
Defines functions maskAT

Documented in maskAT

# TODO: ...

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 07.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 20.07.2017: Reversed last change since grepl is case sensitive if fixed=TRUE.
# 30.06.2017: Fixed matching when metacharacters exist in reference name.
# 05.08.2016: Removed Allele rows with NA from reference dataset.
# 20.05.2016: File name changed from blockAT.r to maskAT.r.
# 20.05.2016: 'Block*' changed to 'mask*' throughout.
# 28.08.2015: Added importFrom
# 26.06.2015: Fixed hard-coded kit/dye set.
# 05.05.2015: First version.

#' @title Mask And Prepare Data To Analyze Analytical Threshold
#' @description
#' Break-out function to prepare data for the function \code{calculateAT}.
#' @details
#' Prepares the 'SamplePlotSizingTable' for analysis of analytical threshold. It is needed
#' by the plot functions for control of masking. The preparation consist of
#' converting the 'Height' and 'Data.Point' column to numeric (if needed), then
#' dye channel information is extracted from the 'Dye.Sample.Peak' column and
#' added to its own 'Dye' column, known fragments of the internal lane standard
#' (marked with an asterisk '*') is flagged as 'TRUE' in a new column 'ILS'.
#' @param data a data frame containing at least 'Dye.Sample.Peak',
#'  'Sample.File.Name', 'Marker', 'Allele', 'Height', and 'Data.Point'.
#' @param ref a data frame containing at least
#'  'Sample.Name', 'Marker', 'Allele'.
#' @param mask.height logical to indicate if high peaks should be masked.
#' @param height integer for global lower peak height threshold for peaks
#' to be excluded from the analysis. Active if 'mask.peak=TRUE.
#' @param mask.sample logical to indicate if sample allelic peaks should be masked.
#' @param per.dye logical TRUE if sample peaks should be masked per dye channel.
#' FALSE if sample peaks should be masked globally across dye channels.
#' @param range.sample integer to specify the masking range in (+/-) data points.
#' Active if mask.sample=TRUE.
#' @param mask.ils logical to indicate if internal lane standard peaks should be masked.
#' @param range.ils integer to specify the masking range in (+/-) data points.
#' Active if mask.ils=TRUE.
#' @param ignore.case logical to indicate if sample matching should ignore case.
#' @param word logical to indicate if word boundaries should be added before sample matching.
#' @param debug logical to indicate if debug information should be printed.
#' @return data.frame with added columns 'Dye' and 'ILS'.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils str head
#' @seealso \code{\link{calculateAT}}

maskAT <- function(data, ref = NULL, mask.height = TRUE, height = 500,
                   mask.sample = TRUE, per.dye = TRUE, range.sample = 20,
                   mask.ils = TRUE, range.ils = 10,
                   ignore.case = TRUE, word = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Check data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check data.
  if (is.null(data$Dye.Sample.Peak)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Dye.Sample.Peak'")

  if (is.null(data$Height)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Height'")

  if (is.null(data$Data.Point)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Data.Point'")

  if (sum(grepl("Height", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format",
      call. = TRUE

  if (sum(grepl("Data.Point", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check ref.
  if (!is.null(ref)) {
    if (is.null(ref$Sample.Name)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'")

    if (is.null(ref$Marker)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Marker'")

    if (is.null(ref$Allele)) {
      stop("'ref' must contain a column 'Allele'")

    # Check if slim format.
    if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref))) > 1) {
      stop("'ref' must be in 'slim' format",
        call. = TRUE

  # Check parameters.
  if (!is.logical(mask.height)) {
    stop("'mask.height' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(height)) {
    stop("'height' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(mask.sample)) {
    stop("'mask.sample' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(per.dye)) {
    stop("'per.dye' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(range.sample)) {
    stop("'range.sample' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(mask.ils)) {
    stop("'mask.ils' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.numeric(range.ils)) {
    stop("'range.ils' must be numeric",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(ignore.case)) {
    stop("'ignore.case' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(word)) {
    stop("'word' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  if (!is.logical(debug)) {
    stop("'debug' must be logical",
      call. = TRUE

