#' @param wrap either a NULL or filename of a function(package, file, type, body) which
#' will be called for each extracted file and allows one to alter the file
#' content. If it is a file it case use the {body}, {package}, {type}, {file} placeholders.
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate filter vars bind_rows rename anti_join left_join ends_with `%>%`
#' @importFrom purrr keep imap_dfr
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_sub
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @export
extract_package_code <- function(pkg, pkg_dir = find.package(pkg),
types = c("examples", "tests", "vignettes", "all"),
output_dir, wrap = NULL, filter = NULL,
split_testthat = FALSE,
compute_sloc = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is.character(pkg) && length(pkg) == 1)
stopifnot(is.null(filter) || is.character(filter))
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
dir.create(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
output_dir <- normalizePath(output_dir, mustWork = TRUE)
if ("all" %in% types) {
types <- c("examples", "tests", "vignettes")
types <- match.arg(types, c("examples", "tests", "vignettes"), several.ok = TRUE)
# so the output list is named
names(types) <- types
extracted_files <- lapply(types, function(type) {
fun <- switch(type,
examples = extract_package_examples,
tests = function(...) extract_package_tests(..., split_testthat = split_testthat),
vignettes = extract_package_vignettes
# each type has its own folder not to clash with one another
output <- file.path(output_dir, type)
stopifnot(dir.exists(output) || dir.create(output, recursive = TRUE))
files <- fun(pkg, pkg_dir, output_dir = output)
if (!is.null(filter)) {
files <- files[grepl(filter, tools::file_path_sans_ext(files))]
names(files) <- NULL
extracted_files <- purrr::discard(
~ length(.) == 0
if (length(extracted_files) == 0) {
return(tibble::tibble(file = character(0), type = character(0)))
df <- purrr::imap_dfr(extracted_files, ~ tibble::tibble(file = .x, type = .y))
if (compute_sloc) {
sloc_all <- cloc(output_dir, by_file = TRUE, r_only = TRUE) %>%
rename(file = filename)
sloc <- left_join(df, sloc_all, by = "file") %>%
blank = ifelse(is.na(blank), 0, blank),
comment = ifelse(is.na(comment), 0, comment),
code = ifelse(is.na(code), 0, code)
sloc_testthat <-
sloc_all %>%
filter(str_detect(file, file.path(output_dir, "tests/testthat/test.*\\.[rR]$"))) %>%
test_name = str_replace(file, file.path(output_dir, "tests/testthat/(test.*)\\.[rR]$"), "\\1")
df <- if (nrow(sloc_testthat) > 0) {
sloc_tests <-
filter(sloc, type == "tests") %>%
test_driver = sapply(file, is_testthat_driver),
test_name = str_replace(file, file.path(output_dir, "tests/testthat-drv-(.*)\\.[rR]$"), "\\1")
sloc_tests_merged <-
filter(sloc_tests, test_driver),
sloc_testthat %>% select(test_name, blank, comment, code),
by = "test_name"
) %>%
blank = ifelse(is.na(blank.y), blank.x, blank.y),
comment = ifelse(is.na(comment.y), comment.x, comment.y),
code = ifelse(is.na(code.y), code.x, code.y)
) %>%
select(-test_name, -test_driver, -ends_with(".x"), -ends_with(".y"))
anti_join(sloc, sloc_tests, by = "file")
} else {
if (!is.null(wrap)) {
other <- filter(df, !is_testthat_driver(file))
other_files <- other$file
other_types <- other$type
test_files <- c()
test_types <- c()
if (nrow(other) != nrow(df)) {
# we have to explicitly wrap all the testthat tests and helpers
tt_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "tests", "testthat")
tt_helpers <- list.files(tt_dir, pattern = "helper.*\\.[rR]$", full.names = T)
tt_tests <- list.files(tt_dir, pattern = "test.*\\.[rR]$", full.names = T)
test_files <- c(tt_helpers, tt_tests)
test_types <- rep("tests", length(test_files))
files <- c(other_files, test_files)
types <- c(other_types, test_types)
wrap_fun <- if (is.function(wrap)) {
} else if (is.character(wrap) && length(wrap) == 1) {
template <- if (file.access(wrap, 4) == 0) {
readChar(wrap, file.info(wrap)$size)
} else {
stop(wrap, ": no such template file for wrapping")
} else {
stop("Unsupported wrap argument: ", wrap)
wrap_files(pkg, files, types, wrap_fun, quiet)
df <- mutate(
file = stringr::str_sub(file, nchar(output_dir) + 2, nchar(file))
#' @importFrom tools Rd_db Rd2ex
