
Defines functions summarizeAnalyses .selectByType .createSccResultsFileName runSccAnalyses

Documented in runSccAnalyses summarizeAnalyses

# @file RunAnalyses.R
# Copyright 2022 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of SelfControlledCohort
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Run a list of analyses
#' @details
#' Run a list of analyses for the drug-comparator-outcomes of interest. This function will run all
#' specified analyses against all hypotheses of interest, meaning that the total number of outcome
#' models is `length(cmAnalysisList) * length(drugComparatorOutcomesList)`.
#' @inheritParams runSelfControlledCohort
#' @param outputFolder             Name of the folder where all the outputs will written to.
#' @param sccAnalysisList          A list of objects of type \code{sccAnalysis} as created using the
#'                                 \code{\link{createSccAnalysis}} function.
#' @param exposureOutcomeList      A list of objects of type \code{exposureOutcome} as created using
#'                                 the \code{\link{createExposureOutcome}} function.
#' @param analysisThreads          The number of parallel threads to use to execute the analyses.
#' @export
runSccAnalyses <- function(connectionDetails,
                           tempEmulationSchema = getOption("sqlRenderTempEmulationSchema"),
                           oracleTempSchema = NULL,
                           exposureDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                           exposureTable = "drug_era",
                           outcomeDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                           outcomeTable = "condition_occurrence",
                           cdmVersion = 5,
                           outputFolder = "./SelfControlledCohortOutput",
                           analysisThreads = 1,
                           computeThreads = 1) {
  for (exposureOutcome in exposureOutcomeList) {
    stopifnot(class(exposureOutcome) == "exposureOutcome")

  for (sccAnalysis in sccAnalysisList) {
    stopifnot(class(sccAnalysis) == "sccAnalysis")

  if (all(!is.null(oracleTempSchema), is.null(tempEmulationSchema))) {
    tempEmulationSchema <- oracleTempSchema
    warning('OracleTempSchema has been deprecated by DatabaseConnector')

  uniqueOutcomeList <- unique(ParallelLogger::selectFromList(exposureOutcomeList, "outcomeId"))
  uniqueAnalysisIds <- unlist(unique(ParallelLogger::selectFromList(sccAnalysisList, "analysisId")))
  if (length(uniqueAnalysisIds) != length(sccAnalysisList)) {
    stop("Duplicate analysis IDs are not allowed")
  if (!file.exists(outputFolder))

  # If any of the results compute the TAR stats, all the analyses must do the same
  computeTarDist <- FALSE
  ### Create reference table ###
  resultsReference <- data.frame()
  for (sccAnalysis in sccAnalysisList) {

    for (outcome in uniqueOutcomeList) {
      outcomeId <- .selectByType(sccAnalysis$outcomeType, outcome$outcomeId, "outcome")
      exposures <- ParallelLogger::matchInList(exposureOutcomeList, outcome)
      sccResultsFile <- .createSccResultsFileName(analysisId = sccAnalysis$analysisId,
                                                  outcomeId = outcomeId)
      for (exposure in exposures) {
        exposureId <- .selectByType(sccAnalysis$exposureType, exposure$exposureId, "exposure")
        resultsReferenceRow <- data.frame(analysisId = sccAnalysis$analysisId,
                                          exposureId = exposureId,
                                          outcomeId = outcomeId,
                                          sccResultsFile = sccResultsFile,
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        resultsReference <- rbind(resultsReference, resultsReferenceRow)
  resultsReference$computeTarDist <- computeTarDist
  saveRDS(resultsReference, file.path(outputFolder, "resultsReference.rds"))

  ParallelLogger::logInfo("*** Running multiple analysis ***")
  objectsToCreate <- list()

  for (sccResultsFile in unique(resultsReference$sccResultsFile)) {
    if (!file.exists(file.path(outputFolder, sccResultsFile))) {
      refRow <- resultsReference[resultsReference$sccResultsFile == sccResultsFile, ][1, ]
      analysisRow <- ParallelLogger::matchInList(sccAnalysisList,
                                              list(analysisId = refRow$analysisId))[[1]]
      getrunSelfControlledCohortArgs <- analysisRow$runSelfControlledCohortArgs

      getrunSelfControlledCohortArgs$computeTarDistribution <- computeTarDist

      exposureIds <- unique(resultsReference$exposureId[resultsReference$sccResultsFile == sccResultsFile])
      outcomeId <- unique(resultsReference$outcomeId[resultsReference$sccResultsFile == sccResultsFile])

      args <- list(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                   cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                   exposureDatabaseSchema = exposureDatabaseSchema,
                   exposureTable = exposureTable,
                   outcomeDatabaseSchema = outcomeDatabaseSchema,
                   outcomeTable = outcomeTable,
                   cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
                   exposureIds = exposureIds,
                   outcomeIds = outcomeId,
                   tempEmulationSchema = tempEmulationSchema,
                   computeThreads = computeThreads)
      args <- append(args, getrunSelfControlledCohortArgs)
      objectsToCreate[[length(objectsToCreate) + 1]] <- list(args = args,
                                                             sccResultsFile = file.path(outputFolder, sccResultsFile))
  createSccResultsObject <- function(params) {
    sccResults <- do.call("runSelfControlledCohort", params$args)
    saveRDS(sccResults, params$sccResultsFile)

  if (length(objectsToCreate) != 0) {
    cluster <- ParallelLogger::makeCluster(analysisThreads)
    ParallelLogger::clusterRequire(cluster, "SelfControlledCohort")
    dummy <- ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster, objectsToCreate, createSccResultsObject)


.createSccResultsFileName <- function(analysisId, outcomeId) {
  name <- paste("SccResults_a", analysisId, "_o", outcomeId, ".rds", sep = "")

.selectByType <- function(type, value, label) {
  if (is.null(type)) {
    if (is.list(value)) {
      stop(paste("Multiple ",
                 "s specified, but none selected in analyses (comparatorType).",
                 sep = ""))
  } else {
    if (!is.list(value) || is.null(value[type])) {
      stop(paste(label, "type not found:", type))

#' Create a summary report of the analyses
#' @param resultsReference   A data.frame as created by the \code{\link{runSccAnalyses}} function.
#' @param outputFolder       Name of the folder where all the outputs have been written to.
#' @export
summarizeAnalyses <- function(resultsReference, outputFolder) {
  result <- data.frame()
  for (sccResultsFile in unique(resultsReference$sccResultsFile)) {
    sccResults <- readRDS(file.path(outputFolder, sccResultsFile))$estimates
    if (nrow(sccResults) > 0) {
      analysisId <- resultsReference$analysisId[resultsReference$sccResultsFile == sccResultsFile][1]
      sccResults$analysisId <- analysisId

    result <- rbind(result, sccResults)

  # Return consistent column names
  if (nrow(result) == 0) {
    result <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 15, nrow = 0))
    colnames(result) <- c("exposureId", "outcomeId", "numPersons", "numExposures", "numOutcomesExposed", "logRr", "seLogRr",
                          "numOutcomesUnexposed", "timeAtRiskExposed", "timeAtRiskUnexposed", "irr", "irrLb95", "irrUb95", "p", "analysisId")
OHDSI/SelfControlledCohort documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 5:44 p.m.