##' A function segment Chinese sentence into words.
##' @title Sengment a sentence.
##' @param strwords A Chinese sentence in UTF-8 or the path of a text file.
##' @param analyzer A JAVA object of analyzer.
##' @param nature Whether to recognise the nature of the words.
##' @param nosymbol Whether to keep symbols in the sentence.
##' @param returnType Default is a string vector but we also can choose 'tm'
##' to output a single string separated by space so that it can be used by \code{\link[tm]{Corpus}} directly.
##' @param isfast Whether to run the fast analyzer.
##' @param outfile The path of output if strwords is a file.
##' @param blocklines The (maximal) number of lines to read at one time when strwords is a file.
##' @return a vector of words (list if input is vecter) which have been segmented or the path of output file.
##' @author Jian Li <\email{rweibo@@sina.com}>
##' @examples \dontrun{
##' segmentCN("hello world!")
##' }
segmentCN <- function(strwords, analyzer = get("Analyzer", envir = .RwordsegEnv),
nature = FALSE, nosymbol = TRUE, returnType = c("vector", "tm"), isfast = FALSE,
outfile = "", blocklines = 1000)
if (!is.character(strwords)) stop("Please input character!")
if (length(strwords) == 1 && file.exists(strwords)) {
if (!file.exists(dirname(outfile))) {
filebase <- gsub("\\.[^\\.]*$", "", strwords)
fileext <- gsub(filebase, "", strwords, fixed = TRUE)
outfile <- paste(filebase, ".segment", fileext, sep = "")
tmp.enc <- .detectEncoding(strwords)[1]
#if (tmp.enc != "UTF-8") tmp.enc <- "GBK"
nlines <- blocklines
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
old.locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE", locale = "chs")
conn.r <- file(strwords, open = "r")
conn.w <- file(outfile, open = "a", encoding = "UTF-8")
while(nlines == blocklines) {
tmp.lines <- readLines(conn.r, n = blocklines, encoding = tmp.enc)
nlines <- length(tmp.lines)
if (nlines > 0) {
tmp.lines <- iconv(tmp.lines, tmp.enc, "UTF-8")
out.lines <- segmentCN(tmp.lines, analyzer = analyzer,
nature = FALSE, nosymbol = TRUE, returnType = "tm")
writeLines(out.lines, conn.w)
cat(paste("Output file: ", outfile, "\n"))
finally = {
try(close(conn.r), silent = TRUE)
try(close(conn.w), silent = TRUE)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_CTYPE", locale = old.locale)
} else {
returnType <- match.arg(returnType)
if (nosymbol) strwords <- gsub("[^\u4e00-\u9fa5a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", strwords)
strwords <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", gsub("\\s+", " ", strwords))
if (isfast) {
OUT <- as.character(sapply(strwords, FUN = function(X) .jcall(analyzer, "S", "segWord", X)))
Encoding(OUT) <- "UTF-8"
} else {
strfunc <- ifelse(nature, "segWordNatureInd", "segWordInd")
strout <- as.character(sapply(strwords, FUN = function(X) .jcall(analyzer, "S", strfunc, X)))
listnature <- rep(list(NULL), length(strwords))
listout <- strsplit(strout, split = " ")
if (nature) {
listnature <- lapply(listout, FUN = function(X)
sapply(strsplit(X, split = "|", fixed = TRUE), FUN = function(Y) Y[2]))
listout <- lapply(listout, FUN = function(X)
sapply(strsplit(X, split = "|", fixed = TRUE), FUN = function(Y) Y[1]))
listwords <- strsplit(strwords, split = "", fixed = TRUE)
listsplit <- lapply(listout, FUN = function(X) rep(seq_along(X), times = as.numeric(X)))
OUT <- lapply(seq_along(listwords), FUN = function(X) {
RES <- sapply(split(listwords[[X]], f = listsplit[[X]]), paste, collapse = "");
names(RES) <- listnature[[X]];
RES <- RES[nzchar(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", RES))];
if(length(RES)==0) RES <- "";
if (returnType == "tm") OUT <- sapply(OUT, paste, collapse = " ")
if (length(OUT) == 1) OUT <- OUT[[1]]
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