
Defines functions import

Documented in import

# TODO: Update to use 'fread' when problem with colClasses is solved.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 07.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 05.08.2017: Prefix now works as intended (contains -> prefix).
# 09.01.2016: Added more attributes to result.
# 15.12.2015: Removed "0" from the default 'na.strings'.
# 04.12.2015: Added parameter 'na.strings'.
# 09.11.2015: Added "0" to 'na.strings' in 'read.table'.
# 06.10.2015: Added call to 'colConvert' to convert known numeric columns.
# 05.10.2015: Added attributes.
# 31.08.2015: Removed option to manually pick folder using 'choose.dir'.
# 29.08.2015: Added importFrom.
# 01.06.2015: Re-named column name 'File' to 'File.Name' to increase specificity in 'trim'.
# 23.05.2015: Changed names on parameters 'file.name' -> 'import.file'.
# 23.05.2015: Added parameters for auto trim and auto slim.
# 22.05.2015: Added parameters 'file.name', 'time.stamp', and 'ignore.case'.
# 22.05.2015: Re-wrote import loop.
# 15.12.2014: Changed parameter names to format: lower.case
# 20.01.2014: Added parameter 'colClasses = "character"' to 'read.table'.
# 15.01.2014: Added message to show progress.
# 13.01.2014: Added parameter 'na.strings = c("NA","")' to 'read.table'.
# 13.01.2014: Fixed bug when no matching files in folder.

#' @title Import Data
#' @description
#' Import text files and apply post processing.
#' @details
#' Imports text files (e.g. GeneMapper results exported as text files)
#' as data frames. Options to import one or multiple files. For multiple
#' files it is possible to specify prefix, suffix, and file extension
#' to create a file name filter. The file name and/or file time stamp
#' can be imported.
#' NB! Empty strings ("") and NA strings ("NA") are converted to NA.
#' See \code{\link{list.files}} and \code{\link{read.table}} for additional details.
#' @param folder logical, TRUE all files in folder will be imported,
#' FALSE only selected file will be imported.
#' @param suffix string, only files with specified suffix will be imported.
#' @param prefix string, only files with specified prefix will be imported.
#' @param import.file string if file name is provided file will be imported
#' without showing the file open dialogue.
#' @param folder.name string if folder name is provided files in folder
#' will be imported without showing the select folder dialogue.
#' @param extension string providing the file extension.
#' @param file.name logical if TRUE the file name is written in a column 'File.Name'.
#' NB! Any existing 'File.Name' column is overwritten.
#' @param time.stamp logical if TRUE the file modified time stamp is written
#' in a column 'Time'.
#' NB! Any existing 'Time' column is overwritten.
#' @param separator character for the delimiter used to separate columns
#'  (see 'sep' in \code{\link{read.table}} for details).
#' @param ignore.case logical indicating if case should be ignored. Only applies
#' to multiple file import option.
#' @param auto.trim logical indicating if dataset should be trimmed.
#' @param trim.samples character vector with sample names to trim.
#' @param trim.invert logical to keep (TRUE) or remove (FALSE) samples.
#' @param auto.slim logical indicating if dataset should be slimmed.
#' @param slim.na logical indicating if rows without data should remain.
#' @param na.strings character vector with strings to be replaced by NA.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame with imported result.
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom utils read.table
# @importFrom data.table fread
#' @seealso \code{\link{trim}}, \code{\link{slim}}, \code{\link{list.files}}, \code{\link{read.table}}

import <- function(folder = TRUE, extension = "txt",
                   suffix = NA, prefix = NA,
                   import.file = NA, folder.name = NA,
                   file.name = TRUE, time.stamp = TRUE,
                   separator = "\t", ignore.case = TRUE,
                   auto.trim = FALSE, trim.samples = NULL,
                   trim.invert = FALSE,
                   auto.slim = FALSE, slim.na = TRUE,
                   na.strings = c("NA", ""),
                   debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  if (debug) {