  # Prepare -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check data type.
  if (typeof(data$Height) != "integer" & typeof(data$Height) != "double") {
    message("'Height' not numeric. Converting to numeric.")
    # Convert to numeric.
    data$Height <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(data$Height))

  # Check data type.
  if (typeof(data$Data.Point) != "integer" & typeof(data$Data.Point) != "double") {
    message("'Data.Point' not numeric. Converting to numeric.")
    # Convert to numeric.
    data$Data.Point <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(data$Data.Point))

  if (!is.numeric(height) & mask.height) {
    mask.height <- FALSE
      "No valid threshold for peak height was provided (",
      height, ")\n",
      "Setting mask.height to FALSE"

  # Split information in Dye.Sample.Peak column.

  # Get dye letter (leftmost character).
  data$Dye <- substr(data$Dye.Sample.Peak, 1, 1)

  # Mark all peaks in the internal lane standard (marked with *).
  data$ILS <- grepl(pattern = "*", x = data$Dye.Sample.Peak, fixed = TRUE)

  # Get all dyes.
  dyes <- as.character(unique(data$Dye))
  dyeILS <- unique(data$Dye[data$ILS])
  dyesKit <- setdiff(dyes, dyeILS)

  # Get the data sample names.
  sample <- unique(data$Sample.File.Name)

  # Only if ref is provided.
  if (!is.null(ref)) {
    # Check for NA alleles (Y markers in female references).
    if (any(is.na(ref$Allele))) {
      # Remove NA rows.
      tmp1 <- nrow(ref)
      ref <- ref[!is.na(ref$Allele), ]
      tmp2 <- nrow(ref)
        "Removed ", tmp1 - tmp2,
        " rows with NA in 'Allele' column in reference dataset."

    # Get the reference sample names.
    refNames <- unique(ref$Sample.Name)

    # Create match vector.
    if (word) {
      # Add word anchor.
      grepNames <- paste("\\b", refNames, "\\b", sep = "")
    } else {
      # Use reference sample names.
      grepNames <- refNames

  # Add columns for mask status for ILS and sample.
  data$I.Mask <- FALSE # Mask ILS peak position.
  data$S.Mask <- FALSE # Mask sample allele positions.
  data$H.Mask <- FALSE # Mask according to height.

  # Mask ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Mask ILS peak range in all dyes per sample.
  if (mask.ils) {
      "Masking internal lane standard (ILS) +/-",
      range.ils, "data points."

    # Add columns for masking range.
    data$ILS.Min <- NA
    data$ILS.Max <- NA

    # Calculate and add range.
    data[data$ILS, ]$ILS.Min <- data[data$ILS, ]$Data.Point - range.ils
    data[data$ILS, ]$ILS.Max <- data[data$ILS, ]$Data.Point + range.ils

    # Loop over all samples.
    for (s in seq(along = sample)) {
      message(paste("Masking ILS in sample", sample[s]))

      # Select start and end data point for current samples ILS.
      selection <- data$Sample.File.Name == sample[s]
      start <- data[selection, ]$ILS.Min
      end <- data[selection, ]$ILS.Max
      # Remove NA.
      start <- start[!is.na(start)]
      end <- end[!is.na(end)]

      # Select data points for current sample profile.
      dp <- data[selection, ]$Data.Point

      # Loop over all elements.
      for (e in seq(along = start)) {
        # Create a sequence of data points to search for pull-up within.
        seqVec <- seq(start[e], end[e])

        # Check if any overlap in mask range.
        maskVec <- dp %in% seqVec

        # Mark masked data points.
        data$I.Mask[selection] <- data$I.Mask[selection] | maskVec
      } # End element loop.
    } # End sample loop.
  } # End mask.ils if.

  # Mask sample peak range per sample.
  if (mask.sample & !is.null(ref)) {
    message(paste("Masking sample alleles +/-", range.sample, "data points."))

