
Defines functions plotCellTypeMeanVar

Documented in plotCellTypeMeanVar

#' Plot cell type counts means versus variances
#' This function returns a plot of the log10(mean) versus log10(variance) of 
#' the cell type counts. The function takes a matrix of cell type counts as 
#' input. The rows are the clusters/cell types and the columns are the samples.
#' The expected variance under a binomial distribution is shown in the solid 
#' line, and the points represent the observed variance for each cell type/row 
#' in the counts table. The expected variance under different model assumptions
#' are shown in the different coloured lines.
#' The mean and variance for each cell type is calculated across all samples.
#' @param x a matrix or table of counts
#' @return a base R plot
#' @importFrom edgeR estimateDisp
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines par title
#' @importFrom stats lowess
#' @export
#' @author Belinda Phipson
#' @examples
#' library(edgeR)
#' # Generate some data
#' # Total number of samples
#' nsamp <- 10
#' # True cell type proportions
#' p <- c(0.05, 0.15, 0.35, 0.45)
#' # Parameters for beta distribution
#' a <- 40
#' b <- a*(1-p)/p
#' # Sample total cell counts per sample from negative binomial distribution
#' numcells <- rnbinom(nsamp,size=20,mu=5000)
#' true.p <- matrix(c(rbeta(nsamp,a,b[1]),rbeta(nsamp,a,b[2]),
#'           rbeta(nsamp,a,b[3]),rbeta(nsamp,a,b[4])),byrow=TRUE, ncol=nsamp)
#' counts <- matrix(NA,ncol=nsamp, nrow=nrow(true.p))
#' rownames(counts) <- paste("c",0:(nrow(true.p)-1), sep="")
#' for(j in 1:length(p)){
#'     counts[j,] <- rbinom(nsamp, size=numcells, prob=true.p[j,])
#' }
#' plotCellTypeMeanVar(counts)
plotCellTypeMeanVar <- function(x){
  # Make sure input is a matrix
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  # Normalise the cell type counts 
  nc <- normCounts(x)

  # Beta binomial variance
  params <- estimateBetaParamsFromCounts(x)

  #Observed variance
  means <- rowMeans(nc)
  means.mat <- matrix(rep(means,ncol(nc)),ncol=ncol(nc))
  vars <- rowSums((nc-means.mat)^2)/(ncol(nc)-1)

  # Binomial variance
  ebv <- params$n*params$pi*(1-params$pi)

  # Negative binomial variance
  y <- estimateDisp(DGEList(x))
  tagvars <- means + means^2 * y$tagwise.dispersion

  ylimits.min <- min(log10(vars),log10(ebv), log10(params$var),
                     log10(tagvars), log10(params$n*params$pi))
  ylimits.max <- max(log10(vars),log10(ebv), log10(params$var),
                     log10(tagvars), log10(params$n*params$pi))

  plot(log10(means),log10(vars), pch=16, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlab = "log10(mean)", ylab = "log10(variance)")
  lines(lowess(log10(means), log10(ebv)), col=1, lwd=2)
  lines(lowess(log10(means), log10(params$var)), lwd=2, col=4)
  lines(lowess(log10(means),log10(tagvars)),lwd=2,col="purple", lty=2)
  lines(lowess(log10(means),log10(params$n*params$pi)),lwd=2,col="red", lty=2)
  legend("bottomright", legend=c("Beta-binomial","Negative binomial", "Binomial", 
         col=c(4,"purple",1,2), lty=c(1,2,1,2), lwd=2)
  title("Mean-variance relationship: cell type counts", cex.main=1.5)

Oshlack/speckle documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 9:39 a.m.