  # Check data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check data.
  if (is.na(import.file) && is.na(folder.name)) {
    stop("Either 'import.file' or 'folder.name' must be provided")

  # Import --------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Initialise result data.frame (no match return empty dataframe)
  res <- data.frame()

  # Check if result files in folder.
  if (folder) {
    # Get path.
    folder <- folder.name

    # Check if folder is specified.
    if (!is.na(folder)) {
      # Create file filter.
      fileFilter <- paste(".*", sep = "")
      if (!is.na(prefix) && nchar(prefix) > 0) {
        fileFilter <- paste("^", prefix, fileFilter, sep = "")
        if (debug) {
          print("prefix added:")
      if (!is.na(suffix) && nchar(suffix) > 0) {
        fileFilter <- paste(fileFilter, suffix, sep = "")
        if (debug) {
          print("suffix added:")
      fileFilter <- paste(fileFilter, "\\.", extension, sep = "")
      if (debug) {

      # Get list of files.
      import.file <- list.files(
        path = folder, pattern = fileFilter,
        full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
        ignore.case = ignore.case, include.dirs = FALSE

  if (debug) {

  # Check if files are specified.
  if (any(length(import.file) > 0, !is.na(import.file))) {
    # Autotrim message (function inside loop).
    if (auto.trim) {
        "Auto trim samples:", trim.samples,
        " invert =", trim.invert

    # Read files.
    for (f in seq(along = import.file)) {
      # Should change to more efficient and simpler 'fread' but
      # problem is that autodetection of colClasses does not always work
      # and it is not possible(?) to set all to character.
      # Use read.table for the time being.
      # Read a file.
      # tmpdf <- data.table::fread(import.file[f], data.table=FALSE)

      # Ensures column names are identical as when read.table was used.
      # Needed since many functions specify columns by name.
      # names(tmpdf) <- make.names(colnames(tmpdf))

      # Read a file.
      tmpdf <- read.table(import.file[f],
        header = TRUE,
        sep = separator, fill = TRUE,
        na.strings = na.strings,
        colClasses = "character",
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      # Autotrim datset (message before loop).
      if (auto.trim) {
        tmpdf <- trim(
          data = tmpdf, samples = trim.samples,
          invert.s = trim.invert, debug = debug

      # Show progress.
      message(paste("Importing (", f, " of ", length(import.file), "): ",
        sep = ""

      # Check if file path should be saved.
      if (file.name) {
        # Add column and save file name.
        tmpdf$File.Name <- basename(import.file[f])

      # Check if time stamp should be saved.
      if (time.stamp) {
        # Add column and save file name.
        tmptime <- file.info(import.file[f])
        tmpdf$File.Time <- as.character(tmptime$mtime)

      # Check if multiple files.
      if (f > 1) {
        # Add to result data frame.
        res <- plyr::rbind.fill(res, tmpdf)
      } else {
        # Create result data frame.
        res <- tmpdf

    # Autoslim dataset.
    if (auto.slim) {
      # Autodetect column names to keep fixed.
      fixCol <- colNames(data = res, slim = TRUE, numbered = TRUE, concatenate = "|")

      # Autodetect column names to stack.
      stackCol <- colNames(data = res, slim = FALSE, numbered = TRUE, concatenate = "|")

      # Progress.
      message("Auto slim dataset...")
      message(paste("  Stack columns:", stackCol))
      message(paste("  Fix columns:", fixCol))

      # Slim require a vector of strings.
      fixCol <- unlist(strsplit(fixCol, "|", fixed = TRUE))
      stackCol <- unlist(strsplit(stackCol, "|", fixed = TRUE))

      # Slim data.
      res <- slim(
        data = res, fix = fixCol, stack = stackCol,
        keep.na = slim.na, debug = debug

  # Update audit trail.
  res <- auditTrail(obj = res, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  # Convert common known numeric columns.
  res <- colConvert(data = res)

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 7:13 a.m.