
structure(list(study_id = 100, redcap_event_name = "enrollment_arm_1", 
    date_enrolled = structure(16527, class = "Date"), patient_document = NA, 
    first_name = "Zharko", last_name = "Lenox", telephone_1 = "(415) 555-1212", 
    email = "", dob = structure(5013, class = "Date"), 
    age = 31, ethnicity = 0, race = 4, sex = 1, given_birth = NA, 
    num_children = NA, gym___0 = 1, gym___1 = 0, gym___2 = 0, 
    gym___3 = 0, gym___4 = 0, aerobics___0 = 0, aerobics___1 = 1, 
    aerobics___2 = 1, aerobics___3 = 0, aerobics___4 = 0, eat___0 = 0, 
    eat___1 = 0, eat___2 = 0, eat___3 = 1, eat___4 = 0, drink___0 = 0, 
    drink___1 = 0, drink___2 = 0, drink___3 = 0, drink___4 = 1, 
    specify_mood = 71, meds___1 = 0, meds___2 = 1, meds___3 = 0, 
    meds___4 = 0, meds___5 = 0, height = 160, weight = 80, bmi = 31.3, 
    comments = "Is he staying arrival address earnest. To preference considered it themselves inquietude collecting estimating. View park for why gay knew face. Next than near to four so hand. Times so do he downs me would. Witty abode party her found quiet law. They door four bed fail now have. \n\nOn recommend tolerably my belonging or am. Mutual has cannot beauty indeed now sussex merely you. It possible no husbands jennings ye offended packages pleasant he. Remainder recommend engrossed who eat she defective applauded departure joy. Get dissimilar not introduced day her apartments. Fully as taste he mr do smile abode every. Luckily offered article led lasting country minutes nor old. Happen people things oh is oppose up parish effect. Law handsome old outweigh humoured far appetite. \n\nConcerns greatest \n\n", 
    demographics_complete = 2, ec_phone = NA, ec_confirmed = NA, 
    next_of_kin_contact_name = NA, next_of_kin_contact_address = NA, 
    next_of_kin_contact_phone = NA, next_of_kin_confirmed = NA, 
    contact_info_complete = 2, height2 = 200, weight2 = 234, 
    bmi2 = 58.5, prealb_b = 43, creat_b = 355, npcr_b = 23, chol_b = 3.5, 
    transferrin_b = 3.66, baseline_data_complete = 2, vld1 = NA, 
    vld2 = NA, vld3 = NA, vld4 = NA, vld5 = NA, visit_lab_data_complete = NA, 
    pmq1 = NA, pmq2 = NA, pmq3 = NA, pmq4 = NA, patient_morale_questionnaire_complete = NA, 
    vbw1 = NA, vbw2 = NA, vbw3 = NA, vbw4 = NA, vbw5 = NA, vbw6 = NA, 
    vbw7 = NA, vbw8 = NA, vbw9 = NA, visit_blood_workup_complete = NA, 
    vob1 = NA, vob2 = NA, vob3 = NA, vob4 = NA, vob5 = NA, vob6 = NA, 
    vob7 = NA, vob8 = NA, vob9 = NA, vob10 = NA, vob11 = NA, 
    vob12 = NA, vob13 = NA, vob14 = NA, visit_observed_behavior_complete = NA, 
    study_comments = NA, complete_study = NA, withdraw_date = NA, 
    date_visit_4 = NA, alb_4 = NA, prealb_4 = NA, creat_4 = NA, 
    discharge_date_4 = NA, discharge_summary_4 = NA, npcr_4 = NA, 
    chol_4 = NA, withdraw_reason = NA, completion_data_complete = NA, 
    cpq1 = NA, cpq2 = NA, cpq3 = NA, cpq4 = NA, cpq5 = NA, cpq6 = NA, 
    cpq7 = NA, cpq8 = NA, cpq9 = NA, cpq10 = NA, cpq11 = NA, 
    cpq12 = NA, cpq13 = NA, completion_project_questionnaire_complete = NA), row.names = c(NA, 
-1L), class = "data.frame")
OuhscBbmc/REDCapR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 8:30 p.m.