    # Get data into temporary vectors.
    sVec <- data$Sample.File.Name
    dVec <- data$Dye
    pVec <- data$Data.Point
    mVec <- data$Marker
    aVec <- data$Allele
    minVec <- rep(NA, length(sVec))
    maxVec <- rep(NA, length(sVec))

    # Loop over all reference samples.
    for (r in seq(along = grepNames)) {
      # Select samples containing reference name.
      selSample <- grepl(grepNames[r], sVec, ignore.case = ignore.case)

      # Show progress.
        "Masking", length(unique(sVec[selSample])),
        "samples matching reference", grepNames[r]

      # Select current reference sample.
      selRef <- ref$Sample.Name == grepNames[r]

      # Get markers for current reference sample.
      marker <- unique(ref$Marker)

      # Loop over reference markers.
      for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
        # Select current marker in reference samples.
        selRefMarker <- ref$Marker == marker[m]

        # Combine selection.
        selectionRef <- selRefMarker & selRef

        # Get reference alleles for current marker.
        alleles <- ref[selectionRef, ]$Allele

        # Select current marker.
        selMarker <- mVec == marker[m]

        # Get sample data points for the matching alleles.
        selAlleles <- aVec %in% alleles

        # Combine selection.
        sel <- selSample & selMarker & selAlleles

        # Calculate min and max data point to mask.
        minVec[sel] <- pVec[sel] - range.sample
        maxVec[sel] <- pVec[sel] + range.sample
      } # End marker loop.
    } # End reference loop.

    # Add columns with mask range.
    data$Min <- minVec
    data$Max <- maxVec

    # Loop over all samples and mask sample peaks.
    for (s in seq(along = sample)) {
      # Select current sample.
      selSample <- data$Sample.File.Name == sample[s]

      if (debug) {
        print(head(data[selSample, ]))

      if (per.dye) {
        # Mask sample peaks per dye.

        for (d in seq(along = dyesKit)) {
          # Select current dye.
          selDye <- data$Dye == dyesKit[d]

          # Combine selection.
          selection <- selSample & selDye

          # Select start and end data point for current samples peaks.
          start <- data[selection, ]$Min
          end <- data[selection, ]$Max
          # Remove NA.
          start <- start[!is.na(start)]
          end <- end[!is.na(end)]

          # Select data points for current sample profile.
          dp <- data[selection, ]$Data.Point

          # Loop over all elements.
          for (e in seq(along = start)) {
            # Create a sequence of data points to search for overlap within.
            seqVec <- seq(start[e], end[e])

            # Check if any overlap in mask range.
            maskVec <- dp %in% seqVec

            # Mark masked data points.
            data$S.Mask[selection] <- data$S.Mask[selection] | maskVec
          } # End element loop.
        } # End dye loop.
      } else {
        # Mask sample peaks per sample

        # Select start and end data point for current samples peaks.
        start <- data[selSample, ]$Min
        end <- data[selSample, ]$Max
        # Remove NA.
        start <- start[!is.na(start)]
        end <- end[!is.na(end)]

        # Select data points for current sample profile.
        dp <- data[selSample, ]$Data.Point

        # Loop over all elements.
        for (e in seq(along = start)) {
          # Create a sequence of data points to search for overlap within.
          seqVec <- seq(start[e], end[e])

          # Check if any overlap in mask range.
          maskVec <- dp %in% seqVec

          # Mark masked data points.
          data$S.Mask[selSample] <- data$S.Mask[selSample] | maskVec
        } # End element for loop.
      } # End mask sample if.
    } # End sample loop.
  } # End mask.sample if.

  # Mask sample peak range per sample.
  if (mask.height) {
    message(paste("Masking peaks >", height, "RFU."))

    # Mask peaks.
    data$H.Mask <- data$Height > height

  # Mark masked data points.
  data$Masked <- data$S.Mask | data$I.Mask | data$H.Mask

  # Update audit trail.
  data <- auditTrail(obj = data, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Return result.
OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.