
Defines functions addData

Documented in addData

# TODO: make 'exact' a vector.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 24.08.2018: Removed unused variables.
# 19.07.2018: Changed 'warning' to 'message' for better visibility.
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 06.02.2017: Fixed data saved as attributes (new.data).
# 15.08.2016: Fixed check for data.table.
# 12.08.2016: Handles empty dataset by returning unchanged.
# 09.07.2016: Added check for data.table and conversion to data.frame.
# 09.01.2016: Added more attributes to result.
# 30.11.2015: Added attributes to result.
# 30.11.2015: Added parameter 'what' to specify columns to add.
# 15.12.2014: Changed parameter names to format: lower.case
# 30.09.2013: Fixed bug when exact=FALSE
# 17.09.2013: Updated example to support new 'getKit' structure.
# 31.07.2013: Added parameter 'ignore.case'.
# 28.05.2013: Fixed bug any(..., na.rm=TRUE)
# 21.05.2013: Added a second 'by' level and bugs fixed.
# 20.05.2013: Handle keys with no match.

#' @title Adds New Data Columns to a Data Frame
#' @description
#' Adds values from columns in 'new.data' to 'data' by keys.
#' @details
#' Information in columns in data frame 'new.data' is added to data frame
#' 'data' based on primary key value in column 'by.col', and optionally on
#' secondary key values in column 'then.by.col'.
#' @param data Data frame containing your main data.
#' @param new.data Data frame containing information you want to add to 'data'.
#' @param by.col character, primary key column.
#' @param then.by.col character, secondary key column.
#' @param exact logical, TRUE matches keys exact.
#' @param ignore.case logical, TRUE ignore case.
#' @param what character vector defining columns to add. Default is all new columns.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame the original data frame containing additional columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get marker names and alleles for Promega PowerPlex ESX 17.
#' x <- getKit("ESX17", what = "Allele")
#' # Get marker names and colors for Promega PowerPlex ESX 17.
#' y <- getKit("ESX17", what = "Color")
#' # Add color information to allele information.
#' z <- addData(data = x, new.data = y, by.col = "Marker")
#' print(x)
#' print(y)
#' print(z)
addData <- function(data, new.data, by.col, then.by.col = NULL, exact = TRUE,
                    ignore.case = TRUE, what = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  if ("data.table" %in% class(data)) {
    data <- data.frame(data)
    message("Converted data.table to data.frame (data).")

  if ("data.table" %in% class(new.data)) {
    new.data <- data.frame(new.data)
    message("Converted data.table to data.frame (new.data).")

  if (nrow(data) == 0) {
    message("Dataset is empty. Nothing was added.")

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Remove unused colums.
  if (!is.null(what)) {
    new.data <- new.data[, c(by.col, then.by.col, what)]

  # Get column names.
  colNames <- names(data)
  colNamesNew <- names(new.data)
  colNamesNew <- colNamesNew[colNamesNew != by.col]
  if (!is.null(then.by.col)) {
    colNamesNew <- colNamesNew[colNamesNew != then.by.col]
  colNamesNew <- colNamesNew[!colNamesNew %in% colNames]

  # Add new columns to data.
  for (c in seq(along = colNamesNew)) {
    data[colNamesNew[c]] <- NA

  # Get unique identifiers.
  keysData <- unique(as.character(data[, by.col]))
  keysNew <- unique(as.character(new.data[, by.col]))

  # Select keys.
  if (exact) {
    keys <- keysData
  } else {
    keys <- keysNew

  if (debug) {

  # Loop through keys.
  for (k in seq(along = keys)) {
    # Select rows.
    if (exact) {
      selectedData <- data[, by.col] == keys[k]
      selectedNewData <- new.data[, by.col] == keys[k]
    } else {
      selectedData <- grepl(keys[k], data[, by.col],
        ignore.case = ignore.case
      selectedNewData <- grepl(keys[k], new.data[, by.col],
        ignore.case = ignore.case

    if (debug) {
      print(data[selectedData, ])
      print(new.data[selectedNewData, ])

    if (!is.null(selectedData)) {
      if (is.null(then.by.col)) {
        if (any(selectedData, na.rm = TRUE) && any(selectedNewData, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          for (c in seq(along = colNamesNew)) {
            dataLen <- length(data[selectedData, colNamesNew[c]])
            dataNewLen <- length(new.data[selectedNewData, colNamesNew[c]])

            if (dataLen == dataNewLen) {
              # Add new data.
              data[selectedData, colNamesNew[c]] <-
                new.data[selectedNewData, colNamesNew[c]]
            } else {
              uniqueNewData <- unique(new.data[selectedNewData, colNamesNew[c]])

              # See if all the same value.
              if (length(uniqueNewData) == 1) {
                # Add new data.
                data[selectedData, colNamesNew[c]] <- uniqueNewData
              } else {
                  "Ambiguous data could not be added at key ",
                  keys[k], "."
      } else {
        # Get unique identifiers.
        keysData2 <- unique(as.character(data[, then.by.col]))
        keysNew2 <- unique(as.character(new.data[, then.by.col]))

        # Select keys.
        if (exact) {
          keys2 <- keysData2
        } else {
          keys2 <- keysNew2

        if (debug) {

        # Loop through keys.
        for (k2 in seq(along = keys2)) {
          # Select rows.
          if (exact) {
            selectedData2 <- data[, then.by.col] == keys2[k2] & selectedData
            selectedNewData2 <- new.data[, then.by.col] == keys2[k2] & selectedNewData
          } else {
            selectedData2 <- grepl(keys2[k2], data[, then.by.col],
              ignore.case = ignore.case
            ) & selectedData
            selectedNewData2 <- grepl(keys2[k2], new.data[, then.by.col],
              ignore.case = ignore.case
            ) & selectedNewData

          if (debug) {
            print(data[selectedData2, ])
            print(new.data[selectedNewData2, ])

          if (any(selectedData2, na.rm = TRUE) && any(selectedNewData2, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            for (c2 in seq(along = colNamesNew)) {
              dataLen <- length(data[selectedData2, colNamesNew[c2]])
              dataNewLen <- length(new.data[selectedNewData2, colNamesNew[c2]])

              if (dataLen == dataNewLen) {
                if (debug) {
                  print(data[selectedData2, colNamesNew[c2]])
                  print(new.data[selectedNewData2, colNamesNew[c2]])

                # Add new data.
                data[selectedData2, colNamesNew[c2]] <-
                  new.data[selectedNewData2, colNamesNew[c2]]
              } else {
                uniqueNewData <- unique(new.data[selectedNewData2, colNamesNew[c2]])

                if (debug) {

                # See if all the same value.
                if (length(uniqueNewData) == 1) {
                  # Add new data.
                  data[selectedData2, colNamesNew[c2]] <- uniqueNewData
                } else {
                    "Ambiguous data could not be added at key ", keys[k],
                    " sub key: ", keys2[k2], "."

  # Update audit trail.
  data <- auditTrail(obj = data, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.