extract_package_examples <- function(pkg, pkg_dir, output_dir) {
db <- tryCatch({
tools::Rd_db(basename(pkg_dir), lib.loc = dirname(pkg_dir))
}, error = function(e) {
if (!length(db)) {
files <- names(db)
examples <- sapply(files, function(x) {
f <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(basename(x), ".R"))
tools::Rd2ex(db[[x]], f,
defines = NULL,
commentDontrun = TRUE, commentDonttest = TRUE
if (!file.exists(f)) {
message("Rd file `", x, "' does not contain any code to be run")
} else {
# prepend the file with library call
txt <- c(
paste0("library(", pkg, ")"),
writeLines(txt, f)
#' @importFrom purrr keep
extract_package_tests <- function(pkg, pkg_dir, output_dir, split_testthat = FALSE) {
test_dir <- file.path(pkg_dir, "tests")
if (!dir.exists(test_dir)) {
files <- Sys.glob(file.path(test_dir, "*"))
file.copy(files, output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
tests <- file.path(output_dir, basename(files))
tests <- tests[!dir.exists(tests)]
tests <- tests[grepl("\\.[rR]$", tests)]
if (split_testthat) {
testthat_drivers <- purrr::keep(tests, is_testthat_driver)
if (length(testthat_drivers) > 0) {
expand_testthat_tests(pkg, output_dir)
tests <- list.files(output_dir, pattern = "\\.[rR]$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
#' @importFrom stringr str_glue str_replace
#' @importFrom testthat find_test_scripts
expand_testthat_tests <- function(pkg_name, test_dir) {
# this is a constant - also used in test_check
testthat_dir <- file.path(test_dir, "testthat")
test_files <- testthat::find_test_scripts(testthat_dir)
for (file in test_files) {
test_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
# testthat filter stripts the 'test-' prefix and .R suffix
test_name_filter <- str_replace(test_name, "^test[-_]", "")
driver_file <- file.path(test_dir, paste0("testthat-drv-", test_name, ".R"))
code <- str_glue(
"test_check('{pkg_name}', filter='^{test_name_filter}$')",
.sep = "\n"
writeLines(code, driver_file)
#' @importFrom tools pkgVignettes checkVignettes
extract_package_vignettes <- function(pkg, pkg_dir, output_dir) {
lib_path <- dirname(pkg_dir)
vinfo <- tools::pkgVignettes(pkg, lib.loc = lib_path, source = T)
if (length(vinfo$docs) == 0) {
if (length(vinfo$sources) == 0) {
# It is possible that there are no sources. The following should generate
# them if there are any sources in the R code. It might actually run the
# vignettes as well. That is a pity, but there is no way to tell it not to
# (the tangle is needed to it extracts the R code)
# This can fail (for example, one vignette might override output of another
# one, cf. proto package). Yet some files will be extracted.
tools::checkVignettes(pkg, pkg_dir, lib.loc = lib_path, tangle =
TRUE, weave = FALSE, workdir = "src")
}, error=function(e) {
# check if there are some sources
vinfo <- tools::pkgVignettes(pkg, lib.loc = lib_path, source = T)
files <- as.character(unlist(vinfo$sources))
if (length(files) == 0) {
# the pkgVignettes can return duplicates
files <- unique(files)
dirs <- unique(dirname(files))
for (d in dirs) {
fs <- Sys.glob(file.path(d, "*"))
file.copy(fs, output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
file.copy(files, to = output_dir)
vignettes <- file.path(output_dir, basename(files))
is_testthat_driver <- Vectorize(function(file) {
file_lower <- tolower(file)
dir.exists(file.path(dirname(file), "testthat")) &&
(str_detect(file_lower, "testthat-drv-.*\\.r$") ||
endsWith(file_lower, "testthat.r") ||
endsWith(file_lower, "test-all.r") ||
endsWith(file_lower, "run-all.r"))
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
wrap_using_template <- function(template) {
function(package, file, type, body) {
template %>%
str_replace(fixed(".PACKAGE."), package) %>%
str_replace(fixed(".FILE."), file) %>%
str_replace(fixed(".TYPE."), type) %>%
str_replace(fixed(".BODY."), body)
#' @export
wrap_files <- Vectorize(function(package, file, type, wrap_fun, quiet = TRUE) {
if (!quiet) {
message("- updating ", file, " (", type, ")")
# TODO share with run_all
body <- read_file(file)
new_body <- wrap_fun(package, file, type, body)
writeLines(new_body, file)
error = function(e) {
message("E unable to wrap file", file, ": ", e$message)
}, vectorize.args = c("file", "type"))
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