts? This will create a file called R/CreateCohorts.R containing
#' a function called \code{.createCohorts}.
#' @param generateStats Should cohort inclusion rule statistics be created?
#' @param packageName The name of the package (only needed when inserting the R code as
#' well).
#' @details
#' The CSV file should have at least the following fields: \describe{ \item{atlasId}{The cohort ID in
#' ATLAS.} \item{cohortId}{The cohort ID that will be used when instantiating the cohort (can be
#' different from atlasId).} \item{name}{The name to be used for the cohort. This name will be used to
#' generate file names, so please use letters and numbers only (no spaces).} }
#' @export
insertCohortDefinitionSetInPackage <- function(fileName = "inst/settings/CohortsToCreate.csv",
jsonFolder = "inst/cohorts",
sqlFolder = "inst/sql/sql_server",
rFileName = "R/CreateCohorts.R",
insertTableSql = TRUE,
insertCohortCreationR = TRUE,
generateStats = FALSE,
packageName) {
if (insertCohortCreationR && !insertTableSql)
stop("Need to insert table SQL in order to generate R code")
# if (insertCohortCreationR && generateStats && jsonFolder != "inst/cohorts")
# stop("When generating R code and generating stats, the jsonFolder must be 'inst/cohorts'")
# if (insertCohortCreationR && sqlFolder != "inst/sql/sql_server")
# stop("When generating R code, the sqlFolder must be 'inst/sql/sql_server'")
if (insertCohortCreationR && !grepl("inst", fileName))
stop("When generating R code, the input CSV file must be in the inst folder.")
cohortsToCreate <- readr::read_csv(file = fileName,
col_types = readr::cols(),
guess_max = min(1e+07))
colnamesInCohortsToCreate <- colnames(cohortsToCreate)
if (!"webApiCohortId" %in% colnamesInCohortsToCreate) {
if (!"atlasId" %in% colnamesInCohortsToCreate) {
stop("Cannot find either webApiCohortId or atlasId in Cohorts to create file.")
} else {
cohortsToCreate <- cohortsToCreate %>% dplyr::mutate(webApiCohortId = .data$atlasId)
if (!"atlasId" %in% colnamesInCohortsToCreate) {
cohortsToCreate <- cohortsToCreate %>% dplyr::mutate(atlasId = .data$webApiCohortId)
checkIfWebApiCohortIdAndAtlasIDAreSame <- cohortsToCreate %>% dplyr::filter(.data$webApiCohortId !=
if (nrow(checkIfWebApiCohortIdAndAtlasIDAreSame) > 0) {
stop("In CohortsToCreate file webApiCohortId and atlasId do not match. Please provide either webApiCohortId or atlasId.")
if (!"name" %in% colnamesInCohortsToCreate) {
cohortsToCreate <- cohortsToCreate %>% dplyr::mutate(name = as.character(.data$webApiCohortId))
} else {
cohortsToCreate <- cohortsToCreate %>% dplyr::mutate(name = .data$name %>% as.character() %>%
# Inserting cohort JSON and SQL
for (i in 1:nrow(cohortsToCreate)) {
writeLines(paste("Inserting cohort:", cohortsToCreate$name[i]))
insertCohortDefinitionInPackage(cohortId = cohortsToCreate$webApiCohortId[i],
name = cohortsToCreate$name[i],
baseUrl = baseUrl,
jsonFolder = jsonFolder,
sqlFolder = sqlFolder,
generateStats = generateStats)
# Insert SQL to create empty cohort table
if (insertTableSql) {
writeLines("Creating SQL to create empty cohort table")
.insertSqlForCohortTableInPackage(statsTables = generateStats, sqlFolder = sqlFolder)
# Store information on inclusion rules
if (generateStats) {
writeLines("Storing information on inclusion rules")
rules <- .getCohortInclusionRules(jsonFolder)
if (nrow(rules) > 0) {
rules <- dplyr::inner_join(rules, tidyr::tibble(cohortId = cohortsToCreate$cohortId,
cohortName = cohortsToCreate$name))
csvFileName <- file.path(jsonFolder, "InclusionRules.csv")
readr::write_csv(x = rules, file = csvFileName)
writeLines(paste("- Created CSV file:", csvFileName))
writeLines(paste("- Inclusion rules not stored, as no rules found"))
# Generate R code to create cohorts
if (insertCohortCreationR) {
writeLines("Generating R code to create cohorts")
templateFileName <- system.file("CreateCohorts.R", package = "ROhdsiWebApi", mustWork = TRUE)
rCode <- readr::read_file(templateFileName)
# rCode <- readChar(templateFileName, file.info(templateFileName)$size)
rCode <- gsub("#CopyrightYear#", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"), rCode)
rCode <- gsub("#packageName#", packageName, rCode)
libPath <- gsub(".*inst[/\\]", "", fileName)
libPath <- gsub("/|\\\\", "\", \"", libPath)
rCode <- gsub("#fileName#", libPath, rCode)
if (generateStats) {
rCode <- gsub("#stats_start#", "", rCode)
rCode <- gsub("#stats_end#", "", rCode)
} else {
rCode <- gsub("#stats_start#.*?#stats_end#", "", rCode)
readr::write_file(rCode, rFileName)
# fileConn <- file(rFileName)
# writeChar(rCode, fileConn, eos = NULL)
# close(fileConn)
writeLines(paste("- Created R file:", rFileName))
.getCohortInclusionRules <- function(jsonFolder) {
rules <- tidyr::tibble()
for (file in list.files(path = jsonFolder, pattern = ".*\\.json")) {
writeLines(paste("Parsing", file, "for inclusion rules"))
definition <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(file.path(jsonFolder, file))
if (!is.null(definition$InclusionRules)) {
nrOfRules <- length(definition$InclusionRules)
if (nrOfRules > 0) {
cohortName <- sub(".json", "", file)
for (i in 1:nrOfRules) {
rules <- dplyr::bind_rows(rules, tidyr::tibble(cohortName = cohortName,
ruleSequence = i - 1,
ruleName = definition$InclusionRules[[i]]$name))
.insertSqlForCohortTableInPackage <- function(statsTables = FALSE, sqlFolder) {
fileName <- system.file("CohortTable.sql", package = "ROhdsiWebApi")
sql <- readChar(fileName, file.info(fileName)$size)
if (statsTables) {
fileName <- system.file("InclusionStatsTables.sql", package = "ROhdsiWebApi")
sql <- paste(sql, readChar(fileName, file.info(fileName)$size), sep = "\n")
if (!file.exists(sqlFolder)) {
dir.create(sqlFolder, recursive = TRUE)
sqlFileName <- file.path(sqlFolder, "CreateCohortTable.sql")
fileConn <- file(sqlFileName)
writeChar(sql, fileConn, eos = NULL)
writeLines(paste("- Created SQL file:", sqlFileName))
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